The Dose - 12-18-2021


A few articles of interest.

Thanks CB

Right now and through the weekend the COVID Revealed people are running a replay where you can watch as many of the episodes as you like.

The video series can shake up your thinking patterns to view Covid from multiple angles and practice improving critical thinking skills. Sort the wheat from the chaff. Another option could be to find a new expert to follow. A few of the speakers appear to have universal solutions.

Most of the speakers believed in the American medical system, ethical standards to prevent past abuses and regulatory bodies. This is not an easy journey.


Information by provided New Zealand health professionals (Thanks janis b)
Immunity – You Are Born With It

Thus, in most people, the innate immune system is able to fend off attacks to “new” or “novel” microorganisms, with only mild to moderate symptoms, leaving the person stronger than before through stimulation of the acquired immune system.

In reality, the immune system is complex with intricate relationships and feedback mechanisms involving not only the immune cells but almost every other tissue, including the gut and the brain. Yes, your thoughts do affect your immune system.

That a healthy immune system knows to attack a disease-causing bacteria (such as E.coli), but does not attack a health-giving bacteria (such as Lactobacillus) or foreign objects such as food, is one of the miracles of nature.

Immunity – Boosting It

Every time the body makes a protein compound, for example an anti-inflammatory cytokine (message) or a pro-inflammatory cytokine, genes have to be activated or silenced; which protein is made depends on environmental signals. The biggest signals for genetic expression come from nutrition.1 That means every time you eat, you turn genes on and off. Eating junk-food has immediate ramifications, regardless of whether these are obvious.
Improve the terrain of your body and the viruses will not be successful, even If you have high blood pressure, diabetes or excess body fat. Making small changes can send your body the signals for a healthier you – immediately.

If you are taking treatment for a medical condition which may be improved by diet, exercise or self treatment it is very important to monitor medical condition for over or under treatment.

For example some blood pressure medications may contribute to kidney damage if blood pressure is too low. Falls may happen if blood pressure is too low. Poor thinking ability, similar to dementia, may happen if blood pressure is too low. Some blood pressure medications may cause blood pressure to spike higher if stopped abruptly. Talk to your medical provider about a plan of measuring blood pressure before taking medication, when not to take a med, if on multiple meds which one to taper first and when they want you to check in with the office.

Diabetes is more complicated with quicker complications. A plan should be in place to monitor blood sugars and prevent complications as body becomes better able to self adjust levels.

At Home Early Treatment of Viral Diseases Including C-19 (5 pg PDF)


Remember this from last month (11/18)

The Biden administration has asked some of the world’s largest oil consuming nations to consider releasing some of their crude reserves in a coordinated effort to lower prices and stimulate the economic recovery, according to several people familiar with the matter.

Global oil prices touched seven-year highs in late October, with populations returning to the roads and rails while supply has not kept pace with demand. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and allied producers including Russia have resisted calls from President Joe Biden to speed up the rate of their supply increases.

In recent weeks, Biden and top aides have raised the issue with close allies including Japan, as well as with China, the sources said.

This week oil prices are dropping.

Oil prices fell early on Friday and were on track for a weekly loss as the fast-spreading Omicron COVID variant increased concerns about a potential hit to oil demand, while the hawkish Fed stance of tightening monetary policy next year started to lead to anxiety about economic growth.

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CB's picture

The Four Base Conditions for ‘Mass Formation’

The four central conditions that need to exist in order for mass formation psychosis to take root are:

1. Lack of social bonding — Social isolation was a widespread problem long before the pandemic. In one survey, 25% of respondents said they didn’t have a single close friend. The COVID lockdowns also contributed and worsened already existing isolation. We were all told that any contact with others, including members of our own family, could be a death sentence.

2. Seeing life as meaningless, purposelessness and senseless, and/or being faced with persistent circumstances that don’t make rational sense — Desmet cites research showing that half of all adults feel their jobs are completely meaningless, providing no value to either themselves or others.

In another poll, done in 2012, 63% of respondents said they were “sleepwalking” through their workdays, putting no passion into their work whatsoever. So, condition No. 2 for mass formation hypnosis was also fulfilled, even before the pandemic hit.

