The Dose 10-02-2021


A few articles of interest.

What we can learn from Bhutan’s vaccine rollout

Nearly half the world’s population has received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine. But figures vary widely between countries. Many low and middle-income countries have barely started their vaccination campaigns.

But the tiny Himalayan nation of Bhutan isn’t one of them. By the end of July, it had fully vaccinated 90% of its adults. Despite having few doctors and nurses, across only three weeks in the summer it delivered a second vaccine dose to nearly every adult in the country.

This is a remarkable success story for one of the least developed countries in the world

Russia reports record virus deaths for third day The new figure brings the country's total deaths from Covid-19 to 207,255 – the highest in Europe

Several Russian vaccines have been available for months, but authorities have struggled to inoculate a vaccine-skeptic population.

As of Thursday, just under 29% of the population had been fully vaccinated, according to the Gogov website, which tallies Covid data from the regions.

Physical inactivity is associated with a higher risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes: a study in 48 440 adult patients

PA goals

The US Physical Activity Guidelines established a goal of 150 min/week of MVPA (like a brisk walk) to maximise health benefits. This amount can be accrued in small units, making achievement of the guidelines within reach for nearly all people. Other studies have shown that on average, Americans have at least 4–6 hours each day of leisure time, the majority of which is devoted to sedentary activities, particularly electronic media. The findings here provide additional rationale and motivation for individuals to be more physically active, as well as for communities to design environments that are more conducive to routine PA, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
We found that consistently meeting PA guidelines was strongly associated with a reduced odds for severe COVID-19 among infected adults. Specifically, when compared with those who reported being consistently inactive, those who were consistently meeting PA guidelines had lower odds of being hospitalised, requiring ICU admission and dying from COVID-19. Even activity levels that did not meet the PA guidelines were significantly associated with reduced odds of hospitalisation and death. It is notable that being consistently inactive was a stronger risk factor for severe COVID-19 outcomes than any of the underlying medical conditions and risk factors identified by CDC except for age and a history of organ transplant.1 In fact, physical inactivity was the strongest risk factor across all outcomes, compared with the commonly cited modifiable risk factors, including smoking, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Those who want to delve a little deeper into the subject of obesity, chronic inflammation and immune system will find this article Obesity and COVID-19: what makes obese host so vulnerable? published in Immunity & Ageing Jan 2021 interesting.

Until recently adipose tissue was merely considered to be an inert organ that stored energy in the form of lipids, which could be utilized in the state of fasting/starvation. However, adipose tissue is now being recognized as a key endocrine organ that secretes a plethora of factors (Adipokines, Chemokines, and Cytokines) that profoundly impact metabolism and immune system

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COVID is designed to kill Americans.

11 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

@doh1304 @doh1304 . But first they want to squeeze every last penny and every crumb of an asset that the working class has.

U.S. hospitals are in the spotlight for being on the frontline of fighting the pandemic. But in the shadows, debt collection operations continue, often by the same institutions treating coronavirus patients, all while unemployment and uncertainty soar.

Our current healthcare system which BTW wants to mandate vaccinations is simultaneously willing to throw Americans into poverty and ....

“cause devastating financial burdens to working families,” the report said. The federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has estimated medical debt makes up 58% of all debt collection actions.

We ask people to trust this system?
Looks like they have a great plan, rake in all the money and kill the people at the same time.

11 users have voted.

Yesterday I received a letter from a collection agency - a bill from my county med center for $18.49 (+ $1.10 interest) I mailed a photocopy of the check they cashed two months ago. It happens.

3 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

@doh1304 , you better make a photocopy of that photocopy, sounds like they've got you on a perpetual payment schedule for that same $18.49+interest. At the rate things are going they might take you to court and sue you for an arm and a leg for the $18.49 you already paid. Maybe they would take a kidney or some sought-after organ in lieu of cash money. Vultures.

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edg's picture


If they keep contacting you, you can sue them in small claims court for $1,000.

3 users have voted.

@doh1304 to your comment, but is it not interesting that at the 400th fatality mark for Covid The Bidens and all their supporters held giant "Memorial Ceremonies" on the DC Mall? Candles, flags, celebrities, entertainment.

500 dead and another giant exrtavanga of grief, remembrance who knows what---

600 Dead. barely mentioned.

700 Dead this weekend and again....pretty quiet.

So, what changed? \s

BFD when Trump could be blamed.

Now it's a different story.

9 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


When Trump was in control every damn thing that happened across the country was his fault. High cases in CA and NYC? Trump’s fault. Hospitals closing and staff being laid off? Trump’s fault.

Now that Biden’s in control who’s at fault? Trump supporters and especially if they are not vaccinated. Medical staff getting burned out? Trump supporters again and not the fact that they are overwhelmed because there isn’t enough staff to go around.

