just need to be prepared.
Kara Thornton, a firm believer in early treatment and ivermectin, caught COVID-19 along with her son. Both mother and son received their first treatment within 36 hours of their diagnosis and saw their symptoms resolve within 24 hours. Watch as Kara tells her story of recovery. 1 min
Watch as Joann Melton and her husband Ken, 77 and 75 years old, battle and recover from COVID-19. Joann describes her compromised health stating she had a tracheostomy as a result of bilateral vocal cord paralysis. She was also diagnosed with pericarditis a few years back and had emergency heart surgery. Joann credits their quick recovery to the knowledge she gained from the FLCCC. Watch as she tells their story. 6 min
Too bad this isn't on MSM to defuse fear instead of the constant..."record number of cases"
escalating the fear mongering
Be well. Be informed. Be prepared.
12 users have voted.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I'm sorry the NYPD jumped the shark, but really the did so long ago...it just that now they can use the COVID cudgel.
I'm featuring this Australian story Sunday.
A friend of my brother broke up with his girlfriend and rented a shoebox apartment in the city shortly before the pandemic hit. The lockdowns meant he was stranded by himself with no friends within the sanctioned zone. Effectively solitary confinement. He didn't look well when I saw him.
I would see workers in hazmat suits walking around spraying street signs with disinfectant. Not the pole, the sign itself. This was after we knew quite a lot about how the virus spreads.
I saw a man in a canoe stopped by a police boat.
I was in South Melbourne for most of the lockdown and it wasn't uncommon for me to have encounters with police each week. It was polite and respectful in most cases but not always. My brother had barely any encounters with police in the suburbs.
I was pulled over by two policemen on motorbikes, sirens and all, for having my nose sticking out of the top of my mask. It was a sunny day and I was alone for at least 300m in all directions. They were not polite.
It was illegal for me to see my family for the better part of a year. Even outdoors. Because they lived outside of a permitted zone.
My sister was home alone with two boys, aged 4 and 6, for around 8 months while her husband was stuck in Africa. We had to obtain a doctor's letter to visit her. When I'd arrive she'd burst out of the house as if she were escaping something.
A friend went for a run and was stopped by police. They checked her ID and asked what she was doing. She said she was exercising. Two hours later she got home and they were waiting to fine her for exceeding the time limit for permitted exercise.
There were high tensions between rule following-types and those that were willing to reason things out for themselves. Even within families, which was hard. We'd get to points where the logic would be well-considered and laid out, and it was understood by everyone that bending a rule would pose no greater risk than the rule would permit, yet rule-followers would still refuse to bend it. People deferred sensemaking to the central authority and felt that this was doing their part for the greater good. In this way their rules held moral authority, which raised the affective temperature between citizens.
People were optimizing their behavior to avoid fines and not COVID itself. I've heard that in China there are so many regulations that they can pick you up for anything and find the clause to justify it afterward. People there feel the need to defer to central authority because they always feel unsure. This is exactly what was taking place in Victoria. Endless calls to hotlines where the operator would do nothing more than read you the official COVID website. If you asked for help to reason through something not explicitly defined on the site they would avoid taking any initiative and say things like "I'm not sure if that's permitted. It will be up to the police officer if they fine you or not for that. Perhaps don't do it to be safe."
I can't tell you how long I've spent tangled in bureaucratic webs but it's far more than several working weeks. I set up twelve different shoots that were all canceled at one point or another because we ran up against COVID bureaucracy. Lazy institutional folk with guaranteed paychecks had a valid excuse to turn down any request for their efforts and others were terrified of making a decision that resulted in COVID transmission.
I had an admittedly enjoyable experience plotting out and executing an illegal border crossing. I won't go into the details but we posed less risk entering than the people inside the state at the time but that wouldn't have mattered if we were caught.
He concludes with a more optimistic note...
One more thing to keep you up to date, it’s summer now and the east coast is at long last moving from a zero Covid paradigm into a mitigation model. My sense from talking to family and looking at Instagram feeds is that lives are starting to look a little more normal and memories of the police state are beginning to fade.
I’m sure many, like myself, saw something they don’t want to forget so quickly and are unsettled by the state’s capacity to flick the switch like they did.
in her home country and less on our politics. Then I'd read everyting she publishes.
What you're discussing is imho the only story that really counts now. And yes, I remain obsessed with Covid and the Iran/Russia/China stories---the fakes and the realiities.
Even as I'm entertaining myself with good-byes to my astoundingly effective Mayor, I remain aware that a significant danger has landed that we will all have to face.
Somebody characterized it yesterday as a slide from authoritarianism into totalitarianism. IDK if that is correct. But it is ominous.
I'm sorry the NYPD jumped the shark, but really the did so long ago...it just that now they can use the COVID cudgel.
I'm featuring this Australian story Sunday.
A friend of my brother broke up with his girlfriend and rented a shoebox apartment in the city shortly before the pandemic hit. The lockdowns meant he was stranded by himself with no friends within the sanctioned zone. Effectively solitary confinement. He didn't look well when I saw him.
I would see workers in hazmat suits walking around spraying street signs with disinfectant. Not the pole, the sign itself. This was after we knew quite a lot about how the virus spreads.
I saw a man in a canoe stopped by a police boat.
I was in South Melbourne for most of the lockdown and it wasn't uncommon for me to have encounters with police each week. It was polite and respectful in most cases but not always. My brother had barely any encounters with police in the suburbs.
I was pulled over by two policemen on motorbikes, sirens and all, for having my nose sticking out of the top of my mask. It was a sunny day and I was alone for at least 300m in all directions. They were not polite.
It was illegal for me to see my family for the better part of a year. Even outdoors. Because they lived outside of a permitted zone.
My sister was home alone with two boys, aged 4 and 6, for around 8 months while her husband was stuck in Africa. We had to obtain a doctor's letter to visit her. When I'd arrive she'd burst out of the house as if she were escaping something.
A friend went for a run and was stopped by police. They checked her ID and asked what she was doing. She said she was exercising. Two hours later she got home and they were waiting to fine her for exceeding the time limit for permitted exercise.
There were high tensions between rule following-types and those that were willing to reason things out for themselves. Even within families, which was hard. We'd get to points where the logic would be well-considered and laid out, and it was understood by everyone that bending a rule would pose no greater risk than the rule would permit, yet rule-followers would still refuse to bend it. People deferred sensemaking to the central authority and felt that this was doing their part for the greater good. In this way their rules held moral authority, which raised the affective temperature between citizens.
