The Dose - 10-03-21

The Dose is an open thread for discussion of all things covid 19. Please post your covid 19 comments here. All other comments should be posted in the regular Open Thread. Thank you.

In Portugal, There Is Virtually No One Left to Vaccinate

Portugal is among the most highly vaccinated countries in the world. Vice Adm. Henrique Gouveia e Melo, who led the campaign, said there was a key to his success: Keep politics out of it.

Portugal’s health care system was on the verge of collapse. Hospitals in the capital, Lisbon, were overflowing and the authorities were asking people to treat themselves at home. In the last week of January, nearly 2,000 people died as the virus spread.

The country’s vaccine program was in a shambles, so the government turned to Vice Adm. Henrique Gouveia e Melo, a former submarine squadron commander, to right the ship.

Eight months later, Portugal is among the world’s leaders in vaccinations, with roughly 86 percent of its population of 10.3 million fully vaccinated. About 98 percent of all of those eligible for vaccines — meaning anyone over 12 — have been fully vaccinated, Admiral Gouveia e Melo said.

“We believe we have reached the point of group protection and nearly herd immunity,” he said. “Things look very good.”

Israel tightens COVID ‘green pass’ rules, sparking protest

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel restricted its COVID Green Pass on Sunday to allow only those who have received a vaccine booster dose or recently recuperated from coronavirus to enter indoor venues. The new criteria mean that nearly 2 million people will lose their vaccination passport in the coming days.

Israel is the first country to make a booster shot a requirement for its digital vaccination passport. The move is widely seen as a step to encourage booster vaccination among those who have yet to receive a third dose.

Under the new guidelines, people must have received a booster shot to be eligible for a green pass. Those who have received two vaccine doses, and those who have recovered from coronavirus, will be issued passes valid for six months after the date of their vaccination or recovery.

The government’s advisory cabinet on coronavirus was set to convene Sunday to discuss existing restrictions and guidelines.

H/T - enhydra lutris for banner, video and concept

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Lookout's picture

featuring his frustration about incorrect injections. The obvious solution to me, which some doctors are promoting, is a nasal spray formulation, placing immune response at the site of infection. The last half includes Max describing all the simulations run on pandemics.
19 min

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

I don’t watch my vaccination injections (I would assume most don’t) so when my RN partner asked me if the nurse ‘drew back’ on the syringe before injecting I had to say ‘dunno’. When I later watched her getting her second jab from an RN at a drive-through parking lot Clinic it was definitely jab-and-push. No drawback.

I wonder how well the National Guard replacements for nurses fired for refusing vaccination in NY are going to do when they start vaccinating the public.

9 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

CB's picture

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CB's picture


Lice medicine is being prescribed against covid-19

M édicos Portuguese are taking and prescribe against covid-19 the drug that the scientific community ruled out from the start of the pandemic. Hundreds of patients have been treated with the antiparasitic ivermectin, used for 30 years for head lice, scabies or severe river blindness. The therapy is not approved or recommended against the new infection by any health authority, but taking it is freely accepted.
Immediately, there is a certainty: "The doctors who are using ivermectin to treat covid-19 are not doing anything against good medical practices", guarantees the president. “Off-label use [for unauthorized indications] is associated with clinical experience, it is the responsibility of the doctor and the patient and is done with thousands of medicines. For example, in dermatology, a lot is done.”
“It's a scandal that ivermectin is in the drawer. It inhibits virus replication five thousand times, just the drug. In humans, there is also an antigenic contribution, with the production of neutralizing antibodies. Ivermectin does not prevent infection but disease and — the big gain — the exaggerated immune response that kills patients”, explains António Pedro Machado, a specialist in Internal Medicine at Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisbon. “I have an office, and all the older patients go out with ivermectin. I already had to go there one day just to pass on recipes. I bought 400 capsules and gave them to a colleague who had an outbreak in a home in Torres Vedras. He came to get them at my house. The 68 elderly people were all infected, they all took it, on the second and third day they were all apyretic [without fever] and a week later they were all fine.”
In addition to remote prescriptions for the entire country, Henrique Carreira has been contacted to teach colleagues seeking help to stop infections in homes. He calls it “medicating against awaiting therapy”. “I will have already treated about 200 people. None died and I only have two hospitalizations, but one of the patients hid the infection. I still have around 50 people — real estate brokers, health professionals, for example — taking prophylaxis [to be taken for prevention]”, he says.

