The Dose - 12-25-2021

A few articles of interest.
Another potential prophylactic or treatment to add to the growing list of upcoming new products and repurposed medications to use around the world.
New Russian aerosol drug fights all Covid strains, including Omicron – developer
The Russian name of the drug can be translated as ‘Peace-19.’ It is said to be directly affecting the virus by suppressing its core RNA and preventing it from replicating in the human body. All this is said to be achieved without interfering with a person’s genome or immunity, according to the head of the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA), Veronika Skvortsova.
Speaking to journalists on Wednesday, Skvortsova lauded the FMBA-developed aerosol as causing “no unpleasant side-effects,” while suggesting that it can be used against all known variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
The mechanism of ‘Mir-19’ uses what’s known as the virus-specific small interfering RNA (siRNA), also referred to as the “silencing” RNA. The drug’s molecules are interfering with the specific virus genes to eventually degrade the virus genome, according to Musa Khaitov, the head of the FMBA Immunology Institute. What supposedly makes the design mutations-proof is that it targets the portion of the virus genome that has remained the same in all the variants, and which is vital for its replication, the FMBA explained in a statement.
Covid virus might infect fat cells directly. May explain obesity as a risk factor in severe Covid.
The easy read.
The coronavirus infects fat cells, study suggests
The study pre-print
SARS-CoV-2 infects human adipose tissue and elicits an inflammatory response consistent with severe COVID-19
Not really a Christmas day read, maybe post holiday. To understand the present, sometimes we need to look at the past.
American Pravda: Vaxxing, Anthony Fauci, and AIDS by Ron Unz Dec 6, 2021
Conveniently divided into 4 sections, each with its own link.
RFK, Jr. and the Anti-Vaxxing Movement
The Hidden Background of American Biological Warfare Programs
The HIV/AIDS Crisis as a Medical Media Hoax?
Contemplating a Complete Inversion of Scientific Reality
I found the medical history presented by Kennedy absolutely extraordinary, representing as it did a near-total inversion of the scientific reality that I had always accepted until just a couple of weeks ago. I do vaguely recall that my newspapers had occasionally included some mention of these sorts of AIDS controversies 25 or 30 years ago, but I had assumed that such disputes had long since been resolved. Although I have now read all his AIDS chapters twice and found his narrative disturbingly credible and persuasive, I would obviously need to read several books on the other side before I could hope to form an intelligent opinion.
But suppose that despite Kennedy’s wealth of factual material we assume that there is an 80% chance that the theory he presents is overwhelmingly wrong. That necessarily means that there is also a 20% chance that it is substantially correct, and such a conclusion would be staggering. Prior to the Covid outbreak, AIDS had spent almost four decades as the world’s highest-profile disease, absorbing perhaps a couple of trillion dollars of funding and becoming the central focus of an army of scientists and medical experts. It simply boggles the mind for someone to suggest that HIV/AIDS might have largely been a hoax, and that the vast majority of deaths were not from the illness but from the drugs taken to treat it.

I am a Solstice celebrator .....
Solstice is based upon a simple fact of science regarding the movement of our planet related to the sun. The phenomenon of equal parts light and dark happens every year like clockwork. Ancient peoples celebrated the end of the dark days of winter with lots of festivals and symbols. Christmas (today) is, on the other hand, based upon fables and mythologies and wild imaginings. No science involved. Note that the majority of the world still appears to be held by the fable side of things.
Same thing with the whole Covid pandemic. There is science and then there are fables. One of the best fable generators is Dr. Robert Malone. I'd call him the Santa Claus of tale telling, but Santa is way more honest.
So here is a great total discussion (with graphs and tweets and all the stuff people love) on the esteemed Dr. Malone, but only for those who are brave enough to read it. Warning... a complete analysis of his claims about being the inventor of mRNA tech is included.
So Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all...
Love from FT
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Here’s a rebuttal
Malone's wife has his history on how he actually is responsible for creating the mRNA. Will you read it with an open mind?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
I already read that a long time ago.
It's one of the reasons I find Malone so dishonest. Another is his treatment of Katalin Kariko. Do you know anything about her?
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Belated wishes for a Happy Solstice
celebrated on December 21.
for this yearOne of the fables of my traditional Christmas Day is Peace on Earth and Good Will Toward Men. Joining an effort in character assassination is not part of the accepted activities for the day.
I will save my thoughts on the quality of the information presented in the referenced article How Dr Robert Malone invented Antivaxxery. (I thought that was Kennedy's role in science)
I am starting to get confused. Time to go read some research papers, evaluate actual data vs study conclusions and think about applied science of marketing messages to various populations to elicit swarm behavior.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
There's is a slight of hand going on
The site linked to by Fishtroller, both by insinuation in it's title and directly with it's first paragraph insinuate Dr. Malone said he was the INVENTOR of the mRNA vaccine and that he is anti-vax. Both are categorically false.
