Who is behind the vaccine passport?
Silicone valley, but why?
Whitney Webb
Silicon Valley and WEF-Backed Foundation Announce Global Initiative for COVID-19 Vaccine Records
Silicon Valley’s most influential companies, alongside healthcare companies, US intelligence contractors and the Commons Project Foundation, recently launched the Vaccination Credential Initiative. The initiative’s ambitions reach far beyond vaccines and will have major implications for civil liberties.
On Thursday, tech giants with deep ties to the US national-security state—Microsoft, Oracle, and the MITRE Corporation—announced that they had partnered with several health-care companies to create the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI) to advance the implementation of digital COVID-19 vaccination records.
According to a Reuters report, the VCI “aims to help people get encrypted digital copies of their immunization records stored in a digital wallet of their choice” because the “current system [of vaccination records] does not readily support convenient access and sharing of verifiable vaccination records.”
The initiative, on its website, notes that the VCI is a public-private partnership “committed to empowering individuals with digital vaccination records” so that participants can “protect and improve their health” and “demonstrate their health status to safely return to travel, work, school and life while protecting their data privacy.” The initiative is essentially built on a common framework of digital vaccination “wallets” called SMART Health Cards that are meant to “work across organizational and jurisdictional boundaries” as part of a new global vaccination-record infrastructure.
Yet, this framework will not be limited to health-care information, as Mandel has said. In his presentation, he notes the application of SMART Health Cards could soon be used as IDs for commercial activity, such as renting a car. The VCI framework’s use of the term “digital wallet” to refer to its digital vaccination record is also suggestive of future connectivity to economic activity.
Efforts to link digital identity, not just to economic activity but also to health data, have recently escalated, for example with the piloting of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (aka GAVI)–Mastercard–Trust Stamp partnership in Africa. That program, first launched in 2018, links Trust Stamp’s digital-identity platform with the GAVI-Mastercard Wellness Pass, a digital vaccination record, and Mastercard’s click-to-pay system run on AI technology called NuData. Mastercard and GAVI are both partnered with the ID2020 Alliance, which includes VCI member Microsoft.
Given the reasonable speculation that such platforms would utilize digital currency, specifically cryptocurrency, for financial activity, it is worth noting that VCI member Microsoft filed a patent in 2019 that would allow “human body activity,” including brain waves and body heat, to mine (i.e., generate) cryptocurrency. This, of course, would link biometrics to financial activity, among other things.
The effort to manufacture consent for an all-encompassing digital identification system is notable given that its main selling point thus far has been coercion. We have been told that without such a system we will never be able to return to work or school, never be able to travel, or never be allowed to participate normally in the economy. While this system is being introduced in this way, it is essential to point out that coercion is a built-in part of this infrastructure and, if implemented, will be used to modify human behavior to great effect, reaching far beyond just the issue of COVID-19 vaccines.
This should wet your appetite and you will read the rest.
Your biometric data will be uploaded nightly to Amazon through the Amazon Dolt that all citizens will be required to purchase and install in their homes. One for each room too. It’s for your safety that you need them and that’s why government won’t pay for them.
It’s terrifying to see how many people are okay with a vaccine passport. Some in fact think it and vaccines should be mandatory. I read today that less than .002% of people who have been vaxxed have gotten Covid anyway. Give or take a zero. So it looks like they are doing a good job.
Bottom line though is this. If a vaccine passport is required it’s not to keep us safe or alive. They have already proven that they don’t care about either. It’s for removing more of our rights and them putting more pressure on their thumb.
Hell no! We didn’t do it for the epidemic during Obama’s years. Nor for the swine flu. Nor Ebola. Nor did we shutdown the economy no matter what it did to business and people. Nope. This is a huge power grab which is the 2nd part of the cash grab. I shudder to think what comes next.

This should give you a good idea of whar
Comes next.
Evolutionary forces are being accelerated by lockdowns, resulting in new vaccine-resistant strains popping up. Like antibiotics, we will be fucked soon thanks to the lockdowns.
Likely spelling mistake but so spot on
Whar is exactly what I expect to happen.
