10/04 is "Child Health Day" (huh?)

Today is day 277 of the Gregorian Calendar year,
Boomtime, Bureaucracy 58, 3187 YOLD
And let us not forget mlc (the Mayan Long Count)


~~     First_Aid_Kit


Child Health Day is one of those misdirection holidays, sort of like sending thoughts and prayers.  We don't have good numbers regarding child health, we don't give a shit about child health, we don't do shit about it and we don't intend to do shit about it, BUT, here's a nice happy holiday named Child Health Day.  Somewhere there's even a picture of a woman in a military uniform playing with some kid to further brighten your day.

Infant mortality in the US is 5.69 per 1,000 live births, ranking us 33rd out of the 36 OECD countries.

As to those who live:

Roughly 43.3 million US kids lack health Insurance and access to health care

Roughly 11.6 million US kids live in poverty

Roughly 10.7 millions live in households which are "food insecure"

Roughly 2.5 million are "homeless"

Sort of like "Peace Day", we celebrate that which we do not do or even try to do; a sleazy attempt to fool ourselves.  I hope it isn't working, that we are becoming more and more aware of reality and maybe starting to think about trying to find a way to maybe figure out a way to get something done about these problems, but the process in this country is broken.  There is no way to make massive profits from solving any of those problems, let alone doing in such a way that all the profits and benefits flow to a very few obscenely rich corporations and individuals.  That being the case, we can be certain that, as a country, we will do zip shit. I mean, really absolute nada

On 11 baktun, 18 katun, 3 tun, 9 uinal, 17 k'in, ( mlc), some dude using the alias "Gregory" introduced a new European calendar, now known as the Gregorian calendar.  It seems that the duration of one orbit of the sun around the earth had either changed or else was misrepresented by the calculations used in creating the Julian calendar.  This caused the computed date upon which the Christians celebrated their version of the pagan Eostre holiday to drift significantly with respect to the authentic original date, causing untold consternation requiring remedy.  Da kine mo bettah now, I guess.

On 10/04/ 1853, The Ottoman Empire declared war on The Russian Empire, officially starting the Crimean War.  I tend to think of this as The Haberdasher's War because it featured generals Raglan and Cardigan as well as the Battle of Balaclava.  In reality it is best known for The Charge of The Light Brigade, a militarily stupid exercise memorialized in poem and summed up by French General Pierre Bosquet with his famous declaration c'est magnifique mais ce n'est pas la guerre


On this day in history:


1582 – The Gregorian Calendar was introduced by Pope "Gregory" XIII

1597 – Governor Gonzalo Méndez de Canço began suppressing a native uprising against his rule in what is now the US state of Georgia.

1824 – Mexico adopted a new constitution and became a federal republic.

1830 – The Belgian Revolutionary provisional government seceded from the Netherlands.

1853 – The Crimean War begins when the Ottoman Empire declares war on the Russian Empire.

1883 – First run of the Orient Express. (why is it called a run, insofar as they roll?)

1927 – Gutzon Borglum began carving Mount Rushmore.violating the Treaty of Fort Laramie

1957 – Sputnik 1 became the first artificial satellite to orbit the Earth.

1958 – The current constitution of France was adopted.

1983 – Richard Noble set a new land speed record of 633.468 miles per hour

1985 – The Free Software Foundation was founded, pissing off a lot of people

1991 – The Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty was opened for signature.

1993 – The Battle of Mogadishu occurred, one of the earlier US attacks in the ongoing undeclared war on Somalia. 

1993 – Tanks bombarded the Russian parliament during a demonstrators against President Yeltsin

2004 – SpaceShipOne won the Ansari X Prize for private spaceflight.

2006 – WikiLeaks was launched, triggering the global war on Julian Assange.


Born this day in:


“If a cat spoke, it would say things like 'Hey, I don’t see the problem here.”

~~     Roy Blount Jr.