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snoopydawg's picture

From the article

And now with more and more data we're seeing that there are really no differences in outcomes in terms of fertility, desire to get pregnant, adverse baby outcomes, really, if you've been vaccinated or not. So we really know now — with a wealth of data and numerous studies of thousands of pregnant women — that you are at higher risk if you don't get vaccinated, and that outcomes are the same for mom and baby if you do get vaccinated."

It's safe to get the COVID-19 vaccine during any stage of your pregnancy or parenting journey. "It absolutely is safe to get vaccinated [while breastfeeding]. I would say, if you are thinking about getting vaccinated, there is no bad time to get vaccinated. Get vaccinated while you're thinking about having a baby, before you're thinking about having a baby, while you're pregnant with your baby or after you've delivered your baby. There is no bad time to get vaccinated."

But what happens 5-10 years down the road with that information? No one can say because it’s in the future. Again there’s the UK report on 30,000 women who’s cycle s have been changed. Wonder if anyone will ask her about this?

This is interesting. Possibly Covid was a stronger virus and it suppressed the flu virus and that could be why the flu disappeared last year.

Advocating again for people to watch the McCullough video in yesterday’s thread. Mind blowing information in it. Dawn posted it.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Well hell yes, that sounds good enough to me! /s

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

Dawn's Meta's picture

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg This is a YT video.

I would like to know if others find flaws in his presentation. In the last 'The Dose' thread I tried to analyze the statistics from Jessica Rose. I posted my best attempt at showing the different levels of total reports and deaths reported on VAERS. Many people frustrated with the CDC and others not posting data are doing what they can to create meaning out of not only VAERS but VA, Medicare and other sources of data.

ETA: Notes from a poster on Peak Prosperity (Martenson Site)
Notes on McCullough Lecture

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A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

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@Dawn's Meta @Dawn's Meta some minor style points, speaking at times very rapidly and rushing quickly through some complex medical/biological matters. But he's probably speaking to a medical crowd there in MI so uses verbal shorthand.

On the substance, I would assume he's got his ducks all lined up as he's already under fierce attack, has lost various positions he once held, and is having his medical certification (?) challenged, as a result of his outspokenness on Covid and vaccines. Just one mistake on the substance and he makes himself all the more vulnerable to having it all taken away.

That said, it's a very impressive talk chock full of information, and so I'll probably give it a second listen.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Dawn's Meta

Horrifying if true. I don’t know if that is on top of what VAERS has shown, but again we go back to what happened during the swine flu epidemic and since then we have seen Orwell’s nightmare coming true. They change things that have stood for centuries to fit their new narrative and agenda.

Oops. I forgot to embed the tweet. I’ll find it. However the numbers from CMS that does Medicare says that they have recorded 48,000 plus deaths from the vaccines.

My bad

6 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture


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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Dawn's Meta's picture

@snoopydawg a subset?

I don't know how the CMS got this data? Anybody know how this is acquired? I don't take numbers at face value anymore/or ever. Always try to go to the paper and the data source if possible. We don't subscribe to journals, but PubMed and other groups like PLOS can be helpful.

I think this is why so many people/groups are combing through available sources to try to suss out the best data they can come up with.

I thought it was interesting that the Jessica Rose analysis is basically from Israel.

4 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

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dystopian's picture

I don't care how many times you post Different Drum by the Stone Poneys. I will listen to it every time, and think, man that was so awesome! Wink Thanks!

I haven't seen this here yet so... from John Hopkins...
The blue line is deaths in the blue countries, brown line deaths in brown countries. The difference is whether or not the people are on a prophylactic treatment for river blindness. The drug in use for that of course is the one that starts with I that cannot be mentioned without calling it horse paste sheep dip, unless one wants to be banned from Twitter, Fzuckbook, Utube.

Play it safe and be well all!

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

great song a great crush I've always had on LR.

6 users have voted.


great song a great crush I've always had on LR

5 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

@dystopian , like that horse paste is pretty good stuff.