People were optimizing their behavior to avoid fines and not COVID itself. I've heard that in China there are so many regulations that they can pick you up for anything and find the clause to justify it afterward. People there feel the need to defer to central authority because they always feel unsure. This is exactly what was taking place in Victoria. Endless calls to hotlines where the operator would do nothing more than read you the official COVID website. If you asked for help to reason through something not explicitly defined on the site they would avoid taking any initiative and say things like "I'm not sure if that's permitted. It will be up to the police officer if they fine you or not for that. Perhaps don't do it to be safe."
I can't tell you how long I've spent tangled in bureaucratic webs but it's far more than several working weeks. I set up twelve different shoots that were all canceled at one point or another because we ran up against COVID bureaucracy. Lazy institutional folk with guaranteed paychecks had a valid excuse to turn down any request for their efforts and others were terrified of making a decision that resulted in COVID transmission.
I had an admittedly enjoyable experience plotting out and executing an illegal border crossing. I won't go into the details but we posed less risk entering than the people inside the state at the time but that wouldn't have mattered if we were caught.
He concludes with a more optimistic note...
One more thing to keep you up to date, it’s summer now and the east coast is at long last moving from a zero Covid paradigm into a mitigation model. My sense from talking to family and looking at Instagram feeds is that lives are starting to look a little more normal and memories of the police state are beginning to fade.
I’m sure many, like myself, saw something they don’t want to forget so quickly and are unsettled by the state’s capacity to flick the switch like they did.
on total domination of the entire planet and quite ready to use lethal means of every type to achieve that goal. The aligned and absorbed nations follow its lead and pitch in. It is the greatest threat to world peace and safety as well as the environment and the health and safety of people of all nations. The affiliated hangers will fall in line if and only if the US is no longer controlling and running everything.
be well and have a good one
#2.1 in her home country and less on our politics. Then I'd read everyting she publishes.
What you're discussing is imho the only story that really counts now. And yes, I remain obsessed with Covid and the Iran/Russia/China stories---the fakes and the realiities.
Even as I'm entertaining myself with good-byes to my astoundingly effective Mayor, I remain aware that a significant danger has landed that we will all have to face.
Somebody characterized it yesterday as a slide from authoritarianism into totalitarianism. IDK if that is correct. But it is ominous.
14 users have voted.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Not sure why we disagree with our domestic slide into totalitarianism.
Look at the clip posted above of the NYPD ejecting a 5 year old from a restaurant because he could not present his vaccination card.
"What a lovely new world we are living in when you go out for a meal and a squad of police barge in, persecute a little boy then demand to see everyone else’s papers. This is the vax passport world so many are begging for." #NotAboutAVirus #NOVAXPASSPORTS
4:29 PM · Dec 27, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
on total domination of the entire planet and quite ready to use lethal means of every type to achieve that goal. The aligned and absorbed nations follow its lead and pitch in. It is the greatest threat to world peace and safety as well as the environment and the health and safety of people of all nations. The affiliated hangers will fall in line if and only if the US is no longer controlling and running everything.
totalitarianism. For reasons, I grew up acutely aware of some aspects of that from a very early age and was something of an activist in high school. I was raised during the McCarthy era in a right wing Navy town on the border. I became a UC Berkeley campus radical in the sixties and was thus hyper aware of the reality of cointelpro, long before it had a name and all of the other insidious forms of repression, oppression and censorship, plus crazy shit like the City of Berkeley Red Squad sending spotters to labor actions in San Francisco to point our guys out to the SF TAC Squad for special treatment. I've been using the term "police state" intermittently since those days, having to argue against all those who demand that the extremes of Nazi Germany be conspicuously omnipresent daily before such a term is appropriate. EX: "They don't kick down your doors in the middle of the night" - really? Tell Fred Hampton.
We done slid, long ago, but subtly and surreptitiously, and this is just another layer which is getting more and more obvious as the populace has slowly but surely become more and more oblivious. I don't in the least disagree with that.
be well and have a good one
# with you on the nature of the US as a terrorist state.
Not sure why we disagree with our domestic slide into totalitarianism.
Look at the clip posted above of the NYPD ejecting a 5 year old from a restaurant because he could not present his vaccination card.
"What a lovely new world we are living in when you go out for a meal and a squad of police barge in, persecute a little boy then demand to see everyone else’s papers. This is the vax passport world so many are begging for." #NotAboutAVirus #NOVAXPASSPORTS
4:29 PM · Dec 27, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
10 users have voted.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The slide I am talking about happened a long time ago.
Many of us are just now seeing it clearly. Not you. Obviously.
The newly aware and terrified certainly describes me. I was besotted with Obama. Unbelievable to me now. But True, nevertheless.
Again, watching the 5 year old and his confused mother ejected from a NYC restaurant by a platoon of NYPD, shook me badly. Hard to see the difference between this ugly mess and kids and their parents loaded into trucks going East, not that long ago. And not that far away.
It will take a lot of people like me realizing what has been happening and by the time that happens it may be way too late to stop or change events as they unfold.
totalitarianism. For reasons, I grew up acutely aware of some aspects of that from a very early age and was something of an activist in high school. I was raised during the McCarthy era in a right wing Navy town on the border. I became a UC Berkeley campus radical in the sixties and was thus hyper aware of the reality of cointelpro, long before it had a name and all of the other insidious forms of repression, oppression and censorship, plus crazy shit like the City of Berkeley Red Squad sending spotters to labor actions in San Francisco to point our guys out to the SF TAC Squad for special treatment. I've been using the term "police state" intermittently since those days, having to argue against all those who demand that the extremes of Nazi Germany be conspicuously omnipresent daily before such a term is appropriate. EX: "They don't kick down your doors in the middle of the night" - really? Tell Fred Hampton.
We done slid, long ago, but subtly and surreptitiously, and this is just another layer which is getting more and more obvious as the populace has slowly but surely become more and more oblivious. I don't in the least disagree with that.
It will take a lot of people like me realizing what has been happening and by the time that happens it may be way too late to stop or change events as they unfold.
That is why we need to keep pointing it out, with both historical and current exemplars, and why we need to speak up and speak out, challenge the official explanations and narrative and not be afraid to call it things like "fascism", "police state", or at a bare minimum, "oligarchy".
The slide I am talking about happened a long time ago.
Many of us are just now seeing it clearly. Not you. Obviously.
The newly aware and terrified certainly describes me. I was besotted with Obama. Unbelievable to me now. But True, nevertheless.
Again, watching the 5 year old and his confused mother ejected from a NYC restaurant by a platoon of NYPD, shook me badly. Hard to see the difference between this ugly mess and kids and their parents loaded into trucks going East, not that long ago. And not that far away.
It will take a lot of people like me realizing what has been happening and by the time that happens it may be way too late to stop or change events as they unfold.
11 users have voted.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
that his fellow Aussie butts her nose into our politics. Then, he immediately dives in to criticize our politics! She is just a trouble maker, according to him.