Firstly, Dr. Malone had actually taken the first two courses of the mRNA vaccine very early upon their roll-out. He has never come out as an anti-vaxxer. He supports vaccines as long as due diligence is taken in consideration of their efficacy AND safety. These mRNA 'vaccines' have now been proven to be complete failures on both counts. They have failed to either prevent one from contracting or spreading SARS-CoV-2.
The best that can now be claimed is that they "lessen the chances of hospitalization an death" using the highly problematic Relative Risk Reduction instead of the Absolute Risk Reduction.
Visualization of difference between Relative Risk Reduction and Absolute Risk Reduction.
Efficacy and safeway concerns of the mRNA 'vaccines':
The current mRNA vaccines were only tested for 2-3 months before they were rolled out in the latter part of December 2020. They were originally touted by Fauci to be 100% effective in preventing infection as well as 100% safe. He even went as far as to tout that the pandemic would end by early summer when 60% vaccination rate would give us "herd immunity".
The double blind placebo Stage III Safety Trial begun in late 2020 and to be ended in late fall 2023 with approx. 30,000 subjects in the vaccine group and 30,000 in the placebo group were cancelled after only 3 months. We will never know the true efficacy and safety of this never before used mRNA 'vaccine'. Even the data they generated during this period will be held up for 75 YEARS until 2096 if Pfizer's lawyers win their court case.
Secondly, Dr. Malone has NEVER said he was the inventor of the mRNA vaccine. He has always maintained that he was the inventor of the mRNA technology that this vaccine is based upon. Before his work in the field, the mRNA fragments were found to be too fragile to survive in the hostile environment (for them) of the human body's defence system so they would have to be shielded within a "synthetic cationic lipid,, N-[1-(2,3-dioleyloxy)propyl]-N,N,N-trimethylammonium chloride (DOTMA), incorporated into a liposome (lipofectin)". In addition these mRNA strands could only produce a few particles of protein before their destruction once they did manage to enter the cell. Dr. Malone then came up with the method by which the injected mRNA strands could produce a thousand fold increase of the protein they were genetically coded to produce to make this an effective tool.
In fact the CDC itself credits Dr. Malone as being responsible for this technique on their own web site as proven and documented in my post here at C99%:
The slight-of-hand: Fishtroller has now changed her previous description from mRNA vaccine to mRNA tech.
I celebrated Solstice on the 21st with a bonfire in Helena MT.
It was a lovely evening. Today it is snowing and below zero!
I think your confusion is understandable and I hope you are able to resolve it.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Took a fresh look at quality of information from both
When I have listened to Dr Malone or read a piece he authored references to primary research and peer reviewed articles are generally provided. Follow up to form my own opinion is easy. His public speaking skills have greatly improved over the months and he is less likely now to use phrases which could be misinterpreted. Also keeps getting better at explaining complex science of biochemistry in lay language, not a skill many researchers develop.
Misrepresentation of facts is one of those mistakes most of us have made at one time or another. Which is why it is important not to simply accept a fact because someone declared it Science and do your own research.
For example:
Winter Solstice info on Wikipedia
In Billings, winter solstice would have been the shortest day of the year. Spring and fall equinoxes shall have approximately equal periods on light and dark on their day of the year.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
You are posting an obvious hit piece
authored by a Smut Clyde, pseudonym of Leonid Schneider who has scoured the internet to aggregate known and previously debunked hit pieces against Dr. Malone.
Many of these hit pieces we here at The Dose have had to debunk time and time and time again as you continually bring these very same false claims against him. At this point it has become apparent to me that you are trolling this web site.
I am going to suggest that the purpose of the hit pieces Leonid Schneider has run at his web site are to gain funding for the defamation court cases that he has lost and he is currently fighting.
In the following post Leonid Schneider asks for funding to cover all costs plus court imposed penalties for a defamation case he completely lost in a German court of law May 18, 2018:
In the following Christmas plea, Leonid Schneider again asks for money for defamation court trials that have been brought against him:
Walking and ducks comes to mind
Can’t debate that after her comment in yesterday’s dose. It was snide and unwarranted IMO. This series is for us to learn what we can to make the right choices for us, but her insistence on taking down Malone and others is baffling to me. It’s not up to her to tell us what we can believe regarding our own health decisions and I’ve asked her to stop. And yet…
Apparently we are stupid too for believing anything different from her about Xmas too. I’d say I will pray for her, but that would be an insult.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Again talking about me as if I am not here...
This has become a bad habit here. Have you ever seen me talking about you or anyone else in that manner? I personally find it rude.