Events that occurred in late 2019 and early 2020, such as the many questions surrounding the presidential election and the initial COVID lockdowns, added fuel to the widespread confusion and uncertainty, resulting in the next condition: free-floating anxiety.

3. Widespread free-floating anxiety and free-floating discontent — Free-floating anxiety refers to anxiety that has no apparent or distinct cause. Judging by the popularity of antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs, condition No. 3 was also fulfilled long before the pandemic, but additional fuel was piled on just before the pandemic.

Many felt, and still feel, that “things just aren’t right.” Through 2020, it became increasingly apparent to many that most if not all of the systems we depend on are broken, and likely broken beyond repair, including our medical system, our voting system and our judicial system.

4. Widespread free-floating frustration and aggression — This tends to naturally follow the previous three. Here, again, the frustration and aggression have no discernible cause.
How Mass Formation Allows Totalitarianism to Rise

When these four conditions are fulfilled by a large enough portion of society, they are ripe for the picking to convert to a psychosis, being totally out of touch with reality, which in turn leads to the rise of totalitarianism. As explained by Malone, when the pandemic broke out, people around the world became obsessed with one thing: the virus.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

@CB such a self-destructive way for a society to deal with its crime. It degrades everyone's life in a wide ripple effect. Plus, it make convicts a life-long problem for society. Personally, I can think of dozens of excellent substitutes for jail time for normal people. All of the alternatives create constructive improvements for both society and the environment, and they improve the overall mental health of the offender and the families involved.

Non-indigenous white people (aka US, Australia, etc) seem to have the most problems with the general concept of lockdowns. Trying to think about it throws them into a psychic crisis. On one hand, they absolutely love punishing other people with prison time. They just can't get enough of that — which is clearly demonstrated by their shocking incarceration rates. But on the other hand, they simply cannot cope being told to stay at home. They can't even think or talk about lockdowns rationally.

Prison is universal among the human species, however, which tells us they are completely oblivious to the unmistakable chain of cause and effect that destroys the edges society — and that indirectly impacts the quality of their own lives. There is very little self-awareness and scant empathy in them, their minds are still too primitive to think their way out of this soul-sucking trap. They got nuttin'. But they sure got a taste of 'imaginary' incarceration during the lockdowns, didn't they? Turned a lot of them into whiney-ass babies — plus their self-absorbed behavior degraded the mental health of a generation of children.

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CB's picture

A synopsis of lockdown harms in Canada
December 14, 2021


How foolish it would be to lose a dollar on a horse race, then bet another dollar on the instant-replay. Yet, unless Canadians draw the right lessons from their lockdown experiences, that is what they risk. As Canada enters the 21st month of dealing with government restrictions on their Charter freedoms, it is of the utmost importance that we draw the right conclusions from the restrictions on our Charter freedoms to move, travel, associate, assemble and worship.

Other Justice Centre papers have addressed Charter violations1 and why Covid need not be feared nearly as much as media and politicians suggest.2 This paper is focused on lockdown harms: Are they worth their high cost?
This paper sets out a partial catalogue of the unintended consequences of Canada’s lockdown policies. All were costly. Some were deadly, with the full cost in lives yet to be determined. Wherever possible, we have drawn data from Statistics Canada and from provincial governments. We assume that Canada’s federal and provincial governments know what Statistics Canada knows, and are aware of the publicly available data on provincial government websites.
Yet, as the experience of similar U.S. states with differing lockdown strategies shows, the severity of restrictions has no discernable or identifiable impact on the Covid death toll.7 People who argue that lockdowns play an important role in reducing Covid hospitalizations and deaths, and that economic damage is tolerable (or derived from the “voluntary” actions of people responding to their own risk assessments) typically ignore the vast and detailed canon of literature on lockdown harms.