1515 – Lucas Cranach the Younger, painter
1524 – Francisco Vallés, physician
1657 – Francesco Solimena, painter and illustrator
1720 – Giovanni Battista Piranesi, sculptor and illustrator
1723 – Nikolaus Poda von Neuhaus, entomologist and author
1759 – Louis François Antoine Arbogast, mathematician and academic
1768 – Francisco José de Caldas, naturalist, executed by royalists in the war of independence
1787 – François Guizot, historian and politician
1814 – Jean-François Millet, painter and educator
1861 – Frederic Remington, painter, sculptor, and illustrator
1876 – Florence Eliza Allen, mathematician and suffrage activist
1879 – Robert Edwards, artist, musician, and writer
1888 – Lucy Tayiah Eads, tribal chief (Kaw)
1890 – Alan L. Hart, physician and author
1896 – Dorothy Lawrence, reporter,
1903 – John Vincent Atanasoff, physicist and academic, invented the Atanasoff–Berry computer 
1906 – Mary Celine Fasenmyer, mathematician
1911 – Mary Two-Axe Earley, indigenous women's rights activist
1914 – Brendan Gill, journalist and essayist
1916 – Vitaly Ginzburg, physicist and academic
1917 – Violeta Parra, singer, songwriter, and guitarist (d. 1967)
1918 – Kenichi Fukui, chemist and academic,
1921 – Stella Pevsner, children's author
1929 – Leroy Van Dyke, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1937 – Jackie Collins, author and actress
1937 – Lloyd Green, steel guitar player
1938 – Kurt Wüthrich, chemist and biophysicist
1940 – Steve Swallow, bass player and composer
1941 – Roy Blount, Jr., humorist and journalist
1941 – Anne Rice, author
1942 – Bernice Johnson Reagon, singer and songwriter
1943 – H. Rap Brown, activist
1945 – Clifton Davis, singer, songwriter, actor, and minister
1946 – Susan Sarandon, actress and activist
1947 – Julien Clerc, singer, songwriter, and pianist
1947 – Jim Fielder, bass player
1948 – Duke Robillard, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1952 – Jody Stephens, rock drummer
1953 – Gil Moore, singer, songwriter, drummer, and producer
1957 – Yngve Moe, bass player and songwriter
1958 – Barbara Kooyman, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1959 – Chris Lowe, singer and keyboard player
1961 – Kazuki Takahashi, author and illustrator, created Yu-Gi-Oh!
1961 – Jon Secada, singer and songwriter
1965 – Skip Heller, singer, songwriter, guitarist,, and producer
1971 – Darren Middleton, singer, songwriter and guitarist
1977 – Richard Reed Parry, guitarist, songwriter, and producer


Died this day in:

“Tomorrow never happens. It’s all the same fucking day, man.”

~~     Janis Joplin

1660 – Francesco Albani, painter
1669 – Rembrandt, painter and illustrator
1680 – Pierre-Paul Riquet, engineer, designed the Canal du Midi 
1747 – Amaro Pargo, corsair
1859 – Karl Baedeker, publisher, founded Baedeker 
1890 – Catherine Booth, co-founded The Salvation Army
1904 – Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, sculptor, designed the Statue of Liberty 
1904 – Carl Josef Bayer, chemist and academic
1935 – Jean Béraud, painter and academic
1947 – Max Planck, physicist and academic,
1951 – Henrietta Lacks, medical patient
1970 – Janis Joplin, singer and songwriter
1974 – Anne Sexton, poet and author
1982 – Glenn Gould, pianist and conductor
1994 – Danny Gatton, guitarist
1999 – Erik Brødreskift, drummer
1999 – Art Farmer, trumpet player and composer
2000 – Michael Smith, biochemist and geneticist
2001 – John Collins, guitarist
2013 – Võ Nguyên Giáp, general and politician,
2014 – Jean-Claude Duvalier, dictator, liked by Nixon and Reagan, and possibly nobody else
2015 – Dave Pike, vibraphone player and songwriter


Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such:
Child Health Day
World Animal Day
National Taco Day
National Vodka Day
World Architecture Day


Music goes here, iirc, well, With apologies Wink


Violeta Parra



Leroy Van Dyke



Lloyd Green


Steve Swallow


Bernice Reagon

Jim Fielder


Duke Robillard


Janis Joplin


Danny Gatton


Art Farmer


John Collins


Dave Pike


Please Note: I wish my Monday Open Threads to remain on the front page because I sporadically say things in them that I wish to be as widely read as possible. Accordingly, please do not post any Covid-19 related commentary in the comments. Thank you. There is a separate OT titled The Dose where such material may be posted. Thanks again.



Ok, it's an open thread, so it's up to you folks now. So what's on your mind?


Barring unforesseen circumstances, I won't be here to host this today.

12 users have voted.


Dawn's Meta's picture

other thread as well.

I vote for National Vodka Day.

Actually, one of my favorite cocktails is an old Sunset Magazine version of a Sidecar. One shot of mixing Whiskey, one whole orange squeezed, Triple Sec if you have it.

Rim the glass with superfine sugar that has a bit of Clove powder in it.
Mix the Vodka, orange juice, Triple Sec, in a glass stirred on ice.

No Triple Sec? Just add the superfine sugar/clove to the liquids and stir until dissolved.
Strain and drink. Yum.

6 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.

@Dawn's Meta , it's seven twenty-six a.m. where I am and I feel like I need your little concoction of a beverage now. That would shoot my day down though so I will cease and desist. Plus I have chauffeur duties this morning and would have to employ a cab if I indulged in the above.

The early morning sky here was very nice, with a tiny crescent moon in the low north-east.

7 users have voted.
QMS's picture

@randtntx @randtntx

I liked this one of the lions heart location of the moon ..



6 users have voted.

question everything

@QMS @QMS , the Cheshire cat smile of a moon at the heart of Leo.

Up and coming moon event:

After sunset on Friday, Oct. 15, look low in the southeast for Jupiter shining a large palm's width to the upper right (or 8 degrees to the celestial northwest) of the bright, waxing gibbous moon. Somewhat fainter Saturn will become visible off to their right once the sky darkens more. The moon will bid adieu to the bright planets after tonight, until November 10-12.

from same site space.com

2 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

Hope you're enjoying your travels EL.

