Another tweet to consider

Mandatory vaccines were never about keeping us alive and I’m surprised that it needs to be spelled out. If they were they would have been talking about what people could do to stay healthy and looked into the older meds that could help us fight the Rona.

Blast from the past:

WHO warns against coronavirus immunity passports

The World Health Organization has warned against issuing “immunity passports” to people who have recovered from Covid-19, as there is no evidence that they will be protected from a second infection.

The idea of issuing some form of certificates to people who have been sick with the virus – on the assumption they would be immune to reinfection – has been gaining ground in many places, including the UK, as authorities cast around for ways out of socially and economically devastating lockdowns.

But in a scientific briefing note, the WHO warned that “there is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from Covid-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection”.

Instead, the certificates could pose a health risk by providing unjustified assurances of protection to individuals and their communities.

“At this point in the pandemic, there is not enough evidence about the effectiveness of antibody-mediated immunity to guarantee the accuracy of an ‘immunity passport’ or ‘risk-free certificate’,” the note said.

“People who assume that they are immune to a second infection because they have received a positive test result may ignore public health advice. The use of such certificates may therefore increase the risks of continued transmission.”

Another reason why they won’t protect us from getting infected is that the information coming out of Israel is showing that vaccinated people have as high a viral load as unvaxxed people and they can continue to spread it both vaxxed and unvaxxed people and the passports would give people a false sense of security. Israel’s death rate is rising too even though most people there have been fully vaccinated and some have gotten a booster vax.

If this was to keep us alive there are plenty of things that can be used to do it. Starting with proper PPE including masks that actually block the virus. Surgical masks do not stop the virus by themselves. They may help if everyone uses them, but studies have shown they are like a chain link fence stopping mosquitoes. It’s the one thing Fauci told us the truth about. The surgeon general also said that.

12 users have voted.


Lookout's picture

More missing advice has to do with gargling. This virus is spread with aerosol droplets. As a result, infection occurs in the nasal passage and back of the throat. That is where the virus replicates initially and progresses into serious disease. Nip it in the bud with a virus killing mouthwash after being in exposing situations. Here's the FLCCC's advice...

1. Irrigate your nose with a Betadine wash 3x/day. Betadine wash can be made by taking 1cc of 10% Betadine and diluting with 1cc NaCL (saline solution). This makes a 5% solution which can be added to a nose irrigation bottle like the one in the Neilmed Sinus Rinse™ system. This can be a good prevention strategy for when you suspect that you’ve been exposed to COVID-19.

2. Gargle with, but do not swallow, mouthwashes that contain cetylpyridinium such as Scope™,ACT™, and Crest™. You can also gargle with Listerine™, made from essential oil compounds of eucalyptus, thymol (thyme), and menthol. These essential oil compounds have also been shown to be virucidal. Gargling with a Betadine solution is also an option (see nasal wash solution), or povidone/iodine 1% solution as alternative.

Simple prevention measures are not profitable and not only will not be mentioned, but are censored if they appear. And someone suggested I'm a nut for suggesting a Big Pharma conspiracy. Oh well their ignorance is showing.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

CB's picture

The Ministry of Truth has banned all mention of readily available prophylactics for our own good. The Thought Police will be coming to take you away to be re-educated.

7 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture

@Lookout an Oral Surgeon's convention. These specialists, around the world, have done the heavy lifting in research on preventives. They figured out early in the pandemic how to sterilize their patients before surgery, and then themselves. If they had waited for the FDA to advise them, there wouldn't be enough of them left to hold a convention.

6 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
Raggedy Ann's picture

they would be giving advice on reducing core morbidities, they would be giving out ivermectin, they would be giving out the FLCCC protocol. This is not about health - this is about control.


7 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

wendy davis's picture

@Raggedy Ann

based on this:

This is not about health - this is about control.

ill add that the Dem political class heavies do not practice what they preach on masks and all that. sliding masks down once they take their seats, etc.

6 users have voted.
CB's picture

@wendy davis
We have now officially entered the Great Reset.

