Friday Open Thread ~ the week in review edition
Journalist and anti-war activist David Harris spoke to Robert Scheer about his resistance to America’s genocide in Vietnam and his education in federal prison
Whatever Happened to Americans’ Moral Compass
A pared-down pandemic contingent of Hollywood elites conducted the annual Academy Award rituals of self-glorification not, as they have done since 2002, in the modern glitz of the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood itself, but in the Art Deco splendor of downtown Los Angeles’s Union Station. It seemed oddly fitting, more than a year into Covid Time, that the stars and moguls, a couple hundred in number, would take over a utilitarian cathedral of public transport for their three-hour advertisement: the message conveyed by the begowned and tuxedoed perched at tables and banquettes was that they were all dressed up but had nowhere to go.
All Dressed Up for the Oscars and Nowhere to Go

'merica lost it's moral compass
Ha! A compass does not misinform. Magnetic north is pretty much the same the world over, although it is changing very slightly, not enough to confuse navigators. There are corrections which are available to seekers truth seekers.
The attempts of the ptb and their disinformation machine to have us believe a *reset* is in process sounds a bit like another confusing disabuse of reality. If we can no longer trust simple basic tools of moral direction, they have once again succeeded. Believe your instincts.
question everything
The dis-information campaign
now has a formal name. "The Trusted News Initiative."
"This corrupt collusion falls under the Trusted News Initiative, a global collaboration signed onto by Big Tech social-media giants and many of its corrupt corporate media “partners.”
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Rhymes with tin.
A flexible, weak metal.
Our new go-to source for
acceptable information.
WTF, over.
question everything
Let's exploit the homeless why not? Ka-ching!
I used to like Frances Mc, but now I don't. shrug It's different when you can't leave after all the filming is done, I guess.
Bzzzt! How many affordable homes have ya built with that there sword, I don't even have to wonder. Forget about it. Now where's my wood chipper?
Wouldn't it be funny if IBM got the new kontract to kount in Kalifornia? Ha ha! Then Getty Newsom can reopen all the tattoo parlors with a flourish of contracts same time. Efficiency in government so important now because yeah! total recall
New California homeless database aims to help policymakers
Huh, that's the first time I ever heard of the "homeless coordinating and financing council". Huh.
Wait, it already contains four years of data? wat Don't worry, the solution is designed by a wealth management firm called Moran, yeah! Thanks Gavin. LOL
You guys I am losing my shit here because Caitlin Jenner, another murderous conservative ASS HOLE could get appointed the new governator because why not recall Newsom? I am up to my neck in assholes around here, not one politician will lower the cost of housing, because it has made them all wealthy too. Keep voting D! duh
They swept away homeless from downtown just before his highness dropped in for a photo shoot, and they are still going. I mean "they" are the cops and the politicians, they disgust me.
Santa Rosa police clear Yolanda Avenue homeless camp
Someone got stabbed right down the street from where I live. Come Visit Wine Country!
1 Jailed, 1 Hospitalized In Cloverdale Stabbing: Sheriff's Office
The river looks like ass it is so low, the flow it is pathetic. And the bridge stinks like human detritus from the encampment beneath. I am pretty pretty darn sure not one single person camping down there is enthusiastic about being entered in to The Homeless Data Integration System.
Myself could be sewing black triangles if she dared, so all can know me by sight, the disabled homosexual rejected by society. This is not utopia, not at all so why keep trying. I don't know.
"... anyhow, I's getting to be one more old timer, and the years don't make wisdom, they just make old age."
--Jack Beauregard
Only a few famous actors get to actually sail off in to the sunset of life in Kalifornia, and elsewhere. All others must fuck off and die, preferably penniless and without shelter, 'cause that's what makes the box office sing. FUCK
Here's a favorite Blondie song again, now the masks make sense. Finally!
Blondie - Die Young Stay Pretty (Eat to the Beat 1979)
[video: width:500]
"I didn't come here and I ain't leavin, so don't sit around and cry, just roll me up and smoke me when I die" -- Willy Nelson
Peace and Love
Since this is an open thread ...
Will the unemployed of these "red" states remember this at the polls next year?
An interesting viewpoint from a stock broker on the "labor shortage"
While the stock market hits new all time highs this morning amidst the "labor shortage".
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
They've got to get those
lazy people back into slavery. Not rocket science, but potentially politically fatal - hopefully, anyway.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
What makes you think they'll be unemployed next year?