This paper presents a selection from that canon. In the following pages, we examine the lockdown harms that have affected every corner of Canadian life, under the broad categories of:

  • Economic and financial harm to all Canadians
  • Physical harms to adults, especially the rising death toll from non-Covid causes, including those from delayed or cancelled surgeries, and delayed or cancelled diagnosis for cancer and other deadly diseases
  • Mental health harms to adults (especially increased drug abuse)
  • Physical, mental health and economic harms to children
  • Other societal harms, including those consequent on loss of quality of life – the so-called ‘simple pleasures.’


The risk of harm from lockdowns was obvious and self-evident from the moment they were first imposed in March of 2020. They were fully validated later that year from many sources: For example, Dr. Ari Joffe an infectious disease expert and critical care doctor at Stollery Children’s Hospital (Edmonton) and the University of Alberta echoed from a medical background the same message offered from an economic perspective by Professor Allen who we cited in the Introduction: The harm caused by lockdown is much worse than COVID itself.
In any case, never before in recorded history has any country, society or civilization attempted to vanquish a virus by isolating – locking down – the healthy population. The response to COVID is thus a new experiment imposed on peoples across the globe. 21 months later, abundant evidence on predictable lockdown harms confirms that lockdowns have had, and are having, unintended and deadly serious consequences. Other nations should do as they see fit. However, such are the harms that attend these policies in Canada, that continued gross infringements on Charter freedoms by all levels of government were never justifiable: They cannot be further justified should new COVID variants emerge in the future, and governments be tempted to respond with a new round of lockdowns.

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mimi's picture

since Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden, ie we, the internetted people, are the most isolated at the same time?

Easy, peasy, kill the internet and the nightmares of isolations are over.

Down with the internet. Kill the internet, resist the totalitarianism and enslavement of our minds and bodies. Slavery of all forms are rising or are well established since ever and ever in many parts of the world. And at least in the German media you can see the pictures proving it. So, we are bystanders to our and other folks own misery?

It is unfortunately so true. I live with two people who don't know how to use the internet on a computer and they are happy with it. They have pity with me, because I am enslaved they observe, not they themselves.

I am for archives, in paper format, I am against digits or digital archives. If you believe in digital archives, I think you are a fool.

Call me a fool, but I don't care.

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CB's picture

'The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses'
Jessica Rose - Dec 16, 2021

A brand new medRxiv pre-print study entitled: “The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses” has graced our world. This paper is so important and it provides evidence to support what many prominent immunologists and vaccinologists have been saying for a long time, including myself. These COVID-19 mRNA injectable products are causing, yes, causing, immune system dysregulation - and not just in the context of the adaptive system, but in the context of the innate system. Not only that, but these findings provide very good reasons as to why we are seeing resurgences of latent viral infections and other adverse events reported in VAERS (and other adverse event reporting systems) and perhaps more importantly, why we should under no circumstances inject this crap into our children. Children are fine in the context of COVID-19 (for the 80 millionth time - this well documented) and this is due to their extraordinary innate immune response systems.

Let’s rip into some background in immunology, shall we?

Figure 2 shows many of the different cell types involved in the adaptive and the innate immune system branches. Most of you probably know about T cells and B cells. I would bet that many more of you have not heard of my personal favorite killer, the Natural Killer (NK) cell. They kill infected cells and are of utmost importance to a healthy and functioning immune system. The cell types involved in the innate immune response system emit special molecules in response to invaders. These special molecules primarily comprise defensins, collectins, c-reactive proteins, lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin) binding proteins and complement factors. These responses are non-specific and target invading pathogens and even cancer cells.

In a nutshell, in this article, what they found was that the BNT162b2 (Pfizer/BioNTech) injectable products are modulating the production of inflammatory cytokines by innate immune cells upon stimulation with both specific (SARS-CoV-2) and non-specific (viral, fungal and bacterial) stimuli whereby the response of innate immune cells to TLR4 and TLR7/8 ligands was weaker after BNT162b2 injection, while fungi-induced cytokine responses were stronger.

8 users have voted.

All hell broke loose.

Harry Siegel is a reasonably sane guy and his observations in his twitter mirror my own.

The lines are extremely long everywhere in NYC. Slow moving as well as long. leading to a minivan where you climb up to be tested. The sign outside emphasizes No Cost to participants.

