Staggering Hypocrisy
I always thought it was the height of hypocrisy for so many people in the so-called "pro-life" crowd to support the death penalty. It turns out I was wrong.
There is a more extreme level of hypocrisy.
Gov. John Bel Edwards has vetoed three bills aimed at limiting vaccination requirements in the state and signed into law the most controversial anti-abortion bill of the legislative session.
The bills contribute “to the false narrative that the COVID-19 vaccines are anything other than safe and effective,” the governor’s office said in an announcement on Friday.
...In a major win for the state’s anti-abortion movement, the governor also signed into law two new anti-abortion bills. The most controversial creates a new requirement that Edwards’ own health department warned could be dangerous for women.The law requires the health department and physicians to tell abortion patients that it may be possible to reverse a medication abortion. The law promotes the practice of “abortion reversal,” a treatment that involves giving women progesterone. It’s been promoted by anti-abortion physicians for years but is deemed unproven by the American College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians.
So they care about the health of women, but they don't care about the health of women.
They care about the right to chose, but they don't care about the right to chose.
They care about life, but they don't care about life.
Don't think that there aren't lots of examples.
This week the Supreme Court decided to let the new abortion law stand in Texas. At the same time, Texas is blocking mandatory vaccination or masking in requirements for businesses and schools. Many states are poised to follow their example. The root of both of these issues is body autonomy. How much right do we have over what happens to our own bodies?
If you argue that you can do whatever you want because it’s your body, you are saying that body autonomy should be total. No one can tell you what to do with your own body. Total body autonomy also means people should be able to get on-demand abortions. No restrictions, because no one can tell them what to do with their body either.
Saying someone else can’t get an abortion while claiming no one can tell you to wear a mask or get a vaccine is the height of hypocrisy. Saying that there should be no restrictions at all on what someone can or can’t do with their body causes some problems, but using the government to tell people what they can and can’t do causes others. So where do we draw the line?
OK. So you say that this is not you, and that's a fair point.
But these people are in your camp, so you are going to have to deal with them. Sort of like how socialists and communists have to deal with the legacy of Stalin. It's something that you must address, and you're expected to address, even if Stalin has almost nothing to do with your beliefs.
Well, these people aren't just in your camp right now, they are a very significant part of your camp.
As a nurse practicing for the past 10 years, I’ve see the recent rise of the anti-vax movement as well as the anti-abortion movement as symptoms of a lack of understanding of safe, evidence-based medical practices.
...Prior to the recent abortion laws approved in New York state and the hotly contested proposed bill on third trimester abortions in Virginia, many in the anti-abortion movement incorrectly thought “on-demand” abortions were already available to women. The truth is most state laws restrict abortions after 20 weeks of gestation.“On-demand” is a term coined by conservatives to further stoke an emotional response. The uniformed, incorrect belief was that any woman at any stage of her pregnancy, could walk into any Planned Parenthood in the United States and get an abortion.

That article is excellent.
I attended and participated in the Women's March for Reproductive Rights in Helena yesterday along with 400 (totally masked by requirement even though we were outside the whole time) other women and men. A lot of focus was upon indigenous women and their issues with birth control and abortion (also the high incidents of rape).
I worked in Family Planning for years and eventually was Board President of Family Planning in Gettysburg PA (over 40 years ago).
So I think I can speak to this issue.
Rather than go into a long list of what reproductive rights and health are all about, I can offer this...
having an abortion is a private medical decision, and whichever way the woman decides on that choice does not affect the medical health of anyone else. Decisions on being vaccinated for potentially deadly viruses DOES affect others' lives and health. They affect total communities, states and countries all around the world. These two decision situations are NOT related issues in terms of rights and choices. So for the anti-vaxx crowd to cynically borrow the themes of reproductive choice for signage etc. IS the height of hypocrisy.
To encourage pregnant women to roll the dice on Covid by not getting vaccinated is anti- women's health. I can assure you that very few members of the reproductive rights movement would even consider advising other women to forego vaccinations for Covid... pregnant or not.
It's NOT a control thing, it's a public health thing. If we lose sight of that, we all pay the price.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Interesting take on the issue
The moral equivalency of the unborn and the undead seems strange.
If the leaky vax promised life to 'others' and the unborn did the same
then it may make more sense. I don't see it.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
A large part of the women's reproductive services world
is the issue of sexually communicable diseases and community responsibility. In other words, women and men have a responsibility to try to prevent giving these diseases to each other and to the community at large. This is why the women's movements are highly supportive of vaccines, masks etc. in relation to Covid.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Real or not hypocrisy is the norm
I knew someone who couldn't get a tubal litigation, (the doctors all said she was "too young; she might change her mind" - no medical reason)so she had to get 3 abortions. Choice?
Now I'll play devil's advocate by twisting the logic around:
Society (the government) can only end the life of a certain type of person (a killer if proven in a court of law) but any woman can end the life of any type of person, provided that person hasn't been born yet. Hypocrisy?
If I own a car the government forces me to buy insurance. If I own my home the government allows a "homeowner's association" to force me to buy insurance. The IRS can force me to buy "health insurance." But the government cannot force me to allow someone to live. Who's logic is twisted? Who's "logic" is self serving? I have my answer, but I 'll admit it's difficult.
On to Biden since 1973
No pills? No condoms? No diaphram?
Her body her choice. But abortion wouldn't be my first, nor, I'm sure my wife's. She had a miscarriage once. We still mourn him. (I think of it as him). Still, I don't impose my values on others.
Aborting a rape child is totally different IMO. But, your body, your choice.
When my daughter was in High School, my sister took her to a doctor for a pill prescription. She told me about that about a decade later, rather defiantly. I told her, "You did the right thing. And it was better coming from her Aunt than her parents."