You're right we don't give a damn about children nor their health...and as you suggested nor Peace. It was fun to see kids at the beach. No one enjoys it more than them... playing until exhausted. Alabama has a particularly high infant mortality (and coincidentally poverty) rate. We refused the medicare money in the ACA because our state government are a bunch of idiots doing the bidding of big timber like the koch's Georgia Pacific. We spend more on prisons than schools in Alabama...that speaks volumes.

Well, have fun, and let us know what you saw and learned!

12 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

The legislator/judge/sleepwalker doth protest too much methinks.


6 users have voted.

6 users have voted.
CB's picture

Celebrating 46 years of love and friendship with my husband.

11 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

Lookout's picture

@Fishtroller 02

We clocked in our 42nd this past July. Sure has been a comfort having a partner during the COVID craziness.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


3 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Fishtroller 02 Our 42nd was on 9/10. Hard to get one’s head around that! How could we possibly be that OLD?!

6 users have voted.

@TB mare

I don't understand the time and aging thing, so no great wisdom from me on that.

However, with bad backs, knees and hips, we managed to take a 4 mile round trip walk in a beautiful canyon the other day. Perfect weather, Montana blue sky and brilliant yellow aspens. It's all about living in the present now.

5 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Fishtroller 02 , a perfect way to celebrate. Belated congrats to you both.

1 user has voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@Fishtroller 02

46 years. Wow. Here’s hoping that you guys reach 50 and more.

0 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

pswaterspirit's picture

I use it mostly to make vanilla and other extracts like lemon and cinnamon. I do a lively local trade in it. I am fairly sure my closest Costco thinks I am a serious alcoholic from the number of bottles I buy.

8 users have voted.
Dawn's Meta's picture

@pswaterspirit If you have time, can you type the recipe for vodka vanilla? Or anything else you feel it would be ok to share. I see you have a product so I don't want to ask for anything proprietary.

Thanks so much.

5 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.

pswaterspirit's picture

I am on a work break but when I get home I will.

7 users have voted.
Dawn's Meta's picture


6 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.

Vodka is no longer one of the top selling alcoholic drinks in Russia. In fact, throw away the cliches about forever drunk Russian, unless of course you work for a propaganda outfit like the BBC. Russians are now drinking less than Germans and the French.

Alcohol consumption dropped big time.

Russians consume less alcohol than French or Italians — WHO

Essentially under Medvedev there was a revamping of the sale of alcohol and limits on alcohol content under various conditions. Have to look it up, but places like night clubs could not serve anything over 15% alcohol. Hours of sales were reduced and strictly enforced. When I was in Russia, there were outdoor kiosks that sold beer. I believe those are gone now and age enforcement got strict. I would see teenagers walking streets with bottles of beer and openly drinking.

I think the Swedes make the best overall vodka with there Absolut brand. Never impressed with Russian made vodka except for a boutique brand name Rasputin.

4 users have voted.



8 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


The US tax rates are so low the oligarchs don't need to off shore wealth, but Ben's explanation makes more sense.

Thanks for the tweet.

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout Saw their segment on this and made Putin/Russia major actors. From what other pundits said, there was no proof that Putin had an account. They claimed that Putin's mistress had major accounts and had a baby from him. From what I read, just rumors with no proof. Very disappointing.

6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


always negative.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

dystopian's picture

Hey EL! How ya doin'? Hope there's good birds in yer sights... Wink We had 5 Nashville Warbler at once at the bath this morning, transient passage migrants, as was shortly after a male Black-throated Green Warbler, which was followed by 3 Clay-colored Sparrow at once, it was a great 30 minutes at the birdbath. A northerly flow on a minor frontish thing that passed and bingo, migrants.

Danny Gatton and Janis J. the same day... wow, didn't realize. Danny was one of America's greatest guitarists ever. For Janis, that version of Ball and Chain at Monterey blows my mind every time. Janis moved me, always.

be well all!

5 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

dystopian's picture

Texan politics cares deeply about children from zygote to first breath, and then again when old enough to sign up for war. In between, not so much...

4 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

pswaterspirit's picture

You will want to use a fairly good grade of Vodka for this. Surprisingly the most recommended among those who treat vanilla making as an art form is Kirkland brand from Costco. This is what I use.
For single fold vanilla which is lighter flavored and takes a bit longer use 1 ounce of vanilla bean for every cup of Vodka. Put it all in a glass jar, make sure your beans are submerged completely, put a lid on it and stick it in the cupboard. It takes 6 months to a year to extract.
For double fold which has a deeper richer flavor just double the number of vanilla beans to 2 oz per cup.
I use a 1/2 gallon mason jar but a quart or really any jar you can fit your beans in and fully submerge them in the vodka will work.
It really is that easy.

5 users have voted.
TheOtherMaven's picture


Haven't seen that around here for years. I think it went unavailable - possibly back sporadically now but flies off the shelves.

2 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

pswaterspirit's picture

driving distance from their flag ship business store. Mainly meant to supply restaurants. Never out if stock there.

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