This nation, my home, is so convoluted on exceptionalism, that I expect them to kill all before admit defeat.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
"Imperialism" got replaced with
I watched On Contact, and Hedges interviewed an author/professor who had written a book on the emerging global police state. I can reduce the entire program down to this: Mr. Cartier, the French jewelry giant, did some interview. He said something to the effect that "I can barely sleep at night. I am afraid of the poor people turning on the rich." Like him. Bastard.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
sweat dreams then
heh... signs of the past ..imperial thumb coming back to haunt you? You knew what would happen if you pushed the poor too far, and yet you did it anyway. Happy nightmares, dude and I hope that dreams of guillotines dance thru you head.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
They can never make it mandatory.
But they're trying.
Can't travel without a covid passport? Don't make me laugh. It's almost granted that more than 30% will never take the vax and no travel company can make a dime without them. The rich don't travel by cruise ship or third class. That's you're middle class. You know, those people who without their participation, would cause most of all businesses to die.
But it gets better. Surprise! There's no more middle class anymore. There are the uppers and the lowers.
Don't you dare tell the lowers what they can and have to do.
It will be a great day when nature takes humans out.
We're not worth it.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
All we need to have is the vaccination yellow card.
These apps are what the oligarchs want.
There should be an enormous uptick of cases in Texas with everyone going to Easter church services.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Is it unstoppable?
Lots of European countries are doing them already and Hawaii is thinking of doing it for inter island travel. How would that work if we’re one of the few that doesn’t because of our rights or has that ship sailed already?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It might be that a covid passport is the intention
to make travel and other things accessible, but can it be mandatory? I suppose lots of time and money will be spent in legal fees and propaganda in the process.
It only just now occurred to me how apt the name ‘Amazon' Jeff Besoz chose for his future endeavour, and sadly the earth’s decline, including most of humanity. The name certainly doesn’t turn out to be a reflection of the lush, life-giving nature of the Amazon, but rather like a reflection of something beastly. I’m glad the sinking feeling left reading this is buoyed by the merriment I can hear down at the park on this warm Autumn day.
Happy Spring!
When the PTB say that they want to 'empower' you...
It's time to watch your ass - assuming they haven't already managed to steal it.
Deep State seems to be trying to sell the concept that anything at all short of forcibly restraining and jabbing the unwilling - is not forced vaccination and therefore OK.
Of course you might place enough restrictions on the recalcitrant that they cannot participate in society - travel, work, attend school , etc. Round them up and throw them in camps, if necessary, but hey, it's not mandatory! How convenient that they have the experience of the Chinese Social Credit Score system to draw on.
Among the niceties that this overlooks is that it is illegal under federal law to coerce or exercise undue influence to get someone to take a drug/undergo a procedure that is authorized under an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) which all of the current crop of vaccines are being used under. People receiving such treatment are required to be informed that is at their option, that they are free to refuse and also, to the extent possible, of risks and benefits of the medicine/procedure.
from Statnews.com:
Good to see that at least some states (notably, Red ones) are putting up resistance to the vax passport scheme - Florida most prominently so far:
Coercion, indeed. The goal here is total control - naive to think otherwise or believe these .01-Percenters are going to be satisfied with anything less. Best to consider our batna.
“What else can you tell us about this batna, Surendranath?” “I learnt it from English traders in Surat,” said the befuddled Surendranath, “It stands for Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement.”
― Neal Stephenson, The Confusion (Volume II of The Baroque Cycle)
I reckon that would be Mr. Bill Gates.
I haven't flown on a plane since the Fed's implemented the TSA.
At this point, I have no clue. I mean, if business want to require a vaxx passport, they should be required to show proof of a COVID free environment, like the installation of UVC lights in both the supply and return air plenums.
If one is not treating the supply and return air, then one is just pushing COVID particles around their entire establishment. Right?
I am so glad I am out of the city!
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Board composition
UNICEF, WHO, the World Bank and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation hold permanent seats; representatives of other Gavi partners serve on time-limited basis
The other board members are pharma folks and banksters
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
If interested in the push for a Covid passport
to see what is being said about why it is acceptable for us to open up, but only in concert with protocols that REQUIRE a Covid Passport..
I never thought I would see the day when Americans were so eager to give up their rights. They are so far removed from who they were during Bush and before Obama told them that some wars are cool and worth the crimes against humanity. If you don't believe every aspect of the fear mongering coming from the Covid saga the you are a Covidiot.
