The Dose - 11-13-2021

A few articles of interest.
South Asian gene affects Covid severity: study (Nov 11, 2021)
University of Oxford study shows 60% of South Asians carry LZTFL1 gene involved with more severe Covid-19 illness and death
A large study published in The Lancet in May 2021 found the risks of being hospitalized, needing intensive care, or dying because of Covid in England were greater for Asian, black and mixed ethnicity groups compared with white people during the first pandemic wave in the UK (spring 2020).
In the second wave, the risk among Black and mixed ethnic groups decreased – but the opposite was found for south Asians. For them, the risk of ending up in hospital or dying of Covid was higher in the second wave compared with white people and other minority ethnic groups.
The researchers, from the University of Oxford, found that it is LZTFL1 that is involved in higher severity disease – not SLC6A20. Fully 60% of people of South Asian heritage carry the higher-risk version of the gene compared with 15% among white people and only 2% of people of African or Afro-Caribbean heritage.Not only that, but this gene is very active in the layer of cells lining the airways and lungs.
The variant also makes cells have more copies of the two proteins (called ACE2 and TMPRSS2) that allow the SARS-CoV-2 virus to enter cells and infect them. What that means is that people who carry the high-risk gene variant are likely to end up having more cells infected, less ability to heal and therefore a more severe infection.
A little closer look at Singapore the subject of today's Saturday's Potluck.
The government has taken prevention of Covid transmission very seriously.
Briton gets jail in Singapore for not wearing mask (Aug 2021)
Benjamin Glynn was arrested after footage of him not wearing a mask on a train in May went viral.
He was convicted for breaching Covid-19 rules, bad behavior towards police and causing a public nuisanceAccording to reports, Glynn delivered a rant in court – in which he described the proceedings as “preposterous” and “disgusting” – and said masks were not effective in preventing the spread of Covid-19.
This prompted the judge to order a psychiatric assessment, but Glynn was deemed fit enough for the case to continue.
In May, nine Britons were banned from working in Singapore after breaking coronavirus rules while partying on a yacht in Santa hats.In June last year, four British men were similarly banned after going on a pub crawl in a breach of curbs.
Singapore finding it hard to ‘live with Covid’ (Sept 27, 2021)
City-state set to tighten social distancing rules amid a record surge in cases despite a world-beating 82% vaccination rate
Singapore had until recently employed what many regarded as a “Covid zero” strategy backed by strict measures that kept daily cases in the single digits. As the region’s vaccination leader, the city-state’s transition to endemicity is being closely observed as nations across Asia similarly prepare to manage, rather than eradicate, Covid-19.
But cases have risen faster than expected in Singapore due to the more contagious Delta variant. The island nation of 5.7 million recorded its highest-ever daily caseload of 1,939 on September 26. The Ministry of Health (MoH) projects daily cases to exceed 3,200 within a week at the current trajectory and says hospital capacity could come under strain if left unchecked.
New curbs slated to take effect on September 27 include limiting dining-in and social gatherings to groups of two from an earlier maximum of five, a return to online learning for primary school students, and mandatory working from home for employees able to do so. A maximum of 50% of employees was previously allowed to be at their workplaces simultaneously.
Highly vaccinated Singapore sets a worrying example (Oct 22, 2021)
With 84% of Singaporeans fully vaccinated against Covid-19, one of the highest percentages worldwide, many had expected authorities would by now be easing, not maintaining, social distancing and other contagion-curbing restrictions.
But that’s exactly what officials are doing as the island nation seeks to cope with its largest outbreaks since the start of the pandemic.
Singapore’s daily cases hit a record 3,994 on October 19, with the seven-day average number of new infections more than tripling in the last month. The overall death toll has more than quadrupled over the same period, rising to 280 on October 21 from just 65. Authorities, meanwhile, have attested to rising pressure on hospitals and healthcare workers.
Since the “stabilization phase” began on September 27, the number of new infections appears to be plateauing, though there is no sign that cases are falling. Social gatherings were capped to a maximum of two while work-from-home has become the city-state’s default arrangement. Those measures will be reviewed after two weeks but will otherwise remain in place until November 21.
S'pore eases Covid-19 rules from Nov 10: What you need to know (Nov 8, 2021)
1. Fully vaccinated families allowed to dine out in up to groups of five
2. Soft recorded music to be allowed at food and beverage outlets
3. More Vaccinated Travel Lanes; Finland and Sweden on the list from Nov 29
4. Covid-19 patients unvaccinated by choice will have to pay for medical bills
The Government is currently footing the full Covid-19 medical bills of all Singaporeans, permanent residents and long-term pass holders, other than for those who test positive soon after returning from overseas travel.From Dec 8, Covid-19 patients who are unvaccinated by choice will be charged for treatment.