With Biden’s mandate hollowing out more medical staff while hospitalizations are sky high? Trump supporters of course and not the hospital CEOs that only see dollars and cents and do every possible to squeeze out the last penny.

Just make $.02

11 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg that's what my \s snark tag meant.

3 users have voted.


or Increasing Impotence?

Cannot decide on a title this morning. What has led to this quandry are the following headlines:

Dejoy announces USPS will be slowing down the delivery of First Class Mail to "save money." We all can guess that Privatization is the goal. The big question is Why doesn't Biden DO something?

The Senate Parliamentarian rules on critical matters. We all say, Who? WTF? Why doesn't Biden DO something?

(President) Manchin calls the shots. We all say, Huh? Why doesn't Biden DO something? (and yes, he can. The GOP deprived Marjorie Taylor Greene of all her Committee assignments, for example.)

The Public Works and Infrstructure Bills before Congress are presented as mind-numbing numerical issues,
We all say, Why doesn't Biden DO something? Like sell us on what is in it for US in this bill.

Irrelevant or Impotent-- both. neither. Maybe Intentional neglect---IDK

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enhydra lutris's picture


(President) Manchin calls the shots. We all say, Huh? Why doesn't Biden DO something? (and yes, he can. The GOP deprived Marjorie Taylor Greene of all her Committee assignments, for example.)

Very likely he can't. I will cite Will Rogers on this:

I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.

As "Chief Executive" he has no power over the Legislature. As "leader of the party", he can beg and whine (which he hasn't been doing anyway), but Nancy calls the shots in the House and Chuckie the Shoom runs the Senate.

be well and have a good one

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris Could Sell his policies on their merits.

He could vigorously and publicly stand for something and against something.

Nobody had to tell Trump that he needed to speak up in a clear and vigorous manner.

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enhydra lutris's picture


could speak coherently and focused for sustained periods. Selling the "bipartisan" bill on its merits would require a lot of clever propagnda, psychological trickery, semantics and fakery which might be beyond his capabilities. It is bipartisan precisely because it is corporate welfare, handouts to big oil, etc., which might be a hare sell to the hoi polloi. The hoi polloi, of course don't matter and really don't have a say in anything, the high rollers already want the corporate welfare, they simply don't want anything for the people or any taxes upon themselves, that is why the other bill is unlikely to ever pass.

be well and have a good one

9 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@NYCVG charming using the word "vigorously" in connection with Uncle Joe, who's nearly 80 yo and looking closer to 90 by our estimation. He is who/what he is -- everyone ages differently -- and we're stuck with him for another 3+ yrs, if indeed the Gods of Longevity allow him to finish his term.

We're also stuck with Manchin, and the curious Sinema person. Not much can be done with either except to try to work with them in good faith while not completely giving away the store. Both have at least one foot in the GOP camp and could easily bolt with a party switch, throwing the senate to the Rs, so Biden and Chuckie have to be careful not to muss their hair too much.

At this point, after weeks/months of internal negotiations, there's little leverage left. I don't know what carrot for either Biden could offer. This isn't quiet like the old days of a president offering a fed-funded major jobs program for the state, like a new big dam. Already too many damn dams. Maybe the fault lies in not enough external pressure being applied to both earlier in the process, public pressure coming from the DP within their own states. But even there the leverage was narrow and limited.

7 users have voted.
Bisbonian's picture


I was in Standing Rock when Obama said, "well, lets just wait a few weeks and see what happens". (This, a few weeks before Trump's he didn't know how that was going to turn out.)

The Democrats also had a bare majority in Congress, with one or two 'bad actors' that kept the Democrats from ever accomplishing anything. I can't remember who it was...Lieberman? And I remember that Al Franken played a part.

It's just deja vu all over again.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

@Bisbonian go back to the 50s to find a similar bare D majority in the senate, where so much was riding on one D senator. But back then it was easier legislating as Ike tended to be moderate and wanted to govern in a more bipartisan fashion and the Far Right didn't dominate the GOP as today. But Ds have always been a Big Tent bunch and so have to consider the technical majority vs actual working majority crucial difference.

Re Obama, not sure of the issue you were referencing, but back then he had to work with not only Lieberman but that Big Insurance-friendly D senator, Baucus, on ACA. Worked with him a little too much as I recall. Basically let Max and the insurance industry write the damn bill. Quite a difference from 1964 when Ds needed R Sen Dirksen's support to invoke cloture, and so allowed him to make a few changes to the bill, but not write the entire thing.

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snoopydawg's picture


Are you all aware that he closed around 180 post offices whilst in office and DeJoy has been tasked with closing the remaining 89 that were long ago planned to be closed? Once again we saw the media ignoring what Democrats do but by golly focusing on what the bad republicans do. Biden’s deported close to 800,000 immigrants which is much more than Trump did.