Some think it's a way to own the 'right' like they love to own the 'libs.' This mentality sprung from Trump's noxious tenure in the Oval Offense where people were encouraged to see those other than them as something that should be squished under their shoes.
So anyone who even questions the plans of the drug companies that are eager to put dangerous pills on the market, but not so eager to remove them after they have harmed lots of people. Time after time this has happened. The FDA during the smallpox vaccinations wasn't captured by the Drug Company Industrial Complex like they are now. All they seem interested in is making lots and lots of money and not getting the pandemic under control. I will never trust a system like that. Remember all the parties involved in getting millions hooked on opiods? That took place under the watchful eye of the FDA. Years after the opiod epidemic took hold, we still won't hold those who did it accountable for it. Drug company. Doctors. McKinsey. Every FDA lackey that stayed silent while millions got addicted and many died from over dosing on them.
Sorry. Trust but Verify.
Oh. Never mind. If you have to have a license to drive.... DOH!!!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Oh now snoop,
isn't all this talk of vaccine passports just loony RWNJ scare talk? After all, our oligarchs would NEVER lie to us or do ANYTHING that might make us sick or get us killed, would they? Why on earth would they want even more control over their populations than they already have? They don't track us, sheesh, again, just loony talk, right? Never mind what Snowden revealed to us, that's just CT and for all we know he is just another liar who was probably disgruntled because he didn't get a good enough raise...
As for case counts and fatality rates, what purpose would it serve them to lie about those? After all, don't we know our government never lies to us about numbers? Would CNN lie? How about Fox or MSNBC? Why, those poverty figures surely aren't manipulated are they? That latest stimulus package is going to raise at least 7 million people out of poverty! It is THE most progressive legislation in a generation, surely we see that by now! The unemployment figures have NEVER been lied about and unemployment was a mere 4 percent pre-lockdown, and just as soon as we all comply and do what we are told to do those numbers will go down even further once lockdowns can be safely lifted! The economy will boom I tell ya, boom! And those war dead, the US government NEVER lies about fatalities or God forbid birth defects its military created when it left all those bombs behind for those foreign civilians to deal with. Our bombs are precision instruments and we NEVER kill innocents! There are NO problems with that in Iraq or anywhere else we had to bomb to install democracy and anyone who says different is a negative lunatic who just hates America and our freedoms.
Oligarchs DO NOT run the world. America is a decent, God fearing country that would never harm a hair on the head of anyone who didn't fully deserve it. We are the land of the free and the home of the extremely brave and we are NEVER fearful or hysterical. Nor are we easily led...
Our media is fully transparent and open to us all, as is our government and ALL corporations. There is NO profit motive in pharmaceuticals, EVER, they create those drugs for OUR OWN GOOD, always, and any pesky side effects are merely lifestyle problems, not problems with the medication! Of course pharmaceutical companies need blanket indemnity to any possible harm their concoctions may cause since so many people just insist on living dangerously and not taking their medication properly, so why should Pharma be on the hook for some moron getting sick due to his or her own personal failings? And they're ALWAYS personal failings. Even if one is properly vaccinated, there's still a massive danger to walking around outside without a mask, and why the peons refuse to see that logic is really anyone's guess, although there ARE malign actors out there who insist on blaming Pharma and the profit motive for any problems so one really should not be surprised that happens in a society that's allowed to say any stupid thing its people might think, but we'll fix that for ya. We're working on that now and will very shortly eliminate all questioning too. To question is to be a skeptic and we simply cannot allow skepticism or God forbid, critical thinking, to derail our progress and our war on the virus!
As for the passports, well, we all must comply with their plans for us, and that vaccination is safe and effective, why would Pharma lie about that? Just never you mind, hurry up and get your jab and your yellow star and all will be well. And OF COURSE you'll need a yearly booster shot, why would anyone see any issue there? Just don't think about it and bare that arm as many times as our owners tell you to. And if you don't comply, well, we just can't really say what we have in store for you, but suffice it to say it WILL be for your own good....
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Ahh, April foolishness
good jab at the state of affairs
tell it like it is..
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Don't hold back, lizzy!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Yep my bad
I forgot about all that. Good point and well said! The poverty numbers are bunk after democrats refused to pay people still less than a living wage. Not even a bump to $11 that would have brought smiles to many faces.
