Open Thread FR 24 SEP 21 ~ Wild Turkeys




“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.”— F. Scott Fitzgerald


Welcome to TGIF. Our friend from Germany lotlizard has unfortunately fallen ill so will be unable to host today's open thread. Hoping she gets better soon.


Had turkeys on the brain this morning. We are being treated to a show of their antics as a flock lives in the woods out back. The turkey population has increased over the last several years here. There are at least 2 flocks on our road. People put out "Turkey Crossing" signs where they wander across the road. You just have to stop and let them cross in their odd meandering way. We watched as two families brought out their little chicks over the summer and saw them grow up. The flock is now 13 in number and seem healthy.


In the wild turkey world, the transition from summer to fall is also profound. The chaos of breeding season and the stress of trying to raise clutches while avoiding predators evolves into a period of maintenance and relative stability in both behavior and habitat use.




The Turkey Trot Dance





Open thread so post whatever suits your feathers. Enjoy your Friday!

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snoopydawg's picture

Sam woke me up at 3 by bringing her favorite squeaky toy to bed and laid there and squeaked it. Couldn't get back to sleep....

Great video on Greenwald on what Chelsea has said about him, but the real point that Glenn makes is how the shitlibs throw long time allies and friends under the bus if they deviate from their perceived politics. Say something nice about Trump or gawd forbid, Putin, then under the bus you go. Or call out democrats for not doing what they said they would. Again.

Trump derangement syndrome broke so many people's minds when in my opinion George W. Bush was a much worse president. It has been 10 months since Biden got to play at being president and yet numerous websites are still covering him as if he was in office. Good grief move on already.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

QMS's picture

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg

squeaky toy. Doesn't matter what time it is ..

Hope you get some rest when puppy has nap time Wink

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question everything

I noticed that interesting/enchanting nest picture you posted yesterday. I wish I had a life sized version of that in my back yard....oh I belongs to the birds (scaled to their size) though.

Thanks for the OT again. There is a fun paragraph in wikipedia that talks about the origin of the name for turkeys.
Just for starters:

According to linguist Mario Pei, there are two possible explanations for the name turkey. One theory is that when Europeans first encountered turkeys in America, they incorrectly identified the birds as a type of guineafowl, which were already being imported into Europe by Turkey merchants via Constantinople and were therefore nicknamed Turkey coqs (Middle Eastern merchants were called Turkey merchants as much of that area was part of the Ottoman Empire at that time). The name of the North American bird thus became turkey fowl or Indian turkeys, which was then shortened to just turkeys.

Have a good one QMS

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QMS's picture


Thanks Rand! Nobody's business but the Turks.
Glad they weren't called Constantonapples.

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question everything

@QMS , always causing trouble and whatnot, eating apples when they shouldn't.

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QMS's picture

@randtntx @randtntx

Sitting down to a big Istanbulbird thanksgiving dinner? What would the injuns say? Gobble

Turkey Hunting Fact: Ocean State hunters must carry a turkey-calling device ("non-electric," says the law). Calling is the only legal method for hunting spring turkeys. "Stalking or attempting to sneak up on a turkey to get a shot," regulations read, is prohibited.

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question everything

@QMS , for rabbit or turkey hunting from Elmer Fudd's vinyl collection.

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QMS's picture


Can envision the horses galloping thru the forests primeval, scraping off their riders on the trees and branches. Be careful not to play this to the ponies Wink

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question everything

QMS's picture

1789 -- US Congress establishes Post Office Department following the new constitution

1869 -- Black Friday; Wall St panic after Gould & Fisk attempt to corner gold

1950 -- Operation Magic Carpet concludes after having transported 45,000 Yemenite Jews to Israel

1969 -- The "Chicago Eight," charged with conspiracy and crossing state lines with the intent to incite a riot, go on trial for their part in the mayhem during the 1968 Democratic Party National Convention in the "Windy City."

2009 -- LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) "sonic cannon," a non-lethal device that utilizes intense sound, is used in the United States for the first time, to disperse protestors at the G20 summit in Pittsburgh, Penn.

Or as Walter Cronkite used to intone "That's the way it is."

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question everything

the fisherman, had trouble with organized labor.

Ian Welch has something to say about that. No one likes organized labor.

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QMS's picture


Puts the 'outsourcing' issue clearly.

"The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine"

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Lookout's picture

A buddy came over and helped me cut up a big dead poplar which finally fell. I was too nervous to cut it down cause the top looked rotten. We lucked out because the tree was next to the camp house. It just barely missed it, but did catch a picnic table which will require four boards to repair. Made a pretty good pile of firewood. Pop, pop, poplar makes a crackling fire.

We see turkeys every day. They like to work the road walking by the garden picking up seed and gravel. Another buddy claims they look like dinosaurs when they run. Ben Franklin wanted the turkey to be our national bird. Maybe we would have become a more peaceful nation without the predator/scavenger nature of the eagle as symbol.

