The SolarWinds hack and our corporate/political culture
Remember last year's SolarWinds hack? You know, the one that no one could prove where it came from?
Well, we now know who's responsible - the Intern!
"I've got a stronger password than 'solarwinds123' to stop my kids from watching too much YouTube on their iPad. You and your company were supposed to be preventing the Russians from reading Defense Department emails!" said US Representative Katie Porter after learning about the password.
Everything was perfectly fine at SolarWinds until that damn intern!
And I bet the intern didn't take complete and full responsibility for all of cyber security at this major software company either!
As opposed to those brave and honest SolarWinds executives, who just happen to have massively sold their stock options right before telling the public about the worst hack in history.
Speaking of responsibility, RUSSIA!
Everyone knows Russia did it. It's so obvious it doesn't even have to be proven.
...except when it was someone else.
By now, most people know that hackers tied to the Russian government compromised the SolarWinds software build system and used it to push a malicious update to some 18,000 of the company’s customers. On Monday, researchers published evidence that hackers from China also targeted SolarWinds customers in what security analysts have said was a distinctly different operation.
CHINA! At the very same time, no less.
Something tells me that Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, and socialism hacked us too.
So obviously we must go to war with someone.
According to a report from The New York Times, the Biden administration is planning cyberattacks against Russia in the coming weeks. The cyber offensive could come with new sanctions and would mark a serious escalation towards Moscow from the new administration.
Anonymous US officials told the Times that the first “major move” is expected to happen over the next three weeks. It will consist of a “series of clandestine actions across Russian networks that are intended to be evident to President Vladimir V. Putin and his intelligence services and military but not to the wider world.”
The US formally attributed blame to Russia for the SolarWinds hack in January. The FBI, NSA, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, and the Office of the DNI released a statement that said the hack was “likely Russian in origin.” Missing from the statement was any evidence for the accusation.The reality is, attributing cyberactivity is difficult as hackers have methods to conceal their identity. One reason US officials and media outlets say it could have been Russia is the sophistication of the hack. But testimony from SolarWinds’ former CEO and a cybersecurity expert made it clear that anybody could have accessed SolarWinds’ servers due to a major security lapse.
It's a real big coincidence that the fact that our nation's biggest rivals hacked SolarWinds (without leaving a trace) does manage to distract from the corporate incompetence and insider trading.

Those pesky Rooskies!
What's a country to do?
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Easy answer....
not only is this one of your most insightful, and hilarious, essays, gjohnsit, but you're shedding light on the laughter on the part of Defense contractors, laughing at us, the American people.
Because Russia hacked the DNC emails, we are getting all new nuclear weapons, new submarines, and new silos because the new nukes don't fit the old subs and silos. Turns out there was no hack.
Now, because Russia was sophisticated enough to burn through an intern's poorly chosen password, our corporate, Treasury, and Defense department security was destroyed, and so we need new Cyber. We're using our old Cyber to demolish the Russians.
I just can't help feeling the Defense contractors are falling off their chairs laughing at us, and hopefully some of them will be knocked unconscious.
The claim that Russia hacked the DNC is very dubious.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Oh, yes,
I completely agree with you. There was no hack In December 2017 Crowdstrike's source of the hack lie admitted to Congress, under oath, that there was no hack. I apologize for being unclear about my position on that.
Oh Boy! Something else to blame on the Russians.
Anyone use Microsoft e-mail or google e-mail
deserves to be hacked.
for less than the cost of a Starbucks coffee once a week, actually closer to the cost of a Dunkin Donuts cost of coffee once a week, you can buy your own domain and hire a hosting service. Or go one step farther and sign up with an encrypted e-mail service.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Matt Stoller reveals culprits: greed and private equity
Matt Stoller wrote about SolarWinds and how private equity is the cause for our shitty and vulnerable infrastructure.
How to Get Rich Sabotaging Nuclear Weapons Facilities