Brown University study shows major declines in kids' cognitive ability coinciding w/plandemic (as if there weren't enough problems in those areas before all this).
They explained: 'Comparing yearly mean scores since 2011, controlling for age, gender, demographic, and socioeconomic indicators, we find striking evidence of declining overall cognitive functioning in children beginning in 2020 and continuing through 2021.
'We find that males appear significantly more impacted than females, and that higher socioeconomic status (SES, as measured by maternal education) helps buffer against this negative impact.
'On a more individual level, we examined longitudinal pre and during-pandemic trends in the same children from 2018 to 2021, again finding declines in ability in 2020 and 2021.'
The study's findings come as parents across the globe grapple with the idea that wearing masks may interfere with the natural learning experiences and communication skills of their young children.
omicron = moronic. Certainly the hysteria around the variant is just that.
NY Gov. Hochul declared a State of Emergency out of thin air, with not even a single “case” of omicron detected in the entire state of New York. No physical infections are needed to spread fear since this is psycho-bio-warfare, meaning it requires nothing rooted in reality.
But I cannot say whther it is tinfoil hat territory or the same way it seems to me---My view plus Drama.
NYC dreary and cold.
Trees full of green leaves.
NOT beginning to seem a lot like Christmas. Not to mention that Hanukkah started in November this year.
If getting us to lose our grip is the Fear Merchants primary objective, they are getting a lot of cooperation from Nature and the lunar calendar this year. It is all a bit disorienting. To say the least.
omicron = moronic. Certainly the hysteria around the variant is just that.
NY Gov. Hochul declared a State of Emergency out of thin air, with not even a single “case” of omicron detected in the entire state of New York. No physical infections are needed to spread fear since this is psycho-bio-warfare, meaning it requires nothing rooted in reality.
omicron = moronic. Certainly the hysteria around the variant is just that.
NY Gov. Hochul declared a State of Emergency out of thin air, with not even a single “case” of omicron detected in the entire state of New York. No physical infections are needed to spread fear since this is psycho-bio-warfare, meaning it requires nothing rooted in reality.
a state of emergency would allow her to import nurses from the foreign countries to make up for any nurses shortages. Fire long term medical staff and bring in new ones that can get paid lower wages. No one person should have too much power and it’s why many state legislators have been passing legislation so they can’t. I agree with it as long as they keep politics out of it.
omicron = moronic. Certainly the hysteria around the variant is just that.
NY Gov. Hochul declared a State of Emergency out of thin air, with not even a single “case” of omicron detected in the entire state of New York. No physical infections are needed to spread fear since this is psycho-bio-warfare, meaning it requires nothing rooted in reality.
In one corner, led by historian Mary Beard and the classics wielding the Iliad, are the ancient Greek devotees. In the other, there is the UKTN, the World Health Organization and most of modern Greece.
It is the linguistic equivalent of the Battle of Troy. And the reason for the fight? How to pronounce the name of the new variant of the coronavirus.
The battle lines were first drawn when the UKTN used “OM-mee-cron”.
“I am NOT a former technical linguist. But I find it a little strange that UKTN News says omicron with the accent on the first syllable, ”Mary Beard tweeted.
A Telegraph The reader added: “Obviously no one at UKTN News has done Greek at school, given the news readers’ mispronunciation of the new variant, which looks like ‘ommicron’,” he said. -he writes.
“The correct pronunciation is ‘oh-my-cron’, with the emphasis on the second syllable.”
“But the modern Greeks have given up along o. So, oh-mike-ron, this is how they would have said it in ancient greek, but it seems to me that for english now it makes sense to say oh-mee-cron, like what say the Greeks today.
Others agreed, including Professor Aris Katzourakis, an Oxford professor who is not only a leading voice on the evolution of Sars-CoV-2, but a Greek speaker born in London, thanks to his Greek parents. .
He said English speakers should aim for “oh-me-cron, with an emphasis on the o”.
In some ways, he said, the pronunciation question was much simpler than the questions he was asked about the variant itself: how transmissible it is, how dangerous it is, and how dangerous it is. she may escape vaccines.
are in Full Omicron 24/7 reporting mode.
Meanwhile, there is Not even a single case of reported Omicron Virus reported in the City or the State.
In one corner, led by historian Mary Beard and the classics wielding the Iliad, are the ancient Greek devotees. In the other, there is the UKTN, the World Health Organization and most of modern Greece.
It is the linguistic equivalent of the Battle of Troy. And the reason for the fight? How to pronounce the name of the new variant of the coronavirus.
The battle lines were first drawn when the UKTN used “OM-mee-cron”.
“I am NOT a former technical linguist. But I find it a little strange that UKTN News says omicron with the accent on the first syllable, ”Mary Beard tweeted.
A Telegraph The reader added: “Obviously no one at UKTN News has done Greek at school, given the news readers’ mispronunciation of the new variant, which looks like ‘ommicron’,” he said. -he writes.
“The correct pronunciation is ‘oh-my-cron’, with the emphasis on the second syllable.”
“But the modern Greeks have given up along o. So, oh-mike-ron, this is how they would have said it in ancient greek, but it seems to me that for english now it makes sense to say oh-mee-cron, like what say the Greeks today.
Others agreed, including Professor Aris Katzourakis, an Oxford professor who is not only a leading voice on the evolution of Sars-CoV-2, but a Greek speaker born in London, thanks to his Greek parents. .
He said English speakers should aim for “oh-me-cron, with an emphasis on the o”.
In some ways, he said, the pronunciation question was much simpler than the questions he was asked about the variant itself: how transmissible it is, how dangerous it is, and how dangerous it is. she may escape vaccines.
In one corner, led by historian Mary Beard and the classics wielding the Iliad, are the ancient Greek devotees. In the other, there is the UKTN, the World Health Organization and most of modern Greece.
It is the linguistic equivalent of the Battle of Troy. And the reason for the fight? How to pronounce the name of the new variant of the coronavirus.
The battle lines were first drawn when the UKTN used “OM-mee-cron”.
“I am NOT a former technical linguist. But I find it a little strange that UKTN News says omicron with the accent on the first syllable, ”Mary Beard tweeted.
A Telegraph The reader added: “Obviously no one at UKTN News has done Greek at school, given the news readers’ mispronunciation of the new variant, which looks like ‘ommicron’,” he said. -he writes.
“The correct pronunciation is ‘oh-my-cron’, with the emphasis on the second syllable.”
“But the modern Greeks have given up along o. So, oh-mike-ron, this is how they would have said it in ancient greek, but it seems to me that for english now it makes sense to say oh-mee-cron, like what say the Greeks today.
Others agreed, including Professor Aris Katzourakis, an Oxford professor who is not only a leading voice on the evolution of Sars-CoV-2, but a Greek speaker born in London, thanks to his Greek parents. .
He said English speakers should aim for “oh-me-cron, with an emphasis on the o”.
In some ways, he said, the pronunciation question was much simpler than the questions he was asked about the variant itself: how transmissible it is, how dangerous it is, and how dangerous it is. she may escape vaccines.
6 users have voted.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
it was reported from SA. Just like it was in Italy earlier than the Wuhan outbreak. Weird though that the media didn’t tell us then how many countries found it in theirs like they are doing hourly or how many cases. Some people who tested positive for it were fully jabbed, but the PTB are telling everyone to get jabbed so they won’t get it. Everyone above 18 should get a booster regardless if they need it or not. When people first started getting jabbed the 2 shot sequence was spaced further apart, but kids are getting their 2nd dose just 2 weeks apart. What changed for their dose?
are in Full Omicron 24/7 reporting mode.
Meanwhile, there is Not even a single case of reported Omicron Virus reported in the City or the State.
