Biden's foreign policy is Trump's foreign policy
There's been a couple minor changes in foreign policy since Biden took over.
The Paris climate accord is a big example. Biden appears to be less chummy with Saudi Arabia and Israel. And he's less antagonistic against China.
But other than that the machine rolls on.
Today Biden says that we stand with Ukraine and will never recognize the Crimean annex.
Biden continues the useless and pointless policy of sanctioning Russia on everything.
Biden bombing of Iranian backed militias in Syria makes him the third consecutive president to illegally bomb Syria.
Biden continues the illegal occupation of eastern Syria.
When it comes to something tangible like lowering tensions with Iran, Biden is dragging his feet. He says he is willing to negotiate with Iran. Well that's exactly what Trump said.
And then there's Venezuela.
Biden said today that he's in no rush to change the sanctioned policies on Venezuela.
When it comes down to it there are modest differences but for every plus there's a minus.

This seems to fit.
When will people learn
that biden my time does not do what he wants.
He does as he's told.
Nothing but a tool.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
That's a difference without a distinction
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
What else could you expect from his neocon cabinet?
But his recent bombing in Syria is working according to plan.
No shortage of bad policy.
New president same policy.
This is so hilarious!
Did anyone really think things would be different with this jackoff instead of the other jackoff? Continue to play their game and continue to lose.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Biden Violates International Law Within First 40 Days
I am both
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Another foreign policy stupidity
No evidence for either attack.
Solar Winds hackers put Russia's fingerprints wherever they could, and touched nothing else. Sound's like a hack carried out by the Ukrainian branch of CrowdStrike.
The Navalny poisioning set-up was just too preposterous, period. There was already an arrest warrant waiting for Navalny for embezzlement — while he was still on probation for his first embezzlement conviction. His fate was sealed. Plus, he was not a credible "opposition leader." He was a big flop in Russia — basically a con artist working for the West. He was a political nobody, who posed no challenge or threat to Russia's status quo.
Frankly, the poisoning also looks like the kind of dumb stunt the Ukrainians might pull (with Novachok! no less). However, there's a much more obvious perp:
Since the only Novachok that still exists is held in a UK bio lab. MI6 not only had access to the Novachok, they also had the motive to compromise Russia/Putin with it. MI6 is the obvious suspect in the Navalny poisoning. After all, they botched the other two Salsbury poisonings whilst trying to frame Russia for it. They thought three would be the charm. But they botched that one, too.
I don’t know what this is in reference to, but
Psaki really blows on describing how our violence isn’t really violent. She’s terrible at being the mouthpiece for the evil empire.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
The US doesn't sanction foreign leaders, except
And the sanctions against Venezuela don't mention the sick and starving children by name.
With a Quarter of the World’s Population Under US Sanctions,
....Eight countries, representing around one-quarter of all humanity, tell the UN that Washington’s actions are undermining their response to the COVID–19 pandemic sweeping the planet.
The American Special Rapporteur to the UN, Alfred de Zayas, notes, only sanctions expressly verified and imposed collectively by the UN Security Council can be considered legal; any unilateral punishment is, by definition, illegal. De Zayas, a legal scholar, notes that sanctions are tantamount to a “collective punishment” against a population, an explicit violation of multiple articles of the UN Charter, the foundation of international law.
De Zayas traveled to Venezuela last year, describing the U.S. sanctions as akin to a medieval siege and accusing the Trump administration of “crimes against humanity.” The United Nations Human Rights Council formally condemned the U.S., called on all member states to break the sanctions, and even began discussing the reparations Washington should pay to Venezuela, noting that Trump’s sanctions were designed to “disproportionately affect the poor and most vulnerable.” None of this was reported in any major American media outlet at the time.
The sanctions meant that Venezuela was unable to import key medicines for conditions like cancer and diabetes, leading to scores of deaths. A 2019 report from the Washington-based Center for Economic Policy Research conservatively estimated the sanctions killed 40,000 Venezuelans between mid-2017 and 2018.
Living in this country is making my soul sick.
Everything I do now, is with an eye to winding up my affairs and moving on.
You pick a country then?
Care to share? I’d love to live in an environment like Utah but close to the ocean. I’ve always wanted to see Norway and other countries like it. Small cities but a big one not too far away.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Norway is a good choice.
They have an interesting economy, similar to Iceland.
Sadly, these NATO countries are taking on Nazi attitudes. Very disappointing.
Switzerland is a political paradise, however.
I have no doubt that the human collective mind will instinctively know well in advance if their planet is doomed. Sane people may start to behave in self-destructive ways, out of nowhere. If I see that Europe is consistently acting like the little Nazi nations of Europe. I will regard that as a canary in the coal mine phenomenon — a countdown to extinction. Because in a normal context, this anti-communist Soviet hallucination that Russia is going to invade Europe is an extreme mental collapse.
Similar to what the Democrats suffered from 2016 to the present.
Here is one that you hear nothing about.
Did Russia sneak up on Biden
or Trump or have we known about that for awhile? We have our military f’cking with so many countries I don’t know if this has been in the news or not.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
I think that the idea of a port was during trump.
OOps I forgot that trump wanted to wind down in Afghanistan biden not so much.
Make that 801
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Now Russia will have another warm water port, this time in North Africa.
China is constantly enlarging its presence on the China sea and Pacific.
She is good! Tiny but a big voice.
There may be one big difference
While Trump escalated ongoing wars, he did not start a major war. But major war I men boots-on-ground and major bombing attacks. So the major wars for contention would of course be VZ, Syria, Ukraine/Russia, and let's add Iran to the list.
Israel of course could force the issue by directly attacking Iran.