The Dose - 9-30-21
An open thread for gentle discussions of all things Covid.
Hey! Good Evening!
United Airlines expected to fire nearly 600 workers for defying vaccine mandate
United Airlines has said nearly 600 US-based employees are facing termination after failing to comply with the carrier’s vaccination policy.
In early August, the company became the first US airline to require Covid-19 vaccinations for all domestic employees, requiring proof of vaccination by Monday.
The carrier said that on Tuesday, it would start the process of firing 593 employees who decided not to get vaccinated. ...
Excluding those who have sought an exemption, United said more than 99% of US-based employees have been vaccinated against Covid-19.
A company spokesperson said the airline plans to hire about 25,000 people over the next few years, and vaccination will be a condition of employment for all new hires.
NY Governor To Fire 70 THOUSAND Healthcare Workers Over Vaccine Mandate!
Hydroxychloroquine sales spiked almost 100% in Australia at start of Covid pandemic, study finds
The amount of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin dispensed from Australian pharmacies increased significantly in 2020 as the Covid pandemic took hold, according to new research. Analysis of six publicly subsidised drugs – including hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, corticosteroids and the common antibiotic azithromycin – found Covid-related changes in prescription patterns in Australia.
The study, a preprint that has not yet undergone peer review, used dispensing data to quantify the number of prescriptions that had been filled at pharmacies between January and November last year.
The researchers noted a 99% increase in hydroxychloroquine dispensing in March 2020, about 30% of which was the result of new prescriptions. This was around the time the drug – which has been shown to be ineffective against Covid-19 – was touted overseas by figures including Elon Musk and former US president Donald Trump. ...
New use of ivermectin doubled in May 2020, and an increase in dispensing was sustained over several months later in the year. “That’s pretty consistent with when it was first identified as potentially being disease-modifying for Covid,” Schaffer said. Studies suggesting ivermectin can effectively treat Covid have not held up under rigorous scrutiny.
The California region where Covid ‘just isn’t slowing down’
California has the lowest coronavirus case rate in the country. But within the state, the agricultural Central Valley and rural north remain overwhelmed. Resistance to vaccines and public health mandates, combined with the advance of the Delta variant, have triggered an explosion of cases that are pushing already strained public health systems to the brink. In some counties, the case rate per 100,000 people is three or more times that of the state.
At some healthcare facilities, critically ill patients have waited for days to be transferred from the emergency department to the ICU. Throughout the valley, hospitals have reported having less than 10% ICU capacity available since the beginning of September. And while the number of new cases appears to be slowing, healthcare workers are bracing for more hard weeks as patients continue to stream into hospitals.
On a typical day at the Community Regional medical center, a hospital in Fresno, Dr Kenny Banh says, patients are lined up outside on ambulance gurneys, because there are no hospital beds available. When he gets inside, even more patients in gurneys line the hallway. “I’m exhausted and just disappointed that we’re here,” said Banh, an associate professor of clinical emergency medicine at UCSF Fresno. Banh has been taking on extra shifts in the emergency department and ICU, as well as managing local vaccine clinics and testing centers that earlier this month had lines that stretched a mile long.
The deluge of illness and death had been especially difficult to fathom because the surge “was preventable”, said Banh. The region has much lower vaccination rates than the Bay Area or Los Angeles, and Banh regularly sees patients who are on ventilators and still do not believe they have Covid-19.

The people of NY are trying to wake up!
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Evolving terminology
is part of the contention. Terms in current use are fully vaccinated, vaccinated, unvaccinated and nonvaccinated. The CDC's website is not consistent on all pages, mentioning someone is considered vaccinated from the first shot. This continual change in terminology makes it extremely difficult to compare numerical changes over time and hold a dialog with someone. At sometime in the far future is will require retrospective analysis of the data to clean it up.
Simply receiving a shot of a vaccine is not considered Fully Vaccinated. At the moment the fully vaccinated definition being used by the CDC. is below.
Vaccine status necessary for participation of parts of society is also evolving. It is highly possible someone who has received 2 vaccine shots to be considered Unvaccinated in some situations.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
So, if one dies from the vaccine
within 15 days of getting the shot the cause of death would be put down as COVID?
The PCR tests are notoriously inaccurate. If one wants to favour COVID, simply run the test at 35-40 cycles. If one wants to lesson it run the test at 20-25 cycles.
my interpretation
If 15 days after second shot Pfizer or Moderna or first shot of Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen patient would be considered a breakthrough case AND then need to determine if they should have had a booster shot. If meet criteria for booster requirement not sure if they are counting it as a not vaccinated infection.