Do nomads remember Occupy? Remember Obama? Clinton, Biden, etc., who militarized da local police? Giddyup. To paraphrase one other Dick: "Don't pull out in the middle of a screw, vote Blue in '22!" BOHICA
"While the stock market hits new all time highs this morning amidst the "labor shortage"."
Money printer go brrr!? Wouldn't you also buy another house and collect rents if you had the cheap money means to do so? Most workers still can not resist it obviously, despite all the homeless and the garbage and the petty crimes. "That's the system", a.k.a "The American Dream". WFH ownership society. Have you seen the price of lumber lately? omg wow
Peace and Love
I share your rage
The NYC current shortage became the Acute Catastrophe it is pretty recently. Before the Devil from NY, Michael R. Bloomberg, previous mayors had addressed homeless people with suitable action ---building housing and safe shelters, mental health services, etc---with decency and effectiveness.
While he was Mayor one of his early actions was giving homeless people one way bus tickets out of town.
Another initiative, a good one, was offering Housing Assistance Vouchers to 1,500 people with children----which housed 4-7,000 thousand people
In the last days on his third term, in a rage that de Blasio had won, Bloomberg canceled those vouchers, throwing all those adults with kids out into the streets. Other cuts he made to salt the field and stymie de Blasio resulted in more massive numbers of homeless people. Mayor de Blasio, in his 8 years, has been unable to or unwilling to stem the tide.
Now we have Andrew Yang and one of his priorities is the rezoning of luxury housing neighborhoods, namely Soho, by legislating for and then building low income housing in SOHO. This action alone, in Soho and elsewhere will singlehandedly change the face of homelessness of NYC.
This may be the #1 reason the MSM and DNC are massing against Yang. I am holding my breath.
Thanks for the understanding
Peace and Love
why I check Russia Times - It reports local news before
our local news sites way to often. Yesterday in Portland, Oregon.
Armed standoff at Portland protest turns into scuffle after motorist and ‘volunteer security’ aim GUNS at each other
Nothing on local newspaper related websites has shown up yet. Expect article to appear within a few days depending upon international re-reporting.
The Bulletin - major newspaper for eastern side of the state
The Oregonian - the only statewide newspaper
Noticed this pattern over the past three years, originally related to delayed reporting of Hanford leak events and the time Oregon Guard lost a missile off the Oregon coast. The type of news events not being easily available to the general public keeps increasing in scope.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
About 4:30 pm an article showed up at the Oregonian site
Police investigating armed confrontation on North Portland street
If you are interestedMy two vehicles are a Toyota Prius and an older full sized pick-up which occasionally needs to be driven on public roads to haul loads or fill up with gas. Done this for years with no discernible difference of treatment from various drivers. Since October, after the fires, there has been a noticeable difference in the type of vehicles and drivers driving aggressively based on which vehicle I am driving. Behaviors such as driving too close behind, swerving in front of drive path, passing in non-passing zones and abrupt stops without an apparent reason. Poor driving often happens during summer when a high percentage of tourists are on the road. What is happening now is different.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
His story sounds a bit fishy no?
But he says this:
So his testimony doesn't match the video. And his own testimony contradicts what he later says:
Really? Or are you just a Nazi who tried and failed to use your vehicle as a weapon? Because buried in the article is this little nugget:
I'm leaning towards fascist Nazi fuck.
Meanwhile, the protestors have a different story:
Who you going to believe, the lying MAGA hat wearing Nazi or your own eyes watching the video?
But honest officer, I'm just your joe average hard working Murican, coming home from work who didn't realize the WEEKLY protest march, was happening and the horror of finding myself, an innocent hard working Murican, SURROUNDED (paranoia) by evil, degenerate protestors. I was so scurred. Just like I wuz SURROUNDED last year when, once again, I UNKNOWINGLY and innocently, I assure you officer, drove up to another protest with my MAGA hat on and "laid on the horn."
Why those random protestors from a year ago must have surely singled ME out.
Yeah, that's the ticket.
Fascist Nazi Fuck.
Midday report from Scotland
Turnout is Way UP!
Looking very good for Scottish Independence. Gained 3 seats from Conservatives so far. Including one from the all important seat from Tory stronghold Edinburgh.
Detailed report later when the counting for today is over. We won't get full results until Saturday.