First of all you are taking my criticisms of Malone as a personal criticism of your own personal choices about vaccines. I've never said anything about your vax choice. You, on the other hand, called my choice to be vaccinated "odd". I also did not make fun of your personal choice to believe in the Christ mythologies. I pointed out that the Christ mythologies are just that... legends not based in reality. If you like to counter that, go ahead. It was not directed at you or anyone else in particular. I simply remarked that the basis of Solstice is scientifically based and a story claiming that a god impregnated a human woman for the purposes of creating a god-man is not even near to being reality based.
You post tons of anti vax stuff on The Dose that goes unchallenged, and yet I am not afforded the same with vax info. Every time I offer something it is immediately jumped on and ripped up, usually with counters from the same sources that I have made clear I don't see as valid.
As far as the trolling charge... Ha! That is such an old DKos tactic. I saw it used ad nauseum against tons of people trying to make points against the "accepted" POVs, particularly in the Hillary/Bernie threads, and whenever a non-believer criticized religious claims and ideas. It was used to drive people off of the site. I certainly hope that is not the intention here.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
I did talk to you directly which you have ignored
so why bang my head against the wall? I don’t know why you feel it’s your responsibility to ‘correct' what we write here, but you just keep focusing only on Malone for some reason without seeing what else we post. We are looking for information that can help us through this, but your constant harping about Malone offers no benefit. People have a right to believe what they do.
Again calling people anti vax is an insult because many who post in these threads have been been vaxxed with the Covid ones. You’ve been told that numerous times and yet you keep throwing that insult. And yes it is an insult. For the last time I am not anti vax. I should not get any of the current vaccines because of my health issues. Others have made their decisions on them and it should be their business only. Not yours or mine. Can you respect their decision and quit insulting them? Why you think it’s up to you to offer different facts on Malone is beyond me, but it seems that it’s all you do even though it’s been debunked so many times I’ve lost count. And yes I think you are trolling the essays because of your comments from yesterday’s thread. I’d quote wee mama, but it should be apparent. Was it? If you are offended by what is written here why not just skip reading it? I don’t need you to tell me if it’s correct or not. I can decide that myself.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Ah... the picture gets clearer...
You think you are "providing information" while I am just "trolling". You got that wrong. People need all kinds of information to make decisions, not just the information that YOU choose to share. You do not own The Dose, at least I think you don't own it. Neither does anyone else. If I post a link to a story that demonstrates that the vaccines are helping people, what is the first thing you and others do? You try to tear it down. You don't even see that you do this at all? And when you do this, I don't accuse you of trying to tear me down personally.
I think it is useful for decision makers to know about the flaws and mis-statements of Malone, Kory, Kennedy etc just as much as the flaws and mis-statements of Fauci. Often what is provided on The Dose is sheer fear mongering. If you are not anti-vax, then why do you put so much effort in trying to make people fear the Covid vaxes?
And finally, the fact that you would "quote" Wee Mama tells me so much about you. That woman thought it would be appropriate to develop a separate banning system for atheists. She had hundreds of comments on that idea, and they were almost all condemning of her arrogance. Or maybe you know that. Why would you even mention her? I certainly hope you don't agree with her speech suppression tactics, but that would explain your constant efforts to discredit the information I supply. I could post tons of information about Robert Malone from many varied sites.... from opinion pieces to university analyses of his claims about not only his resume, but his statements on the vaccines. It wouldn't matter a bit to you because you are so convinced of his veracity. That's fine, if you want to be a "believer", but you need to see that you are acting to block other POVs constantly. And, you take this counter information personally every time. I don't post information about Kennedy or Malone or any other topic just to question your personally held beliefs about Covid. I post for the same reasons you do... to provide information.
The information I provide has not been "debunked" many times because what is used to "debunk" it is the same sources that put out the information in the first place. One can not debunk information about Malone by quoting his wife's take on things. It's like saying there is a God and that Jesus existed because the Bible says so.
The Dose has become a one-sided conversation. It has driven people to leave the site and it has made others just decide to give up on having a real conversation about these issues. I happen to be stubborn and keep coming back because when I see bad science or bad information being presented, I feel a strong sense of need to provide another view.
If you can't handle it, then just ignore me, but remember that my efforts here have nothing to do with personally attacking you.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
I did not mean to say that "no one" owns The Dose.
We all know who does. I was referring to those who comment on it.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Had a chance to read and respond to review article
at this link.
referenced at the beginning of this thread. My response isI author the beginning dialog and monitor Saturday's Open Thread conversation on The Dose. No personal attacks towards other commenters and when referencing authors at other publications and sites provide links. Other reader's of this diary have no way to participate in a personal conversation (Wee Mama?).