I love to hear all world views of the US made by intelligent people.
We are making an avalanche quality slide into totalitarianism right now. I am not coming up with any reasonable options to stop it. I do search for ideas. We need to do something, and do it now. The method, however, is elusive. I can't find it.
#2.1 in her home country and less on our politics. Then I'd read everyting she publishes.
What you're discussing is imho the only story that really counts now. And yes, I remain obsessed with Covid and the Iran/Russia/China stories---the fakes and the realiities.
Even as I'm entertaining myself with good-byes to my astoundingly effective Mayor, I remain aware that a significant danger has landed that we will all have to face.
Somebody characterized it yesterday as a slide from authoritarianism into totalitarianism. IDK if that is correct. But it is ominous.
10 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
EVERYONE has the right, and possibly the duty, to speak out about it.
#2.1 in her home country and less on our politics. Then I'd read everyting she publishes.
What you're discussing is imho the only story that really counts now. And yes, I remain obsessed with Covid and the Iran/Russia/China stories---the fakes and the realiities.
Even as I'm entertaining myself with good-byes to my astoundingly effective Mayor, I remain aware that a significant danger has landed that we will all have to face.
Somebody characterized it yesterday as a slide from authoritarianism into totalitarianism. IDK if that is correct. But it is ominous.
9 users have voted.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
#2.1 in her home country and less on our politics. Then I'd read everyting she publishes.
What you're discussing is imho the only story that really counts now. And yes, I remain obsessed with Covid and the Iran/Russia/China stories---the fakes and the realiities.
Even as I'm entertaining myself with good-byes to my astoundingly effective Mayor, I remain aware that a significant danger has landed that we will all have to face.
Somebody characterized it yesterday as a slide from authoritarianism into totalitarianism. IDK if that is correct. But it is ominous.
I watched the Anderson Cooper Bill Gates clip elsewhere and it is a perfect display of what has been US policy forever. They are giggling as they contemplate destroying lives.
Plus ca change, plus ca meme chose.
Genocide meant destroying Native Americans by any and all means necessary.
It was the US Army's policy, to eliminate an entire species of animal from the West because Native Americans depended on the buffalo, or Bison, for food clothing and shelter.
So deprive people of their social Security checks? Sure. Why not.
Prevent them from purchasing food? Getting a doctor's help if needed? Going to school? Playing in a park?
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., joins us to discuss his new book The Real Anthony Fauci, which paints rather an unflattering portrait of the face of the American COVID response.
Never forget that we imported the Nazi doctors and scientists who committed heinous acts on Jews, the disabled and other undesirables as did other countries. Many of the techniques used in Germany’s camps were developed here in the USA by eugenicists who went on to support Hitler’s eugenics programs and his war efforts. Bill Gates father was a prominent eugenicist. Search for eugenics in the US and see how many articles there are about it. Many states here forced people to be sterilized into the 1970's. The Supreme Court said it was legal for states to do that. Oliver Wendell Holmes said that 3 generations of imbeciles were enough.
Fauci experimented on orphans as did the CIA’s goon in Danish orphans. Gates used South Africa to do vaccine experiments on.
Many world leaders knew what Hitler was doing, but stayed silent on it. People were told that Jews were full of diseases. We are watching as people say that about the unvaxxed now. History repeats itself because enough people allow it to. Dentists have been given permission to deny unvaxxed access to their practices. Doctors are being threatened not to write prescriptions for ivermectin or to speak out about what they are seeing the vaccines doing in their hospitals. It’s against the law to discriminate against people who are HIV positive, but this is going to be allowed. It’s now known that Fauci failing to authorize Bactrim cost tens of thousands of lives. What number will history find by his denying ivermectin and other treatments?
12 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Never forget that we imported the Nazi doctors and scientists who committed heinous acts on Jews, the disabled and other undesirables as did other countries. Many of the techniques used in Germany’s camps were developed here in the USA by eugenicists who went on to support Hitler’s eugenics programs and his war efforts. Bill Gates father was a prominent eugenicist. Search for eugenics in the US and see how many articles there are about it. Many states here forced people to be sterilized into the 1970's. The Supreme Court said it was legal for states to do that. Oliver Wendell Holmes said that 3 generations of imbeciles were enough.
Fauci experimented on orphans as did the CIA’s goon in Danish orphans. Gates used South Africa to do vaccine experiments on.
Many world leaders knew what Hitler was doing, but stayed silent on it. People were told that Jews were full of diseases. We are watching as people say that about the unvaxxed now. History repeats itself because enough people allow it to. Dentists have been given permission to deny unvaxxed access to their practices. Doctors are being threatened not to write prescriptions for ivermectin or to speak out about what they are seeing the vaccines doing in their hospitals. It’s against the law to discriminate against people who are HIV positive, but this is going to be allowed. It’s now known that Fauci failing to authorize Bactrim cost tens of thousands of lives. What number will history find by his denying ivermectin and other treatments?
4 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Where to begin?
I can see the justification of the nurses thinking they were taking babies to "the room" so drs. could "help them" end their suffering. I can also see them transitioning to take a proactive posture, helping the babies, even taking over for the drs. too busy to do the final elimination of suffering.
Where I was appalled was when they transitioned to pro-active causation of suffering, such as freezing babies on the balconies, or intentionally overdosing them, for the good of the babies, the state, and the Superior Race.
The worst part of it was the 14 murdering nurses, one of whom admitted to killing 210 babies, being found not guilty at trial. WTF!
There "useless feeders" are out "useless eaters". The euthanasia programs in various 1st world European countries are pretty self-serving for their states, and the few assisted euthanasia programs we have her, in our Exceptional Country, are readily available for poor people with no health insurance. (40 million, to quote the gentleman in the video.)
We truly need to learn the details of the Holocaust. Ignorance of history guarantees it will be repeated. The nurses "took one for the team".
I will watch the video at some point because it has important knowledge to reveal. At the moment I am enjoying the late afternoon light and breeze. I know a little about the eugenics that nazi germany learned from america, but not how the nurses in germany participated, yet of course that makes sense for the program to have succeeded.
#5.1 Where to begin?
I can see the justification of the nurses thinking they were taking babies to "the room" so drs. could "help them" end their suffering. I can also see them transitioning to take a proactive posture, helping the babies, even taking over for the drs. too busy to do the final elimination of suffering.
Where I was appalled was when they transitioned to pro-active causation of suffering, such as freezing babies on the balconies, or intentionally overdosing them, for the good of the babies, the state, and the Superior Race.
The worst part of it was the 14 murdering nurses, one of whom admitted to killing 210 babies, being found not guilty at trial. WTF!