And, in my neighborhood, at least 95% of the peple waiting patiently are under 30 years old.

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Lookout's picture


are notorious for false positives. Even the common flu ticks off COVID positive with these tests. Up to 90% of PCR Tests for COVID-19 May Be False Positives

These tests have also inflated COVID deaths...

The CDC is now breaking out the numbers. Only 6% of the COVID-19 deaths died exclusively from COVID-19. Just 6%! On average, the rest of the COVID-19 “deaths” had two or three other underlying causes of death (the average was 2.6).

In fact they are about to be disappeared.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will no longer recognize PCR tests as valid methods of diagnosing COVID-19 by the end of this year. The CDC announced in a lab alert on its website that it will be withdrawing its standing request to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to grant emergency use authorization for PCR tests to be used to detect SARS-CoV-2. The request, which was issued in February 2020, will be withdrawn on December 31, 2021, a move which signals that the CDC no longer approves of the use of PCR tests as valid diagnostic methods for COVID-19.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout Just thinking out loud here...
If we don't TEST, all we can rely upon is a vaccine passport for various jobs, travel, etc...
Right now, if my legal assistant's child is at school with sniffles and cough, considered 2 COVID symptoms, the child has to be taken home, a free test is scheduled, entry back to school depends on the test outcome. So, this leads my mind in the direction that officialdom might take the position that we can't test, so we MUST rely on their vax info. Is this just a ploy for more pressure on us to get vaxxed?
The moneymaker heretofore has been high numbers of cases.
Now what?

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

But will they be readily available?

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

ggersh's picture


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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

@ggersh Everybody understood from the jump that a vaccine developed so quickly could not be tested sufficiently to declare that it is safe.

Lots of dollars later, not a whisper from the people profiting. Now they are the cheerleaders and sales force for Pharma.

We should not have expected anything else.

10 users have voted.


for the R&D of vaccines/certain companies reap the profit. According to an article in the Intercept, taxpayers footed 10.5 billion for vaccine development but the policy-makers insure;

private corporations as the sole owners of vaccine technology, with the final say over the price and production level.

The success of the vaccine has been an unprecedented financial windfall for vaccine makers. A recent report from the People’s Vaccine Alliance, a group that favors that creation of a generic vaccine, found that Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna are earning combined profits of $65,000 every minute. Pfizer alone will bring in $33.5 billion from its vaccine this year, making it one of the bestselling drug products ever produced.

Except the vaccine is not a success, and taxpayers now are left footing their own healthcare bills from vaccine injury.
edited for clarity

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snoopydawg's picture

Pfizer is testing the vaccine on babies as young as 6 months and says that they are asking for authorization for a 3rd booster for kids after finding there were no deaths…I just can’t!

CB posted info on what Pfizer found during its testing yesterday and I excerpted a bit. You should read the whole thing. That Fauci and the government is allowing this to happen is just beyond any words I can print. History won’t be…or hell. No one’s going to write the true history because the winners write their own propaganda.

Icymi the 6th circuit has reversed the stall on Biden’s mandates. It’s going to come down to the supremes and I’m not sure that they will kill it dead.

11 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture

Italian Institute of Health Drastically Reduces Its Official COVID Death Toll Number

Changes definition of COVID death from ‘with COVID’ to ‘by COVID’.

The Italian Higher Institute of Health has drastically reduced the country’s official COVID death toll number by over 97 per cent after changing the definition of a fatality to someone who died from COVID rather than with COVID.

Italian newspaper Il Tempo reports that the Institute has revised downward the number of people who have died from COVID rather than with COVID from 130,000 to under 4,000.

“Yes, you read that right. Turns out 97.1% of deaths hitherto attributed to Covid were not due directly to Covid,” writes Toby Young.

Of the of the 130,468 deaths registered as official COVID deaths since the start of the pandemic, only 3,783 are directly attributable to the virus alone.

“All the other Italians who lost their lives had from between one and five pre-existing diseases. Of those aged over 67 who died, 7% had more than three co-morbidities, and 18% at least two,” writes Young.