To question is to be a skeptic and we simply cannot allow skepticism or God forbid, critical thinking, to derail our progress and our war on the virus!
Why are you so negative? Roll up your sleeve and take the blue pill.
We need a second party!
AOC has lost any credibility she had left after the force the vote didn’t happen and now she is insulting the very people who got her elected and calling them privileged just because they want what she gets. Belittling people won’t help your cause. I hope her and Warren the snake lose their re-elections. And bigly too.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Not sure AOC should even be called the center
if you're not willing to challenge the Right, how are you not part of it?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
CNN headline says Pfizer vaccine only last maybe 6 months
So passwords for a vaccine which must eventually be taken 1 or 2 times a year? So looks like people will have to mask up and avoid each other for years to come given the fatality of the virus?
I don't think so...
...but what do I know.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
How long for Rona recovered?
Why doesn’t Fauci talk about the number of people who now have natural immunity to it and it might last x many months when he talks about herd immunity? He keeps saying that we need to get to this # for herd immunity, but I don’t know if he’s settled on the # yet. He kept raising then lowering it.
I posted this before but in case you missed it it’s worth a read.
Dr. Do-Little. Besides staying silent when Trump covered up the severity of the epidemic and his masks screwup just what has he done that warrants the adulation he gets?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
thanks for the link
I will certainly get the vaccines but I would prefer the Johnson and Johnson and if I could make it Mexico Sputnik V.
But from what I can tell, people believe that if enough vaccinations the virus will be conquered. I do not believe that as there is absolutely no evidence that people who are vaccinated will not spread the virus. Claims that it will is speculation. What the vaccine does is gives a person a high chance of not getting severe symptoms. For those with the vaccine and underlying conditions, is this still true? Have to research that.
But what I forsee for me at least is living for some time now in the most protective and conservative ways even if I am vaccinated. I will resist any attempt to work at the office and live in relative isolation as far as I can.
I think medical dystopias will be in our short term futures.
I thought I read in several articles that a vax does not
I trend toward the J & J. also wish I could enter Mexico and get the Russian vax, but it will give me no confidence to resume a life of mixing it up with people. I still keep people out of my when possible. They must have a mask, and I can seat them 10 feet away from me.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I went to the cowboy store yesterday
and many people were not wearing masks. Others did and no one said anything to anyone that I saw. That is how it should be because that is what’s coming when most people are vaccinated. Unless people wear The Yellow Star on their clothing no one will know who is vaxxed and who isn’t.
I just thought that there were lots of people there carrying. Utah decided that people don’t need a permit to conceal their weapons. Lots of red states just did that and I’m wondering why the Koch brothers wanted it passed. Another governor from an M state I think relaxed their laws on guns. Don’t remember details, but it’s in the same vein. Curious.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
My understanding also.
Upto 10% of vaccinated people will still get severe symptoms. The term I have heard is that thed vaccines are prophylactics. May prevent you from getting sick but not necessarily others. In fact now read headline that even vaccinated people should not be doing unnecessary travel.
Just for grins, here is a discussion of theory that the virus may get worse because of the mRNA vaccine can set up an "arms race" in the first 14 days of someone getting vaccinated. The cause is concentrated evolutionary pressure. During the first 14 days of weak immunity the virus will attempt to circumvent the high specific attack and might evolve other ways to enter the cells.
Huge risk of mass vaccination during a pandemic - Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche (from Livestream #72)
Like you I will distance and isolate even with a vac dose.
I listened to the actual Bossche interview
Vaccinating during a pandemic, before the mutations, has never been done. Ever.
We should be hearing way more about the success of the countries too poor to buy the vaxes who are doing test and treat with resounding success. Except there is no money in that for Big Pharma or our politicians
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Thanks for posting about the Vanden Bossche interview
Had been meaning to and not gotten to it.
As OtC mentioned - mass vaccination in the course of a pandemic is unprecedented, and potentially extremely dangerous. There is a possibility that the vaccination programs themselves will not only drive the development of variants able to evade the vaccines, but also that the vaccinated themselves may shed the virus. As the Moon of Alabama quote correctly states, the initial testing and basis for emergency approval was only about eliminating and/or reducing the severity of symptoms - not whether the virus would actually be eliminated.