There "useless feeders" are out "useless eaters". The euthanasia programs in various 1st world European countries are pretty self-serving for their states, and the few assisted euthanasia programs we have her, in our Exceptional Country, are readily available for poor people with no health insurance. (40 million, to quote the gentleman in the video.)
We truly need to learn the details of the Holocaust. Ignorance of history guarantees it will be repeated. The nurses "took one for the team".
and before Covid arrived on the scene and just couldn’t believe how long it was tolerated here. As mentioned above there was the native Americans genocide on the plains and in Christian schools, but after WW2 lots of the experiments started in Germany were continued here. I’m pretty sure that big pharma was involved in that here as it was in 3rd world countries. I don’t see how Fauci’s letting tens of thousands of gay men die from lack of treatment doesn’t qualify for it too.
I’d love to hear your perspective after you watch it. I envy your warm breezes. Mine were in the 20's with a wind chill to boot today. One thing about winter is the lack of smells.
I will watch the video at some point because it has important knowledge to reveal. At the moment I am enjoying the late afternoon light and breeze. I know a little about the eugenics that nazi germany learned from america, but not how the nurses in germany participated, yet of course that makes sense for the program to have succeeded.
5 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
and before Covid arrived on the scene and just couldn’t believe how long it was tolerated here. As mentioned above there was the native Americans genocide on the plains and in Christian schools, but after WW2 lots of the experiments started in Germany were continued here. I’m pretty sure that big pharma was involved in that here as it was in 3rd world countries. I don’t see how Fauci’s letting tens of thousands of gay men die from lack of treatment doesn’t qualify for it too.
I’d love to hear your perspective after you watch it. I envy your warm breezes. Mine were in the 20's with a wind chill to boot today. One thing about winter is the lack of smells.
Thanks for the synopsis. I agree. It was appalling how willing the nurses were to follow orders. But like the video said that was during the time when nurses followed doctor’s orders without question because they were seen as gawds. When I first started working in the hospital this was how they were still treated. As nursing programs expanded and nurses got more education and became nurse practitioners that attitude started changing and now it’s pretty much nurses who run the show. They still take orders from doctors, but if they don’t make sense they are free to question them. It’s nurses who understand what their patients are going through and how well they are responding to treatments.
But women have that maternal instinct to protect kids and it’s hard for me to wrap my head around how willing they were to kill kids. Not all of course.
#5.1 Where to begin?
I can see the justification of the nurses thinking they were taking babies to "the room" so drs. could "help them" end their suffering. I can also see them transitioning to take a proactive posture, helping the babies, even taking over for the drs. too busy to do the final elimination of suffering.
Where I was appalled was when they transitioned to pro-active causation of suffering, such as freezing babies on the balconies, or intentionally overdosing them, for the good of the babies, the state, and the Superior Race.
The worst part of it was the 14 murdering nurses, one of whom admitted to killing 210 babies, being found not guilty at trial. WTF!
There "useless feeders" are out "useless eaters". The euthanasia programs in various 1st world European countries are pretty self-serving for their states, and the few assisted euthanasia programs we have her, in our Exceptional Country, are readily available for poor people with no health insurance. (40 million, to quote the gentleman in the video.)
We truly need to learn the details of the Holocaust. Ignorance of history guarantees it will be repeated. The nurses "took one for the team".
7 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
But women have that maternal instinct to protect kids and it’s hard for me to wrap my head around how willing they were to kill kids. Not all of course.
I think it can be partly explained by their personal fear of not complying, and the consequences for their own family. I can't imagine a more compromising and sickening position to be put in.
Thanks for the synopsis. I agree. It was appalling how willing the nurses were to follow orders. But like the video said that was during the time when nurses followed doctor’s orders without question because they were seen as gawds. When I first started working in the hospital this was how they were still treated. As nursing programs expanded and nurses got more education and became nurse practitioners that attitude started changing and now it’s pretty much nurses who run the show. They still take orders from doctors, but if they don’t make sense they are free to question them. It’s nurses who understand what their patients are going through and how well they are responding to treatments.
But women have that maternal instinct to protect kids and it’s hard for me to wrap my head around how willing they were to kill kids. Not all of course.
The video shows a few different perspectives. It makes me wonder how they felt about doing it later down the road. Imagine living with that remorse if they had it.
But women have that maternal instinct to protect kids and it’s hard for me to wrap my head around how willing they were to kill kids. Not all of course.
I think it can be partly explained by their personal fear of not complying, and the consequences for their own family. I can't imagine a more compromising and sickening position to be put in.
6 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The video shows a few different perspectives. It makes me wonder how they felt about doing it later down the road. Imagine living with that remorse if they had it.
how awful humans treat others and she’s lucky to be a dawg. But something has happened to her tonight that has me very worried. It’s some type of neurological thing that has affected her balance and her affect. She is wobbly and just not with it. It could be something as simple as something she ate or something worse. Her gait seems to be off too. One of my other dawgs went through something like this and it was a toxin in a rawhide that resolved as soon as it cleared her system. Sam has gotten the some ones forever so maybe she ate something somewhere that has caused it. I am trying not to f’cking freak out but I’m not doing well. Hopefully it resolves itself over night and she will be fine tomorrow. If it’s your thing please say a little prayer for this precious dawg. Her connection to me is so special.
how awful humans treat others and she’s lucky to be a dawg. But something has happened to her tonight that has me very worried. It’s some type of neurological thing that has affected her balance and her affect. She is wobbly and just not with it. It could be something as simple as something she ate or something worse. Her gait seems to be off too. One of my other dawgs went through something like this and it was a toxin in a rawhide that resolved as soon as it cleared her system. Sam has gotten the some ones forever so maybe she ate something somewhere that has caused it. I am trying not to f’cking freak out but I’m not doing well. Hopefully it resolves itself over night and she will be fine tomorrow. If it’s your thing please say a little prayer for this precious dawg. Her connection to me is so special.
Bodega reacted to a toxin in the rawhide and my 2nd beagle ate lots of walnut shells that are toxic to dawgs and the vet gave her eye drops to make her vomit. I should find something I can use at home. Do you have some suggestions for what I can get? I really think Sam just ate something that doesn’t agree with her. I’ll update her condition tomorrow.
Bodega reacted to a toxin in the rawhide and my 2nd beagle ate lots of walnut shells that are toxic to dawgs and the vet gave her eye drops to make her vomit. I should find something I can use at home. Do you have some suggestions for what I can get? I really think Sam just ate something that doesn’t agree with her. I’ll update her condition tomorrow.
This is the type of information that I wish would be part of every schools curriculum. Everyone needs to seriously consider the depth of depravity that humans are capable of, and reinforce for themselves the desire to be more compassionate.