It will be interesting how the late fall/winter surge will play out in the media as the Northern regions populations head indoors for winter.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
PCR tests are accurate and sensitive
The test is accurate for finding traces of COVID
I was thinking about determining if you have active COVID and are infectious. Fauci has said any test over 35 cycles just shows dead nucleotides so people who are recovering and have immunity will show positive. People who are in the early stages of infection may not even show at 45 cycles.
The CDC overcomes this difficulty by simply requiring vaccination for everyone, whether they have natural immunity or not. We are now going for the booster (3rd) shot in over 65 and those with several comorbidity. The CDC originally was going to do the booster for everyone but said wouldn't due to global shortages.
Have you heard of antibody dependent enhancement?
Can you explain what is going on in the following graph?
You lack the knowledge to comment on PCR test validity
Tell me where I am wrong about the PCR tests
used for confirming infection?
What about my other questions?
Tests have protocols that need to be followed
Diagnostic labs follow SOPs that aren't somehow randomly changed from 20 to 45 cycles. PCR tests are extremely selective and quite sensitive. Do the math on 45 cycles of doubling and you will see what a low starting level you would have to have to achieve a negative result.
The quote from Dr Walensky is not warning of ADE but waning immunity. The data doesn't support ADE in any manner
The quote from Dr Mullis is not related to COVID but was regarding his contention that HIV was not the cause of AIDS (which he differed from Dr. Fauci) Dr. Mullis died before COVID became an issue.
Both are selectively edited video clips
I didn't say tests were RANDOMLY changed
Testing is not uniform across different labs and a lot has to do with the interpretation of the test. I've seen many reports such as the following:
I chose wrong Mullis video:
I still would like your ideas on what the causes are for the striking differences between the countries shown on my link to death rate vs vaccination rates in the various countries.
You still show that you don't know enough about PCR technology
I know Ct values alone cannot tell
how infectious a person is, the viral load or the particular stage of disease. I also know the Ct levels show when the target becomes detectable - the lower the number the greater the amount of target. Non-infectious viral particles can also be detected at higher Ct values which can lead to false positives. Plus, the results need to be interpreted. All in all, the process can be manipulated to skew results.
I would still like your opinion on the graph showing current relationship between high death rate with higher vaccine rates in the link I gave in the previous post.
The Guardian is not an unbiased source.
I cannot find any other sources for that Guardian story. The current status of Fresno county is 1 case per 192 people. This is at the very lower end of 5 ranges for severity. There's no way in hell their hospitals are overcrowded.
The only COVID story on ABC News Fresno County covering North Valley, South Valley, Foothills/Sierra was the following:
To put the death rate in perspective, the population of the US in 1918 was 103 million compared to the current 333 million.
Primetta Giacopini's story brought to mind
a significant difference between the influenza pandemic of 1918 and today's 2020 SARS-CoV2 pandemic is the age at which the disease took the most lives. In the 1918 pandemic it was mostly 20 to 40 years old unlike today's pandemic which kills mostly >65 year old.
evening cb...
perhaps these stats will help.
here are the stats for the hospital mentioned in the guardian article (fresno community regional medical center) on hospital capacity.
here are the capacity stats for all of the hospitals in the region.
It doesn't appear the hospital is doing so bad
Latest: 144 COVID beds out of total 675
Jan 1, 2021: 268 COVID beds out of total 712 (much worse shape)
I'm sure local media would have reported it. I did discover the 2017-2018 flu season was especially bad. The were treating people in the halls and had even set up triage tents for 40 patients.
if the federal (hhs) stats ...
are to be believed, the latest for that hospital is, that 582.3 of 674.9 adult inpatient beds are in use and 159.0 of 179.0 icu beds are in use.
that would seem to be in conflict with the numbers that you quote of "covid beds." perhaps those "covid beds" are the additional beds in non-hospital surge facilities meaning that they are the beds of last resort in tents somewhere which are available once the hospitals are full?
just sayin'
I think the hospitalized COVID
patients (I made an error NOT beds) were divided up between the ICU and the regular beds. Probably had separate wards/floors. Not all COVID cases will need ICU. In any event their 7 day COVID patient sum only ranged from 94 to 85 per week in Sept. Their highest was only 100 on Aug 20. In Dec. 2020 it reached 150.
In any event it really doesn't look as bad as was portrayed in The Guardian.
As of mid September, Fresno & Fresno area had
about 1700 regular beds and 365 ICU beds, which is possibly deceptive since it includes one short term surgical hospital and one short term heart and surgical hospital, one childrens hospital, and one Kaiser Facility (an HMO which might not be admitting non members)
Community Regional has 675 regular beds and 170 ICU beds. Population Fresno only, is 525,010. At one case per 192 people, that would be 2,734 total cases, far more than total beds, but not necessarily requiring a bed.