Madness. Lunacy.
10 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
and the pope, there is a glaring problem. I have lost any approval for the last popes as they fail to go after let alone acknowledge pedophiles in the church.
And lately, wish I had captured where, while certain archbishops and other authorities in the church condemn the forced, coerced 'vaccinations', the pope and Fauci are friends. Lord love a duck. Or man, oh man, as we say in the Pacific Northwest.
Beyond belief how so many in power are friends across the planet. Damaging the planet ecosystem and the species living on it including people.
10 users have voted.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
and FWIW: New Omicron variant could spell end for Covid-19 pandemic – top Russian scientist,, 30 Nov, 2021
note 'COULD'
In an interview published on Monday in Moscow tabloid KP, Anatoly Altshtein, a virologist at the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, which pioneered Russia’s Sputnik V jab, said that there it is still not clear how deadly or infectious the new Omicron variant might be. According to him, even if it does spread faster than its predecessor, known as Delta, it could take months to become the predominant form of the virus.
Even if that happens, he said, it’s not clear that Omicron means higher death tolls than at present. “Right now there are reasons to think that the Omicron variant could be less pathogenic,” he went on, meaning less able to cause harmful infection.
Explaining the science behind the hypothesis, Altshtein said that “we already see Omicron has many mutations, more than Delta. More than thirty-thousand in a single gene of its spike protein. This is too many, and it means the virus has an unstable genome. As a rule, this sort of infectious agent becomes less dangerous, because evolutionarily, an overwhelming number of mutations leads to a weakening of the virus’s ability to cause disease.”
Russia has registered a record number of Covid-19 deaths almost every day for several weeks, as the country grapples with a sharp rise in cases. The government has said that the rising mortality rate is due to the fact only around 40% of the population has been vaccinated, urging citizens to sign up for jabs. The country’s parliament is now considering proposals to mandate proof of vaccination for those using public transport, eating in restaurants and cafes or attending mass events nationwide.
as "the deadliest sin ever". We have NEVER used mass global vaccination at this massive a scale EVER. Geert Vanden Bossche warns of deadly consequences for humanity. Maybe the unvaxxed with their acquired innate immunity will be the eventual genetic winners?
‘Omicron is more infectious!’ ‘Omicron causes a milder course of disease!’ ‘Omicron escapes vaccine- mediated immunity!’ ‘Omicron has an astonishing number of mutations within the spike (S) protein!’ ‘Omicron will kill itself since it has too many mutations; these will end up incapacitating viral replication!’ ‘Omicron is ominous.’ ‘Omicron is harmless.’ ‘Omicron was bred by an HIV patient.’ ‘South-Africa is to be blamed for spreading Omicron!’ ‘Regardless of all the above, we need new vaccines: anti-Omicron vaccines! Such vaccines will tame Omicron, put a halt to the pandemic and force Omicron into endemicity!’
Neither Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) nor public health (PH) understand anything related to the evolutionary kinetics of this pandemic; this hasn’t changed at all with the appearance of Omicron. Hard- core scientists spend much time on the molecular stamp collection of a plethora of steadily arising SARS- CoV-2 variants but can’t see the forest for the trees. Clinicians are puzzled by the different manifestations of the disease. The vaccine industry doesn’t care about any of the above as long as they can sell a product carrying a name (‘vaccine’) that will soon be banned from the medical vade mecum.
Mass vaccination promotes viral resistance to C-19 vaccines. Viral resistance drives enhanced infectiousness of SARS-CoV-2 (e.g., Omicron) and may ultimately enable SARS-CoV-2 to utilize alternative cell surface determinants to enter permissive cells.
It is undeniable that mass vaccination will only drive the virus to fully exploit its evolutionary capacity, including – if needed – its ability to use alternate receptor domains on permissive cells. The fitness cost that may come with such a dramatic mutation is likely to be rewarded with enhanced pathogenicity. I am truly afraid that these dynamics will eventually allow for the natural selection of individuals with uncompromised innate immunity while eliminating those without it. While such natural selection would lead to an eradication of SARS-CoV-2 as innate immunity sterilizes the virus and blocks transmission, the consequences would be unimaginable – the price paid for ending the pandemic by virus eradication is not comparable to the one paid for by generating herd immunity and allowing the virus to enter an endemic state. Those who are enforcing mass vaccination are opting for the former instead of the latter, an act that will be remembered as the deadliest sin ever.
I am truly afraid that these dynamics will eventually allow for the natural selection of individuals with uncompromised innate immunity while eliminating those without it.
I admit that I don’t completely understand what he’s saying except that he has been saying it for some time as have many others. They have been saying that you don’t mass vaccinate during an epidemic because it forces the virus to change into more dangerous ways than if it was allowed to burn itself out and especially using ones that aren’t sterilizing. It looks like that was what it was doing just before the vaccines were rolled out if the numbers were accurate. Now since more and more people are getting jabbed the numbers are going up daily in states and countries that have high vaccination rates. Vermont is one. Israel, Gibraltar are some of the others. I can’t believe that scientists working for Pfizer don’t know what he’s saying.
People have relied on their immune systems to combat viruses for centuries and yes lots of people have died during previous epidemics, but they didn’t have access to the drugs we do today such as antibiotics and the other drugs that some doctors have been using to keep their patients alive. How badly are they affecting people’s natural immune systems for future viruses? I’m being called anti vax by people who have forgotten or have closed their minds to science.
as "the deadliest sin ever". We have NEVER used mass global vaccination at this massive a scale EVER. Geert Vanden Bossche warns of deadly consequences for humanity. Maybe the unvaxxed with their acquired innate immunity will be the eventual genetic winners?
‘Omicron is more infectious!’ ‘Omicron causes a milder course of disease!’ ‘Omicron escapes vaccine- mediated immunity!’ ‘Omicron has an astonishing number of mutations within the spike (S) protein!’ ‘Omicron will kill itself since it has too many mutations; these will end up incapacitating viral replication!’ ‘Omicron is ominous.’ ‘Omicron is harmless.’ ‘Omicron was bred by an HIV patient.’ ‘South-Africa is to be blamed for spreading Omicron!’ ‘Regardless of all the above, we need new vaccines: anti-Omicron vaccines! Such vaccines will tame Omicron, put a halt to the pandemic and force Omicron into endemicity!’
Neither Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) nor public health (PH) understand anything related to the evolutionary kinetics of this pandemic; this hasn’t changed at all with the appearance of Omicron. Hard- core scientists spend much time on the molecular stamp collection of a plethora of steadily arising SARS- CoV-2 variants but can’t see the forest for the trees. Clinicians are puzzled by the different manifestations of the disease. The vaccine industry doesn’t care about any of the above as long as they can sell a product carrying a name (‘vaccine’) that will soon be banned from the medical vade mecum.
Mass vaccination promotes viral resistance to C-19 vaccines. Viral resistance drives enhanced infectiousness of SARS-CoV-2 (e.g., Omicron) and may ultimately enable SARS-CoV-2 to utilize alternative cell surface determinants to enter permissive cells.
It is undeniable that mass vaccination will only drive the virus to fully exploit its evolutionary capacity, including – if needed – its ability to use alternate receptor domains on permissive cells. The fitness cost that may come with such a dramatic mutation is likely to be rewarded with enhanced pathogenicity. I am truly afraid that these dynamics will eventually allow for the natural selection of individuals with uncompromised innate immunity while eliminating those without it. While such natural selection would lead to an eradication of SARS-CoV-2 as innate immunity sterilizes the virus and blocks transmission, the consequences would be unimaginable – the price paid for ending the pandemic by virus eradication is not comparable to the one paid for by generating herd immunity and allowing the virus to enter an endemic state. Those who are enforcing mass vaccination are opting for the former instead of the latter, an act that will be remembered as the deadliest sin ever.