Remember when Biden:Psakiopath said that the border patrol would no longer use horses on the Haitian immigrants? Guess what? They still are. Fancy that. RT has the story.

Obama was asked about the violence at standing rock. "We’ll see how it plays out.” Biden has let Canadian company for line 3 to hire cops to use as mercenaries. The violence there is just as bad or worse than SR. The names change, but not the policies. Oh yeah and Biden just appealed a court decision to stop deporting people. Guess people should have voted for the Other Guy after all huh?

8 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Bisbonian's picture

@snoopydawg do you mean the other guy on the ballot?

I haven't heard much about Post Office sales since I first heard about Feinstein closing down Post Offices so that her husband could buy (low) and sell (high) them.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

snoopydawg's picture


A Hispanic asked Biden if he would stop deportations like what happened during Obama and Joe got mad and told him to vote for the other guy. Condescending asswipe to say that to a person’s face. Biden has always been an arrogant git and he was just rude. I saw him tell people that 3-4 times.

7 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@Bisbonian , to have a couple of spare "bad actors" around to blame everything on. They keep 'em just for that purpose.

7 users have voted.

not confined to the very limited offerings of Big Pharma, this video discusses alternative or supplementary dietary and OTC therapies available at low cost. (The video is longish (> 1 hr) but the Odyssee platform has an accelerated playback feature that actually improves intelligibility for some of the participants.)

Much of the information in the video can also be found in written form Here.

[edited twice! for bad links. Sorry]

7 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

CB's picture


2 users have voted.

soe and thanks for the bifurcated thread. Covid is on my mind.

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CB's picture

The following may be true "The new figure brings the country’s total deaths from Covid-19 to 207,255 – the highest in Europe."

As Mark Twain said there are "Lies, damned lies, and statistics"

An honest assessment would be to take the DEATH RATE for SARS-CoV2. Russia is 16th lowest out of 44 European countries. I added the US for perspective.

PS: This was also an exercise to improve my memory skills so it was not a complete waste. Ok

Death rate per million:

Iceland 96
Norway 157
Finland 191
Cyprus 454
Denmark 458
Isle of Man 608
Albania 941
Serbia 958
Estonia 1,024
Netherlands 1,058
Germany 1,120
Switzerland 1,272
Austria 1,215
Ukraine 1,305
Luxembourg 1,307
Russia 1,432
Greece 1,434
Sweden 1,457
Latvia 1,468
Liechtenstein 1,568
Moldova 1,691
Portugal 1,770
France 1,784
Armenia 1,803
Spain 1,848
Lithuania 1,885
Romania 1,960
UK 2,002
Poland 2,003
USA 2,156
Italy 2,170
Slovenia 2,197
Belgium 2,198
Georgia 2,263
Slovakia 2,317
Bulgaria 3,046
Montenegro 3,076
North Macedonia 3,208
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,267

11 users have voted.

@CB to be given along with deaths so that we can get some perspective.

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CB's picture


7 users have voted.

@CB Thank you.

Now I will study and hopefully learn something.

4 users have voted.


I have talked to a couple of people who had non-hospital adventures with Covid, and they told me that you have to get up and walk around every day, no matter how awful you are feeing, to keep from sinking too low with the virus. Laying in bed all day makes it worse.

9 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

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CB's picture

Pandemic: Political and economic consequences underneath a false flagged health banner
2445 Views October 02, 2021

Note by the Saker: as I hope you all know, I have banned the topic of COVID from the blog (see the moderation rules here: (specifically rule #18). I will admit that when Apogee send me his article my first thought was “oh boy, here we go again”. Except that when I started reading it, I was more and more impressed by what I read. And I am not referring to the substance of Apogee’s analysis, which I do like but don’t feel the need to endorse or comment upon, but by how Apogee compared and contrasted how different countries, even from the same “Zone” approached the topic...

Kind regards

Pandemic: Political and economic consequences underneath a false flagged health banner

by Apogee for the Saker Blog

This article discusses the political and economic consequences underneath the false flagged health banner while some rake in the cash. Starting with a segment of the west, the article moves to compare and contrast what is different in ZoneB countries. The very latest up to the minute announcements from various countries are put in perspective, concluding with the only actions that now seem possible. To set the scene, this is not ‘the perfect manuscript’ but is intended to tell the story from a Faction Three* and ZoneB’er perspective.

7 users have voted.

@CB that blog, but the dude has to lead the league in numbers and varieties of Blog Rules Violations. Some are a bit off-putting, but a few items I'm thinking of adding to my Airbnb House Rules.