Hope y'all are having as nice a weather as has developed here. Have a lovely day everyone!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture


Our tree cutter calls certain trees 'widow makers' as they are dangerous to cut down. I used to climb trees with a chainsaw, but don't care that much anymore for acrobatic adventures.

Running out of options for the Friday OT. Can't seem to get anyone to stick. Any suggestions or volunteers?


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Thanksgiving was the time of year we always enjoyed going to Zion National Park. The park was much quieter then and it was a great bicycle ride up the road to the Zion Lodge. We seemed to always find a flock of wild turkeys near the road and could watch them as they foraged through the grasses. Was a nice moment of rest before we pressed on the the end of the road and then the thrilling ride back down to the campground.

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Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.

This ain't no dress rehearsal!

QMS's picture


It's fun watching the turkeys spread their tail feathers while doing the mating game dance in the spring. More like a strut.


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enhydra lutris's picture

Little Eva? Really? I don't even remotely remember that one, you're getting as bad as Joe S.

Locally we have two kinds of wild turkeys the habituated ones who ignore your presence and the more feral ones who either run away or attack. Both types seem to be acutely aware of their location. Those in parks and such just saunter around, including when croring or milling about on roads and in parking lots, and those that sprint across roads in a slightly elongated formation with one or two stragglers and usually both scouts and rearguard.

Meanwhile, S.A., in this case, Belize, has some real kick-ass turkeys:


Pine tree silhouette
painted by the
harvest moon
on a shining sky

Monster chore list is somehow not diminishing, has evolved into the postponement priority list, as in it is more important to postpone this than it is to postpone that. Leaky old boat is not remotely ship shaped, and the only thing Bristol about it is that it got Bristol Stomped:

be well and have a good one

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

@enhydra lutris

Hope your office cleaning went well. A successful project for me usually entails several steps.
Planning, securing materials, preparation, starting / doing / completing and cleanup. Like you, the list is long and in various steps at any given point in time. Most depend on the weather, as well as my mental / physical abilities and energy. Which vary by the the month of the year, the day of the week, the hour of the day and the phase of the moon. Trying to organize the available shop space and necessary tools is concurrently key.

Good luck!

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Pluto's Republic's picture

Two hosts of "The View," Sunny Hostin and Ana Navarro, were yanked in the middle of today's show, just ahead of an interview with Vice President Kamala Harris.

The table of women had been tested before the show, presumably by Harris' people. The results came back mid-show, with two of the hosts testing positive for breakthrough cases of Covid-19

After a broadcast delay, Harris went on to conduct the interview from a remote location. She did not interact with Hostin or Navarro before the show, according to a White House official.

The positive results were announced by "The View" host Joy Behar during the show after Hostin and Navarro were asked to leave the set. Hostin and Navarro were seated at the table with the other hosts at the beginning of the program.

The tables were cleaned and disinfected after they left the set, Behar said, who continued hosting the show on set with her co-host Sara Haines. Behar said Hostin and Navarro were both fully vaccinated.

Harris has received two doses of Moderna's Covid-19 vaccine and was administered both shots live on camera.

"I hope that you're in a safe spot right now. We did everything we could to make sure that you were safe because we value you so much," Behar told Harris at the start of their interview.

Harris responded: "Thank you, Joy, and to everyone. Listen, Sunny and Ana are strong women and I know they're fine but it really also does speak to the fact that they're vaccinated and vaccines really do make all the difference. Because otherwise, we would be concerned about hospitalization or worse."

Whatever.... Kamala.

What it speaks to is the fact that the virus does not stop the spread of Covid-19, and these television workers should be wearing masks and should stop teaching viewers how to spread the virus on live TV.

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QMS's picture

@Pluto's Republic

Keep to the dictated script. Leaky vaccines? There is no there, there.
They know there is no real protection from the virus with the vax. But it won't be
admitted by the rulers. Just a slight inconvenience for the truth.

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Pluto's Republic's picture


But if ever there was an Object Lesson about widespread American delusions about science and the profound lack of critical thinking in the American mind, this is that Lesson.

Plus, they managed to make women look dumb from every angle.

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House Democrats will honor their commitment to moderates and vote early next week on a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Friday.

"It will come up on Monday," the Speaker told reporters just outside the Capitol.

Whether the bill will pass, however, remains an open question. And liberals are already predicting it won't.

"It cannot pass," Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), the head of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, said Friday. "I don't bluff, I don't grandstand. We just don't have the votes for it."

Edited to add this thought.

The only way that it will pass is that Pelosi made a backroom deal with the Republicans for the votes to put the screws to the progressives.

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mimi's picture

she lives? If she is so sick, may be one can do a bit more than just wishing her to recover.

Send me a pm if you have an idea what could be done to help her. Thanks.

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