There is some precedent for immunization protecting the immunized from severe symptoms but at the same time dramatically increasing viral shedding - converting the vaccinated to super-spreaders.
You can bet, though, that if/when vaccines fail to halt spread that it will be those who have (sensibly, IMHO) declined vaccination that will be blamed.
Posted this once before, but it bears repeating - from PBS 2015.
About vaccines and the evolution of hot strains of Marek Virus - a serious poultry disease for which vaccines were developed and have been in use since 1970. These have continued to be effective, but hotter and hotter (deadlier) strains have been developing - finally someone got around to researching whether the vaccines themselves were driving their development.
(spoiler alert - they definitely appeared to be doing so)
Well, maybe we are about to find out whether and how that applies to humans
Could work out that a far greater danger than COVID-19 itself lies in an inappropriate lockdown, vaccine-centric response to it.
It isn't just this vaccine issue and mutations
humans are seeing more antibody resistant viruses and lots of that can be blamed on big farma that gives their livestock antibiotics whether they need them or not and anyone going in for surgery will be tested for MRSA, a vaccine resistance virus that is easily caught,, but expensive to treat. People are tested for it before any cutting is done and if they were infected before coming in then they are on the hook for the treatment, not insurance companies. Companies cause the problem, we are on the hook to pay for treatment.
Scary thought. You are right about who will be blamed when the 4th wave crests. Even tho the new strains seem to target kids now. How convenient. Yes it is damned convenient.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks for the insight on the virus with article.
If we are learning this from our random wanderings
imagine how much the people in charge of this have known for some time, but have withheld the info from us. But then they say, "Just trust us."
My uncle was a Med Tech for most of his life with lots of experience in Microbiology and when we started talking about Big C and vaccines he too said it would be years before a vaccine can be made for it. Less than a year later here they are. When I reminded him of the conversation he pulled a David. Now there is more talk of a vaccine passport that should have everyone saying 'let's push pause here', but instead we have democrats pushing for it because if you want to drive you have to have a driver's license. You have to show vaccines for school. Every other excuse you can imagine for mandatory vaccines if you want to partake in society. On vaccines still in trials that won't be known for a year or more. I understand the idea behind it, but it is still taking away our right to decide what we put in our bodies. Anyone before mentioning mandatory vaxs would be accused of being a Nazi because they had no problem making people take any that came along. It's in the Nuremberg trial transcript. One way to get around having to have a passport is for every person to get vaccinated. I am not kidding. Look.
A vaccine passport will probably need to have a smarty phone to display it and how the hell will people juggling bills and food be able to afford another monthly bill if they want to go grocery shopping? If it's for concerts then people are able to opt out. Grocery shopping is kinda life affirming thing we all have to do. Saying you can't if you aren't vaxxed goes against the constitution whatever that is worth anymore. Rights? We give you your rights. We can take them away. And IF you are leery? So what? there is no need for you to help the right wing nut jobs stop progress. To someone questioning how much info on our phone will the app get to take? It's a right wing ploy I tell you to get people to.......What?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I believe this to be true. Does it make me nuts, highly doubtful
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
if you really want to get poked
Ivermectin is proven to work
test for anti-bodies first
may not need it
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I've believed that Ivermectin works for quite some time
Ivermectin will be asked for, bought online, should I ever pass a C19 test.
Thanks for the tip though!
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Then there’s this
I don’t know what to make of it nor do I know if any of it is true. It’s interesting in what it’s saying. Not that I’d put it past them to do something very nefarious.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
this is our government Snoopydawg
betteror worse here it ishttps://www.toptenz.net/10-terrible-things-the-usa-did-to-its-own-citize...
WMD's, Gulf of Tonkin, Incubators, etc.etc.etc. the list goes on and on. -nfg-
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I know I know
It’s just so damn hard for my mind to accept that level of cruelty which is such an inadequate word. Pluto has been hinting at something really bad coming and that it’s worse than we can possibly think. She wondered if people would want to know or stay naive about it. I thought that it’d depend on the time frame but then said nah it wouldn’t matter. I don’t know now. But again gd it! I just got comfortable. Sorta. Then again maybe I’d welcome it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
State of the nation
Wow, that's some bunch of rabbit holes at stateofthenation.co
Thanks for the link - will have to spend some time looking around there - really gets into "Are you paranoid, or are you paranoid *enough*?" territory.