5. Pilot to test resumption of more activities for those fully vaccinated, such as team sports
6. More school activities to resume
7. Home recovery programme expanded
8. Medically ineligible individuals to be exempted from vaccination-differentiated safe management measures from Dec 1
The Health Ministry is also working with the Government Technology Agency to reflect the medical ineligibility status in individuals' TraceTogether App.This would allow them to pass through TraceTogether/Safe Entry check-in systems at venues subject to vaccination-differentiated safe management measures without needing to show the paper memo.
Dealing with the impact of Covid restrictions.
As COVID-19 rages, more in Singapore go hungry (Nov 10, 2021)
In 2019, Singapore ranked as the world’s most food-secure nation in the Global Food Security Index.
However, one in 10 Singaporeans experienced food insecurity at least once over 12 months, reported a study by the Singapore Management University’s Lien Centre for Social Innovation. Out of this, two in five experienced food insecurity at least once a month and many of these households did not seek food support, citing embarrassment, being unaware of what was available and the belief that others needed it more than themselves.
Each time the government’s multi-ministry task force handling COVID-19 announces new restrictions, the charity is flooded by requests from people writing in to ask for food.Singapore recently announced that its COVID-19 restrictions would be extended until November 21, after registering thousands of new COVID-19 cases daily.
The ministry noted that about 4.5 percent of the population in Singapore was estimated to face moderate to severe food insecurity, according to the 2021 report on the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World published by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).This was lower than in other developed economies such as the United States (8 percent), New Zealand (14 percent), Australia (12.3 percent) and South Korea (5.1 percent), it added.
Taiwan suspends 2nd doses of Pfizer for teens over health risk (Nov 11, 2021)
The Taiwanese health authorities have suspended the administering of second doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine for children aged between 12 and 17, citing concerns about an increased risk of heart inflammation.
A panel of experts made the decision to cease giving the jab to teens on Wednesday, pending further review, according to the country’s Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) head Chen Shih-chung. The health authority opted to call a halt to the second jab due to concerns about an increased risk of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the heart’s outer lining).
Glen de Vries co-founder of Medidata died yesterday in small plane accident in New Jersey.
Medidata Supports Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine Clinical Trials with Rave Clinical Cloud Platform
Medidata’s suite of technologies is supporting the advancement of Moderna’s mRNA-1273 clinical trials, including the Phase 3 trial, which is expected to enroll 30,000 participants. The Medidata and Moderna teams are moving forward with the speed and urgency necessitated by the global pandemic, using Medidata’s innovative and scalable cloud platform for clinical development.
Moderna is using a suite of Medidata Rave technologies to help support and accelerate clinical development, including EDC (electronic data capture); eCOA (electronic clinical outcomes assessment), and Detect (centralized statistical monitoring). Moderna has been working with Medidata since December 2015 and the companies have collaborated on multiple clinical trials.
His book on optimizing technology in medicine was published last year.
The Patient Equation: The Precision Medicine Revolution in the Age of COVID-19 and Beyond
Glen de Vries, co-founder and co-CEO of Medidata, expands on this vision in his new book The Patient Equation: The Precision Medicine Revolution in the Age of COVID-19 and Beyond.
“Imagine a world where … data was harvested, analyzed, and combined with all of the medical records that are collected over the course of our lives and assembled into something useful, even to help alter the arc of a pandemic. This is the future, and the analyses behind the scenes producing these types of information are the ‘patient equations’ that inspired the title of this book.”

Australia seems to be in a bind also but from the other spectrum
If this doesn't prove it's about controlling the people, I'm not sure what will
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Another study about genetic risk for contracting and becoming
sick from COVID that people may find of interest. (From messaging w/ snoopydawg in a different context)
What are Type II Alveolar cells (AT2)
that have the ACE2 receptors and how are they involved in SARS-CoV-2 infection? More ACE2 receptors on the Type II alveolar cells means there are a greater number of binding sites for viral infection.
Have you read this yet?
Mike makes a good case for it. Love to know your thoughts.
Also too here’s CNBC telling us that heart attacks in the young are not unexpected because people just sat on their tushes during the lockdowns. Mkay if they say so.
Yep. When I had symptoms of having a heart attack I went online to see what else it could have been…oh wait! Jeezus what a silly thing to say. I bet people reacted like I did..crap I’m having a f’cking heart attack!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thought I'd check excess deaths from China
to compare.
First of all, the two Chinese shots are "inactivated" vaccines, made with killed coronavirus, whereas the Western-made shots are made with newer technologies that instead target the "spike" protein that coats the surface of the coronavirus. These newer vaccines have never been used until SARS-CoV-2 broke out. There are dozens of reports that the spike protein is biologically active and could be dangerous in and of itself.