7 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Lambda variant is in California: cause for concern?
The Delta variant of Covid-19 continues to dominate in Riverside County but new variants are emerging, including the Lambda variant, which is now in California.
Experts say Lambda could be more infectious and resistant to vaccines than the initial coronavirus strain, but it isn't yet called a "variant of concern" in the U.S. or by the World Health Organization.
The mandatory vaccine narrative has been too preposterous to take seriously for the last several weeks, and this forgotten factoid gives a clear example of how the politicians and the main stream media have changed their tune rather dramatically. Instead of let's take note of the new variant to make an informed decision based on the lessons taught by reality as happened with lamda, now the governor of New York declares her own State of Emergency over omicron.
They cannot put lipstick on this Illogic Pig by saying that omicron is scarier. Lambda came from Peru which has had the highest fatality percentage in the world by a very wide margin.
With lambda, the authorities could still wait and see what the threat really was -- as of just four months ago. But now we set our collective hair on fire on the basis of the appearance of a new letter -- with no other information necessary.
So what changed since the summer? The vaccine story has collapsed, culminating with Fauci confirming that there is no stopping the pandemic. That leads to a painfully obvious hole in the Authority Story. As always for the promulgators of propaganda, this calls not for a rebuttal or an explanation -- but instead for a Changing of the Subject.
Twenty months in, there can be no doubt that the Authority Story will not change and that facts are irrelevant to the Story. This does not say a word about how good or not-so-good the vaccines may be. It says the people running the show are liars hiding some other agenda.
As soon as you speculate as to what that agenda might be, they swarm you with your inability to
prove your points. I never speculate as to where this bullshit is going.
But it is bullshit. Just like the sinking of the Maine, the Lusitania, the Maddox and the Turner Joy; just like the babies taken from incubators in Kuwait and the weapons of mass destruction stockpiled in Iraq; just like the plot hatched by Vladimir Putin to install Trump as President; just like the never substantiated claims of Trump and some his supporters that mail-in ballots cheated him of re-election; just like the outcome of the Democratic Primaries of 2016 and 2000 -- just as ever, Bullshit Rules in the United States of America.
I confess that I never imagined Bullshit at this level of absurdity and brazenness. It is the scale of Bullshit that is making it work as well as it has so far. It is built around the age-old dismissal of Conspiracy Theory: It would take too many people in too many places to pull off such a massive fraud!
It has occurred to me over the last few weeks as the Bullshit piles deeper and deeper that the corollary to that little chunk of off-the-shelf rhetoric is very true: When most of the governments of the world and virtually all news platforms with significant reach are telling the same set of lies in support of the same set of outcomes while trying to silence all opposition, that is too many people being involved for it NOT to be a conspiracy.
10 users have voted.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
The vaccine story has collapsed, culminating with Fauci confirming that there is no stopping the pandemic
Fauci has admitted that vaccines will not get us to herd immunity so there is no reason to mandate everyone get one. He has also admitted that they don’t stop one from getting infected which used to be the goal for people getting vaccinated under the true sense of the word. And it’s why they have changed the definition of what vaccines are supposed to do. They used to prevent getting infected, but now not so much. We are living in the modern day version of 1984 where words are changed daily to fit the current narrative and too many people are just fine with it. Amazing.
Lambda variant is in California: cause for concern?
The Delta variant of Covid-19 continues to dominate in Riverside County but new variants are emerging, including the Lambda variant, which is now in California.
Experts say Lambda could be more infectious and resistant to vaccines than the initial coronavirus strain, but it isn't yet called a "variant of concern" in the U.S. or by the World Health Organization.
The mandatory vaccine narrative has been too preposterous to take seriously for the last several weeks, and this forgotten factoid gives a clear example of how the politicians and the main stream media have changed their tune rather dramatically. Instead of let's take note of the new variant to make an informed decision based on the lessons taught by reality as happened with lamda, now the governor of New York declares her own State of Emergency over omicron.
They cannot put lipstick on this Illogic Pig by saying that omicron is scarier. Lambda came from Peru which has had the highest fatality percentage in the world by a very wide margin.
With lambda, the authorities could still wait and see what the threat really was -- as of just four months ago. But now we set our collective hair on fire on the basis of the appearance of a new letter -- with no other information necessary.
So what changed since the summer? The vaccine story has collapsed, culminating with Fauci confirming that there is no stopping the pandemic. That leads to a painfully obvious hole in the Authority Story. As always for the promulgators of propaganda, this calls not for a rebuttal or an explanation -- but instead for a Changing of the Subject.
Twenty months in, there can be no doubt that the Authority Story will not change and that facts are irrelevant to the Story. This does not say a word about how good or not-so-good the vaccines may be. It says the people running the show are liars hiding some other agenda.
As soon as you speculate as to what that agenda might be, they swarm you with your inability to
prove your points. I never speculate as to where this bullshit is going.
But it is bullshit. Just like the sinking of the Maine, the Lusitania, the Maddox and the Turner Joy; just like the babies taken from incubators in Kuwait and the weapons of mass destruction stockpiled in Iraq; just like the plot hatched by Vladimir Putin to install Trump as President; just like the never substantiated claims of Trump and some his supporters that mail-in ballots cheated him of re-election; just like the outcome of the Democratic Primaries of 2016 and 2000 -- just as ever, Bullshit Rules in the United States of America.
I confess that I never imagined Bullshit at this level of absurdity and brazenness. It is the scale of Bullshit that is making it work as well as it has so far. It is built around the age-old dismissal of Conspiracy Theory: It would take too many people in too many places to pull off such a massive fraud!
It has occurred to me over the last few weeks as the Bullshit piles deeper and deeper that the corollary to that little chunk of off-the-shelf rhetoric is very true: When most of the governments of the world and virtually all news platforms with significant reach are telling the same set of lies in support of the same set of outcomes while trying to silence all opposition, that is too many people being involved for it NOT to be a conspiracy.
10 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It's time for people to wake up from the collective vaccine dream.
We will not jab our way out of this.
Preventative measures have potential.
No support from the medigods tho.
It is basically jab or die in their caricature of health care.
Sheesh, how stupid is this?
10 users have voted.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
It glues entire formations of airplanes together, in flight!
It's time for people to wake up from the collective vaccine dream.
We will not jab our way out of this.
Preventative measures have potential.
No support from the medigods tho.
It is basically jab or die in their caricature of health care.
Sheesh, how stupid is this?
The vaccine story has collapsed, culminating with Fauci confirming that there is no stopping the pandemic
Fauci has admitted that vaccines will not get us to herd immunity so there is no reason to mandate everyone get one. He has also admitted that they don’t stop one from getting infected which used to be the goal for people getting vaccinated under the true sense of the word. And it’s why they have changed the definition of what vaccines are supposed to do. They used to prevent getting infected, but now not so much. We are living in the modern day version of 1984 where words are changed daily to fit the current narrative and too many people are just fine with it. Amazing.
3 users have voted.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
It's time for people to wake up from the collective vaccine dream.
We will not jab our way out of this.
Preventative measures have potential.
No support from the medigods tho.
It is basically jab or die in their caricature of health care.
Sheesh, how stupid is this?
4 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
"The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies four of the top five counties with the highest percentage of fully vaccinated population (99.9–84.3%) as “high” transmission counties"
One week before, the COVID-19 case rate per 100.000 was higher among the subgroup of the vaccinated compared to the subgroup of the unvaccinated in all age groups of 30 years or more.