“According to the Institute, 65.8% of Italians who died after being infected with Covid were ill with arterial hypertension (high blood pressure), 23.5% had dementia, 29.3% had diabetes, and 24.8% atrial fibrillation. Add to that, 17.4% had lung problems, 16.3% had had cancer in the last five years and 15.7% suffered from previous heart failures.”

The Institute’s new definition of a COVID death means that COVID has killed fewer people in Italy than (whisper it) the average bout of seasonal flu.

If a similar change were made by other national governments, the official COVID death toll would be cut by a margin of greater than 90 per cent.


Democrats recently held a candlelight vigil for the 800,000 people who died from or with Covid. Wow how touching huh? Imagine how many people could actually still be alive if they had easy access to health care all through their lives. But shhh..they ain’t interested in those people because it brings attention to their being whores to the insurance-medical complex.

12 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

to put the prospect of a vaccine mandate to a vote:

they collected 125,000 signatures, which is 25,000 more than what is required by law to put issues to a nationwide vote.

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zed2's picture

A third of India's economy comes from being the back office of the world, and basically the biggest labor provider in the world. Many multinational corporations, huge profitable businesses would grind to a halt without their Indian IT workforces.

At the very least they would have to spend trillions educating people they dont spend much on now.

A pandemic every few years from some mutating coronavirus is another cost, for sure. Also virus boosters and travel restrictions.

Another cost is higher wages without low cost workers. Also people would demand unions, higher "minimum" wages, days off at least once a week, environmental toxin laws, and so on. The world would go back to the 1980s .

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CB's picture

COVID Mass Psychosis & Gov Lies Are Creating An Authoritarian Future

Joining me today (12/17/21) is Dr. Chris Martenson, here to discuss the many different lies surrounding the COVID-19 narrative and how these lies created a mass psychosis in a large portion of the population. This then led to the abuse of that psychosis (ironically under a guise of health) to drive the masses into accepting an authoritarian future, which they are now being convinced is not only in their best interest but also a foregone conclusion -- so we should just resign ourselves to their New Normal.

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snoopydawg's picture



The fact is that people were told that if they got jabbed you were not going to get sick. Biden is still saying that as of yesterday. But some did get sick with delta because there was more of a viral load with it. Now omicron is going to be even higher which is what Malone said would happen. It’s ADE which he discusses on the 2nd episode of the revealed series. I watched it this morning. It’s what happens when you do mass vax during an epidemic. Which Fauci also said was a possibility. People shouldn’t be so oh well about getting sick. They should be absolutely pissed at Fauci et all for not being honest about it. Plus they should be livid about his denying early treatments. Lots of people would still be alive if he had.

Imagine if the polio vaccine let so many people get infected with it anyway. And many got sick.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

CB's picture

in people who are vaccinated or boosted.

Stunning Covid data from Denmark
But not for the reason you've been told; the story is vaccine failure, not Omicron
Alex Berenson

The Danes are now publishing extremely detailed daily data about Covid cases and hospitalizations - not just about Omicron, but all Covid variants.
Most new Covid cases in Denmark occur in people who are vaccinated or boosted - and that is true for both Omicron and earlier variants. More than 76 percent of non-Omicron Covid infections in Denmark are in vaccinated people, along with about 90 percent of Omicron infections.
Perhaps the most stunning fact about Omicron and Denmark is that its rise actually parallels a marked slowdown in the growth of Danish hospitalizations and intensive care patients. Those rose roughly fivefold between mid-October and late November, as the Danes left the happy vaccine valley. Since then they have barely budged, rising about 20 percent.

About the only reason for concern in any of the Danish data is that Omicron still appears to be preferentially infecting younger people - though not people under 15, who are more likely to be unvaccinated.

Overall, though, the figures out of Denmark largely back those from South Africa - and make clear that the reason that Europe has seen a massive rise in cases and hospitalizations this fall has nothing to do with Omicron and everything to do with vaccine failure.

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snoopydawg's picture


Glad to hear that you are reading Alex. He puts out good stuff. And here’s more confirmation that vaccines are not preventing deaths in England. I wondered how they would cover up the ADE and wouldn’t you know it looks like they have found one. More and more people who have been jabbed numerous times are getting infected and sick. And more people are not taking the booster because of the side effects getting worse.