To read the entire article I'll need most of the rest of the month, but the initial sections look interesting so I'll dip in for more later.

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CB's picture

@wokkamile @wokkamile
similar to the "Dose" conversations here on C19 but with added nuances.

Well worth taking the time to read. Here's some teasers for you:

5 Eyes west plus parts of Europe – The Development of 3 factions.

Faction 1 – Governments, Big Pharma and Pro-Vaxxers

From the outset, this group wanted to be legitimized, no matter the inanities that they preached. (Remember SARS-COV2 (Covid-19) was going to be dusted and done with by last summer as the heat would make it go or it will be only two weeks to save grandma).

This group was quick to snatch the financial and economic first mover advantage and poured literally millions of Dollars into new and untested vaccines. Money for friends, in large conglomerates, flowed like water.

This led to fighting for draconian control of the population and to de-legitimizing any other group, supposedly under a health banner.
Faction 2 – Dissidents

The main component is anti-vaxxers, most of whom do not know history of vaccinations or the beginnings of health care, nevertheless, that is their banner. On the surface of it, they fight for their health, but it is actually a freedom fight against the de-legitimization of their rights.

Their army is:...
Faction 3 – The quiet ones

These are the knowledgeable, the educated; they may be accepting of vaccinations or not; and this group wants to discuss these events with smarts and sense in terms of how modern humanity should and can handle this global outbreak.

Discussions of therapeutics vs vaccinations or both or a different solution in a time of plague is a common discussion point in this group and they tend not to see the necessity for vaxxes, and strongly insist that other solutions exist, which of course they do. This group includes real committed physicians and medical staff who quickly had developed a number of treatment modalities and started speaking about early and effective treatments. This group acknowledge that we may be in extreme circumstances and for that, we must have a common conversation and real disclosure about vaccinations, but they also acknowledge that trust in the first group is Zero for good reason. This is the Faction that asked: “Hey, what’s in that vaccine?” “We’re in a very serious health threat for all the world, so, 20% ingredients being ‘proprietary’ does not satisfy me.” “Either respond to a global emergency or I consider you questionable.” “Why did the animals in the original animal studies die?” “What is the confidence level that these substances will not cause long term harm if they have not been subject to long term tests?” You see where I am going with this?...
The Narrative

Most of the SARS-COV2 (Covid-19) memes (new media and alt media) spread like hotcakes in the western sphere. The newly developed Factions created an instant steaming social microcosm. Because these groupings exist without, in the main, strong medical, virology, epidemiology and such backgrounds, their works soon became shared delusions based on common grievances, the embrace of conspiracy theories, and other politically relevant affinities. This lead to retardation and devolution in the public discourse, to shaming and counter shaming and what we have today is savagery...

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Dawn's Meta's picture

@CB @CB story very interesting.

Now his allowing the long essay on SARS-CoV2 (COVID) with a large summary of world-wide reactions by sectors of countries quite understandable and rational.

It's another way of viewing what has been going on but with a global lens.

I hope I can embed the link which I think is still YouTube of Dr. Peter McCullough speaking in Michigan just a few days ago. He makes several predictions of which organizations will ban him from their ranks in the near future. More importantly he explains what he believes is going on with mRNA vaccines and the Adeno vaccines as well.

This is YouTube. We will see how long it lasts. The last fifteen minutes is compelling.

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A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.

CB's picture

@Dawn's Meta
but then again from what Jimmy Dore said - ?????

Here's Dr Peter McCullough,MD testifying to Texas Senate HHS Committee
4,366,671 views Mar 11, 2021


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@Dawn's Meta censored or banned from the Big Tech platforms for thought crimes about Covid, they should wear it as a badge of honor. Drs McCullough, Malone, Bridle in Canada, Dr Jessica Rose having her solid article on Covid injuries/deaths suddenly declined, RFK Jr banned or deplatformed from YT, Chris Martenson having his YT videos deleted, and so on. The list is getting long.

On RFK Jr, who is probably controversial in these parts, he's been solid on Covid, even if some months ago I disagreed with him on masks. But as I recall, the evidence on effectiveness of masks is mixed, so you can argue it either way. As to his prior crimes, I think that was what caused one Saagar Enjeti (sp?) to go off on him the other day in the podcast -- basically those being banned he has sympathy for, but only limited sympathy for that Bobby Kennedy Jr guy (he didn't specify the reason for his animus, just that he didn't like him and wanted everyone to know this).

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@Dawn's Meta , is a pretty astonishing video. Did he say 14,806 vaccine-induced deaths, 200,000 vaccines induced hospitalizations, 18,639 vaccine induced permanent injuries??? I don't know where he got those numbers. I was multi-tasking and missed some content. I'm going to have to watch it again.