The video shows a few different perspectives. It makes me wonder how they felt about doing it later down the road. Imagine living with that remorse if they had it.
had been literally bought as a German bride by a local lawyer. She was from Berlin. She had been selected to pair up with some super man to produce super race kids. She was bilingual, could type 100 words a minute. Genius IQ, worked for the Reich. She graduated from a local Texas college in a couple of years. She told me of her life in Germany after the Versailles treaty. No cats, no dogs in Berlin. They were food. She ate many meals gleaned from garbage bins. She became a lawyer, and as a widow, she purchase one lb of hamburger meat per week, made her meals from it. Her house was full of, and surrounded by, cats and dogs.
Hilde was forever traumatized by the poverty and suffering post WWI. Her stories remind me very much of the stories from the Siege of Stalingrad. Germans were devastated by the Treaty, they were ready for a hero. They were ready for life in the 20th Century. They are NOT to blame for their acceptance, even worship, of Hitler. He brought them off their knees, and made them great. They remembered starvation. They went along with his programs to keep that greatness going. Those nurses got propagandized to go with the program that they remembered from childhood, they worshiped their hero, they saw their light. They reached for the stars. Hilde, more or less, reached them. Her son is my county judge. He does not eat from garbage bins.
Edit: This is an addendum. At age 16, Hilde's daughter, from Hilde's husband in the SS elite, came to the US, lived next door, went to high school, went to college. She was brilliant. Her hands and feet were underdeveloped, she was obese, did not stand up straight, her face was misshapen, and my Mom bought her clothes and shoes that helped. Nothing helped her mostly bald head. Brilliant, college educated, and the best job she ever got was as a server in a fast food restaurant, and she died quite young. Hitler would have had those nurses end her suffering.
Thanks for the synopsis. I agree. It was appalling how willing the nurses were to follow orders. But like the video said that was during the time when nurses followed doctor’s orders without question because they were seen as gawds. When I first started working in the hospital this was how they were still treated. As nursing programs expanded and nurses got more education and became nurse practitioners that attitude started changing and now it’s pretty much nurses who run the show. They still take orders from doctors, but if they don’t make sense they are free to question them. It’s nurses who understand what their patients are going through and how well they are responding to treatments.
But women have that maternal instinct to protect kids and it’s hard for me to wrap my head around how willing they were to kill kids. Not all of course.
6 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
but I have read how Hitler lifted many people out of poverty and it was why they supported him and were able to overlook the heinous things he did. The video did touch on the poverty that Germany was left with after WW1 and it was why so many people thought it was okay to get rid of people who couldn’t help society get back on its feet. It’s not up to us to judge what others went through, but it’s important to witness it happening to many now with their hatred of the unvaxxed who they think is causing all the deaths now. I’m finding it hard not to judge them because they should know better because of history. Every unjabbed person is not infected with the virus nor are they alone responsible for spreading infections. Both Fauci and Walensky have admitted that jabbed people can get infected and still spread the virus just as much as the unjabbed. But many think that every unvaxxed person is going to make them sick. It’s because it’s what they are being told by Biden, Fauci and others.
# had been literally bought as a German bride by a local lawyer. She was from Berlin. She had been selected to pair up with some super man to produce super race kids. She was bilingual, could type 100 words a minute. Genius IQ, worked for the Reich. She graduated from a local Texas college in a couple of years. She told me of her life in Germany after the Versailles treaty. No cats, no dogs in Berlin. They were food. She ate many meals gleaned from garbage bins. She became a lawyer, and as a widow, she purchase one lb of hamburger meat per week, made her meals from it. Her house was full of, and surrounded by, cats and dogs.
Hilde was forever traumatized by the poverty and suffering post WWI. Her stories remind me very much of the stories from the Siege of Stalingrad. Germans were devastated by the Treaty, they were ready for a hero. They were ready for life in the 20th Century. They are NOT to blame for their acceptance, even worship, of Hitler. He brought them off their knees, and made them great. They remembered starvation. They went along with his programs to keep that greatness going. Those nurses got propagandized to go with the program that they remembered from childhood, they worshiped their hero, they saw their light. They reached for the stars. Hilde, more or less, reached them. Her son is my county judge. He does not eat from garbage bins.
Edit: This is an addendum. At age 16, Hilde's daughter, from Hilde's husband in the SS elite, came to the US, lived next door, went to high school, went to college. She was brilliant. Her hands and feet were underdeveloped, she was obese, did not stand up straight, her face was misshapen, and my Mom bought her clothes and shoes that helped. Nothing helped her mostly bald head. Brilliant, college educated, and the best job she ever got was as a server in a fast food restaurant, and she died quite young. Hitler would have had those nurses end her suffering.
7 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
and I advocate for her best interests. Sam comes first!
Could be food, or even a bug bite. I know it is scary, but just stay on top of it and get her to an Animal ER clinic if necessary. I am sending my bestest good vibes
but I have read how Hitler lifted many people out of poverty and it was why they supported him and were able to overlook the heinous things he did. The video did touch on the poverty that Germany was left with after WW1 and it was why so many people thought it was okay to get rid of people who couldn’t help society get back on its feet. It’s not up to us to judge what others went through, but it’s important to witness it happening to many now with their hatred of the unvaxxed who they think is causing all the deaths now. I’m finding it hard not to judge them because they should know better because of history. Every unjabbed person is not infected with the virus nor are they alone responsible for spreading infections. Both Fauci and Walensky have admitted that jabbed people can get infected and still spread the virus just as much as the unjabbed. But many think that every unvaxxed person is going to make them sick. It’s because it’s what they are being told by Biden, Fauci and others.
6 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The excuses you make for her are very interesting. Seems this little dawg can do no wrong in your eyes. She seems a little perkier so I’m thinking it’s passing. I’ll let you know tomorrow morning how your client is doing.
# and I advocate for her best interests. Sam comes first!
Could be food, or even a bug bite. I know it is scary, but just stay on top of it and get her to an Animal ER clinic if necessary. I am sending my bestest good vibes
7 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The excuses you make for her are very interesting. Seems this little dawg can do no wrong in your eyes. She seems a little perkier so I’m thinking it’s passing. I’ll let you know tomorrow morning how your client is doing.
Macron is now removing the tests from the 'passports'. Only shots and boosters are allowed. The official stats on those who have been injected is 90% for France. Just find it hard to believe. We know so many in our area who are really against them. It's not insignificant.
Well I'm still looking for a possible end to all this.
12 users have voted.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Science is never settled because it’s always changing. Fauci changes his rules because he said that the science has changed. But he never shows just what he’s found that required him to change them.
Galileo would be banned from the Twit for saying that the earth revolves around the sun. Just think of that.
has had COVID for over a week. She is recovering, and doing ok at home.
