Ohio 11; is Nina in trouble?
There are beginning to be lights visible through the fog with which the media, including so-called left media, has blanketed this race. Tim Black has been covering the race and has had Turner on his show more than once. Marianne Williamson has endorsed and interviewed her. Mind, I can't
stand Williamson myself, but her endorsement matters with (especially) white female PMCs (Privileged Managerial Class), and they do vote. A new face on YouTube called Garrrick, I think I have that right, has been covering this race almost daily. He is not optimistic. Neither am I and it is breaking my heart.
A digression, please bear with me. The district in which I live, NY 21 is represented by the insane batgirl, Claudia Tenney, whose understanding of how to do her job is to go to Israel once a year and be treated like minor royalty and told how to vote. So, why, you ask, does she win elections? Well, she's...Pro-Life...and she's...For Trump and...For Families. In other words, she benefits from emotional I wanna feel good about myself voting, Republican style. This is what I call the Doctrine of Primacy of Emotion. Mass media, especially advertising, has for about a century now, been inundating us with the notion that feeelings are what matter. Not your religious beliefs, not your patriotism nor your ethnic background or personal values, nor what your parents taught you nor even what you yourself might have learned and your life experiences matter next to How You FEEEEL. So, we get emotional buying and emotional voting from folks who are normal and even rational in the other parts of their lives.
Now, Ohio 11 is a mostly Black district, or so I understand, and the folks there are a lot smarter than where I live. No way would those Ohioans vote for, or probably give the time of day to, the likes of Claudia Tenney. So, if you are the Democratic Establishment and you do not, nohow want to see Turner in Congress, what you do is come up with a candidate who is..maybe OK. Not too bad. A cute milquetoast go along to get ahead kind of person and you relentlessly push Ms. Insipid for all you are worth. Oh, and you do so right at the last month of the campaign, hoping that the opposition will be caught wrongfooted.
The best rundown from the establishment point of view, comes from, of all places, the Jewish Insider. https://jewishinsider.com/2021/07/new-poll-puts-shontel-brown-within-fiv... Click that link and check out the pictures of the two women. Turner is shown with red plastic glasses (not a spender, hmmm. not so easy to bribe) and talking into a mike--we all get the inference here, right? Mouthy, loud, etc. etc. (Me, I love listening to Turner talk, because she makes sense.) And there is a posed, photo op of Ms Insipid, looking nice and covered with costume jewelry bling.
So, why is the Dem Establishment down on Turner so bad? For Killary, who, you will remember, kicked this off, it is La Vendetta. Vengeance. Revenge against Bernie and anyone who helped or supported him. For Shills, it's personal. Why does the Jewish Insider care? Well, you would have to ask them and hope for a straight answer, but don't hold your breath. A PAC which has been dumping money into the campaign of Turner's main opponent has the name Democratic Majority for Israel. Now that is a name to conjure with. To begin with, the last time I checked, the Dem. party is about a third or less of the electorate and not all of that third is down with Israel First. My guess is that the Engels loss has truly freaked out the Zionist faction, and that faction wants an important scalp.
Rep. Occasio Cortez was in Ohio today campaigning for Turner. Meanwhile Rep Clyburn, remember him? the guy who have the nomination to Biden, was supposed to have held a rally for Turner's opponent, along with some of the CBC. Bernie is going to Ohio on Turner's behalf on July 31, along with Cori Bush.
I am a fan of Turner, but she is not the perfect candidate, no one is. I wish she had a strong anti-imperialism close the overseas bases message. I wish she would forcefully make the case that what we are spending on overseas intervention in countries that don't want us there could and should be being spent in uplifting our own people.

Not sure how much pull she has in Ohio.
Probably not much pull there,
but might be more than Clyburn has.
I am afraid I don't agree with you there.
Mary Bennett
That would be his rap
to the local Democratic organizations and those people would have to go out and pitch that. That's how it works in SC. The OH CD 11 voters don't know Clyburn.
Are you in NY CD 21 or CD 22?
DC 22, actually.
Mary Bennett
I don't know either,
Mary Bennett
Nina is trying her best to beat the democratic machine,
She ain't giving up.