Also, did he say there was no DSMB (Data Safety Monitoring Board) for the vaccine studies??? Shit.

He calls this a colossal misstep in Public Health.

He accuses the authorities of Malfeasance. That is quite the accusation in medical circles. I am astonished.

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Dawn's Meta's picture

@randtntx @randtntx V.A.E.R.S. data. Apparently there are a number of people/groups self-paying to comb the data and see if they can make sense of it. One is an engineer, Steve Kirsch, who must have some money, as he has a team working not just on vaers but county level reports, hospitals etc. Monumental undertaking, given the sloppiness, and patch-work quality.

We may be reviewing this video as it seem so important. If we hear more specifics, I'll add them.

He was very clear about the absence in the trials of the Safety Boards. Horrible.

The worst to me is the push to inject pregnant women when they were excluded from the trials. It is a usual practice to look at normalized volunteers first, then start adding representative groups of people by age, co-morbidities and so on.

I would be so pressed as a pregnant woman these days. It is a horrific situation.

ETA: The control groups in the (some) studies were injected at some point in the trials so they were no longer controls especially for long term effects. That is one of the reasons usual studies on new pharmaceuticals take so long and cost so much.

The essayist on The Saker blog linked by CB lists how countries around the world are re-categorizing 'COVID'. The Scandinavian countries are going back to normal, treating sick people, but letting every day life go on. Some poor countries never got to more than scrambling for everyday life. So it's a real mix.

Adding Singapore to the list of highly vaccinated countries. Israel, UK, Iceland, Others?

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A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.

@Dawn's Meta , is right. That and more. Intentional negligence?

This whole issue is exhausting, draining, and demoralizing. I understand people wanting to avoid the issue. My extended family though has been hit by it pretty hard and, like 700,000 people in the U.S. alone, and who knows how many world-wide, I have to face facts and deal.

Thanks for the follow up, information, and your ideas. I appreciate it. I'm going to review parts of the video now and see what I missed.

Hope you and yours are doing well across the pond. Thanks again, best to you.

6 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


the swine flu vaccine and how just after 50 deaths they pulled it. But the real kicker was how many people got guilline barr (sp) disorder and then 60 minutes investigated it and found that the drug company had been told about the risk but they did nothing with the information. Just 50 deaths and it was stopped. We are well over 14,000 reported deaths and hundreds of thousands of serious injuries and yet they are still merrily pushing people to get them. Insane!!!

Just yesterday Wolensky was on the Twit pushing for pregnant women to get vaccinated and saying that it is totally safe. Unconscionable and beyond words that she is doing that. Then there are the reports of women’s cycles being changed in incredible ways and still they are happily pushing for more vaccines. THIS Is why so many people are ‘hesitant' to get vaccinated. They are lying to us about the safety. Pregnant women were not in the initial trials and I’m not sure if they have been done yet.

Unexpected deaths…death rates in the UK in young people has gone up 47%. Huh? And finally ADE has arrived in countries where the vaccinated rates are high. Unbelievable.

I remember doctors trying to get Vioxx off the market. They finally did only to see it come back on with a black box warning. Chantix for smoking caused cancer. Took years to get it off the market.. too many others. OxyContin killed for how many years? Nuff said..

7 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg to everything you mentioned, Dr. McCullough explicitly said that the vaccine will continue to fail; that it cannot hold. We are already seeing that as the vaccine efficacy has plummeted to 40%. So why exactly are we mandating vaccines that do not work? If a vaccine has only 50% efficacy it is considered useless. This is beyond ridiculous.

He said we have a treatment pathway that works and has been tested and used by frontline clinicians. Early intervention with multi-drug therapies work.

He said 85% of Americans who have died of Covid could have been saved and that they died needlessly. What has happened in medicine this past 18 months he calls unethical, immoral, illegal, and malpractice.

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snoopydawg's picture


Unethical, immoral, illegal and malpractice doesn’t seem to actually describe what has happened since this began does it? But I’m not sure that there are words that can describe what they have done to millions of people around the world. I just hope to gawd that one day that they will be held accountable for what they have done.

Gibraltar has a 99% percent vaccination rate and the death toll is going stratospheric as it is in Israel and other countries with high vaccine rates. The word is getting out but it seems that the only people who are paying attention to it are the unvaxxed for some reason.

Ron Johnson has been talking about this as well as the side effects, but he’s considered a loon and so people dismiss what he says. Lots of doctors have testified to congress at both the state and federal levels but YouTube has deleted their videos. Hopefully one day they too will be held to account for their complicity in this event. That’s if enough people survive what I’m calling the great culling. And what happened in nursing homes across the globe needs exposure too. My gawd. We didn’t defeat Hitler’s ideology because he wasn’t alone in what he did. Many powerful people were behind what he did. The Rockefeller family is one of them. Did you know that they created the world health organization and after that doctors were encouraged to follow big pharma's drug protocols and turn away from homeopathic treatments and rely on just drugs from then on?