Here are links to a twitter chain and a web site collecting adverse reactions and deaths from suspected Covid shots. they say its rare web site
Macron is now removing the tests from the 'passports'. Only shots and boosters are allowed. The official stats on those who have been injected is 90% for France. Just find it hard to believe. We know so many in our area who are really against them. It's not insignificant.
Well I'm still looking for a possible end to all this.
11 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Science is never settled because it’s always changing. Fauci changes his rules because he said that the science has changed. But he never shows just what he’s found that required him to change them.
Galileo would be banned from the Twit for saying that the earth revolves around the sun. Just think of that.
so I used the duck to find it. The first 5 suggested articles were hit jobs against him. I expect this from Google, but not the duck. Fortunately I had subscribed to it and found it anyway. Malone is trending on the Twit right now because everyone is tweeting his essay on being banned from it. Twit has been f’cking with my account for 3 weeks. I can only see about 15 new tweets a day and none from many of those I follow. Or I just see what one person retweets. It’s some type of censorship or I’ve set my settings weird.
just how many ‘alternate’ venues (Rumble, SubStack, etc.) are controlled opposition dustbins. The Borg is doing it’s best to subsume every possible angle of organized resistance.
I used the duck to find it. The first 5 suggested articles were hit jobs against him. I expect this from Google, but not the duck.
so I used the duck to find it. The first 5 suggested articles were hit jobs against him. I expect this from Google, but not the duck. Fortunately I had subscribed to it and found it anyway. Malone is trending on the Twit right now because everyone is tweeting his essay on being banned from it. Twit has been f’cking with my account for 3 weeks. I can only see about 15 new tweets a day and none from many of those I follow. Or I just see what one person retweets. It’s some type of censorship or I’ve set my settings weird.
3 users have voted.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
Macron is now removing the tests from the 'passports'. Only shots and boosters are allowed. The official stats on those who have been injected is 90% for France. Just find it hard to believe. We know so many in our area who are really against them. It's not insignificant.
Well I'm still looking for a possible end to all this.
Its also true that what defines scientist is the science they have done.
Lots of scientists have taught themselves a field. Based on the knowledge they sook out and consumed. True scientists are just addicted to knowledge. They all are.
It takes one to recognize it in others.
Well, the powers that be go on about promoting innovation, but why would they want to do that if they are on top now? Think about it. No, instead they are trying to control and slow real innovation, real progress, and promote monopolies that increase the difficulty of being innovative.
Those people are why we're Stuck, and too often, progress is prevented by bad policy from happening now, Science has a universal will to become. or UWTB
Even in emergencies, as we are seeing. Good people are speaking up. But others are doing their best to frustrate this.
Even no matter how many people are dying, roadblocks are because of these trade agreements they made. Don't believe me? Lets play a game. Name seven big problems we need to fix policy wise now that dont seem to ever get fixed. Problems that even now are killing poor people.
And please add, briefly, how YOU would fix them. If you were in charge. You would do what?
You know, if you were the boss. Here, now. One two three four five six seven. Enumerate them in a little list.
If I can figure it out, (often its obvious to me) I'll show you why we're stuck, explain how we have been trapped and why.
None of us seem to have a clue because of how skillfully we have been BRAIN-WASHED
I make an effort to not fall for it, and that helps a lot.
No need to fear...
just need to be prepared.
Kara Thornton, a firm believer in early treatment and ivermectin, caught COVID-19 along with her son. Both mother and son received their first treatment within 36 hours of their diagnosis and saw their symptoms resolve within 24 hours. Watch as Kara tells her story of recovery. 1 min
Watch as Joann Melton and her husband Ken, 77 and 75 years old, battle and recover from COVID-19. Joann describes her compromised health stating she had a tracheostomy as a result of bilateral vocal cord paralysis. She was also diagnosed with pericarditis a few years back and had emergency heart surgery. Joann credits their quick recovery to the knowledge she gained from the FLCCC. Watch as she tells their story. 6 min
Too bad this isn't on MSM to defuse fear instead of the constant..."record number of cases"
escalating the fear mongering
Be well. Be informed. Be prepared.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It's The End of the World as We Know it
I'm watching this and seeing it but it is difficult to take in.
Welcome to the COVID police state...
I'm sorry the NYPD jumped the shark, but really the did so long ago...it just that now they can use the COVID cudgel.
I'm featuring this Australian story Sunday.
He concludes with a more optimistic note...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Caity should focus on the reality
What you're discussing is imho the only story that really counts now. And yes, I remain obsessed with Covid and the Iran/Russia/China stories---the fakes and the realiities.
Even as I'm entertaining myself with good-byes to my astoundingly effective Mayor, I remain aware that a significant danger has landed that we will all have to face.
Somebody characterized it yesterday as a slide from authoritarianism into totalitarianism. IDK if that is correct. But it is ominous.
Disagree. The US is a rampaging terrorist state bent
on total domination of the entire planet and quite ready to use lethal means of every type to achieve that goal. The aligned and absorbed nations follow its lead and pitch in. It is the greatest threat to world peace and safety as well as the environment and the health and safety of people of all nations. The affiliated hangers will fall in line if and only if the US is no longer controlling and running everything.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Absolutely agree
Not sure why we disagree with our domestic slide into totalitarianism.
Look at the clip posted above of the NYPD ejecting a 5 year old from a restaurant because he could not present his vaccination card.
"What a lovely new world we are living in when you go out for a meal and a squad of police barge in, persecute a little boy then demand to see everyone else’s papers. This is the vax passport world so many are begging for." #NotAboutAVirus #NOVAXPASSPORTS
4:29 PM · Dec 27, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
Disagree about Caitlin's focus on US, not on"slide" into
totalitarianism. For reasons, I grew up acutely aware of some aspects of that from a very early age and was something of an activist in high school. I was raised during the McCarthy era in a right wing Navy town on the border. I became a UC Berkeley campus radical in the sixties and was thus hyper aware of the reality of cointelpro, long before it had a name and all of the other insidious forms of repression, oppression and censorship, plus crazy shit like the City of Berkeley Red Squad sending spotters to labor actions in San Francisco to point our guys out to the SF TAC Squad for special treatment. I've been using the term "police state" intermittently since those days, having to argue against all those who demand that the extremes of Nazi Germany be conspicuously omnipresent daily before such a term is appropriate. EX: "They don't kick down your doors in the middle of the night" - really? Tell Fred Hampton.
We done slid, long ago, but subtly and surreptitiously, and this is just another layer which is getting more and more obvious as the populace has slowly but surely become more and more oblivious. I don't in the least disagree with that.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Okay, I think I understand
The slide I am talking about happened a long time ago.
Many of us are just now seeing it clearly. Not you. Obviously.
The newly aware and terrified certainly describes me. I was besotted with Obama. Unbelievable to me now. But True, nevertheless.