The sources I have reviewed so far provided regarding Robert Malone have been hit pieces and personal opinions without references to sources. Makes it difficult to have scientific discussion regarding various types of Covid vaccines, therapeutic efficacy and risk benefit analysis for individuals and population groups. Quantity of information is not the same as quality with references. I have offered multiple times to assist. To differentiate is skill that can be learned.
Better understanding of an individual can assist in incorporating a point of view which may be in their work. Not a frivolous link to review the thoughts of his wife.
The History of how mRNA Vaccines were Discovered June 2, 2021 by Jill Glasspool Malone, PhD.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Well, see, this is the reason that Malone's wife can not
be included in a consideration of his career achievements. she didn't share the whole story of the interchange between Malone and Kariko.
This is a well informed and balanced look at the issue and within it is a discussion of how it appears that Malone has become his own worst enemy. Dr. Kariko tried to be supportive of Malone's need to be seen as a major contributor to the science, but she had to back off when he offered a rather threatening response ("this isn't going to end well") She eventually cut off communications.
Now this discussion of the complex history of the development of the mRNA technology makes it clear what Malone's role was in it all, and why he certainly stepped in it when he claimed a far bigger role than he had. It's a classic story and very interesting.
the bottom line is that at the point Malone felt his work should have top billing in the mRNA story, he also began to say stupid stuff that was immediately grabbed by the right wing anti vax industry of misinformation. He said that the spike protein was cytotoxic, which was immediately disproved by other scientists.
Now he is involved in an anti-vax movement in California called The Unity Project.
I would suggest that if you need more information, you follow all his tweets and consider some of the things he has posted. Much of it is just plain untrue.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Consider tweets similar to
Patent laws have changed since 1988. Then it was who made the discovery, it was common at the time to document initial date of significant discoveries. Currently it is more important who filed the patent first.
After reading Jill Glasspool Malone, PhD (his wife) article realize now a Nobel Prize might be a possibility to the "discover" of mRNA vaccine or technology. Academic fights can get nasty. Maybe this is why character assassination and condemnation by associating with undesirables keeps being repeated in the lay press and blogs, instead of science.
Spike protein has been proved and disproved as cytotoxic by various scientists depends on criteria and method. This is common in science, means more research required - still an open question. Experiments need to be repeated to verify consistent results. Science is not a religious belief system, though many act as if it has become one.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
I agree with this statement...
"Science is not a religious belief system, though many act as if it has become one."
It is also true that when certain figures in any part of our society and world are considered unquestionable or above scrutiny, the result is something akin to a religious cult.
This is what I see happening on The Dose.... certain beloved anti vax personalities are above reproach. Not a healthy situation.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
It is easy to agree science is not a religion
My response to the scientific quality of the link you provided is here.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
I appreciate your research and gathering of information for us here.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The level of vitriol being thrown in his direction
Linus Pauling, dual Nobel laureate, after he promoted vitamin C in the 1970s.
is starting get to the level directed towardsThis is really odd. I never paid much attention to Malone until my Open Threads were inundated with negative opinions, name calling and insults.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Now let me get this straight...
It's fine if the anti vax industry members ask for funds, but when others do it, it's horrifying. Yes, this is a "hit piece" on Malone. This author did his homework on Malone and hit him with facts.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
There is no such thing as an
"anti vax industry". You demean these groups who have valid concerns about some of the vaccines. These groups operate under
As such they can offer tax exemption receipts for donations.
Dr. Malone and dozens of other Dr's and scientists offer their advice and expertise freely and many times at great personal expense to these non-profits who exist to help people.
I am certain that the drug companies and their CEO's would sue him if they could and the fact they do not is proof of his veracity just as it is with RFK and other doctors. All the vaccine manufacturers can do is pay various media millions of millions to produce "hit jobs" to destroy his reputation.
No he did not. I just spelled out several to you. Mr. Smut Clyde who wrote the "hit piece" you posted made unfounded claims that were patently false. Just like he did in the court case he lost and is now begging for funds to keep himself out of jail and/or the poor house.
But that is the penalty one gets for slander. He tried to accuse the plaintive of physically taking part in a medical procedure involving a minor having a colonoscopy for prurient reasons despite having ZERO verifiable proof - just one line in a book from a third person "he was involved".
The truth of the matter was the plaintive was not in the examination room. The only people present with the child were the certified doctor and his certified nurse. Mr. Smut Clyde then tried to wiggle out of his conviction on appeal by asserting he got his information from a book and therefore was personally not guilty. That didn't wash with the judges because he should have done due diligence and verified his sources before calling out the plaintive as a pedophile in his blog. He was then hit with additional court costs and fines.