3 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg , have finally successfully completely taken over the asylum.

I guess this gradual take-over is what I have been watching my whole life. I just didn't know it. Here we are. I have to admit, I'm kind of shaken. I didn't think the people in the medical field would fold like a pack of cards.

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snoopydawg's picture


to toe the party line. McCullough talked about this too. They are not to discourage people from getting vaccinated and those who are speaking out about ivermectin and other treatments have been punished for doing it. if nothing is hinky then why can’t there be open debate on stuff?

Twitter, FB and YouTube censor any information that goes against the big pharma/Fauci narrative. Twitter slapped an obituary on a woman dying after being vaccinated as being false information. People in the replies also questioned whether she did or not too.

1 user has voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Dawn's Meta's picture

@randtntx @randtntx @randtntx An Israeli researcher has been going a lot of work. Her name is Jessica Rose PhD and more. She just got pulled from YT for questioning vaccines.

ETA: Dr. Jessica Rose

Here is the first publication of the Paper
May 2021 PDF

I could not find the updated version or separate paper from September, 2021.

Lots of criticism. If anyone familiar with research papers wants to look at this paper and review the Methods, data, and conclusions, it would be helpful.

The first slide at 28:00m is two bar charts. The second set is blocked text data.
She shows on bar charts for last ten years:
yearly VAERS report totals of 25,408 up to the last year 2020, of 49,412
yearly VAERS deaths totals of 173 (2019) and 166 (2020)

On the bar chart she shows the same two data sets for whenever her cut off was for the bar chart. My best guess is June 2021
2021 Partial report totals of 427,831...using 49,000 as the divisor = 10X+
2021 Partial deaths totals of 6,639...using 166 as the divisor = ˜40X

The next data was presented as blocks of text data as of 9 September, 2021 at the 35:00m mark.
2021 09/09/ total reports 675,591...using the same divisors = 13.78X
2021 09/09/ Death reports 14,506...using the same divisors = 87.38X
2021 09/09/ Hospitalizations 58,440 - Not seen

A researcher, Jennifer Hogue (not sure of provenance) rechecked and used slightly different divisors: namely the total of approximately all seventy (70) vaccines available for the public prior to mRNA and Adeno (J&J) vaccines.
2021 09/09/ total reports 675,591...using 16,320 divisors = 41.39X
2021 09/09/ Death reports 14,506...using all 70 avg ˜158 divisors = 91.81 X

I would love someone to check my stats and the way I present them. Even if I'm wildly off, this set of signals is grossly above any previous push to market I have been able to find.

Gerold Ford attempted an assault on 55 Million shots. Had 55 Guillaum-Barre reactions; 2 deaths (?) and it was labeled a disaster and pulled.

Re-listened to the DSMB (Data Safety Monitoring Board) information at 18:00m and it looks like they had them for the first two months then they were terminated. It's a bit garbled, so I may not have this right. Also pointed out usually there are ethics boards and other safety groups watching what is going on.

At 22:14m he talks about pregnant women and other exclusions. Why they are used, and why now insisting that excluded groups get vaccinated is so unusual.

If this is any good, or needs fixing, please do. If the data would help in any other thread, free to use.

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A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

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@Dawn's Meta , thank you for doing that. I started to review the video this morning but didn't make it all the way through and will try again tomorrow. Thank you for the links as well, I bookmarked the paper by Dr. Rose and skimmed through it. It sounds as if the VAERS numbers of Adverse Events are considered to be a significant underestimation of the actual AE.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

but we have many here who will pop-poo it as they have poo-pooed Chris Martensen, the FLCCC, the 5 Docs, etc. who are figuring out that we are being railroaded not for health but for control. Americans are cowering in fear.

Covid is not about health but about control. Period.

7 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How we Can Repair It, is a new book by John Abramson. It won't be out until February though. Dean Baker reviews it in Counterpunch,

The first part of the book goes over some of the major scandals of the pharmaceutical industry over the last three decades. It notes the overuse of spite of the lack of evidence of benefit.

That there is lack of evidence for such a widespread use of statins has been documented in many places, yet MD's continue to push them.

Stories about insulin, Vioxx, and opioids are horrific yet Congress won't rein in these companies. These are the companies we are supposed to trust with vaccines?

He also recounts the history of insulin, where a simple and cheap drug, invented almost a hundred years ago, has been repeatedly modified in ways that make it hugely more expensive, with limited, if any, benefit for most diabetes patients. He also goes over the story of Vioxx, where the issue was that Merck deliberately withheld evidence that its new arthritis drug could increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes for people with heart conditions. And, he goes through the accounts of how the drug companies misrepresented the evidence on the addictiveness of the new generation of opioids, contributing to the opioid crisis the country has experienced over the last quarter century.