5 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


the Great Reset, and think of bill gates, jr. as do. ; )

3 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

please? his implication is that china accesses credit scores as well? or just 'social credit scores'?

please keep in ind that i'm seriously behind the curve on this subject, but intentionally.

as to lookout's gargling suggestions, i'd add dilute grapefruit seed extract (we use citricidin), then swallow a small amount. keep your gut clean w/ pysillium seed husks, then stock up on greek gods multi-strain probiotics. guts are kinda ground zero for immune health.

6 users have voted.
CB's picture

@wendy davis
on their phones.

The Promise and Pitfalls of China’s QR Codes as Health Certificates
March 9, 2021

At this point in the COVID-19 pandemic, China has successfully managed to contain the spread of the virus, due in large part to its technological strategy, which uses QR codes as a kind of health certificate.

These color-coded QR codes are automatically generated using cell phone data. Green indicates that an individual is healthy and can move freely, yellow signals that the user must quarantine for up to seven days, and red for fourteen days. The basis for these determinations, as well as the extent of the data collected in order to make them, remains opaque.

Characterized broadly, the QR health codes operate as “mini apps” embedded in two ubiquitous apps in China: the social media app WeChat and the payment app Alipay. Virtually all public venues in China — shopping malls, office buildings, parks, and even hutongs: narrow alleyway neighborhoods — require visitors to check in with their QR code; failure to comply results in denial of entry. This helps expedite later contact tracing efforts.

Europe has begun using the same codes. It's only a matter of time for the US to do the same. Just got to crank up the fear factor to 9 to get the proles motivated enough. 1984 has arrived!

EU Digital COVID Certificate

The EU Digital COVID Certificate Regulation entered into application on 01 July 2021. EU citizens and residents will now be able to have their Digital COVID Certificates issued and verified across the EU.

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Pluto's Republic's picture


.... (big data) can be continuously processed and reprocessed to show if you had an encounter or were in close proximity to someone infected with the coronavirus. That data is collected wherever there are cell phones. Processing it (contact tracing) to locate and alert potentially infected persons that they have been exposed to Covid-19 is one way to stop the infection from spreading.

Many people in China would see this as a protective beneficial service. They would check themselves into quarantine for a few days, where they are housed and fed, where they receive health care and a stipend, and where their jobs are protected. The last thing they would want to do is go home and infect their grandparents. Conversely, Americans must hide their infections if they want to survive economically.

Social credit is something else. It is closely aligned to Confucianism. Confucius believed the individual and his relations with his friends and family was the basic building block of civilization. So, if certain virtues were promoted within families, then the community would be harmonious. Harmonious communities make for good towns, and so on to better cities, better states, better governments, and better leaders. In China, government is a bottom-up affair, emerging from the People. In the West, government is a top-down affair, based on an ideology.

Among the prized virtues in families and individuals were integrity, kindness, mercy, honesty, respect for others, and humanity. A social score is much like a credit score, but what is measured is good will, respect, and harmony in social interactions. These behaviors have been deeply embedded in Chinese culture for thousands of years. Americans may be horrified by credit scores and social scores, but the Chinese take them in stride. They reiy upon good reputations to improve their lives.

As for vaccine passports, Covid-19 is endemic now — so vaccines help only the person who receives the vaccine, but not the people around them. Vaccinated people will still be infected if they are exposed to SARS-CoV-2 until their enhanced immune system kicks in and stops the virus. Vaccinated people with weaker immune systems may be infected for just long enough to spread the infection to others. They may never know they were infected.

The reason for vaccine passports is an emotional reason not a scientific one. Vaccinated people would rather be on an airplane with other vaccinated people. However, the virus will be on that plane, as well. Dying on this hill is simply a distraction to a much larger social change that is necessary to manage an endemic virus.

5 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
CB's picture

@Pluto's Republic
like the Chinese Sinovac and Sinopharm. (CanSino is also developing a viral vector COVID-19 vaccine.) The killed virus vaccines have decades of testing and relatively successful application behind them. The gene therapy vaccines have had significantly less than a year.