Take note that the behavioural changes in China were identical to those in the West. The one major difference was the type of vaccine being used. TPTB are so invested in the new genetic therapies to combat SARS-CoV-2 they are blinded (wilfully or not) to admitting their product could actually be the cause of an increasing number of injury and deaths.
Not quite my nasal spray idea, but close...
31 sec
The world's first inhaled form of COVID-19 vaccine was unveiled at the 5th Hainan International Health Industry Expo 2021 in south China's Haikou City on November 12. The vaccine is inhaled through the mouth into the respiratory tract and lungs to stimulate mucosal immunity that can't be created by intramuscular injections.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
A doctor has created a true vaccine somewhere over the pond
that works much better than the current ones that kills the virus in the nose and mouth. But the organization that is responsible for approving them has made him jump through more hoops than Pfizer has to and he had to come up with $350,000 first. He got the money but the group is still refusing to give him authorization to use it. I’ll try to find the article on it. I think it’s called vaxine.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
That sounds about right
So he raises money for a trial and the regulators (owned by pfizer) say no. Surprise! surprise!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The vaccine used is China's CanSino adenovirus vector vaccine -
Ad5-nCOV. The inhaled version gets us a step closer to engineering an anti-viral virus that will inoculate people while they're passing through a check point.
The next step will be to custom design them for selected genetics. Huxley's Brave New World is rapidly approaching. I imagine this must give Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab a woody.
If you missed this yesterday
A …. of athletes deaths. The word is on the edge of my brain..but I can’t grab it. Starts with a C…any help?
As always it’s the hypocrisy.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Here’s a list of young athletes who had adverse effects
or had heart attacks or strokes. Sadly this list is very long. No this is not normal. Damn the media sycophants that are saying it is. Karma or gawd will have them answer for it.
Surge of illness and deaths in young athletes
Hope we find out why it attacks athletes hearts so much.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
White women at least risk.
THERE’S your F@ckin’ privelage, right there!/s
On a related note, me Mum(white woman) got Rona Wednesday a week ago. Felt bad, didn’t, couldn’t eat for two days, felt like shit on day three and called 911(very small town, retirees) emts came and hooked her up in place, couldn’t believe she was eighty four with the pictures they were getting. She was pretty fucked up so they took her in, monoclonels, steroids, aspirin, she can’t remember what all, yet. Kept her overnight, let her go the next day.
Aside from a slight(clearing) cough she sounds fine, assures me she’s in the mend, just week from not eating and being laid up at eighty four.
She’s normally a very active person, senior center, daily walks with friends, The driver for her Circle.
She got a stationary bike about a month ago and tells me that was a godsend for her to rehab now.
Says it was the Lord guiding her. Okay, sure, Good for You, Ma, I tell her.
You Don’t want to know her views on the jab. You think I’M bad? woo.
Runs in the Fam, I guess.
Thanks for al the info in these posts from all of you, it helps to be able to articulate my oppo to what’s going down.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Woo boo glad to hear she’s okay
That’s woo hoo not boo. In other words yay.
Now she has natural immunity and can go on with her life.
No this is not normal no matter how many times they say kids do get heart attacks, have strokes or just suddenly drop dead.
Hey big bird anything to say about this? Big bird you there?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thankfully she received aggressive treatment
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Had your Mum been taking any supplements
(Oops. This was for Tall Bald and Ugly)
to counter the Rona? The exorcise and staying physically active was a good thing to do.
I'm considering identifying as a woman to better my chances of evading infection. In any event, I would look so atrocious wearing a skirt with my beard it would at least keep people at a safe distance when I'm out and about.
NYC finally admits
He has gone over to the dark side as his term draws to an end and he has no job prospects. Bending the knee at this late date is not going to satisfy the Owners and Donors he's been fighting for the past 8 years. He has sacrificed his dignity and integrity for nothing.
Wait until 5-11 forced vaccinations are mandated. And Covid keeps on closing schools as kids get infected. This is a nightmare with no good ending that I can see.
Maybe he can join Cuomo and together they can see if
they can find the dignity they threw away long again. Any word on how many teachers quit over the mandates? Cuomo has 15 k souls on his conscience if it’s still intact. And he got away with lying to the government too. How does that work? Heh maybe Trump will get re-elected and go after him for it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
CDC admits no evidence that people with
natural immunity spread COVID.
Taiwan suspends 2nd doses of Pfizer for teens over health risk
Posts on DKos extolling how wonderful the vaccines are,
getting fewer and fewer Recommends and Comments with each passing week.
The last one, Truth Brigade: Children's Covid Vaccines, only got 6 recommends and 2 comments. I believe their followers are starting to wake up.
PS They have also fallen silent on Russiagate matters in the last half year.