These companies are killing Americans with these drugs and doing so knowingly. Either they want to sell drugs that they know are dangerous, like Vioxx. Or they want to raise the cost of drugs to such an astronomical level that people go bankrupt trying to buy them. Or they sell drugs that they know are highly addictive, are very dangerous, and destroy people's lives in a whole variety of ways.

The second part of the book gives an account of how the drug companies are able to deceive doctors about the safety and effectiveness of their drugs. The gist of the story is that the sources that doctors rely on for information are effectively compromised by their ties to the industry. For example, the FDA committees that make recommendations on a drug’s approval typically include members who have received payments from the company whose drug they are evaluating.
This turns out to be the same for medical journals, which often run articles where the referees and editors do not have full access to the clinical trial data on which they are based. And, researchers at universities and other non-profit institutions are heavily dependent on grants from the pharmaceutical industry.
All the sources that doctors may turn to for reliable information turn out to face considerable pressure to push the industry line. As a result, they routinely end up prescribing expensive new drugs for conditions where they may not be useful and may in any case be no more effective than older cheaper drugs.

So in five months, when the book comes out, you can read about how we can fix this problem.

Let's see, since Biden has been in office 200,000 + more people have died from covid. The vaccine has been out for a good 6 months of that time (actually more but I'll be generous), vaccine efficacy is down to 40%, (which means they are basically useless) boosters are being offered but they are not supposed to be effective against Delta, kids are becoming infected at unprecedented rates, we opened the schools so we could pack kids in there like sardines (schools being the most densely populated institutions in our society) (from Michael Lewis' book Premonition),
we don't want to do rapid testing, we don't want to upgrade ventilation systems, we don't want to report adverse reactions to vaccine in a meaningful transparent way, we don't want to collect data accurately. In other words we don't want to do anything that takes too much trouble, costs money, or is not profitable for Pharma.

Geez, I hope I can stay alive till February so I can read this book and fix this problem.

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snoopydawg's picture


Thanks for the preview.

A woman in Australia that was in charge of vaccine policy has been forced out because she was exposed taking 10’s of millions from big pharma. Is she upset that she got exposed? Nope. She’s upset that she is being forced out while there is so much still to do.

I can’t post it now because I can’t get back to it. Later tonight.

9 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg , the corruption appears endless.

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snoopydawg's picture


I heard about that last week that she was getting paid by pharma to make draconian rules and he says it again at the end. Big pharma leaning on countries has been a rumor since the vaccines started rolling out. Belasarus' president said that the IMF offered him lots of money if he would follow a certain draconian script. He turned it down. It was him in person that said it. Ya never know what to believe anymore. But another thing that has been verified is that in order for countries to get vaccines they have to give them things in their country like military bases. Too long ago for me to back this up with a link. But things just seem weird around this whole thing.

8 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

CB's picture


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Dawn's Meta's picture

@snoopydawg including the Belarous (sp?) story about inducements, bribes, coercion on countries to exclude possible treatments available to populations before the injections are available or as adjunct therapies for those with COVID or other related issues.

The contracts between pharma companies and countries like Israel include exclusions of treatments. Apparently this information is not public, but is somehow being obtained through leaks(?).

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A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

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@Dawn's Meta , "includes exclusions of treatment". That says it all for me. Sounds like a crime.

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@snoopydawg . It looks like it's all about the money doesn't it. Surprise, surprise. It's not about health or good Public Health policy, or saving lives, or taking good care of people, or making sure the next generation is OK, nothing of the kind. Silly me to think so. The old adage... follow the money once again all you really need to know to see things clearly. Thirty-three billion, free and clear easy money with very little overhead speaks volumes.

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CB's picture

Gladys Berejiklian resignation appears to be due to her conflicting public and private relationships with NSW Member of Parliament, Mr Daryl Maguire.

Gladys Berejiklian and anti-corruption body Icac: what is behind the NSW premier’s resignation?
For most Australians, the news will come as a shock, given the focus has been almost exclusively on the state’s devastating Covid-19 outbreak and her handling of that.
What happened today?

About midday, an email from the Independent Commission Against Corruption landed in the inbox of media organisations.

It revealed that Icac was investigating the conduct of Berejiklian between 2012 and 2018, specifically her involvement in grants handed to the Australian Clay Target Association in 2016-17 and the Riverina Conservatorium of Music in Wagga Wagga in 2018.
The inquiry heard excruciating phone calls, secretly taped, between Maguire and Berejiklian, in which the Wagga Wagga MP discussed the deal and his potential windfall, and the premier replied: “I don’t need to know about that bit.”