In Israel a nosocomial outbreak was reported involving 16 healthcare workers, 23 exposed patients and two family members. The source was a fully vaccinated COVID-19 patient. The vaccination rate was 96.2% among all exposed individuals (151 healthcare workers and 97 patients). Fourteen fully vaccinated patients became severely ill or died, the two unvaccinated patients developed mild disease []. The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies four of the top five counties with the highest percentage of fully vaccinated population (99.9–84.3%) as “high” transmission counties []. Many decisionmakers assume that the vaccinated can be excluded as a source of transmission. It appears to be grossly negligent to ignore the vaccinated population as a possible and relevant source of transmission when deciding about public health control measures.
Interesting ehh?
Even more mind boggling…
One triple vaxxed Israeli physician reportedly infected another triple vaxxed physician with the Omicron variant. Both have mild symptoms.
I can tell you it was in Western Washington the middle of November 2019. When I went to the doctor he recognized the symptoms as something he had seen before and labeled a strong virus that was going around. Not at all what they tell us on the TV.
in late December, 2019. That month, I was in Morocco, and international airports in Houston, Morocco, and Istanbul. By the time I saw my doctor, the flu portion was done, and the residual problem was 2 back to back bouts of double pneumonia.
The whole pneumonia problem lasted 4 to 5 months. It was my year of coughing and choking.
I can tell you it was in Western Washington the middle of November 2019. When I went to the doctor he recognized the symptoms as something he had seen before and labeled a strong virus that was going around. Not at all what they tell us on the TV.
7 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
It is a flu. Like what has been happening forever.
The fear factor is working well for both the pharma sales
and fit neatly into the ptb control faction aims.
If they were pushing preventative measures
it would not stink of agendas.
Just my .02 sense worth.
11 users have voted.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
— BlindFaithinGovernmentGaveCorruptionAGreenLight (@Simply1Earth) November 30, 2021
Guess that makes sense since I read that anyone who doesn’t get jabbed is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Yes I’m serious. They are traitors to the country because they refuse to get something that doesn’t keep them from getting infected or getting sick. I’m getting very tired of the jabber's attitude. Just because a person isn’t jabbed means that they are a walking petri dish of the Rona that’s going to infect every person who has been jabbed. But it’s what they think.
10 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
— BlindFaithinGovernmentGaveCorruptionAGreenLight (@Simply1Earth) November 30, 2021
Guess that makes sense since I read that anyone who doesn’t get jabbed is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Yes I’m serious. They are traitors to the country because they refuse to get something that doesn’t keep them from getting infected or getting sick. I’m getting very tired of the jabber's attitude. Just because a person isn’t jabbed means that they are a walking petri dish of the Rona that’s going to infect every person who has been jabbed. But it’s what they think.
9 users have voted.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
I could not find the names of the 5 highest countries with vacinnated people getting the plague. Also who is this Dr. Mercola? He is really vilified on FB and mainstream media.I follow and have for years The Organic Consummer Report. He posts there a lot. Seems that any person or org.that advocates for organic food or health alternatives that deviviate from 'the healthcare industry' are silenced or ridiculed as crack pot anti-vaxer, and dangerous narcissist's. Heatlhcare for profit is an oxymoron.
"The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies four of the top five counties with the highest percentage of fully vaccinated population (99.9–84.3%) as “high” transmission counties"
One week before, the COVID-19 case rate per 100.000 was higher among the subgroup of the vaccinated compared to the subgroup of the unvaccinated in all age groups of 30 years or more.
In Israel a nosocomial outbreak was reported involving 16 healthcare workers, 23 exposed patients and two family members. The source was a fully vaccinated COVID-19 patient. The vaccination rate was 96.2% among all exposed individuals (151 healthcare workers and 97 patients). Fourteen fully vaccinated patients became severely ill or died, the two unvaccinated patients developed mild disease []. The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies four of the top five counties with the highest percentage of fully vaccinated population (99.9–84.3%) as “high” transmission counties []. Many decisionmakers assume that the vaccinated can be excluded as a source of transmission. It appears to be grossly negligent to ignore the vaccinated population as a possible and relevant source of transmission when deciding about public health control measures.
Interesting ehh?
Even more mind boggling…
One triple vaxxed Israeli physician reportedly infected another triple vaxxed physician with the Omicron variant. Both have mild symptoms.
Notably, Israel with more than 60% of its population fully vaccinated, had the highest COVID cases per 1 million people during the seven-day period.
Iceland and Portugal, with more than 75% of their populations fully vaccinated, had more COVID cases per 1 million people than countries such as Vietnam and South Africa, where only about 10% of the population is fully vaccinated.
Across U.S. counties, the median new COVID cases per 100,000 people during the seven-day period was similar across the categories of percentage of population fully vaccinated.
The researchers found a substantial county variation in new COVID cases within categories of percentage of population fully vaccinated. There also appeared to be no significant signaling of COVID cases decreasing in counties where a higher percentages of the population was fully vaccinated.
Of the top five counties with the highest percentage of population fully vaccinated (99.9% – 84.3%), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identified four as “high” transmission counties.
Three of the four counties classified as “high” transmission had fully vaccinated rates of 90% or higher. Conversely, of the 57 counties classified as “low” transmission by the CDC, 15 had fully vaccinated rates of 20% or lower.
Add India and countries in the area that have low vaccination rates and lower cases. I think the UK is on the higher list too. I rarely see any information from France so I don’t know what is happening there, but they are on the passport bus.
#10#14 I could not find the names of the 5 highest countries with vacinnated people getting the plague. Also who is this Dr. Mercola? He is really vilified on FB and mainstream media.I follow and have for years The Organic Consummer Report. He posts there a lot. Seems that any person or org.that advocates for organic food or health alternatives that deviviate from 'the healthcare industry' are silenced or ridiculed as crack pot anti-vaxer, and dangerous narcissist's. Heatlhcare for profit is an oxymoron.
8 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
She is just helping the cover up scheme. But it all leads to mass importation of low paid high skill workers, to undermine the basis of a middle class all around the world. The middle class's allegedly "unrealistiuc expectations" frustrate the profits they claim entitlement to.
Jagdish Bhagwati has explained the economics of a free market in services (80% of the economy) We cant stand in the way, its prohibited.
If its effects are mild but create immunity it may even be helpful to the millions of people who have not been able to afford the approximately $20 wholesale cost of a vaccine in the poorer parts of the world. Unlikely but remotely possible.
I think its impossible to say until more time goes by and a larger record of the infections course becomes available
If so see the instructions how to do it. Hope that helps.
If its effects are mild but create immunity it may even be helpful to the millions of people who have not been able to afford the approximately $20 wholesale cost of a vaccine in the poorer parts of the world. Unlikely but remotely possible.
I think its impossible to say until more time goes by and a larger record of the infections course becomes available
2 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
in protecting vaccinated people from getting infected. You just need to look at Israel, Singapore, Portugal and other highly vaccinated countries that have used them in the preceeding 6-10 months. Another point is that many of the unvaccinated use prophylactics that have been efficacious in minimizing sickness and infectivity and thus are actually a less risk to society at large.
Mandates should NEVER be forced upon those that have gained natural immunity. These people are going to be the saviours of our society from this scourge.
A federal court on Monday temporarily blocked the Biden administration’s COVID vaccine mandate for health workers at hospitals that receive federal funding, providing a temporary reprieve for healthcare workers in 10 states who faced having to be fully vaccinated by Jan. 4, 2022, or lose their jobs.
The preliminary injunction pending trial prevents the Biden-Harris administration from enforcing the CMS mandate in the states of Missouri and Nebraska, Arkansas, Kansas, Iowa, Wyoming, Alaska, South Dakota, North Dakota and New Hampshire.