With the vaccinated population accounting for 6 in every 10 Covid-19 cases, 6 in every 10 Covid-19 hospitalisations, and 8 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths, is there really any justification for the talk that has now started in the mainstream media around mandatory vaccinations in the UK, following the lead of Austria, Greece, Germany, and soon enough France?

Is there any justification for the vaccine passports that have been imposed in Scotland and Wales, and now England?

Is there any justification for restrictions being placed on the unvaccinated population, such as forcing them to be tested and isolate at home for 10 days if a close contact of an alleged confirmed infection, whilst the vaccinated can roam free?

The Covid-19 injections do not prevent infection.

The Covid-19 injections do not prevent transmission.

According to the data it does not look like they prevent hospitalisation or death either.

The only thing that the Covid-19 injections currently prevent is the respect of the basic human rights afforded to every person prior to 2020.

Will this wake people up to see what is happening? I hope so before it’s too late.

6 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg was one of the most faithful of ruling power sycophants.

This is very surprising and welcome.

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snoopydawg's picture


I didn’t know who he was. Now that guy from CNBC can get it and maybe he will stop saying that the military should hold down every unvaxxed person and jab them.

6 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg back in the day.

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SNL has canceled the audience for its last show of 2021.

Rumour is that Lorne tested positive.

The musical guest has also been canceled and the show will have limited cast and crew.

from the NBC statement:SNL Nixes Live Studio Audience Due to Omicron Spike, Charli XCX No Longer Performing — Read Statements
By Nick Caruso / December 18 2021, 1:45 PM PST

The show must go on, as they say, but this time, Saturday Night Live is forging ahead without its usual live studio audience.

With yet another COVID-19 variant spreading throughout New York City and the world, the sketch comedy series is scrapping its in-studio audience for the episode airing tonight, Saturday, Dec. 18, and will also be limiting the amount of cast and crew on set. The news was shared by the series on its official social channels late Saturday afternoon.

“Due to the recent spike in the Omicron variant and out of an abundance of caution, there will be no live audience for tonight’s taping of Saturday Night Live and the show will have limited cast and crew,” reads the series’ official statement. “The show continues to follow all government safety guidelines in addition to a rigorous testing protocol.”

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snoopydawg's picture

She details what happened in the Holocaust and compares it to what is happening now. I haven’t seen anything this powerful and horrifying yet. Who the first victims were and how every aspect of the medical establishment was complicit in it. How many doctors are just doing what they are told to and ignoring what remdisiver is doing to people? How many doctors know that vancomycin is very harsh on the kidneys, but are using it anyway? How many of them are just not interested in finding ways to treat the Rona and poo poo those who are?

I’ve linked to this writer before and here’s another essay she has put out that I think is worth a read. I’m still working my way through it.

Pass the Butter … And, Umm, How About That Democide?

Imagine the Holocaust is happening again. Only this time, it’s on a planetary scale. And there aren’t any Allies coming to the rescue—because they’re just as guilty as the Axis.

Then imagine you have incontrovertible proof that mass extermination is occurring, and it has been devised by megalomaniacal self-styled gods; patented and formulated by pharmaceutical megacorporations; imposed by governments (or else) and official agencies; implemented by hospitals, doctors, and the medical community; and covered up by mainstream media and Big Tech.

Lots of links in the article I’m not linking. If you’re interested you can click them.

Actually I think if you just watch it that far you will watch the whole thing. She is asked what the goal is. Many of us already knew what it was. I have known for some time.

9 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture


has paid the media millions. Here’s a refresher.

6 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg between Nazi Germany and today are clear.

So is the economic point of view. Germans were not thriving as Hitler came to power and he promised peace and prosperity if the country agreed to sacrifice its weakest members and an entire community of rich and poor Jews. The weak were killed and the wealthy were robbed.

We, too, have a collapsing economy where fewer and fewer people get to live the middle class dreams that are part of our mythology.

It is not much of a leap to understand how easy it may be for the large disaffected, dissatisfied numbers of Americans to go along with a program that feeds their rage and fears.

