Thoughts on this tweet
Submitted by snoopydawg on Sun, 03/07/2021 - 12:01am
same energy
— boo sayer (@Carrion_Crawl) March 6, 2021
I see both actions as equal. Neither woman seemed to be concerned with the people who trusted them to do the right thing. Millions of kids in this 3rd world country are lacking in quality food to give them every chance at life. Millions more are living in horrific environments that sickens them, causes cancers and other diseases all which drives up profits for the medical insurance congressional complex which is one of the many ways wealth is transferred upwards. The list of issues that poor people and especially kids are living with is very long.
Interested in your thoughts since Twit is arguing about it’s meaning.

I agree.
Her twitter account has been ratioed heavily all day and she deleted many of her early (defensive) tweets because of this.
This seems to be a popular one. LOL
She deserved it.
"harming humans in the service of capitol" CHECK
I guess I missed the whole kerfuffle thread as it was happening, but that Freudian typo cracked me up. Is it two different people shown? Both sides of the rotting duopoly? That statement would be accurate. Storm the capitol, and the capital storms you. wat
Also, "This is what democracy looks like" applies, because Hollywood was invented here. Looks much like Idiocracy if you ask me, but nobody does. If I joined twitter I would never ever shut up, not even while sleeping. I just don't have what it takes to endure those type of conversations, hi ho silver, away! Thanks.
Peace and Love
My first thought
was "who the fuck is Krysten Sinema?" followed by the question, "why should I give a fuck?".
A quick search later I'm out of minutes I will never get back and I have the name of yet another nobody who thinks she is somebody who is a reflection of a very high percentage of the everybodys in the US. In other words, some twat, UK sense of the word, who is tweeting like so many other twits who only thinks about themselves and what they can take from life. That she is the senior senator of AZ means fuck all except she is in a position to spread the disease of selfish disinterest in the welfare of others who are not her. It is far more dangerous and damaging than COVID ever was, is, or can be. Worthless human being is a better description although I'm undecided on the human part.
Or as was common in the post Vietnam military aviation community to show intense disdain, let's have a hymn.... Hymn, hymn, fuck him. Works even when it is a her.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
I agree.
It's the same ugly entitlement and lack of empathy that is rife throughout our land.
Finally a good use for the song.
It's gonna make a good primary campaign commercial, maybe set to the tune of "These Boots Are Made for Walking"---you know if you don't watch out they'll walk all over you.
Had to look this up...
to even get the equivalency that was being implied here...
Now admittedly a good percentage, if not most, congress critters are not out of touch with, if not actively disdainful of their marginalized constituents and Sinema may well be one of those , *but* it seems like more than a stretch to say that Sinema's vote automatically puts her on a level of gloating over torture and abuse of helpless prisoners.
Well, that is partly BS, since the "COVID Relief" bill is a monumental heap of wasteful pork barrel crap that is only marginally related to real-world COVID relief. Dem leadership included no more than they had to in actual support for real relief for the peasants to provide some minimal level of credibility to cover their real agenda: freebies to further enhance the wealth and power of their real constituents (which you are not one of).
Yes, the minimum wage is inadequate. Yes, its buying power had declined for decades - the silver value of the five quarters your hourly wage would have gotten you in 1963 would be currently be more than $28.00. Yes, people who are working, and often at the shittiest jobs, should be able to make a living wage.
But that doesn't mean that a quick jump to $15 now would not have a profound and negative impact on a whole lot of people. And it doesn't mean that there shouldn't (as Cinema suggests) be hearings on it as a separate bill with opportunities for amendments to be offered.
Draconian lockdown policies and riots have already taken down small businesses in droves - with minority-owned businesses among the hardest hit. It's not MacDonalds that's going to suffer under a $15.00 minimum wage - they'll just automate and lay off humans.
That's not going to be an option for mom and pop local independents - put in a big hike and how many of those do you expect will survive it?
That is not happening
It is going to take another 4 years to get people to getting paid still $9 under what minimum wage would be if it had kept up with inflation. As for hurting businesses that haven't been paying min wage, well then they are not successful or they do not value their employees' working for them. This is an old excuse that was thrown out when it was 1st made under FDR who said that if you cannot afford to pay min wage.
As for the 2 photos in my view both women do not give a gawd damn about humans being allowed to live with dignity and as I have often said, you cannot quantify evil. How many people feel shame at being supported by their guv when it was their guv that set up the conditions of their poverty by allowing companies not to pay a living wage and then having to live on the guv's dole that they themselves keep gutting?
More talking points:
That ship has sailed long ago. Robots are already in so many industries and it didn't happen overnight after dems said they'd raise the minimum wage. What goes unsaid here was that "Companies will raise their prices if the MW goes up." Guess what? They have been thru the years that it has stayed stagnant anyway. Kroger's built a warehouse for their robots to fill people's grocery orders in 6 minutes instead of up to 45. Think that was thought up and fulfilled just after dems said to raise the minimum wage?
Sure wish there had been concern about mom and pop stores being swallowed up by Amazon and Walmart as there are about raising MW. They were destroyed no matter how low they paid because they could not compete. RW talking points on this have been debunked.
Spot On:
Not much of the current bill has gone to the people while the bulk has gone to their favorite lobbyists. Zero Hedges has been reporting on the crap in the bill.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.