If you wish to fund Mr. Smut Clyde because you are so impressed with his skills and want to help him out of his predicament you are welcome. Keep in mind that he doesn't have charity status so it won't be tax exempt.
OK, I saw The adverse data
and deaths from Europe from the report listed in the following link.
Europe adverse events
Anyone care to comment?
It's not trust but verify. Rather it's is this based on real world? How would we know?
H/T Snoop from the last The Dose.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
If they verify reports like VAERS does
then I think it’s an accurate number. No case gets posted to VAERS Willy nilly because someone from the CDC looks at each report before it gets posted on the site. Add the 34,000 from Europe to the 20,000 from the US and that’s a hella lot of deaths from the vaccines. The lowest under count I’ve seen is by 41%. Could be higher. But for those who will deny it’s happened Pfizer itself claimed over 1,100 deaths in one of the pages released after the FOIA for them. Remember that the swine flu vaccine only killed around 50 people and it was pulled. The number for those injured are in the millions and many are permanent injuries. The article you link has a thorough breakdown of disorders from which vaccine. Highly recommend y’all take a look at it.
I posted a few links with nurses saying that people in their hospitals don’t even know what VAERS is or that they are required to post adverse effects to it. It’s time consuming to make a report and apparently it’s not easy to do either. Nurses are speaking out about the adverse effects they are seeing. Kids are being left with broken hearts from myocarditis and face a life of uncertainty over future health problems for a virus that has killed very few without comorbidities. If nothing else this should have had people asking questions about the necessity of vaxxing kids for something that has a 99.9% chance of surviving.
Nurses and a few doctors are speaking up about how the treatment they have to give is not saving many lives. Fauci knew that remdisiver had a high death rate, but he approved it anyway. For gawd’s sake why? Just like he did AZT.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
@snoopydawg re HCW's not even
I had a blood clot this summer. 12 days after getting my 2nd shot I got a knot in my leg. During a fairly strenuous hike, I assumed it was just a cramp so drank lots of water and ate a few bananas. I was on a week long vacation, so had plenty of time to stretch my legs and recover. But the knot got worse and worse. I also was extremely tired that week. On a 7 day vacation I slept 11-12 hours every night. Yes. Every night. As a 53 year old. Not as a teenager.
Anyhow, I get back to work on Monday. Leg still hurts, work an 11 hour day. Can barely keep my eyes open at work. My body hurts so much that if I sit down I need to sit on a cushion. Slept 12 hours at least 2 nights that week. Finally at 4 in the morning Thursday I head to the ER. By then I had self diagnosed with clot rather than cramp.
In the ER the doc did not care to hear about any of my exhaustion issues. Did not care to hear that the cramp came on 12 days after 2nd shot. Would not consider that clot was related to vax. I saw my regular doc a few weeks later. He also refused to consider vax connection. I also saw a thrombosis doc who also refused to consider a connection to vax.
SO it isn't just that they do not know about VAERS, they can be so closed minded that they refuse to make any meaningful connection.
I cant even imagine what the real adverse reaction count is.
Oh man sorry to hear about that
I’m hearing that same story from lots of people who have had a reaction to the vaccines. They are being accused of having anxiety about getting jabbed which as you say is closed minded and unprofessional. Maybe it’s because they are being threatened if they cause vaccine anxiety if they acknowledge that they are causing problems. But where do you draw the line with your Hippocratic oath? I know that all through my career I put the patient first and foremost.
You got very lucky that it didn’t break off and travel to your heart, lungs or brain. Often times a blood clot in the leg is very warm to the touch and it’s a sign that you should seek help immediately. I guess you finally did get treatment for it and hopefully it’s resolved? Are you on blood thinners still or were you given any?
Maddie who was in the vaccine trial was treated that way too even though her symptoms were more wide spread. Blood clot in her digestive system was called abdominal pain. She now has a feeding tube installed and lots of other problems. Pfizer still refuses to help her or admit that she was injured by the vaccine. The CDC and FDA have ignored her too.
Great point! I don’t understand why doctors are not open to the possibility that a person has a reaction. On a side note when I was having issues with my heart rate and blood pressure last summer I went to the ER 6 times and the last time I went my BP was 220/160 and the doctor addressing the wall asked me what I wanted him to do for me. I was stunned but said that if I stroke out at least I’m being monitored by them. Sheesh. 3 of the previous times I was asked if I had anxiety…
I’m thinking that was put in my chart and so other doctors had that in their mind when they came in.