“If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.”
― Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow
My thoughts exactly
I wondered what rabbit hole was there to trap me into believing things that I should be questioning instead. Lots of really out there thinking. But then who'd a thought we'd be complicit in 9/11? Trust but verify.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Had it and recovered?
Hi, OtC -
Have you made any attempt to determine whether you have already had the Covid-crud and recovered?
If you (or anyone) have, then the need for all those social distancing measures, not to mention vaccination is pretty much obviated, no?
This Canadian professor of Viro-immunology is pretty clear about declining any of the current crop of vaccines. In his view, his risk, should he catch the disease - given his age and health - is extremely low, whereas there is definitely some risk from the vaccines - how much not being fully known. Importantly, though, he believes that catching the disease and recovering from it naturally will result in superior immune protection than the current vaccines.
There's immunity and then there's immunity - there can be significant differences between vaccine-acquired and naturally-acquired, and the latter is generally superior.
Note also his opinions on masks/lockdowns, etc...
Dr. Byram Bridle - University of Guelph:
I have not been tested to see if I have had the virus.
For the sake of discussion, let's say I did, indeed, have it. My infection would not be particularly protective against the new variants.
Now, my clients are either vaccinated, or closely associating with people who are.
And it is now shown the vaccinated people are possibly shedders.
I have only one remaining protection, and that is distance from people. If it were possible for my assistant to work from her home, I would implement that.
Weather permitting, my clients and I conduct our meetings outdoors on a large deck.
Not sure if this protocol is "lock down", but no matter what we call it, it is the way I have decided to conduct my business and my life. I cannot see that lock downs are any more likely to cause mutations than ganging up with your pals at a karaoke bar.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Especially pharma companies
I’m glad this thread isn’t dead yet. (I’m not dead yet. You will be.)
I have written about this before on how drug companies have captured the FDA. Their scientists and lawyers write up the report and the FDA signs it. Drugs stay on the market long after the companies knew that we causing problems. I remember doctors in California trying to get Vioxx pulled and they finally did. Only to see the FDA allowing it back on with a black box warning label on it. And again I’ll mention the opioid epidemic.
Lobbyists are writing most of the legislation that congress passes. They rarely get to read what is in the bill before they vote on it. Before that Pelosi and Mnuchin met to discuss the bills and lobbyists are in the meetings. I don’t know how far back this goes or if it’s just something that came from Covid and congress working from home and Pelosi’s taking advantage of it. Companies get to pick who will be chairman of the committee they oversee. We can’t vote that out either.
I just don’t know what the truth is. Not when the people who say "trust us" have lied to us so many times. Who killed Kennedy? King? Bobby? And why?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
"I don’t know how far back this goes"
At least as far back as September 2001, when the so-called "PATRIOT Act" was bum-rushed through Congress with no one taking the time to read it.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
"so CNN posts this article about how ....."
Exactly. They told millions that Russia was very naughty and not just once or twice, but thousands of times and for years. They played their part in manufacturing fear and anxiety about Trump which came to a screeching stop once Biden became president and continued Trump’s actions in almost every way. They refuse to tell us about Yemen or covering our atrocities there. They lie about Venezuela and Guido. About Assad and Syria. And get this. One media company is white washing an Al Qaida leader who is telling us how his group of terrorists are fighting the evil Assad regime.
So yeah I have trust issues. lol. Who wouldn’t?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Trust issues
No one would, who is paying attention and thinking critically.
Therein lies a problem, though...
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
- John Adams
So were the crooks crawling out of the woodwork
even during John Adams' lifetime?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Here is some info on the AQ guy who we are saying is
an American asset.
That the media isn’t outraged over this or even covering it further proves our point about why we don’t trust them.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Blackstone strikes again against home owners
I thought that housing would come down if lots of foreclosures happened, but I didn’t remember this. So congress is not only going to cause a catastrophic mass of evictions and homelessness, but are going to keep the prices on them high and out of reach for millions. Same with apartment buildings that are being sold and bought left and right. But guess what? Rental prices for big companies are down almost 40% and landlords are offering many enticing options to get them in the buildings. Nice huh?
Hopefully you will see this in the dead thread. But I couldn’t put it the happy one.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.