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
No pills?
No money. Pride. No trust. You can add no impulse control, but that's a given.
But that's not my point. The doctors were hypocrites. She couldn't get what she wanted because they knew better, and besides, she could always beg them to stop dragging their heels and give her an abortion - if she didn't deliver first. (GA late 70s)
On to Biden since 1973
safe, evidence-based medical practices
you said it man. Give us a way to figure out what we need. It is our body after all. Tired of being talked down to and told what is best for us. We may actually know better.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I thought the same thing on pro war folks
So you’re pro life on abortion, but not on the wars for resources that kill many people in the countries we invaded to steal their resources and destroy their country.
But then they stop being pro life after birth for allowing those same babies to die from starvation or lack of health care or exposure to the elements if they have no home to live in. That’s where they become pro birth instead. I don’t understand that mindset, but body autonomy for medical procedures has always been considered the right choice. If they can force you to inject something into your body then what’s stopping them from making rules that say that you have to donate a kidney for a rich person who’s life is considered more valuable than yours? After all the sky dude gave you two of them and you can live with just one. Slippery slope IMO. Additionally the vaccines are still under emergency authorization and that includes Pfizer because the one that they said has been authorized is not currently being given because they haven’t made them yet. And since there is no long term data available on them then it’s unconscionable that they be given against people’s will. Therefore they can’t give actual informed consent.
Besides many people have legitimate health reasons for not getting vaccinated as well as religious ones. Both are being denied by companies who should never have a say in medical decisions. Remember that woman who had her kid removed because she wasn’t vaccinated. She had a bad reaction to a flu shot which is contraindicated for the current Covid vaccines and a note from her doctor saying it’d be dangerous for her to get one. The judge shrugged. One can have an STD, hepatitis and other infectious diseases and still go to work and it’s considered rude to ask people if they have one.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
That's Democrats doing that
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I agree.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
On the anti vaxer part
I am not so sure its medical community in general but the FDA and Big Pharma. I have had a couple friends die after taking prescribed FDA drugs that were later recalled for causing a few thousand deaths from the exact same thing my friends died of. I am not very open to trusting them.
I got my vaccine only after researching information from other countries and talking to my dads cousin in Sweden who is a retired brain surgeon and former minister of health. The government telling a few blatant lies about it did not help either. If I have learned anything it's that the powers that be think we are dumber than a box of rocks.
Luckily Ulf was able to help me make sense of my research. I also knew ahead of time that it would not keep me from getting the disease.
Luckily I have a stainless steel immune system, have had a semi moderate case of covid before they knew what it was, and I have worked in public the whole time.
There was a very interesting article in Huffington post Canada regarding the CDCs use of scare tactics to get us to comply. It is something they actually developed to get people to take the flu vaccine. My phone is junky these days so I can not link the article but I hope you will look it up if it interests you.
I was talking to an old friend last night
that I hadn't spoken to in a long time.
Her mother died of COVID, after refusing to get the vaccine.
the hypocrisy of the right is so easy to see,
being pro life while being pro death penalty and pro war are the obvious examples. And now actually stealing the line "my body my choice" from pro choicers is just really "choice".
But is it any less hypocritical for pro choice people to be pushing for a vax mandate? For people who claim to be for civil liberties to take your liberty away when it comes to choosing medical options?
I used to think the righties had the edge in hypocrisy, but the s#it-libs are closing the gap. Wanting Trump investigated for everything, but refusing to see Bidens corruption. Freaking out when Trump mean tweeted about Acosta, but happy to have more and more censorship.
I define myself as a true lefty. Lefty by historical standards and International standards. I have found that in the last 5-6 years I can have better and more reasonable conversations with Rs than with Ds. The Rs know stuff isn't going well and know we need some change ( I usually disagree with the changes they want) and the Ds think everything is just fine, just get Trump out of office and have some itty bitty teeny weeny incremental change. To "understand science" as the Ds claim they do and to think incrementalism will work as we stare down the barrel of climate change? Might be the utmost level of hypocrisy ever.
What am I missing?
Seems like he is pro vaccines not anti. The legislature were the ones who wanted to have no mandate.
And this is just false.
I can’t see how that would be possible after taking plan b that ends a pregnancy.
What do you mean about this?
Who’s camp are they in and if you mean anyone here who is questioning the vaccines why would they have to be responsible for the way others feel about abortion and their hypocrisy on my body my choice?
I don’t care what anyone else thinks about vaccines or abortion. My concerns are about me only and whether it’s safe for me to get vaccinated. Right now it is NOT safe for me to and my doctor agrees with that. I have detailed my health issues before and it’s should be only my decision to get one or not. Someone else’s decision on whether they get one or not is up to them.
And since the vaccines don’t stop people from getting infected anyway and spreading the virus then how does it make sense for everyone to get vaccinated if the vaccine doesn’t KILL the virus like the childhood ones do? Countries that have high vaccinated rates are still seeing people being infected and still going into hospitals and still dying. How many times does that need to be stated? If you think they work better than that then aren’t you protected? If not then don’t blame the unvaxxed and blame the damn vaccines and those that told you otherwise.
Non Twit users
Again I am NOT anti vax. I had all the ones I should have and it’s weird that people who are vaxxed have this animosity towards people who are not. I don’t see that going both ways tho.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
We are so damn propagandized and manipulated by the media funded by Big Pharma, it is a given we would be divided on this issue.
I want to encourage us all to lose the term "anti-vax".
Un-vaxxed for any reason, whether health, religious, or rejection of government mandates.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I think the inital
I think the initial idea was to hurry up and get everyone vaccinated before a new variant emerged. The problem with that is they have been limiting the doses sent to poorer countries. The delta variant didn't come from here it came from one of those countries they seem to be trying to euthanize.