Massive Attack Video Trilogy

I came across these three videos by Massive Attack today. But can any of this stuff happen simply / magically through individual, corporate, and/or govenmental enlightenment? Without class struggle?


Here's the second video:


And the third:


Other than that, I hope everybody is surviving the current madness.

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Wally's picture

It's actually related to the questions I posed above re. the Massive Attack videos and the new Adam Curtis BBC documentary series in the comment below:

Marcuse-Anon: Cult Of The Pseudo-Intellectual

The American system, flawed as it was and is, was designed to prevent this kind of concentration of power, through checks and balances and the protection of individual rights. Those protections have been under assault throughout our history by monopolists and other reactionaries, who never had a gift as luscious as Marcuse: a self-styled progressive arguing to the masses that they should cast democracy and ethics aside for their own good.

For Marcusean ideas to be venerated now by elite millionaire politicians, clad in kente cloth scarves and funded by banks and weapons-makers flying Black Lives Matter banners, is the perfect ending to this slapstick career. Nothing about Marcuse was American, except his most important quality: he was a quack, which made him not just one of us, but a figure of respect and influence in this society. He died too soon for the White House, but he’s well on his way to becoming our own Iron Felix, his statue erected in place of those piddling fake patriots with names like Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt.

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snoopydawg's picture


Great article.

The American system, flawed as it was and is, was designed to prevent this kind of concentration of power, through checks and balances and the protection of individual rights

Was there anything we could have done to stop them from stripping us of our rights? Yes I think that we have always had a way to bend congress to our will. General strikes or walkouts or some type of action that got their attention. Protests were once the avenue open to us, but the PTB ignored the Iraq war protests which had millions upon millions of people in the streets. Congress watched as presidents got stronger instead of saying no, enough.

Good to see you, Wally.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Wally's picture


I'd say the system is real flawed and corrupted and maybe even failed.

I've been exploring the rabbit hole of the Frankfurt School's Critical Theory and trying to figure out how it screwed up (imo) much of what passes as contempory critical theory today (ie.: DiAngelo's White Fragility, Kendi's Anti-Racism, etc.). Taibbi's piece is the first thing I've come across that considers it from a leftist perspective although his focus is primarily upon Marcuse (and there's a lot more Frankfurt School folks). There's also the newish book Cynical Theories which comes at it from a classical liberal, anti Marxist, cultural Marxism conspiracy point of view.

I'd really like to read folks' takes on the new Curtis doc. I recall people here weren't at all keen on his Hypernormalisation movie. In doing some research on Curtis, though, I came across one of his favorite musical covers (I'd say he's incredibly astute at using music in his films), a bluegrassy version of a Snoop Dog song that he sees as "reaching out across the divides of the present day. Black and white working-class people in America share a lot more than the present polarisation allows." Edit/add just looked up the lyrics. They're not at all my cup of coffee but I do like the music and the idea of mixing/crossing over the genres. I have a hard time figuring out what's racist, sexist, etc, these daze, especially when it comes to music.


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Wally's picture

Relatedly, has anyone here seen the new Adam Curtis BBC documentary series (since Curtis and Massive Attack collaborated for the background music)? I'd be interested to read some feedback. Too 1984-ish? The video trilogy, too? Reign of elitist experts via smiley face neoliberalism? Maybe but I don't see a Biden administration making anything proposed in those videos happen. Or via any electable government anywhere at this point in history? Are we stuck with the prospect of authoritarianism as the only viable alternative out of the morass we're stuck in now? Scary stuff.

Here's part 6 of the Curtis documentary series (yea, there are six parts, 1-2 hours long each):


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@Wally @Wally

gives his review, "Adam Curtis, get out of my head". Admits to not watching the last 3 episodes but nevertheless offers a critique for an hour and a half.

the best tracks from the new Adam Curtis documentary

I stumbled on Hypernormalization without knowing anything about it. I was taken by what an original piece it was, to intertwine the stories of Hafez Assad and Donald Trump. And a cameo of the young Patti Smith, perfect.

In episode 6, I bristled a bit that Navalny was portrayed simply as a corruption fighter and that Russia and China were hopeless cesspools of corruption.

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Wally's picture


Yea, the Navalny stuff is rather one sided. But still really cool he picked up on the Limonov history. Overall, he doesn't seem to consider class struggle and economics in the new doc so much, which I think he did, albeit problematically, in Hypernormalisation. I think the 6th episode of the new doc is still avalable via youtube in the link I provide above (they got rid of all the other episodes - seems there's all kinds of copyright snafus).

I just found a new Zero Books commentary on Can't Get You Out of My Head (but haven't watched it yet):


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Wally's picture


I'm listening to the Yasha Levine / Evgenia Kovda podcast now. I've been keeping an eye on Levine and Ames' twitter accounts to keep abreast of what's really going on in Russia.

I'm glad they are addressing the matter of Serkov in Hypernormalisation. I'm not sure I agree that he's as unimportant as they seem to gauge (sure, he's a copycat but that doesn't mean he wasn't/isn't important in terms of the exercise of mediating power vis-a-vis Putin).

Here's a Curtis "wipe" about Serkov:


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