The revelation was extremely damaging, but Berejiklian survived.
Why is Icac investigating Berejiklian now?

The Icac has shifted its focus. It recently began exploring a grant program that gave $5.5m to the Australian Clay Target Association in 2016-17.

The ABC has previously revealed that Berejiklian had a role overseeing that grant and that Maguire had advocated for the money and later attempted to personally benefit from the grants.
The commission will probe whether her conduct represented a “breach of public trust” by placing herself in a position of conflict between her public duties and private interests “as a person who was in a personal relationship” with Maguire.

It will also investigate whether she failed to report reasonable suspicions that “concerned or may concern corrupt conduct in relation to the conduct of Mr Maguire”.
Berejiklian did not hide her fury at the Icac’s timing, particularly given the allegations are years old and have been explored in parliamentary hearings.

But I am still happy she has gone. She has handled the COVID epidemic with an iron fist as shown by the violent police behaviour against protesters who are unhappy with the Gestapo inspired lock-downs.

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snoopydawg's picture


At the end of the video a guy once again mentioned that she took money. Either way I think it’s good that she is gone.

5 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Dawn's Meta's picture

@randtntx referenced book (he was one of the intro authors) "COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey" by Peter Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin authors of 'Talking Back to Prozac' just out. We are trying to source from other the Amazon. The caveat of course is that getting a book highly rated on Amazon keeps it on their list and more public.

4 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

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@Dawn's Meta , he mentioned that book. I thought I would get it as well. Did you by any chance read their book on Prozac? I was just wondering, if you did, what you thought of it.

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but troubling nonetheless: Twitter has cancelled the pro-IVM BIRD Group in the UK led by Dr Tess Lawrie. All her tweets erased, no recourse to challenge. BIRD and Lawrie are now persona au gratin.

But when a committed scientist’s work is just wiped out because a preprogrammed algorithm doesn’t like the word ivermectin, then TrialSite must publicly acknowledge that war has been declared. This is an information war, and whatever topic or subject doesn’t fit neatly into what the current administration approves is conveniently removed. When this is done at the request of the executive branch, it crosses into Constitutional violation territory.

I'm no constitutional expert, just a simple country boy living in the woods trying to keep Bigfoot off my property, but it seems to me that when govt is arranging for private entities to do its work for it in the area of specific govt-approved information promotion and messaging, including deep sixing all undesirable points of view on that issue, activities which govt cannot constitutionally do by itself, then those same private actors become effectively state actors and their immunity from 1A lawsuits disappears.

I want to see lawsuits and more lawsuits and eventually live to see the day when these too-powerful Big Tech censors are brought down to a size where they can be drowned in the bathtub.

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by Jimmy the D on Big Tech censorship and RFK Jr being disappeared from YT. Hard to keep up these days just on the censorship angle of Covid.


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Lookout's picture

from John Campbell


Cases not yet protected means less the two weeks from vaccination.


So the vaccines are leaky, but none the less protective. Most of the vaccinated deaths and hospital cases are among the elderly with one or more comorbidity like obesity, diabetes, heart condition, and so on.

As I've said many times before, people need to make their own decision....armed with information.

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

CB's picture

of any negative reporting on the COVID vaccine.

Those dying post-vaccine: Where are the autopsies?
Exclusive: Jane M. Orient, M.D., sounds alarm over lack of typical protocol with unexpected deaths

Note: Dr. Orient is executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, AAPS.

In this age of supposed scientific medicine and a pandemic, we are relying on death certificates for statistics on the cause of death, even though they are known to be extremely unreliable.

Thousands of healthy people are dying unexpectedly, but our public health agencies are assuring us that their deaths were not caused by the COVID jab. The toll of post-vaccine deaths has reached nearly 7,000, according to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). It's the best system we've got, even though it misses 90% or more of the actual events.

But I have seen a report of just one autopsy. This patient had had one dose of the Pfizer shot and died four weeks later. Although there were no characteristic features of COVID-19, almost all tissues tested positive on PCR for SARS-CoV-2.

A 45-year-old mother just died of heart issues and brain swelling, shortly after getting the COVID shot required before she could begin her job at Johns Hopkins University. There will be tears and flowers, but probably no autopsy – and no pause in the shots demanded for mothers and potential mothers if they want to work at JHU.

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Lookout's picture


as you are also aware.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture

This just doesn’t seem right and it’s not following any science I remember.. mandatory shots every 6 months? There are no boosters for smallpox or polio that I’m aware of.. one and done.

Then there’s this

6 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg My former pal, the Aussie, spouted that same line of reasoning, and holds all people in contempt if they do not agree. His reasoning was that vaccinations made you immune and free from lock down.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981