Again, watching the 5 year old and his confused mother ejected from a NYC restaurant by a platoon of NYPD, shook me badly. Hard to see the difference between this ugly mess and kids and their parents loaded into trucks going East, not that long ago. And not that far away.
It will take a lot of people like me realizing what has been happening and by the time that happens it may be way too late to stop or change events as they unfold.
As you say:
That is why we need to keep pointing it out, with both historical and current exemplars, and why we need to speak up and speak out, challenge the official explanations and narrative and not be afraid to call it things like "fascism", "police state", or at a bare minimum, "oligarchy".
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
My Aussie pal gets very angry
I love to hear all world views of the US made by intelligent people.
We are making an avalanche quality slide into totalitarianism right now. I am not coming up with any reasonable options to stop it. I do search for ideas. We need to do something, and do it now. The method, however, is elusive. I can't find it.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
US policy effects every single human being on Earth.
EVERYONE has the right, and possibly the duty, to speak out about it.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Perfect, Bis!
Let her rant about us with her followers from all over the world.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I believe her writing serves a universal purpose.
Yes, Australia deserves and has her attention for adopting many unfortunate policies, many of which are from America.
This one addresses american foreign policies with regard to Russia and China ...
What makes Bill Gates happy?
Bless Jimmy Dore for publicly mocking that jackhole.
No social security...
...for the unvaxed - hee,hee,hee
I believe eventually Gates karma will run over his dogma...
Thanks for the RFK clip. It is rainy today so stuck inside.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Cruelty is always a part of US policy
Plus ca change, plus ca meme chose.
Genocide meant destroying Native Americans by any and all means necessary.
It was the US Army's policy, to eliminate an entire species of animal from the West because Native Americans depended on the buffalo, or Bison, for food clothing and shelter.
So deprive people of their social Security checks? Sure. Why not.
Prevent them from purchasing food? Getting a doctor's help if needed? Going to school? Playing in a park?
Whatever it will take.
Rich against the Poor.
A good interview with RFK
It was the nurses that started killing children first
Never forget that we imported the Nazi doctors and scientists who committed heinous acts on Jews, the disabled and other undesirables as did other countries. Many of the techniques used in Germany’s camps were developed here in the USA by eugenicists who went on to support Hitler’s eugenics programs and his war efforts. Bill Gates father was a prominent eugenicist. Search for eugenics in the US and see how many articles there are about it. Many states here forced people to be sterilized into the 1970's. The Supreme Court said it was legal for states to do that. Oliver Wendell Holmes said that 3 generations of imbeciles were enough.
Fauci experimented on orphans as did the CIA’s goon in Danish orphans. Gates used South Africa to do vaccine experiments on.
Many world leaders knew what Hitler was doing, but stayed silent on it. People were told that Jews were full of diseases. We are watching as people say that about the unvaxxed now. History repeats itself because enough people allow it to. Dentists have been given permission to deny unvaxxed access to their practices. Doctors are being threatened not to write prescriptions for ivermectin or to speak out about what they are seeing the vaccines doing in their hospitals. It’s against the law to discriminate against people who are HIV positive, but this is going to be allowed. It’s now known that Fauci failing to authorize Bactrim cost tens of thousands of lives. What number will history find by his denying ivermectin and other treatments?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Anyone watch the video
I’d like to see a discussion on it.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I did.
I can see the justification of the nurses thinking they were taking babies to "the room" so drs. could "help them" end their suffering. I can also see them transitioning to take a proactive posture, helping the babies, even taking over for the drs. too busy to do the final elimination of suffering.
Where I was appalled was when they transitioned to pro-active causation of suffering, such as freezing babies on the balconies, or intentionally overdosing them, for the good of the babies, the state, and the Superior Race.
The worst part of it was the 14 murdering nurses, one of whom admitted to killing 210 babies, being found not guilty at trial. WTF!
There "useless feeders" are out "useless eaters". The euthanasia programs in various 1st world European countries are pretty self-serving for their states, and the few assisted euthanasia programs we have her, in our Exceptional Country, are readily available for poor people with no health insurance. (40 million, to quote the gentleman in the video.)
We truly need to learn the details of the Holocaust. Ignorance of history guarantees it will be repeated. The nurses "took one for the team".
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Thanks for the synopsis otc
I will watch the video at some point because it has important knowledge to reveal. At the moment I am enjoying the late afternoon light and breeze. I know a little about the eugenics that nazi germany learned from america, but not how the nurses in germany participated, yet of course that makes sense for the program to have succeeded.
As I said I read a lot of articles about eugenics here
and before Covid arrived on the scene and just couldn’t believe how long it was tolerated here. As mentioned above there was the native Americans genocide on the plains and in Christian schools, but after WW2 lots of the experiments started in Germany were continued here. I’m pretty sure that big pharma was involved in that here as it was in 3rd world countries. I don’t see how Fauci’s letting tens of thousands of gay men die from lack of treatment doesn’t qualify for it too.
I’d love to hear your perspective after you watch it. I envy your warm breezes. Mine were in the 20's with a wind chill to boot today. One thing about winter is the lack of smells.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I can appreciate you're missing the smells in the air
Somehow I have a vague sense of the smell of snow, but it's been so long that I might just be imagining it.
Not to add injury to insult (or the other way around), but I'm sitting beside a gardenia in flower ; ).
Well said
Thanks for the synopsis. I agree. It was appalling how willing the nurses were to follow orders. But like the video said that was during the time when nurses followed doctor’s orders without question because they were seen as gawds. When I first started working in the hospital this was how they were still treated. As nursing programs expanded and nurses got more education and became nurse practitioners that attitude started changing and now it’s pretty much nurses who run the show. They still take orders from doctors, but if they don’t make sense they are free to question them. It’s nurses who understand what their patients are going through and how well they are responding to treatments.
But women have that maternal instinct to protect kids and it’s hard for me to wrap my head around how willing they were to kill kids. Not all of course.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I agree with your understanding of the maternal instinct snoopy
I think it can be partly explained by their personal fear of not complying, and the consequences for their own family. I can't imagine a more compromising and sickening position to be put in.
Yeah there is that too
The video shows a few different perspectives. It makes me wonder how they felt about doing it later down the road. Imagine living with that remorse if they had it.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I will share my impressions with you after I've watched.
Thank you snoopy for insisting on acknowledgement of all the injustice.
What does Sam think ; ?