3 users have voted.

this and not sure what to make of it:

In discussing the role of the Rapid Response Team (RRT), the WHO site reports,

“RRTs are a key component of a larger emergency response strategy that is essential for an efficient and effective response…WHO has produced and published this course for RRTs working at the national, sub-national, district, and sub-district levels to strengthen the pandemic response with support from the National Center for Disease Control, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

The Rapid Response Teams derive support from the United States CDC under the umbrella of the WHO. This fact further validates the Uttar Pradesh test and treat program and solidifies this as a joint effort by the WHO and CDC.

Perhaps the most telling portion of the WHO article was the last sentence, “WHO will also support the Uttar Pradesh government on the compilation of the final reports.”

None have yet been published.

So it's now clear that the CDC and WHO are fully aware of the benefits to treating Covid with IVM as they were intimately involved in the UttPrad program. Purpose and motives are unclear.

Also, apparently YTer John Campbell was the first to disclose that the home treatment kits given out in Uttar Pradesh contained IVM. The WHO's public statements never mentioned this fact. And our MSM still hasn't covered the UttPrad situation at all.

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Dawn's Meta's picture

Couple of items:
- It is not usual practice to allow unstudied cohorts to take new pharmaceuticals. The big excluded group that matters this weekend are pregnant women people. The exclusions are for one of two reasons - either the medication/pharmaceutical has no potential benefit to the excluded group, or, that group stands at higher risk. This is a departure from the norm in research.

- My list of fully vaccinated countries or at least highly, grows: Israel, Iceland, Singapore, Portugal, UK, Seychelles, any others? They could be great sources for data.

- Anyone have information on an important international meeting on Sars-CoV-2 in Rome last week. Inquiring minds want to know.

Have a great week!

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A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

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@Dawn's Meta the Rome meeting, co-hosted by Dr Rbt Malone. It was put together rather quickly, and attendees had to get there on their own dime, but it went off well considering. Reports and testimonies from doctors all over the world, some in Rome others by Zoom. At the conclusion they issued a Physicians Declaration criticizing the one-size-for-all vaccines approach, the anti-treatment policy of officialdom, and the widespread and aggressive censorship of alternative ideas. The Declaration by now has been signed by 9,100 doctors and scientists.

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CB's picture

Another report by David Martin. For reference I published his first report in C99 on 07/15/2021: Nothing about the "novel" coronavirus is new

Patents Prove COVID Fraud and Illegal Dealings

Story at-a-glance

  • In the early 2000s, David Martin, Ph.D., founder of M-CAM International, started finding large numbers of patents that violate biological and chemical weapons laws
  • In 1999, Dr. Anthony Fauci funded research to create “an infectious replication-defective recombinant coronavirus.” In 2002, Ralph Baric, Ph.D. and colleagues at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, filed a patent on recombinant coronavirus, and within a year, we got the world’s first SARS outbreak
  • Since 1999, at least 4,000 patents involving coronavirus have been filed, including patents detailing key features of the so-called “novel” SARS-CoV-2 virus
  • The 2001 anthrax attack, which came out of medical and defense research, led to the passage of the PREP Act, which removed liability for manufacturers of emergency medical countermeasures
  • The funds for entitlement programs and pensions will dry up by 2028, at which point the drug industry will go bankrupt as well. With a burgeoning population that is sick from the COVID jabs, we need to prepare new systems to care for each other
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snoopydawg's picture

Pelosi: we cannot require someone to take a vaccine. It’s a matter of privacy to know who is or who isn’t.

Fauci: it would be unenforceable and not appropriate.

Psakiopath: no it’s not a roll the federal government can make.

Biden: no vaccine mandates.

No child tax credit nor Medicare lowered to just 60, but plenty of money for cops to keep us in control. Cops get $189 billion every year, but crumbs for the peasants are never there.

People should be absolutely pissed that congress has excellent health insurance and just voted to double the funds for them while not even raising the inadequate minimum wage to $15. But then if they do get pissed and take to the streets that abomination will be waiting for them. Plus Biden’s new patriot act makes one a domestic terrorists if they question certain aspects of the government. Tell me again how Americans live in the land of the free and brave.

7 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

CB's picture

Lt. Gen Frewen, Commander of the COVID-Force Operation in Australia, "I will make sure everyone gets a dose by Christmas 2021."

I'm wondering what he'll do with those who disobey? Firing squad or the brig? Maybe it wasn't such a good idea for Australian citizens to have turned in their guns during the last several years.

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Lookout's picture


Australia’s NSW Premier Quits Over Allegations of Pharma Funding

As I learned from someone's post here. Maybe yours?