In his ruling, Judge Schelp wrote:
“The independent power of the states serves as a check on the power of the Federal Government: by denying any one government complete jurisdiction over all the concerns of public life, federalism protects the liberty of the individual from arbitrary power.”
The court’s findings of questionable short- and long-term vaccine efficacy and breakthrough disease transmission are long overdue.
Most exciting are the judge’s comments on CMS rejecting mandate alternatives in those with natural immunity acquired from a previous coronavirus infection.
That is probably why poorer children do much worse on standardized testing. A parent staying home with a child as well as physical contact both help too. A lot.
I always tell parents something like a snugli carrier is a good idea. Also fish oil increases a growing child's IQ because the infant brain, needs lots of n-3 FAs.
It only has a 30% chance of treating Covid and can be used only for high risk patients, but the clinical trials on it for a different disease showed that it causes cancer in animals. They won’t allow it to be used on pregnant women and kids for now. Meanwhile Fauci is still ignoring the 66 peer reviewed trials on ivermectin which has very rare side effects. Also Merck is gearing up their drugs that treat cancer so it’s a win-win for the stockholders. /s
Will be looking forward to the Licensing Board's response. There's a hell of a lot of information in this news release that is extremely pertinent to our conversations here in The DOSE. You need to read this!
In a letter to the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine, Dr. Meryl Nass, a practicing physician in Maine and member of Children’s Health Defense scientific advisory board, asked the board to define what it means by “misinformation” and “disinformation,” and to clarify what statutory authority the board has to discipline physicians.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine this month issued a position statement in which it said: “Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license.”
In the letter below, Dr. Meryl Nass, a practicing physician in Maine and member of the Children’s Health Defense scientific advisory board, asked the board to define what it means by “misinformation” and “disinformation,” and to clarify what statutory authority the board has to discipline physicians on the basis of undefined transgressions. The letter, which includes the Nov. 16 testimony Nass gave to the New Hampshire state legislature, has been edited slightly for clarity.
Let me talk about kids. The CDC estimates that 147 million Americans have already had COVID — and that at least half of our kids are already immune.
Yet the FDA and CDC have not seen fit to allow Americans to use any available test — not PCR, not antibody, not T cell nor any combination of tests to prove immunity — even though the FDA accepts antibody tests as evidence of immunity in COVID vaccine clinical trials.
Why the double standard? It seems the reason to deny natural immunity is to force everyone to be vaccinated, whether they need it or not.
If the vaccines were safe, this policy would be less egregious. But they aren’t safe. The younger you are, the greater is the risk of myocarditis. Reported myocarditis rates in 12- to 17-year-old males after vaccination are 100 times higher than for men over 65.
I’m glad that the Children's Health Defense organisation exists as a voice of sanity.
An equivalent here, is New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science. I know you are aware of this site. I appreciate your continuing contributions of information supporting a more expansive view of a very narrowly focused majority view.
Will be looking forward to the Licensing Board's response. There's a hell of a lot of information in this news release that is extremely pertinent to our conversations here in The DOSE. You need to read this!
In a letter to the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine, Dr. Meryl Nass, a practicing physician in Maine and member of Children’s Health Defense scientific advisory board, asked the board to define what it means by “misinformation” and “disinformation,” and to clarify what statutory authority the board has to discipline physicians.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine this month issued a position statement in which it said: “Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license.”
In the letter below, Dr. Meryl Nass, a practicing physician in Maine and member of the Children’s Health Defense scientific advisory board, asked the board to define what it means by “misinformation” and “disinformation,” and to clarify what statutory authority the board has to discipline physicians on the basis of undefined transgressions. The letter, which includes the Nov. 16 testimony Nass gave to the New Hampshire state legislature, has been edited slightly for clarity.
Let me talk about kids. The CDC estimates that 147 million Americans have already had COVID — and that at least half of our kids are already immune.
Yet the FDA and CDC have not seen fit to allow Americans to use any available test — not PCR, not antibody, not T cell nor any combination of tests to prove immunity — even though the FDA accepts antibody tests as evidence of immunity in COVID vaccine clinical trials.
Why the double standard? It seems the reason to deny natural immunity is to force everyone to be vaccinated, whether they need it or not.
If the vaccines were safe, this policy would be less egregious. But they aren’t safe. The younger you are, the greater is the risk of myocarditis. Reported myocarditis rates in 12- to 17-year-old males after vaccination are 100 times higher than for men over 65.
If you have ever had a cold you have a good defense.
Bingo. Coronaviruses are all around us and we have been constantly exposed to them since birth. Yes some people have severe reactions to this one, but so many people have gotten it without knowing that they did. Or had a bad flu experience and in between. Some have reacted badly to the spike protein for some reason, but older drugs seem to work well for them. And it’s more dangerous to people who have more than one comorbidities. Most people who have died have had 3-4.
I’m glad that the Children's Health Defense organisation exists as a voice of sanity.
An equivalent here, is New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science. I know you are aware of this site. I appreciate your continuing contributions of information supporting a more expansive view of a very narrowly focused majority view.
7 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Contrary to CDC assertions, spike is cytotoxic, and the particular replicant spike delivered by the vaccines is self replicating for an unknown period of time. Many ‘Long-Haul’ symptoms are shared among both the Covid infected and those vaccinated with mRNA spike. Spike may turn out to have been a particularly poor choice for vaccine developers to focus on.
Some have reacted badly to the spike protein for some reason…
If you have ever had a cold you have a good defense.
Bingo. Coronaviruses are all around us and we have been constantly exposed to them since birth. Yes some people have severe reactions to this one, but so many people have gotten it without knowing that they did. Or had a bad flu experience and in between. Some have reacted badly to the spike protein for some reason, but older drugs seem to work well for them. And it’s more dangerous to people who have more than one comorbidities. Most people who have died have had 3-4.
4 users have voted.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
I read it but then lost where I did. lol I follow so many links from comments who knows where I end up. I thought it was most excellent and he highlighted so many issues that are being censored. Hospital administrators shouldn’t be able to tell doctors how to treat their patients unless they themselves are doctors, but even then unless doctors are doing great harm to people they have complete autonomy. Well that’s how it used to be anyway. It’s stunning how much power big pharma has over this epidemic isn’t it? They’re just telling doctors to let people die even if they have successfully saved many lives with their treatment protocols. Stunning is too mild of a word though. How many doctors have been fired for doing that?
Will be looking forward to the Licensing Board's response. There's a hell of a lot of information in this news release that is extremely pertinent to our conversations here in The DOSE. You need to read this!
In a letter to the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine, Dr. Meryl Nass, a practicing physician in Maine and member of Children’s Health Defense scientific advisory board, asked the board to define what it means by “misinformation” and “disinformation,” and to clarify what statutory authority the board has to discipline physicians.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine this month issued a position statement in which it said: “Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license.”
In the letter below, Dr. Meryl Nass, a practicing physician in Maine and member of the Children’s Health Defense scientific advisory board, asked the board to define what it means by “misinformation” and “disinformation,” and to clarify what statutory authority the board has to discipline physicians on the basis of undefined transgressions. The letter, which includes the Nov. 16 testimony Nass gave to the New Hampshire state legislature, has been edited slightly for clarity.
Let me talk about kids. The CDC estimates that 147 million Americans have already had COVID — and that at least half of our kids are already immune.
Yet the FDA and CDC have not seen fit to allow Americans to use any available test — not PCR, not antibody, not T cell nor any combination of tests to prove immunity — even though the FDA accepts antibody tests as evidence of immunity in COVID vaccine clinical trials.