I’ve mentioned that I tell Sam a few times a day
how awful humans treat others and she’s lucky to be a dawg. But something has happened to her tonight that has me very worried. It’s some type of neurological thing that has affected her balance and her affect. She is wobbly and just not with it. It could be something as simple as something she ate or something worse. Her gait seems to be off too. One of my other dawgs went through something like this and it was a toxin in a rawhide that resolved as soon as it cleared her system. Sam has gotten the some ones forever so maybe she ate something somewhere that has caused it. I am trying not to f’cking freak out but I’m not doing well. Hopefully it resolves itself over night and she will be fine tomorrow. If it’s your thing please say a little prayer for this precious dawg. Her connection to me is so special.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
It sounds like something temporarily toxic to me
I'm hoping and praying it will pass. Do you have any homeopathic remedies, like nux vomica, or something to make her throw up?
No I don’t but I should get something
Bodega reacted to a toxin in the rawhide and my 2nd beagle ate lots of walnut shells that are toxic to dawgs and the vet gave her eye drops to make her vomit. I should find something I can use at home. Do you have some suggestions for what I can get? I really think Sam just ate something that doesn’t agree with her. I’ll update her condition tomorrow.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I might consult one of these vets in your area
if Sam isn't feeling better tomorrow.
Homeopathy is very effective with animals, and possibly one of these vets can help.
Hi snoopy
This is the type of information that I wish would be part of every schools curriculum. Everyone needs to seriously consider the depth of depravity that humans are capable of, and reinforce for themselves the desire to be more compassionate.
When I was a child, my next door neighbor was a lawyer who
Hilde was forever traumatized by the poverty and suffering post WWI. Her stories remind me very much of the stories from the Siege of Stalingrad. Germans were devastated by the Treaty, they were ready for a hero. They were ready for life in the 20th Century. They are NOT to blame for their acceptance, even worship, of Hitler. He brought them off their knees, and made them great. They remembered starvation. They went along with his programs to keep that greatness going. Those nurses got propagandized to go with the program that they remembered from childhood, they worshiped their hero, they saw their light. They reached for the stars. Hilde, more or less, reached them. Her son is my county judge. He does not eat from garbage bins.
Edit: This is an addendum. At age 16, Hilde's daughter, from Hilde's husband in the SS elite, came to the US, lived next door, went to high school, went to college. She was brilliant. Her hands and feet were underdeveloped, she was obese, did not stand up straight, her face was misshapen, and my Mom bought her clothes and shoes that helped. Nothing helped her mostly bald head. Brilliant, college educated, and the best job she ever got was as a server in a fast food restaurant, and she died quite young. Hitler would have had those nurses end her suffering.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
As I’ve said before I’m not very educated in Germany’s history
but I have read how Hitler lifted many people out of poverty and it was why they supported him and were able to overlook the heinous things he did. The video did touch on the poverty that Germany was left with after WW1 and it was why so many people thought it was okay to get rid of people who couldn’t help society get back on its feet. It’s not up to us to judge what others went through, but it’s important to witness it happening to many now with their hatred of the unvaxxed who they think is causing all the deaths now. I’m finding it hard not to judge them because they should know better because of history. Every unjabbed person is not infected with the virus nor are they alone responsible for spreading infections. Both Fauci and Walensky have admitted that jabbed people can get infected and still spread the virus just as much as the unjabbed. But many think that every unvaxxed person is going to make them sick. It’s because it’s what they are being told by Biden, Fauci and others.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Take care of Sam
Could be food, or even a bug bite. I know it is scary, but just stay on top of it and get her to an Animal ER clinic if necessary. I am sending my bestest good vibes
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Yes Sam has great representation
The excuses you make for her are very interesting. Seems this little dawg can do no wrong in your eyes. She seems a little perkier so I’m thinking it’s passing. I’ll let you know tomorrow morning how your client is doing.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
"Snookums", "Rocky" and friends send
Sam a Get Well Soon card:
Cute card. She came out of it quickly once it passed through her system I’m guessing. And she is back to being herself today pilfering my socks.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
In our area a complementary health care provider
has had COVID for over a week. She is recovering, and doing ok at home.
Here are links to a twitter chain and a web site collecting adverse reactions and deaths from suspected Covid shots.
they say its rare web site
Here is the Twitter collection site:
Twitter same author
Macron is now removing the tests from the 'passports'. Only shots and boosters are allowed. The official stats on those who have been injected is 90% for France. Just find it hard to believe. We know so many in our area who are really against them. It's not insignificant.
Well I'm still looking for a possible end to all this.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Found out through this
Malone has been deleted from the Twit for trying to educate people on what he is seeing and what he knows.
Here’s his essay on it and where you can still find him.
Science is never settled because it’s always changing. Fauci changes his rules because he said that the science has changed. But he never shows just what he’s found that required him to change them.
Galileo would be banned from the Twit for saying that the earth revolves around the sun. Just think of that.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Signed up today
Not willing to wait to hear this elsewhere.
I hadn’t bookmarked his website
so I used the duck to find it. The first 5 suggested articles were hit jobs against him. I expect this from Google, but not the duck. Fortunately I had subscribed to it and found it anyway. Malone is trending on the Twit right now because everyone is tweeting his essay on being banned from it. Twit has been f’cking with my account for 3 weeks. I can only see about 15 new tweets a day and none from many of those I follow. Or I just see what one person retweets. It’s some type of censorship or I’ve set my settings weird.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
It’s enough to make one wonder
just how many ‘alternate’ venues (Rumble, SubStack, etc.) are controlled opposition dustbins. The Borg is doing it’s best to subsume every possible angle of organized resistance.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
I wonder about the percentage here as well Dawn,
which is the same here.
Although I am not in close contact with a significant percentage of people, I do know many that are unvaccinated.
They promised to. All the horrid things that are f-ed up
Thats true that science is always changing.
Its also true that what defines scientist is the science they have done.
Lots of scientists have taught themselves a field. Based on the knowledge they sook out and consumed. True scientists are just addicted to knowledge. They all are.
It takes one to recognize it in others.
Well, the powers that be go on about promoting innovation, but why would they want to do that if they are on top now? Think about it. No, instead they are trying to control and slow real innovation, real progress, and promote monopolies that increase the difficulty of being innovative.
Those people are why we're Stuck, and too often, progress is prevented by bad policy from happening now, Science has a universal will to become. or UWTB
Even in emergencies, as we are seeing. Good people are speaking up. But others are doing their best to frustrate this.
Even no matter how many people are dying, roadblocks are because of these trade agreements they made. Don't believe me? Lets play a game. Name seven big problems we need to fix policy wise now that dont seem to ever get fixed. Problems that even now are killing poor people.
And please add, briefly, how YOU would fix them. If you were in charge. You would do what?
You know, if you were the boss. Here, now. One two three four five six seven. Enumerate them in a little list.
If I can figure it out, (often its obvious to me) I'll show you why we're stuck, explain how we have been trapped and why.
None of us seem to have a clue because of how skillfully we have been BRAIN-WASHED
I make an effort to not fall for it, and that helps a lot.