That might be just today
because they are still writing about Russia Russia and kos does a weekly diary making fun of anti vaxxers who died. Then the cheering section pipes up and cheers the deaths. A few people have called them out on it but it has fallen on deaf ears. Check more often. Oh yeah and they are upset about how few months the 1/6-ers are getting in prison. Silence on the solitary confinement. And they are afraid that Trump supporters are going to overthrow the government when Trump gets back in office. See the Hartmann diary. They’ve blown the capital riot out of proportion. Bigly too.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Vaccination failing to curb COVID-19 cases
Again. Please check the background of your source.. SOTT
(Sign of the Times).
Do you actually believe this?...According to official statistics, the fully-vaccinated accounted for 83% of Covid-19 deaths and 67% of hospitalisations during the past month in England.
From the Office for National Statistics in England...
1.Main points
Between 2 January and 24 September 2021, the age-adjusted risk of deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19) was 32 times greater in unvaccinated people than in fully vaccinated individuals.
The weekly age-standardised mortality rates (ASMRs) for deaths involving COVID-19 were consistently lower for people who had received two vaccinations compared with one or no vaccinations.
ASMRs take into account differences in age structure and population size to allow comparisons between vaccination status groups; however some differences between the groups such as health status may remain and partly explain the differences in ASMRs.
This bulletin is an update to our previous article "Deaths involving COVID-19 by vaccination status, England: deaths occurring between 2 January and 2 July 2021".
Back to table of contents
2.Age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status
Because vaccinations were being offered according to priority groups set out by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), the characteristics of the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations are changing over time. To account for differences in population size and age structure of the vaccination status groups over time, we calculated age-standardised mortality rates (ASMRs) for deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19) (Figure 1) using the Public Health Data Asset (PHDA) dataset (see Measuring the data). This is a dataset containing people who reside in England who could be linked to the 2011 Census and the GP Patient Register 2019, which covers approximately 79% of people aged 10 years and over living in England. ASMRs for all-cause deaths and age-specific rates for deaths involving COVID-19 are also included in the accompanying dataset.
The vaccination status is split by dose and time since vaccination, to allow for the increase in protection in the first few weeks after vaccination. The vaccination status is one of:
received only the first dose, less than 21 days ago
received only the first dose, at least 21 days ago
received the second dose, less than 21 days ago
received the second dose, at least 21 days ago
The ASMRs for deaths involving COVID-19 and all causes for vaccination status groups over the period 2 January to 24 September 2021 (Week 1 to Week 38) are shown in Table 1. These ASMRs are calculated in person-years at risk to account for the different time people spent in each vaccination state in the period.
Table 1: The age-standardised mortality rate for deaths involving COVID-19 is 32 times higher for unvaccinated people than for those who received the second dose
Age-standardised mortality rates for all deaths and deaths involving COVID-19, England, deaths occurring between 2 January and 24 September 2021
Age-standardised mortality rate per 100,000 person-years
(95% confidence interval)
Vaccination status Deaths involving COVID-19 All deaths
Unvaccinated 849.7 (840.3, 859.2) 2,187.1 (2,172.2, 2,202.0)
Received only the first dose,
less than 21 days ago 192.4 (182.4, 202.4) 811.9 (793.4, 830.4)
Received only the first dose,
at least 21 days ago 105.3 (102.8, 107.8) 1,124.3 (1,115.9, 1,132.7)
Received the second dose,
less than 21 days ago 7.2 (6.1, 8.2) 464.6 (455.8, 473.4)
Received the second dose,
at least 21 days ago 26.2 (25.4, 27.1) 783.6 (779.1, 788.0)
You keep posting these articles from a variety of sources that basically claim that the vaccinated are dying at a rate higher than the unvaccinated. And every time I check those claims, the bear no relationship to the real statistics.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Post your links showing the data
My post is speaking to Week 45.
For anyone wanting to read the
COVID-19 vaccine surveillance reportWeek 45
original UK Report in pdf formatMultiple explanations and cautions are included in the report to remind the reader not to come to the conclusion being unvaccinated is a logical choice for some.
edited formatting
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Thanks all
for the updated Covid info. I didn't get a chance to read it until last night and then just skimmed. Reading again this morning and the vaccine failure to curb cases and deaths is jumping out at me. The number of adverse events is disturbing. Putting the newest by Whitney W. on my reading list, TY.
(No subject)
Interesting about
Singapore's Covid stats despite being 84% fully vaccinated:
Wow, does the vaccine not work?
it is my understanding...
the vaccines minimize symptoms while they stimulate antibody response....which of course fades over time. But no matter what, it appears we will all get COVID, so take your Vit D, zinc, ad so on and be prepared to minimize the disease.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Have a good one Lookout, I'm in the middle of the Sheer post that you put up this morning, hope to leave a comment there in a bit.