We're being scammed but better not call it out...

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

CB's picture

You can get the story here:

"Gladys Berejiklian resignation appears to be due to her conflicting public and private relationships with NSW Member of Parliament, Mr Daryl Maguire."

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Lookout's picture


resigning for screwing around? Hell, they would all need to resign then!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


This part of the story won’t die. He was at the end of the other tweet I posted on that.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

CB's picture

with Billionaire Clive Palmer's charge. Palmer has been consistently anti lock-down and anti vaccine mandate. He has publicly stated the he will not take the vaccine.

New South Wales Treasurer Dominic Perrottet will replace Gladys Berejiklian. Her policies on the COVID situation will remain the same.

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shaharazade's picture

says it all. Heath insurance does not insure your health. It insures that you turn your health over to an industry that has absolutely no interest in your health. They make a killing off big pharma and the medical industry. Sick of people telling me I'm anti-science cause don't buy their toxic version of healing or medicine. Gimmie a break there is a huge difference between technology and science.

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snoopydawg's picture

If this doesn’t show people that there is a hidden agenda for Covid I don’t know what will. Add in the rumors of other leaders being offered big money to implement the Covid agenda and we can see that we’ve been lied to on a massive scale. It made no sense to close regular people’s businesses when Walmart m target and other businesses were allowed to stay open. 100 of thousands small businesses were destroyed just so big businesses and of course Wall Street could rake in the dough. Wealth was transferred upwards and not just with congress giving them trillions. The federal reserve gave banks trillions to keep the stock market raking in billions as well as the money given to corporations that didn’t actually need it because they could have sold their stocks that they bought with money given to them by the government. We’ve been robbed on countless levels because congress was complicit in this scam-demic. If you can’t see that then you aren’t looking.

I could go on all night but I’ll stop here. What was done to us across the globe was done on purpose and had been well planned out. Just the fact that Gates and others in his orbit gathered to plan the Covid response shows their guilt IMO. Let’s stop fighting each other and remember who we actually need to fight.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

CB's picture


Clive Palmer was right about Gladys
“I’d say the premier’s lying to them, I’d say that she’s under ICAC inquiry, that a particular lobbyist in Sydney controls the Liberal Party in Sydney, has told her that the only way she gets out of that inquiry is if she pushes the double jab, and his clients are AstraZeneca, and his clients are Pfizer. That’s what I would say…

“I’d say that what the Premier’s told them is not true, and that they shouldn’t be locked down, businesses should be open, and the government is using this as an excuse to destroy them…

“She’s being directed by a lobbyist in Sydney, who’s being paid by Astra Zenecka and by Pfizer tens of millions of dollars to get these policies through to make sure the vaccine is pushed.”

Things could get very interesting if Palmer follows through with his promise to name the lobbyist. You can watch the full press conference here.
Thus it is entirely plausible that Clive Palmer’s statement is correct. Leaders across the globe, regardless of race, religion, region, political affiliation or the system of government have all instituted the same policy. This looks very much like policy is being directed from above by a combination of supranational institutions and NGO’s whose goal is global governance, and multinational corporations whose sole motive is profit.

There is a hell of lot more at this link you should take a look at. Especially the draconian measures NSW government has gone to ensure compliance. It's turned into a police state.

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snoopydawg's picture


I’ve seen this video of Palmer accusing her of taking bribes money from lobbyists paid by big pharma to implement the draconian laws and shutdowns. I don’t think big pharma is acting alone either. Wall Street and big business are raking in the dough with everything that has been done since this started. Britain had scientists involved in making people afraid of the Rona and Canada’s military was just exposed at pushing propaganda.

It also talks about countries having to give big pharma infrastructure and military bases if they want vaccines. Now why would drug companies need to have country’s infrastructure? And that the IMF is involved must mean that our government is behind that too.

Brazil’s president spilled the beans too on the agenda. Add in what is coming out on nursing homes worldwide and boy I sure hope that one day people who were in charge of this are going to be held to account. The WEF was so confident that they would succeed in their agenda that they openly bragged about it. "You will own nothing and be happy about it." Facebook said Amazon wants to build company towns again. How’d that work out the other times they did that?

This story would have made a great science fiction story huh? History might find it in the non fiction

ETA link

4 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.