The chances of stopping what we are seeing unfold are not good. Who watches a tape like this other than those who already understand what is happening?

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snoopydawg's picture


She already lived through Hitler and now she is seeing the same events unfolding again. As to this:

The chances of stopping what we are seeing unfold are not good. Who watches a tape like this other than those who already understand what is happening?

I don’t know. For one it’s good to know that others are seeing what I’m seeing and many are in a position to do something about it. But I have no answers how to get others to watch it. Margaret says just to blurt it out because it’s the right thing to do, but it doesn’t help if people aren’t willing to listen. When someone repeats the party line to me I carefully try to see if I can push back a little, but most aren’t interested in deviating from their beliefs so I just nod along and keep my mouth shut. It’s that horse and water conundrum. Look at how many people stuck to the Russia Gate narrative no matter how much information against it came out. I don’t blame anyone for it because of the years long propaganda campaign that is hard to see through. I got caught up in Q anon at the beginning, but when it got too weird I was able to bail on it. Others just kept going. And the propaganda on this is very heavy. I read something that tries to suck me in like how bad things are in hospitals and I can feel myself getting scared, but then I read something else and calm down again. Imagine only being scared. The media has had lots of practice ramping up fear. Wish I had some answers to how to get others to at least start questioning the narrative.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg .

Godwin's law, short for Godwin's law (or rule) of Nazi analogies, is an Internet adage asserting that as an online discussion grows longer (regardless of topic or scope), the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Adolf Hitler approaches 1.

Smug, snide, faux-cutsie, world weary and above all else condescending.

In 2004, I made a message board post entitled, "That Nazi Moment." As often happens to my particular style of internet rhetoric, I stirred up some opposition with it along with an unusual for me outpouring of support. The piece got cross posted to Democratic Underground and many other places.

It made no accusation that Bush was Hitler or that his policies were Nazi. Instead, it asked the question of what it would take to make a rational person decide that we are facing a regime -- whether Bush or a Democrat -- with totalitarian ambitions? I asked the reader to imagine themself in Dresden or Munich or Berlin in 1933. The Nazis never said, "Hey folks! We are going to start a war with about 20 or so countries for the purpose of ruling the world. Meanwhile, we plan to exterminate all the Jews on the planet." So, what would clue you or anybody in about the gap between words and deeds?

From there I spelled out the possibility that the "War on Terror" might really be a war on the American way of life. As of then, there were plenty of hints, but nothing concrete to "prove" that the Bush Administration was engaged in a concerted effort to implement Orwell's 1984.

This lady is now facing her Second Nazi Moment. I can just see the Establishment spin on this obviously delusional old lady who does not even know how naive she is to violate Godwin's Law.

For me, it was the Horse Paste joke on Saturday Night Live that showed how Comcast was now planting preposterous propaganda into the text of entertainment programming. Since then, the examples are piling up like December snowfalls. I went from skeptic to opponent with that really lame joke.

The pain of looking a Nazi Moment in the face deters most people from doing so. It damn sure is not a pleasant experience, and we should not get mad at people who have not been able to make themselves face this nightmare.

We have to be patient with them. Unless somebody knows how to pull a rabbit out the hat and stop this nightmare somehow.

8 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

snoopydawg's picture

@fire with fire

we should not get mad at people who have not been able to make themselves face this nightmare.

I said that down thread. I do not blame anyone for not seeing everything that is going on. Not when we have been subjected to so much propaganda and outright lying from our government.

But there are a lot of Jews who are saying what Vera says in the video.

4 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

CB's picture

@fire with fire
The only difference is the lack of the goose-step.

3 users have voted.

@fire with fire of the moment we are in and the future we are facing seem to be very similar.

What to do, if anything, that will help is my big question.

The best answer I can come up with is the same one Lookout and others here have been talking about for a long time.


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studentofearth's picture

@snoopydawg as the starting point of genocide of undesirables in Europe is accurate. It built the momentum to move forward to other targeted population groups as forced laborers (slaves) for industry, infrastructure projects or subjects for medical experimentation until no longer useful. If not useful simply eliminate. Individuals who objected or tried to stop the momentum were often caught up in the purge of undesirables.