Why the double standard? It seems the reason to deny natural immunity is to force everyone to be vaccinated, whether they need it or not.
If the vaccines were safe, this policy would be less egregious. But they aren’t safe. The younger you are, the greater is the risk of myocarditis. Reported myocarditis rates in 12- to 17-year-old males after vaccination are 100 times higher than for men over 65.
5 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I read it but then lost where I did. lol I follow so many links from comments who knows where I end up. I thought it was most excellent and he highlighted so many issues that are being censored. Hospital administrators shouldn’t be able to tell doctors how to treat their patients unless they themselves are doctors, but even then unless doctors are doing great harm to people they have complete autonomy. Well that’s how it used to be anyway. It’s stunning how much power big pharma has over this epidemic isn’t it? They’re just telling doctors to let people die even if they have successfully saved many lives with their treatment protocols. Stunning is too mild of a word though. How many doctors have been fired for doing that?
@janis b
"Hey, doc, I once had 'something', and was treated with cheap 'stuff'. my symptoms are almost exactly like what I once had, so would you prescribe me the cheap "stuff?"
The answer would be no, they would follow guidelines set by an insurance guideline and would never address my questions.
I miss the good old days, don't you?
#23.2.1 "Hey, doc, I once had 'something', and was treated with cheap 'stuff'. my symptoms are almost exactly like what I once had, so would you prescribe me the cheap "stuff?"
The answer would be no, they would follow guidelines set by an insurance guideline and would never address my questions.
I miss the good old days, don't you?
We’ve just watched as the PTB have screwed up life for them by continuing to vote for people who kept doing great harm to us and the world. Too many think it’s okay that government spends so much on the military and tax cuts for the rich while they refuse to give us MFA and adequately funding social programs that too many rely on. We have been okay with congress giving themselves MFA type insurance, all kinds of perks that they deny us and getting away with insider trading and stuffing their portfolios with gobs and gobs of money. Good grief we just watch as Sinema and Manchin tale huge sums of money to cut anything that would help us. Big pharma paid Sinema gobs of money to tank the bill to lower drug prices.
I talked with a young guy who just wants to be able to buy a home instead of seeing his rent go up yearly. I did apologize to him for being some part responsible for whatever life he’s going to have. He thanked me just for acknowledging it. I hope things get better for your family one day.
We’ve just watched as the PTB have screwed up life for them by continuing to vote for people who kept doing great harm to us and the world. Too many think it’s okay that government spends so much on the military and tax cuts for the rich while they refuse to give us MFA and adequately funding social programs that too many rely on. We have been okay with congress giving themselves MFA type insurance, all kinds of perks that they deny us and getting away with insider trading and stuffing their portfolios with gobs and gobs of money. Good grief we just watch as Sinema and Manchin tale huge sums of money to cut anything that would help us. Big pharma paid Sinema gobs of money to tank the bill to lower drug prices.
I talked with a young guy who just wants to be able to buy a home instead of seeing his rent go up yearly. I did apologize to him for being some part responsible for whatever life he’s going to have. He thanked me just for acknowledging it. I hope things get better for your family one day.
Well, the rich feel they bought the rights to do that. Milk people dry.
Thats how they see it. They invested in this country so they own the rights to it. And the more I investigate themore that I see thats likely true. We dont live in a democracy with the power to change that any more. Thats what they don't want us discussing. I just read an interesting book (Globalists by Quinn Slobodian) that explains how the neoliberal cult running the world now took over the world, basically, starting in the 1930s in Central Europe. It is very antidemocratic. (and autocratic) People should know how far its gone. Its literally stolen our governments. Its going to great lengths to cover this up. Wasting a lot of the planet's time and energy and money.
We cant fix it until after we (democratically) shake this monkey off our backs.
The people of this country are all extremely sick of it. But we've been fed so much garbage to divide and confuse us, as to literally everything. We don't know that the power has actually been moved to Geneva, for example. We're barking up the wrong tree, which is not going to change anything in time. We're being led into a trap.
"The financial opportunity of a lifetime" they call it.
The president of the South African Medical Association (Angelique Coetzee, pictured) said that patients infected with Omicron had mild symptoms. (Taken from the official website of the South African Medical Association SAMA)
The South African doctor who first alerted the new variant strain of COVID-19 (COVID-19), Omicron, said that its symptoms in healthy patients were “unusual but very mild” and there were no obvious complications, but she was also worried about this. It may have a greater impact on elderly people who have suffered from diabetes, heart disease and other diseases and have not been vaccinated.
The British "Daily Telegraph" reported that the president of the South African Medical Association, Angelique Coetzee, revealed that she found the abnormality as early as November 18. The symptoms are mild and the sense of smell and taste is not lost.
The cases she came into contact with were of different backgrounds and races, and most of them were young people. Among them, a 6-year-old child had a fast pulse and a high body temperature, but after 2 days of follow-up, the patient's condition improved a lot. Among her patients, about 24 tested positive for the virus. Most of the patients were men and felt exhausted. About half of them were not vaccinated.
Kurz said, "It manifests as a mild disease, with symptoms such as muscle soreness and fatigue for one or two days. So far, we have found that those infected do not lose their sense of taste or smell. They may have mild symptoms. Some infected people have no obvious symptoms, and some are currently receiving treatment at home.”
Kuz said that the current South African hospitals are not burdened by new strains of the virus, but they are also worried that this may be harmful to people with diabetes and heart disease. The elderly who have not been vaccinated with other diseases have a greater impact.
Kurz also said that the virus will indeed spread, but for now, "we don't know why there are so many exaggerated reports. Everything is still under investigation."
Or it may be a financial market trick/trap for the unwary, cooked up in the secret labs that lie beneath Wall St? (
Idaho Nurse on Killer Protocols
Epidemic of the vaxed...
Vid on Twitter
Brown University study shows major declines in kids' cognitive ability coinciding w/plandemic (as if there weren't enough problems in those areas before all this).
Reported in the Daily Mail
New York---City & State
are in Full Omicron 24/7 reporting mode.
Meanwhile, there is Not even a single case of reported Omicron Virus reported in the City or the State.
Madness. Lunacy.
I like the anagram...
omicron = moronic. Certainly the hysteria around the variant is just that.
Put on your tin foil hat before reading...
Continued silence on prevention strategies. Makes you think they want people to become ill.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
That article is certainly extreme
NYC dreary and cold.
Trees full of green leaves.
NOT beginning to seem a lot like Christmas. Not to mention that Hanukkah started in November this year.
If getting us to lose our grip is the Fear Merchants primary objective, they are getting a lot of cooperation from Nature and the lunar calendar this year. It is all a bit disorienting. To say the least.
i'd earlier pinged:
Omigawd is a sub-clade of Omicron
not a new variant.
well played!
moar spike proteins, purdier
Right after the Guv took power she said that by declaring
a state of emergency would allow her to import nurses from the foreign countries to make up for any nurses shortages. Fire long term medical staff and bring in new ones that can get paid lower wages. No one person should have too much power and it’s why many state legislators have been passing legislation so they can’t. I agree with it as long as they keep politics out of it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It's spelled Omicron
uh, thank you
Try not to get too attached to it
I figure we should be graduating to pi or maybe even rho in the not too distant future if Geert Vanden Bossche is correct.
think the nearest pronunciation in englais
is bullshit
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Today they’re saying that it was in the Netherlands before
it was reported from SA. Just like it was in Italy earlier than the Wuhan outbreak. Weird though that the media didn’t tell us then how many countries found it in theirs like they are doing hourly or how many cases. Some people who tested positive for it were fully jabbed, but the PTB are telling everyone to get jabbed so they won’t get it. Everyone above 18 should get a booster regardless if they need it or not. When people first started getting jabbed the 2 shot sequence was spaced further apart, but kids are getting their 2nd dose just 2 weeks apart. What changed for their dose?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
In Snoops title contest thread with the Epstein pair
and the pope, there is a glaring problem. I have lost any approval for the last popes as they fail to go after let alone acknowledge pedophiles in the church.