Mary Bennett
More cojones than Bernie then!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
This type of support can't hurt.
Having taken a closer look at OH CD 11
can understand why the DEM neoliberals are dumping so much money into this race. Wonder if Louis Stokes (the founding member of the CBC and former OH 11 Rep) would be pleased to see that the CBC has become a lackey for the DEM neoliberals.
Academically and politically Turner is far more accomplished than Brown, who would be nothing more than a Pelosi, et al puppet.
This is a gerrymandered Democratic AA district which for reasons I don't fully understand, tend to skew conservative. There's little easily available primary election data for this district. One that I found is 2016 Democratic presidential primary This was the worst OH CD for Sanders.
On the plus side for Turner is that it's her home turf; so, she knows what it takes for her to win here. Her list of endorsements is also stronger than Brown's unless the folks there truly love HRC.
There really is no believable way Turner loses
She owns this district. This defeatism is simply narrativefor manufacturing consent when they lie about the results.
Year after year the same game. It's not only tiresome, it's amazing how people keep falling for it.
So some guy "out of nowhere" is following things closely and oh boy, it doesn"t look good.
I have two words. Fuck and off.
I hope you are right.
I hope the Ohio 11 voters are able to understand that the days of programs, which can easily be cancelled and or defunded by the next Rep. administration, are over and what we need now is structural reform, for example, rent control instead of or in addition to program to help you pay your rent. I hope they understand that the progressives already in Congress, like Warnock, Porter, Lieu, AOC, et al need members they can work with.
But I also think we need to stop making the usual lefty mistake of underestimating the opposition, and especially underestimating the lengths to which they are willing to go.
I hope early voting helps Turner and puts her far enough ahead that she can overcome any last minute surge of the easily influenced.
Mary Bennett
Excellent point!
Don't forget the one, even bigger chronic mistake: Underestimating ourselves.
Simply put, we should learn from Trump's attitude: Stop ACCEPTING blame, start dishing it out. A narcissist's poison is a chronic depressive's medicine.
I think I've shared this before, but it's been some time and everyone on here ought to be familiar with it: https://barbaraoakley.com/books/pathological-altruism/
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Clyburn is one of the biggest snakes in government.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Back in the day having worked dem primary elections
Back in the day having worked dem primary elections one reliable fact is that democrats will cheat other democrats. Who controls the voting process/hardware in the district? On that basis alone the edge has to go to Turner's establishment approved opponent. Her campaign should act as if the establishment will cheat her and put observers, etc in as many places as possible.
Of course.
Mary Bennett
I tire of the non progressive progressives.
If they keep waiting for a majority to act, it will be too late.
They've had the power of the minority on many votes to make changes and have done nothing but tweet.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
100% agreed.
Edit to add: the counter programming of Turner and Ocasio-Cortez having a campaign rally at the same time as the Medicare For All rally was a pretty great summation of the Squad mentality, imho. They should have been at the M4A rally, not peeing off participants. Yeah in the big picture, so what? But symbolically it shows a lack of “getting it” if not the usual criticism of being where movements go to die. So it goes.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Nina ignored the MFA protests
She and AOC planned their event on the same day and they have not even mentioned it once. According to Twitter so if anyone finds otherwise…
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Bernie was conspicuously absent yesterday too
But now he’s joined the damn squid posting crap like this.
I wish people would just block the idiots and let them tweet into the void. They aren’t going to do anything but tweet till they lose power. Again.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I am a proud avoider of Twitter.
They have to be true to their school, as it were.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
What a hard hitting tweet.
If Nina Turner loses
then the progressive insurgency in the Democratic Party is dead.
Because while the Squad 2.0 talk a big game, none of them have any courage or leadership skills.
I know.
If she loses it is time to begin organizing a new party with a truly people centered agenda. National health service, not M4A, which is a giant transfer of wealth to the same old suspects. Criminal prosecutions for companies like Monsanto, PG&E, Bhopal, etc. including jail time for CEOs and possible loss of charter. Tax on Wall Street transactions. And so on.
Mary Bennett