As of 9/17, Regional was as 86.3 capacity for regular beds and 88.8 ICU, children's was at 96.8 and 99.4, and Kaiser 84.8 and 100. Neighboring Clovis was at 95.7 and 86.2. They could easily have pushed through 100% across the board in the intervening 2 weeks, so I wouldn't completely discount that narrative.
Fresno county, fwiw is Fresno-Clovis a smattering of scattered small and tiny towns and a lot of land devoted to agriculture.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Interesting if true
Good thing Democrats passed the ACA so we’re stuck paying an unnecessary middle man just so we might not have really high bills after some unfortunate events.
Oops the old bag let it slip about who’s really in charge of the Biden/Harris administration didn’t she?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
evening snoopy...
that obama slip was probably just wishful thinking.
have a great evening!
Obama is the "power behind the throne"
along with the Clinton machine.`
There is no f'ing way Biden and Harris are the ones making executive decisions.
I will sit back, watch the lawsuits fly, consider the theories, the rulings, and make a decision to head for Belize, or not.
LOTS of people marry for no other reason than to obtain health insurance. Has nothing to do with love and commitment, more to do with friendships. A friend helping a sick or chronically ill friend live a bit more securely, a bit longer.
What a shitty country we are.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
If you head for Belize, check out Chan Chich (if you
haven't already), you'll love it
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I just trekked over one afternoon from Guatemala
I have pals that did the ex-pat thing in Belize, Costa Rica, Columbia, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru,and Panama. Most favorable reports come from Peru and Panama. Especially Panama.
I could do Panama easily, if push comes to shove.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
When I ws in Panama not too many years ago it was
explained to a group of birders we were with that we were the type of people the govt wanted to move there, retired with pensions or other steady income. Saw some nice birds and picked up a bot fly. Still reeked of the US occupation.
be well and have a good ne
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I just see a lot of fear
I saw this among my social media friends from the beginning. They were so terribly frightened to even go outside. After a year of staying home getting their reality from whatever side of the political aisle they fall on they are off the deep end with fear and anger at those on the other side of the fence. My life barely changed. I am an essential worker my job can't be done from home. I was in public daily swimming in the petri dish called a grocery store. Covid wasn't really front and center in my thoughts ever. The crazy people and the broken supply chain were much more worrisome. Recently I stopped listening to a news channel that I have listened to for probably 30 years broadcast from Seattle because I was tired of the constant barrage of scare tactics aimed at getting people to get their vaccine. It was constant. They very seldomly reported on anything else. I never watch television so that probably helps too. My new station is hyper local to the territory I am district manager for. It reports on how the schools are doing with the mandates by interviewing principals. Talks to the PUD about how they are working to keep the lights on and so forth. They promote community spirit. The most recent news has thrown the whole lot into a frenzy. A member of the Cowlitz county council has died of Covid, he was fully vaccinated 4 months ago. I am interested to hear the spin on that. Not that I intend to venture into the mental cesspool to hear it.
I hear you
I was working at a hospital during the H1N1 epidemic and it was just background noise to most of us. Funny though how there was no hysteria about how deadly it was. Not did everyone need to wear masks or do any of the things we’re doing now. Also there was no fear porn about it. I have friends who still stay at home because they are too frightened to go out and enjoy life. I find that sad.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
evening pswaterspirit...
i hear you. i see a lot of fear and division, too. i wish that we could all work together to figure out how to best manage our risks, make a plan and get on with life. unfortunately, i'm not sure that our country is capable of that sort of thing anymore.
Network of Right-Wing Health Care Providers Is Making Millions
read this from the intercept
$15 million is not that great for the US as a whole
But I don't understand the prescriptions (33%) for vitamin C and zinc - both are available at your local Wally Mart. Ivermectin sales were only $4.7 mill. (I don't know what 'Other' is at $6.4 mill.) I would have thought sales of ivermectin would have been much higher. I would say that the majority of people that want it are buying it from normal sources.
As P.T succinctly said, "There's a sucker born every minute".
Online scams increased considerably in the last year. Possibly it was because of lock-downs that people spent more time on the internet - business, shopping and meeting people. On-line sales grew by 200%.
That TI thing was posted
Yes. I believe much of the
Yes. I believe much of the fear is manufactured. I remember the H1N1 flu, really the reporting was minimal just the facts and some advice on precautions. People went on as usual. This was, maybe, a little more widespread. I had it before the knew what it was. It ran through every grocery store like wildfire with about a quarter to a third of people out sick at any given time for a month and a half or so. It was a nasty virus took me down for about a week. I had a residual cough for another month. Any time I mentioned the experience and the fact that it was a mean little virus I had people call me a liar because the government didn't tell us about it until February. It feels a bit like being surrounded by pod people. At this point I am more concerned with their inability to think for themselves, that seems far more dangerous than the virus, at least to me.