It was a world wide genocide. Genocidal deaths were not limited to Europe or the Jewish population during world war II.

The Soviet Union is estimated to have suffered the highest number of WWII casualties. As many as 27 million Soviets lost their lives, with as many as 11.4 million military deaths joined by up to 10 million civilian deaths due to military activity and an additional 8 million to 9 million deaths due to famine and disease.
China is estimated to have endured the second-highest number of total casualties in WWII. As many as 20 million people died in China, including up to 3.75 million military deaths and 18.19 million civilian deaths. That said, because both China and the Soviet Union were wracked by famine and disease during the war, some experts believe the countries' civilian casualty numbers may be significantly underestimated.

6 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

@studentofearth The medical community is in the forefront of our current state.

Research I did on breast cancer as a for-profit phenomenon back in the 1990's convinced me of that.

5 users have voted.


zed2's picture

Lets not mislead people as to real genocide by calling things that are not genocide it.

There were ties between prominent Jews and fascism, particularly in South America. Scarily so.

Many of the Germans were fans of the "Austrian ecconomics"

the group mentioned in Quinn Slobodian's Globalists book. They wanted a world government of by and for the rich, everywhere, that excluded voters. Voting weigned by wealth,l similar to what we are heading towards today.
edit: added info on September 22, 1979 possible nuclear test by unknown actor, possibly South Africa Israel of or Taiwan (under KMT)

Hitler may have survived WWII and its said was transported to and hidden in Paraguay.

The video is about the so called "Emergency" in Kenya where huge numbers of Kenyans were killed and tortured for the crime of resisting the theft of their country by the British and attempts to hold the surviving perpetrators responsible and bring them to justice.

The so called "Emrgency" was a rrebellion by Kenyans against the Brtish business as usual in "their Empire" a genocide by the British who wanted to steal the entire country of Kenya - all its land. And many other countries endured the same to various degrees, including our own. Including in Kenya where as many as 300,000 people were mercilessly killed in brutal concentration camps by racist British barbarians. . . Fascism is the worship of power and force makes right. Militarism, fetishism of inequality.


Also, South Africa had built at least six nuclear weapons by 1994, There was an unexplained double flash in the middle of the South Atlantic on September 22 1979. Its unknown if it was a nuclear flash and other data may be consistent with a nuclear test in the South Atlantic. South Africa is supposed to have dismantled its atomic weapons while handling over power to the black majority government. did they? Taiwan also may have developed a nuclear capability at around the same time.

1 user has voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Let’s go Fauci!

9 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg Requirements. Not mandates. For the good of...that is up for debate.
Fauci had problems with Trump, now problems with good Democrats. Poor guy.

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

zed2's picture

The price of narcissistic people in government is bad government often with catastrophic outcomes for countries. Narcissists make the very worst "leaders" Its NOT just that they are recognizably, obviously delusional.

2 users have voted.
CB's picture

are the psychopaths that gravitate towards positions of power and control.

The Startling Accuracy of Referring to Politicians as 'Psychopaths'

The characteristics that define clinical psychopathy are many of the same that make effective leaders.
In his landmark book on psychopathy, The Mask of Sanity, researcher Hervey Cleckley theorized that some people with the core attributes of psychopathy -- egocentricity, lack of remorse, superficial charm -- could be found in nearly every walk of life and at every level, including politics. Robert Hare, perhaps the leading expert on the disorder and the person who developed the most commonly used test for diagnosing psychopathy, has noted that psychopaths generally have a heightened need for power and prestige -- exactly the type of urges that make politics an attractive calling.

There is more at work than just the drive to seek office, though; psychopaths may have some peculiar talents for it, as well. Research has shown that disorder may confer certain advantages that make psychopaths particularly suited to a life on the public stage and able to handle high-pressure situations: psychopaths score low on measures of stress reactivity, anxiety and depression, and high on measures of competitive achievement, positive impressions on first encounters, and fearlessness. Sound like the description of a successful politician and leader?

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