And lately, wish I had captured where, while certain archbishops and other authorities in the church condemn the forced, coerced 'vaccinations', the pope and Fauci are friends. Lord love a duck. Or man, oh man, as we say in the Pacific Northwest.
Beyond belief how so many in power are friends across the planet. Damaging the planet ecosystem and the species living on it including people.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
If all this is so.... curse him!
outtakes from a very long article:
and FWIW: New Omicron variant could spell end for Covid-19 pandemic – top Russian scientist,, 30 Nov, 2021
note 'COULD'
Better propaganda projectors needed
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Mass vaccination may be remembered
as "the deadliest sin ever". We have NEVER used mass global vaccination at this massive a scale EVER. Geert Vanden Bossche warns of deadly consequences for humanity. Maybe the unvaxxed with their acquired innate immunity will be the eventual genetic winners?
That sounds frightening to me
I admit that I don’t completely understand what he’s saying except that he has been saying it for some time as have many others. They have been saying that you don’t mass vaccinate during an epidemic because it forces the virus to change into more dangerous ways than if it was allowed to burn itself out and especially using ones that aren’t sterilizing. It looks like that was what it was doing just before the vaccines were rolled out if the numbers were accurate. Now since more and more people are getting jabbed the numbers are going up daily in states and countries that have high vaccination rates. Vermont is one. Israel, Gibraltar are some of the others. I can’t believe that scientists working for Pfizer don’t know what he’s saying.
People have relied on their immune systems to combat viruses for centuries and yes lots of people have died during previous epidemics, but they didn’t have access to the drugs we do today such as antibiotics and the other drugs that some doctors have been using to keep their patients alive. How badly are they affecting people’s natural immune systems for future viruses? I’m being called anti vax by people who have forgotten or have closed their minds to science.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Whatever happened to Lamda?
Just three months ago, it was a thing:
The mandatory vaccine narrative has been too preposterous to take seriously for the last several weeks, and this forgotten factoid gives a clear example of how the politicians and the main stream media have changed their tune rather dramatically. Instead of let's take note of the new variant to make an informed decision based on the lessons taught by reality as happened with lamda, now the governor of New York declares her own State of Emergency over omicron.
They cannot put lipstick on this Illogic Pig by saying that omicron is scarier. Lambda came from Peru which has had the highest fatality percentage in the world by a very wide margin.
With lambda, the authorities could still wait and see what the threat really was -- as of just four months ago. But now we set our collective hair on fire on the basis of the appearance of a new letter -- with no other information necessary.
So what changed since the summer? The vaccine story has collapsed, culminating with Fauci confirming that there is no stopping the pandemic. That leads to a painfully obvious hole in the Authority Story. As always for the promulgators of propaganda, this calls not for a rebuttal or an explanation -- but instead for a Changing of the Subject.
Twenty months in, there can be no doubt that the Authority Story will not change and that facts are irrelevant to the Story. This does not say a word about how good or not-so-good the vaccines may be. It says the people running the show are liars hiding some other agenda.
As soon as you speculate as to what that agenda might be, they swarm you with your inability to
prove your points. I never speculate as to where this bullshit is going.
But it is bullshit. Just like the sinking of the Maine, the Lusitania, the Maddox and the Turner Joy; just like the babies taken from incubators in Kuwait and the weapons of mass destruction stockpiled in Iraq; just like the plot hatched by Vladimir Putin to install Trump as President; just like the never substantiated claims of Trump and some his supporters that mail-in ballots cheated him of re-election; just like the outcome of the Democratic Primaries of 2016 and 2000 -- just as ever, Bullshit Rules in the United States of America.
I confess that I never imagined Bullshit at this level of absurdity and brazenness. It is the scale of Bullshit that is making it work as well as it has so far. It is built around the age-old dismissal of Conspiracy Theory: It would take too many people in too many places to pull off such a massive fraud!
It has occurred to me over the last few weeks as the Bullshit piles deeper and deeper that the corollary to that little chunk of off-the-shelf rhetoric is very true: When most of the governments of the world and virtually all news platforms with significant reach are telling the same set of lies in support of the same set of outcomes while trying to silence all opposition, that is too many people being involved for it NOT to be a conspiracy.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Yep this
Fauci has admitted that vaccines will not get us to herd immunity so there is no reason to mandate everyone get one. He has also admitted that they don’t stop one from getting infected which used to be the goal for people getting vaccinated under the true sense of the word. And it’s why they have changed the definition of what vaccines are supposed to do. They used to prevent getting infected, but now not so much. We are living in the modern day version of 1984 where words are changed daily to fit the current narrative and too many people are just fine with it. Amazing.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Yes, have had to turn off my
Yes, have had to turn off my radio again here in Washington too. Our governor who would be king will undoubtably seize the opportunity as well.
Screw all this scary crap they keep inventing
It's time for people to wake up from the collective vaccine dream.
We will not jab our way out of this.
Preventative measures have potential.
No support from the medigods tho.
It is basically jab or die in their caricature of health care.
Sheesh, how stupid is this?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Did you hear about the 400 mm LePage Glue Gun?
It glues entire formations of airplanes together, in flight!
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I’m sorry
but that went over my head. Is it snark or am I missing something?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It's from Catch-22,
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
This might interest you
I loved it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Interesting ehh?
Even more mind boggling…
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I can tell you it was in
I can tell you it was in Western Washington the middle of November 2019. When I went to the doctor he recognized the symptoms as something he had seen before and labeled a strong virus that was going around. Not at all what they tell us on the TV.
My illness occurred
The whole pneumonia problem lasted 4 to 5 months. It was my year of coughing and choking.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
This whole process has bent to the desires of pharma
It is a flu. Like what has been happening forever.
The fear factor is working well for both the pharma sales
and fit neatly into the ptb control faction aims.
If they were pushing preventative measures
it would not stink of agendas.
Just my .02 sense worth.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
So we’re in a war against the Rona now?
Guess that makes sense since I read that anyone who doesn’t get jabbed is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Yes I’m serious. They are traitors to the country because they refuse to get something that doesn’t keep them from getting infected or getting sick. I’m getting very tired of the jabber's attitude. Just because a person isn’t jabbed means that they are a walking petri dish of the Rona that’s going to infect every person who has been jabbed. But it’s what they think.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Ironically, the opposite is likely closer to the truth.*
*According to Geert.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Be afraid - very afraid
wtf, over
are there no more supple spines and brains left to recognize
an effing scam when it is being pissed all over our collective heads?
rhetorical question ..
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
another dupe
what's going on?
just keeps on posting ..
some bug I'm guessing
meanwhile a musical interlude ..
till it gets right
see if this works ..
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
varients and all that jazz
Gibraltar and Scotland have high vaccination rates too
Add India and countries in the area that have low vaccination rates and lower cases. I think the UK is on the higher list too. I rarely see any information from France so I don’t know what is happening there, but they are on the passport bus.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
GATS demands we do that, its not her.
She is just helping the cover up scheme. But it all leads to mass importation of low paid high skill workers, to undermine the basis of a middle class all around the world. The middle class's allegedly "unrealistiuc expectations" frustrate the profits they claim entitlement to.
Jagdish Bhagwati has explained the economics of a free market in services (80% of the economy) We cant stand in the way, its prohibited.