On my 3rd visit they did extra tests and found that I was septic and they finally took me seriously and started aggressive treatment. I mentioned it to the last doctor but he blew it off. One thing I did notice was the quality of the questions weren’t there. I’ve worked in the medical field most of my life and I know how important it is to get a detailed medical history. It’s where you might find the answers to the problems. I’m thinking it’s how medical schools are teaching people now compared to the past. Remember that big pharma donates lots of money to medical schools these days. I think that has something to do with it, but it’s just a guess. For me it was quite noticeable. All I knew was that my BP was dangerously too damn high and I was in trouble. It’s not my or anyone’s job to decide on what treatment is needed.
The rule used to be if you have had an adverse effect from any vaccine before you should talk to your doctor about how safe it would be to get another one. Hopefully your doctor is aware of that? I reacted badly to my last flu shot and got transverse myelitis and it’s another reason I’m wary of getting one for Covid. My issues aren’t as severe now, but it’s still happening and at least my doctor is on board with the caution of me getting one. My risk of getting infected is low because of how isolated I am. I take precautions when in public seriously and it’s the right decision for me.
Good luck going forward through these times.
Sorry if this was TMI.
But it’s good to know what others are seeing.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
@snoopydawg I am better thank
Xaralto I took for 90 days.
My regular doc does not know that I had an adverse reaction because he refused to hear me when I told him.
I have to say this experience made me really question how good our Docs are.
It’s sad to see that isn’t it?
Just glad to hear that you are okay and got prompt attention for the blood clot. I hope you stay that way.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
In fairness
I have suggested we consider the excess death analysis - essentially the argument that most of the "covid deaths" are actually people who would have died from their comorbidity anyway but were counted as a covid death, artificially inflating the figure. A "correction" from Italy claims that 91% of covid deaths are misattributed. But if so we should also apply the same standard to "vaccine deaths". However, if there are misattributions they would be fewer - cause of death is easier and more natural to determine. Also, if "normal" deaths are credited to covid then vaccine deaths would be camouflaged as covid deaths, as have been alleged.
On to Biden since 1973
There is a big difference between from the virus and with it on board. Long ago at the beginning of this I saw a few politicians admit that was how they were counted. 70% of the positive Covid patients in Britain hospitals were tested for it after they were admitted. This sums it up quite well.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
For starters I would look to all the claims
Fauci (NAID) and Walensky (CDC) have walked back since their early assurances of 100% safe, 100% efficacy: epidemic will end after 60% to 70% vaccination rate, children do not need to be vaccinated, vaccinated don’t carry, can’t spread virus, school closures not necessary, masking isn't effective with virus, not necessary to wear masks, the spike protein remains firmly attached to the cell it's made in, the vaccines remain in the muscle at the injection site, the vaccines don't cause blood clots, the vaccines don't affect the heart muscle, no lockdowns, no mandates, etc, etc.
Mir-19 aka Peace 19 sounds promising
Shh - don't let Pfizer or Moderna know ...
question everything
I am going to put this here just because.
RFK Jr invites Jake Tapper to a debate/discussion about COVID topics any time, any place.
Monoclonal neutralizing antibody therapy developed in China
A reminder if you have time
to watch some videos from Children's Health Defense:
Still more than enough to fill your stockings!
NOTE: The Truth About Vaccines requires a sign up with email to view.
ICC complaint filed
On Dec. 6 a group including Dr. Michael Yeadon (former Pfizer VP) filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court against Gates, Fauci, WHO, Boris Johnson, Klaus Schwab, and others for crimes against humanity. I imagine the USG ignores rulings from such courts, don’t know how much clout the ICC has elsewhere.
Great news
It’s great to see so many trying to hold people accountable for what they are doing. How many of our politicians are in the know about what is being done or just following along, but don’t know better? Plus there are lots of attorneys trying to stop what is happening. We have help for what it’s worth.
India is suing a doctor from the world health organization for blocking ivermectin.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
New data (and outlook) from the UK.
21 Dec 2021: 12 Omicron deaths reported, from 45,000 cases. Death rate 0.027%
Death rate after one shot of Pfizer vaccine, 0.42%
Death rate after one shot of Moderna vaccine, 0.37%
For two shots of Pfizer, 0.35%
For two shots of Moderna, 0.32%
The takeaway: The FDA ought to approve the Omicron strain of COVID 19 for use against the vaccines, as the vaccines are ten (or more) times as dangerous as Omicron.
Analysis by toxicologist Chris Martenson, PhD.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
It's even worse
The NHS has admitted to inflating covid death figures. Thus their percentage is actually much lower. However, the vaccine percentage could also be inflated, though probably by less. (see my comment above)
On to Biden since 1973
The inability to be sure of the data
sure is cutting into my attempts at comedy.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I got it and appreciated it. In fact I was trying to find an
articulate way to add falling out of trees and slipping in bathtubs as other FDA approved treatments, but I knew the references would be too obscure.