Personally, I'm not anti-vax. I've got all my childhood shots as well as regular updated tetanus. As far as tracking the government knows all about me - income, medical history, banking, what and where I drive plus things that I have no idea about.

2 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture


However, a vaccine that requires an injection is completely unacceptable. Such a vaccine cannot be deployed world wide in a timely or practical fashion. It just makes matters worse and insults my intelligence.

The NIH funded and patented these mRNA viruses, specifically designed for a theoretical virus called SARS-CoV-2 back in 2006. So, it was on the fast track already. The dead virus vaccines do take a long time to develop and test, but they also work well.

4 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
CB's picture

@Pluto's Republic
natural defensive system so I am relatively OK with them. There have been no successful vaccines for the corona-viruses such as the common cold. They simply mutate too quickly. I'm thinking the COVID-13 virus is going to be a similar problem.

I'm going to wait a bit along with the lab rats before I get this vaccine. I will continue using the recommended prophylactics such as I-MASK+ and quality masks when mingling with the hoi polloi.

3 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

@Pluto's Republic

citizens have cell phones, but this is creepy-bo-peepy:

The basis for these determinations, as well as the extent of the data collected in order to make them, remains opaque.

thanks for the rest, and thanks to @pluto for her 411 on chinese social scores.

regarding being on planes and FWIW: ‘World has gone Covid-mad’: Afghans fleeing Taliban need negative PCR test to board now-suspended commercial flights out of Kabul
16 Aug, 202

The suspension of flights leaving Kabul has left countless civilians at the mercy of the Taliban. But even if flights resume, Afghans fleeing the country will still need to test negative for Covid, according to a baffling report.

The arguably ill-timed flight requirement was spotted at the end of an Atlantic article chronicling the frustrating story of an Afghan interpreter, Khan, and his family as they try to secure safe passage out of the country.

“Today, Sunday, the Taliban are in Kabul… The neighborhood where Khan was renting a room has become dangerous, and he and his family have fled, walking six miles to another hiding place. He needs to find a facility that will administer the Covid-19 tests required by the airlines. He needs to get his family to the airport. He needs two more days,” reads the last paragraph of the article.

Turkish Airlines and Emirates, two large carriers that operate in Kabul, require negative PCR tests for passengers above a certain age.

The detail caught the eye of Spencer Klavan, an associate editor at the Claremont Institute, who expressed considerable disapproval with the airline policy.

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CB's picture

from getting the virus and any immunity you get from the vaccine lasts a year or less and children can also spread the virus, does that mean the entire world of 7.9 billion will be required to get the jab every year before we get herd immunity?

At the current 35.64 million per day it will take 220 days to complete just one round of the current three required vaccinations before starting all over again. BUT, if the virus continues to mutate and becomes more contagious and herd immunity can never be attained, the vaccination rate will have to be upped by a factor of four or more - the ultimate self-licking sorbet.

The only good thing about this scenario is that it will eventually cleanse society of the sickly, aged, malnourished and other useless CO2 emitters that don't have a robust immune system. Of course any information of how to enhance the natural immune system must also be squelched if you are not one of the anointed.

It is also imperative that the good Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus take sole responsibility for this situation - pitch forks and torches - if you get my drift.

This is looking to be a wet dream for the Davos crowd - the Great Reset coupled with the opportunity to make some serious cash. What's not to like?

6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


since the vaccinated now contract and spread the Delta variant...assuring mutation to even more infectious variants for the vaccinated.

We have to individually be proactive and prevent symptomatic disease in our own households.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

wendy davis's picture


Population Bomb to your mix. 'Decrease the global population by 50%!', as if most bodies in the developing world have the same carbon footprint as USians.

Eugenics, eugenics, eugenics in sub-saharan africa, even now. especially now?

1 user has voted.
CB's picture

@wendy davis
the world population should be limited to 1.5 to 2 billion people so we all could live like an upper income American.

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