NYC is a heat island
Because of all the water and black pavement. You could probably grow some species of palm trees there pretty soon.
WEF is pushing their "Great Reset" basically a tekeover by the
The odious rich.
Science fiction and chemistry and math
all make extensive use of Greek letters whenever a name is part of a series. Also variable names in any kind of symbolic logic.
If its effects are mild but
If its effects are mild but create immunity it may even be helpful to the millions of people who have not been able to afford the approximately $20 wholesale cost of a vaccine in the poorer parts of the world. Unlikely but remotely possible.
I think its impossible to say until more time goes by and a larger record of the infections course becomes available
Are you replying to someone here?
If so see the instructions how to do it. Hope that helps.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Vaccine mandates have been shown to be ineffective
in protecting vaccinated people from getting infected. You just need to look at Israel, Singapore, Portugal and other highly vaccinated countries that have used them in the preceeding 6-10 months. Another point is that many of the unvaccinated use prophylactics that have been efficacious in minimizing sickness and infectivity and thus are actually a less risk to society at large.
Mandates should NEVER be forced upon those that have gained natural immunity. These people are going to be the saviours of our society from this scourge.
Reductuion in social interactions means lower IQ.
That is probably why poorer children do much worse on standardized testing. A parent staying home with a child as well as physical contact both help too. A lot.
I always tell parents something like a snugli carrier is a good idea. Also fish oil increases a growing child's IQ because the infant brain, needs lots of n-3 FAs.
FDA approves Merck’s cancer drug
It only has a 30% chance of treating Covid and can be used only for high risk patients, but the clinical trials on it for a different disease showed that it causes cancer in animals. They won’t allow it to be used on pregnant women and kids for now. Meanwhile Fauci is still ignoring the 66 peer reviewed trials on ivermectin which has very rare side effects. Also Merck is gearing up their drugs that treat cancer so it’s a win-win for the stockholders. /s
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
GREAT NEWS! Doctors are now fighting back.
Will be looking forward to the Licensing Board's response. There's a hell of a lot of information in this news release that is extremely pertinent to our conversations here in The DOSE. You need to read this!
That is, thank you CB
I’m glad that the Children's Health Defense organisation exists as a voice of sanity.
An equivalent here, is New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science. I know you are aware of this site. I appreciate your continuing contributions of information supporting a more expansive view of a very narrowly focused majority view.
If you have ever had a cold you have a good defense.
Bingo. Coronaviruses are all around us and we have been constantly exposed to them since birth. Yes some people have severe reactions to this one, but so many people have gotten it without knowing that they did. Or had a bad flu experience and in between. Some have reacted badly to the spike protein for some reason, but older drugs seem to work well for them. And it’s more dangerous to people who have more than one comorbidities. Most people who have died have had 3-4.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Spike is common to BOTH Covid-19 disease AND mRNA vaccines.
Contrary to CDC assertions, spike is cytotoxic, and the particular replicant spike delivered by the vaccines is self replicating for an unknown period of time. Many ‘Long-Haul’ symptoms are shared among both the Covid infected and those vaccinated with mRNA spike. Spike may turn out to have been a particularly poor choice for vaccine developers to focus on.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Thanks for posting this
I read it but then lost where I did. lol I follow so many links from comments who knows where I end up. I thought it was most excellent and he highlighted so many issues that are being censored. Hospital administrators shouldn’t be able to tell doctors how to treat their patients unless they themselves are doctors, but even then unless doctors are doing great harm to people they have complete autonomy. Well that’s how it used to be anyway. It’s stunning how much power big pharma has over this epidemic isn’t it? They’re just telling doctors to let people die even if they have successfully saved many lives with their treatment protocols. Stunning is too mild of a word though. How many doctors have been fired for doing that?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
What ever happened
to the personal doctor-patient relationship?
My question as well!
The answer would be no, they would follow guidelines set by an insurance guideline and would never address my questions.
I miss the good old days, don't you?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I do
I wish even more for better days for my daughter and 8 month old granddaughter.
I feel really bad for the younger people
We’ve just watched as the PTB have screwed up life for them by continuing to vote for people who kept doing great harm to us and the world. Too many think it’s okay that government spends so much on the military and tax cuts for the rich while they refuse to give us MFA and adequately funding social programs that too many rely on. We have been okay with congress giving themselves MFA type insurance, all kinds of perks that they deny us and getting away with insider trading and stuffing their portfolios with gobs and gobs of money. Good grief we just watch as Sinema and Manchin tale huge sums of money to cut anything that would help us. Big pharma paid Sinema gobs of money to tank the bill to lower drug prices.
I talked with a young guy who just wants to be able to buy a home instead of seeing his rent go up yearly. I did apologize to him for being some part responsible for whatever life he’s going to have. He thanked me just for acknowledging it. I hope things get better for your family one day.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
is such a powerful force
DNAs replicates and uses up its ability to do so, often due to
Your body is often literally aged by man made chemicals. There is a limit to cell replication. The Hayflick limit.
Well, the rich feel they
Well, the rich feel they bought the rights to do that. Milk people dry.
Thats how they see it. They invested in this country so they own the rights to it. And the more I investigate themore that I see thats likely true. We dont live in a democracy with the power to change that any more. Thats what they don't want us discussing. I just read an interesting book (Globalists by Quinn Slobodian) that explains how the neoliberal cult running the world now took over the world, basically, starting in the 1930s in Central Europe. It is very antidemocratic. (and autocratic) People should know how far its gone. Its literally stolen our governments. Its going to great lengths to cover this up. Wasting a lot of the planet's time and energy and money.
We cant fix it until after we (democratically) shake this monkey off our backs.
The people of this country are all extremely sick of it. But we've been fed so much garbage to divide and confuse us, as to literally everything. We don't know that the power has actually been moved to Geneva, for example. We're barking up the wrong tree, which is not going to change anything in time. We're being led into a trap.
Some variants may help build up the portfolios of wealthy people
"The financial opportunity of a lifetime" they call it.
The president of the South African Medical Association (Angelique Coetzee, pictured) said that patients infected with Omicron had mild symptoms. (Taken from the official website of the South African Medical Association SAMA)
The South African doctor who first alerted the new variant strain of COVID-19 (COVID-19), Omicron, said that its symptoms in healthy patients were “unusual but very mild” and there were no obvious complications, but she was also worried about this. It may have a greater impact on elderly people who have suffered from diabetes, heart disease and other diseases and have not been vaccinated.
The British "Daily Telegraph" reported that the president of the South African Medical Association, Angelique Coetzee, revealed that she found the abnormality as early as November 18. The symptoms are mild and the sense of smell and taste is not lost.
The cases she came into contact with were of different backgrounds and races, and most of them were young people. Among them, a 6-year-old child had a fast pulse and a high body temperature, but after 2 days of follow-up, the patient's condition improved a lot. Among her patients, about 24 tested positive for the virus. Most of the patients were men and felt exhausted. About half of them were not vaccinated.
Kurz said, "It manifests as a mild disease, with symptoms such as muscle soreness and fatigue for one or two days. So far, we have found that those infected do not lose their sense of taste or smell. They may have mild symptoms. Some infected people have no obvious symptoms, and some are currently receiving treatment at home.”
Kuz said that the current South African hospitals are not burdened by new strains of the virus, but they are also worried that this may be harmful to people with diabetes and heart disease. The elderly who have not been vaccinated with other diseases have a greater impact.
Kurz also said that the virus will indeed spread, but for now, "we don't know why there are so many exaggerated reports. Everything is still under investigation."
Or it may be a financial market trick/trap for the unwary, cooked up in the secret labs that lie beneath Wall St? (