I know that two people a year
(on average) get kicked to death by donkeys, but then the conversation would slide into "horse medicine", and I wasn't going to go there
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Graham and Jimmy debate
I watched this to see if they could come to agree on anything and to get Graham's perspective on mandatory vaccines.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
I didn't have the stomach to watch it. I generally like Graham
and I assumed that he might twist himself into a pretzel, and I didn't want to see it.
He was pretty much wedded to what he thinks
His biggest reason to mandate the vaccines is because the hospitals are too full of the unvaxxed and if people have other medical problems they can’t get a bed. Jimmy points out how NYC went from over 7,000 beds to just 4,000. Graham said that’s neither here nor there because it is what it is now. But he’s also caught up on the 800 k deaths and wants everyone vaccinated so they don’t infect those who can’t be. Jimmy kept pointing out that it doesn’t matter if you are or not because both can still spread it after getting infected. Graham insists that it’s less viral loads for the vaxxed which isn’t true now. They agreed to disagree and remain friends.
Jimmy then pointed out the risks of kids getting heart problems, but Graham hit him with kids getting it from Covid. The risk are much higher through the vaccines then getting Covid. Graham seemed to move the goalposts more than Jimmy did and both got frustrated with each other until they agreed not to. Nothing was settled for either of them and I admit I was a tad biased towards Jimmy’s points. Graham doesn’t back down on the mandates. Jimmy doesn’t want them.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Here’s a discussion from wotb
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
@entrepreneur It was tough to watch.
Sounds pretty much like what I worried about. Graham's
arguments were apparently based on misrepresented and distorted facts.
This quote snippet by unagisongs at WayOfTheBern expresses what I believe afflicts many who can have hard evidence in front of them, but refuse to believe it because they are naive in their understanding of what infinitely greedy cruel selfish assholes people can be when they lust for money or power.
Here’s a comment from wotb discussion that I think is spot on
from the same person:
I think she nailed it. I think quite a lot of people have been bitten by the same bug.
I used to be snoopydawg over there but now I’m western employee for some reason.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
I think she nailed it too. From my acquaintances I believe
many jumped all in for the mandates when they believed that by doing so they were opposing Trump. Victims of TDS.
Democrats broke so many people’s brains with TDS and Russia Russia Gate that they willingly embraced the cure for Covid. Remember how many democrats said that they would not get jabbed during Trump’s tenure because they didn’t trust him? Biden actually said that it hadn’t had enough time to be tested for safety. Trump might have been telling the truth when he said that it was a hoax and just the flu that magically disappeared last year. He also wanted to send everyone HCQ to treat it at home, but Fauci and Brix told him not to. Who knows if he was actually right about everything?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Graham should read this
This information should nullify mandatory vaccination and vaccine passports. It should, but will the captured audience admit it?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Jacques Attali, 1981, advisor to François Mitterrand:
”The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We start with the old, because as soon as they exceed 60-65 years, people live longer than they produce and that costs society dearly. Then the weak, then the useless that do not help society because there will always be more of them, and above all, ultimately, the stupid.
Euthanasia will have to be an essential tool in our future societies, in all cases. Of course we will not be able to execute people or build camps.
We get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good. Overpopulation, and mostly useless, is something that is too costly economically.
Socially, too, it is much better when the human machine comes to an abrupt standstill than when it gradually deteriorates.
Neither will we be able to test millions upon millions of people for their intelligence, you bet that! We will find or cause something a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the fat, it doesn't matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and stupid will believe in it and seek treatment. We will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself."
[The future of life - Jacques Attali, 1981] Interviews with Michel Salomon, Les Visages de l’avenir collection, éditions Seghers. "...
Duck search for The future of life - Jacques Attali, 1981
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Naturally, many hits are paid "fact checkers" blowing smoke.
So I assume that the quote is accurate.
The problem with this
is that the ones who don’t submit are the ones left behind for them to deal with. I don’t think people are idiots for buying into the Covid plan, but people who have been so propagandized they just don’t see the big picture. Propaganda is a powerful tool and it’s why they use it. It’s hard not to get caught up in it.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
I agree. I know smart, kind people who simply continued to
to trust their historically reliable news sources without realizing that they had been slowly and surreptitiously co-opted by neo-liberals and neocons. Then there are people who had no choice if they wanted to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads.
Excellent !!
From the comments:
Hopefully Rand Paul is reading the book and will haul Fauci in front of congress again and ask him about this. I don’t believe that people in congress aren’t aware of how bad Fauci has failed in his position. If none of them question his role or lack of it then they are just as complicit in harming Americans as Fauci is! How can they not know what he did during AIDS?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Japan records record low COVID-13 cases
attributed to widespread use of
ivermectinhorse dewormer![video:]
One of the reasons we don’t have access to Ivermectin
in the US and UK is Andrew Hill’s meta-analysis of Ivermectin studies. Four days before the study was to be released, UNITAID dropped a 40 million dollar grant on the institution Hill works for. Hill subsequently acknowledged in a recorded discussion that UNITAID “had a say in” rewriting the conclusion of the paper, from strongly favorable to needs more study.
At the time, COVID deaths were running at 15,000 per day, and no effective early treatment options were being made available. Data in the aggregate of studies included in Hills report supported that 80% of these lives could be saved with early intervention with Ivermectin.
“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024
That’s a smoking gun on corruption
Will anything come from it? Probably not but it’s right there in black and white for everyone to see.
Look at how long they kept people from getting the antibodies that Trump got a year earlier. That’s criminal too!
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Thanks for posting this
I finally got around to reading it. Why he still calls Kennedy an anti vaxxer is bewildering, but at least he ends with this:
It seems the author is still struggling with what to believe about Covid and the vaccines, but it’s nice to see him admit that about Kennedy. I don’t know what to make of Kennedy’s idea that HIV isn’t responsible for causing AIDS, but I know I’m not in a good place to hear something that goes against what I’ve been led to believe about it. Even though it’s been 30 years since my brother died from AIDS his death had a profound impact on me that is still effecting me. He wasn’t only my brother, but the one person in my family that I knew loved me unconditionally and he was my best friend. My mom’s last words to me will probably haunt me to my grave. My brother’s death blew a hole in my life that I’m still recovering from. The year after I’m not sure how I survived it. I’ve read that it was created in a lab and intentionally set loose on the gay community. I’ve also read that it came from monkeys… I stopped reading the book when I got to the chapter on Fauci and AIDS because it was too overwhelming and I’ve yet to pick it up again. Soon. But how to understand that there might have been a simple treatment that would have seen him survive it? He died on the cusp of treatment that has seen so many surviving it. My brother’s partner is one of them that is still living. Fauci will probably never have to answer for his actions then by refusing to authorize Bactrim or now with the current refusal to allow repurposed drugs for Covid, but I’m hoping that one day he answers to someone. McCollough thinks that 80% of the true number of deaths could have been prevented if he had authorized them. Either way Fauci has lots of blood on his hands that he has to live with every f’cking day. It’s up to him how he does it.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Fauci is your typical corporate psychopath
He will have absolutely no problem sleeping. He is incapable of feeling guilt or remorse. He will get up refreshed in the morning ready to lie, cheat or steal to achieve his ends, which is total control over people. He has been given the power to say masks work and masks don't work within a couple of days and the proles who hold him in awe like some kind of gawdlike guru with behave in lockstep.
A quick course in how corporate psychopaths operate and get away with their evil (if you haven't already watched).
Trump is a paid reality TV actor
Its his job to make issues toxic so the media can get away with avoiding discussing them. Its a classic Psy-ops tactic. The clintons also were experts at that kind of thing. Also the UK government does it a LOT.
As far as the 2008 "crisis" it was caused by the GATS trade agreement's deregulation of financial services of all kinds - freezing all FS regulation (banking, insurance, etc.) at the 1998 level. So, no progress is now allowed in many areas.
Covid is also being used to try to force all sorts of things out of the media, that shouldn't be. I really fear for our country we're so gullible and stupid now. Shame on the media for letting themselves be so shamelessly manipulated. I hope the situation gets exposed. Soon.
Whoa there
That’s a broad brush to paint everyone with. I think it has more to do with the amount of propaganda we have been subjected to repeatedly through our lives and especially since 2013 when Obama decided that it should be legal for our government to use it on us when he revised the Smith-Mundt act. We are the most propagandized country according to Pluto. Look it up and see what happened. It wasn’t just in time for democrats to push Trump derangement on us, but Russia Russia and now we’re into China Gate territory. And Covid Covid Covid.
I agree that many in the media have abandoned their principles of journalism. But there are many who haven’t or a trying not to. And most of what you write about has been done without our say so and for many people without their knowledge. I didn’t realize the extent until I saw your postings on CD. I’m aware of it more now as are others here because of your posts. But I don’t except the blame that it’s my fault that government did that. And they are taking it to higher levels with Covid giving them an excuse to do it. Many are fighting back, but how many people win against big government and its owners?
As for Trump being a patsy I agree. It took time for me to see it, but let’s not forget who decided to close the country in the first place. Trump made that decision..or it just happened on his watch if as I think the presidency is just the current game show host with no power behind it. I will never believe that Biden is running this current sh*t show. He wanders off any time he sees an ice cream truck or a little girl. Nope Biden is just another patsy.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt