All Hail Planetary King Bill Gates!
When it comes to preventing pandemics, scientific tools alone aren’t enough. We also need new capabilities, including a global alert system and infectious disease first responders (or what I like to call a pandemic fire squad):
— Bill Gates (@BillGates) February 1, 2021
‘Bill Gates calls for global alert system and 'pandemic fire squads' for post-Covid-19 world’, 2 Feb, 2021,
“Social media users are recoiling at Bill Gates' call for a global disease alert system, questioning why a tech billionaire with no medical expertise or elected office is plotting what they fear could become a platform for tyranny.
The Microsoft co-founder, who ranks as the world's third-richest person, took to Twitter on Monday to make his pitch for a new system that he said would help prevent future pandemics. This would include "mega testing diagnostic platforms" that could test 20 percent of the population every week, Gates said in a video promoting his plans. He added that future treatments, such as monoclonal antibodies, and vaccines will be developed far faster in response to future disease outbreaks.”
Sure there were a few detractors Tweeting things like:
"Bill Gates is telegraphing globalism, setting the stage for more pandemics, advocating for an army of responders and clearly wants the entire population screened every six weeks," one Twitter user said. "This is clearly a plan for world domination, which is evil."
So confident is Bill of preventing bulls**t pandemics, he turns his replies off," commenter Andy Bird said. "Propaganda."
"The last times Bill Gates had anything to do with a pandemic, that exact pandemic happened less than two months later. Something big is going to happen soon."
Every time Bill Gates says ‘We need...’ I want to hide under my bed. He’s describing here a CCP style social credit system that tracks your every move, and a globalized cop system that can imprison you at will because ‘pandemic’— as defined by him, Big Tech and CCP. Who’s in?
— Dr Naomi Wolf (@naomirwolf) February 2, 2021
gates owns the factcheckers. Gates owns the talking heads
— john steppling (@johnsteppling) January 31, 2021
And it's good for us that he owns them: from, Jan. 27: ‘Bill Gates shocked by Covid conspiracy theories about him and Fauci, suggests social media firms may help censor such 'evil' talk’ because Gates is the King of the Planet and Knows Everything There is to Know about Everything!
From cjr’s Tim Schwab, two excerpts:
I recently examined nearly twenty thousand charitable grants the Gates Foundation had made through the end of June and found more than $250 million going toward journalism. Recipients included news operations like the BBC, NBC, Al Jazeera, ProPublica, National Journal, The Guardian, Univision, Medium, the Financial Times, The Atlantic, the Texas Tribune, Gannett, Washington Monthly, Le Monde, and the Center for Investigative Reporting; charitable organizations affiliated with news outlets, like BBC Media Action and the New York Times’ Neediest Cases Fund; media companies such as Participant, whose documentary Waiting for “Superman” supports Gates’s agenda on charter schools; journalistic organizations such as the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, the National Press Foundation, and the International Center for Journalists; and a variety of other groups creating news content or working on journalism, such as the Leo Burnett Company, an ad agency that Gates commissioned to create a “news site” to promote the success of aid groups. In some cases, recipients say they distributed part of the funding as subgrants to other journalistic organizations—which makes it difficult to see the full picture of Gates’s funding into the fourth estate.” [...]
“During the pandemic, news outlets have widely looked to Bill Gates as a public health expert on covid—even though Gates has no medical training and is not a public official. PolitiFact and USA Today (run by the Poynter Institute and Gannett, respectively—both of which have received funds from the Gates Foundation) have even used their fact-checking platforms to defend Gates from “false conspiracy theories” and “misinformation,” like the idea that the foundation has financial investments in companies developing covid vaccines and therapies. In fact, the foundation’s website and most recent tax forms clearly show investments in such companies, including Gilead and CureVac.”
Global development Tab at the Guardian World:
Global development is supported by
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
about this content
And thank the gods:
“At a panel discussion about the Great Reset hosted by the World Economic Forum in mid-November, former Secretary of State John Kerry – Biden’s would-be special presidential envoy for climate – firmly declared that the Biden administration will support the Great Reset and that the Great Reset “will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot of people might imagine.”
“These and the other comments made by Kerry at the WEF event are made more important by the fact that Kerry’s role in a Biden administration would involve working with the very same international institutions that have already expressed their support for the Great Reset on climate change. “, the
Note: the Great Reset is a new form of capitalism, the merger of private money and government money = Stakeholder Capitalism. Now Biden’s Climate Czar Kerry will be able to Nob and Hob with the other Masters of the Universe at the WEF! For climate warming: one Clean Energy Source for both Biden and Gates is: Small nuclear power plants. Commodifying nature and selling the earth through greenwashing carbon offsets, green bonds, etc..
Never mind Kerry’s GPA at Yale was below Dubya’s. ; )
One longish critical primer is here, among many others.

Ms. Butterfly, thanks for the article
That is the definition of Fascism.
Bill Gates is my favorite Doctor of All Knowledge (DOAK) both known and unknown. He actually calculated how much money he can make from building Solar Wind sails and selling them as "sustainable" power to spin the planet faster. All the lightweights and other useless eaters will be cast off into space as earth's rotational impetus exceeds earth's gravitational attraction. Only those secure bound to Terra Firma by their chains will remain planetary to thus supports the whims of their Betters (aka Bettahs).
I remember the time fondly when, following the example of his and my favorite physician Josef Mengele, Billy G. did twin experiments. One twin got the Rona and the other didn't.
I guess he never heard of the conservation of angular momentum.
You can spin up earth by shooting stuff off "backwards" or by something crashing into it and sticking. Not by wind.
Or anything else internal.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
from rob urie:
and yes:
bill gates is a eugenicist (as was margaret sanger), mainly for african women 'who have too many babbies, thus can't get an education!!!'. he claims it was all mellie's idea, but he loves the idea of zero population growth because: carbon footprints.
he's an extreme example of #The White Man's Burden. come to think of it, david attenborough and jane goodall are now too....
What is Jane Goodall doing?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
as to your Q,
of course i can't say. i'd been hoping to find an older brilliant piece at counterpunch satirizing her eugenicism. all i could find in haste in text, not youtubes was this:
'Woke eugenics', march 2020 2 tired 2 do more than half-scan it.
g' night all.
i'll add that if he dies tomorrow, his legacy will live on for all the next generations who survive. cashless societies in india for the elite class, GMO human dna tweaking, gmo foods and the svalbard native seed bank for him and his fellow oligarchs i guess, after the deluge and burnings.
You talking about this Bill Gates?
Poor Nations Left Reeling After Bill Gates Advised Oxford to Ditch Open Source COVID Vaccine Unable to secure a profit in immunizing poorer nations, Western multinationals, including Oxford’s private partner AstraZeneca, have prioritized those who can pay the most.
This is why I think Russia's Sputnik V vaccine will fill the void in the Global South.
one and the same;
macLeod's 'faux generosity' looks great, too. kinda hate to blow my cover so early, but you may not have noticed the tags:
Satire; Bill Gates: What's the difference between god and gates? god doesn't think she's bill gates
‘The Real Agenda of the Gates Foundation’ by Jacob Levich’ wd, caucus99percent, 3/15/2018 esp:
III.Gates and Big Pharma
“Guinea pigs for the drugmakers”
from this thread i put together in may of 2020:
I’ll just excerpt a few portions in Kennedy’s righteous diatribe, which includes polio, DPT in Africa, and malaria vaccines:
i had a long twitter thread from cory morningstar on the great reset, but lost it, and her website is just too hard for my eye/brain to read w/ so many different fonts, colors, quotes, etc. and she's been banned from twitter...'temporarily'.
on edit: i'l just link to the twitter 'share this thread' instead. the graphics are too large...
thanks for reading and pushing back, mr. webster.
Ha! You are an overt sexist.
God is Trans in case you don't know. Look between God's legs and you'll find out.
jesting sexist i am,
but i'll pass on that 'look between his legs'. i will admit, that the the few repetitions of my my jest i've seen on twitter, it's always framed a '...doesn't think he's bill gates'. but then i'm by way of an apatheist in the fashion of iris dement: ; )
two more from the twitterverse:
@RedKahina Jan 31
Bill and Melinda Gates are true colonialists & others suffer
Gates 'failing green revolution in Africa'
"....The AGRA package, he notes, has been “imposed with a heavy hand,” with the Rwandan Government even “reportedly banning cultivation of some staple crops in some areas.” Although opposition from Rwandan farmers forced the government to relax some crop restrictions and allow more diversity, maize and other commodity crops remain heavily subsidized and supported.
Sundaram wrote: “The AGRA model imposed on previously relatively diverse Rwanda farming almost certainly undermined its more nutritious and sustainable traditional agricultural cropping patterns." He said “hidden hunger” involving micronutrient deficiencies “is best addressed by dietary diversity, supported by crop diversity in farming, rather than the Green Revolution’s exclusive focus on raising caloric intake.”
AGRA’s Kalibata sees it differently: “The bottom line is, people need to meet their caloric needs,” she said in a July discussion about Covid-19 and the hunger crisis. Until their caloric needs are met, Kalibata said, “it’s a luxury” for starving people to think about dietary diversity.
The debate over the merits of starchy commodity crops and calories versus more nutrition diverse and locally controlled cropping systems is headed for a showdown at the UN World Food Summit in 2021.
Hundreds of groups are on record opposing Kalibata’s appointment. In a letter to the UN Secretary-General, 174 civil society organizations and farmer groups from 83 countries called for the appointment to be revoked. Given AGRA’s history, they said, it will “result in another forum that advances the interests of agribusiness at the expense of farmers and our planet.”
"... Belay discussed a false narrative about African food systems seeded by philanthrocapitalists, aid agencies, governments, and others who “talk about transforming African agriculture when what they are doing is creating a market for themselves cleverly couched in a nice sounding language.”
Belay wrote: “We are told that our seeds are old and have little capacity to give us food and they have to be hybridised and genetically modified to be of use; we are told that what we need is more calories and we need to focus on seeds of few crops; we are told that we are not using our land effectively and it should be given to those who can do a better job of it; we are told that our knowledge about farming is backward and we need to modernise with knowledge from the West … we are told we need business to invest billions of dollars, and without these saviors from the North, we cannot feed ourselves…
It is the same knee that justified colonialism in Africa. I think the only way to remove this knee and breathe is to recognize the knee, understand its ways of working and organize to defend ourselves.” (emphasis mine)
OMG what a flash from the past!
iirc, my first diary regarding gates' horrifying green revolution was: 'Bono, Obama and the G-8 Ally with Monsanto to Bio-Wreck African Agriculture', june 5, 2012
all these years later..they're fighting for their live and good and seed sovereignty?
the man who taught me everything i'd (then) known about the evils of Africom was crossed crocodiles. but in that comment thread he'd said;
May 25, 2014 at 7:40 pm
#heartbreaking. and who is joe biden's nominee for Agriculture secretary? Tom aka: Mr. Monsanto Vilsak.
it's so bleak. thanks, alia alias....i think. ; )
My question:
Can he be reasoned with?
As much as this sounds like Pure Evil (or at least a stupidly perfect gift to set it up with), I've always wanted to think Bill Gates was an okay guy as an individual. He grew up middle-class, and doesn't go in for pseudoscience and ideology (as far as I know - and no, geoengineering does not count as pseudoscience; it is very justifiably controversial); I could understand how the hostility expressed online would shock and frighten him, especially if he basically means well.
Has anyone tried approaching him, politely, sincerely, and as an equal, and trying to use facts and reason to dissuade him from any of his worse ideas?
I would never suggest this for most of the .01%, of course (I've expressed my 'prescription' for many of them before) - but even they must ultimately be recognized and treated as unique individuals. Imagine a kind of "Beneficent Rasputin / Darryl Davis to the Rich" who could divide-and-conquer the .01%!!!
In general, I do think the worst actors out there are not the "ruling class" themselves, but all the middle-management - the kiss-up/kick-down plantation-reeves (almost the "Evil Mirror-Universe Middle-Class") who have no true respect for those beneath OR above them.
When my uncle died, he bequeathed me a proper treasure: His lifetime collection of office humor. Among it is this parable (roughly - I copypasted this version from online):
In the beginning was The Plan.
And then came the assumptions.
And the assumptions were without form.
And the plan was without substance.
And darkness came upon the face of the workers.
And they spoke amongst themselves saying:
"It is a crock, and it stinketh mightily."
And the workers went unto their Supervisors and said,
"It is a pail of dung, and none may abide the odor therefore."
And the Supervisors went unto their Managers saying,
"It is a container of excrement, and it is very strong,
such that none may abide by it."
And the Managers went unto their Directors saying,
"It is a vessel for fertilizer, and none can abide by its strength."
And the Directors spoke amongst themselves, saying to one another,
"It contains that which aids plant growth, and is very strong."
And the Directors went unto the Vice Presidents saying,
"It promotes growth, and it is very powerful."
And the Vice Presidents went unto the President saying unto him,
"This new plan will actively promote the growth and vigor
of the company, with very powerful effects."
And the President looked upon The Plan and saw that it was good.
And the Plan became Policy.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
That happened at NASA twice & cost two shuttle crews their lives
As anyone who has worked in Big Business or big government bureaucracy knows, that office humor is darkest gallows humor.
Challenger — Execs overrule engineers for political reasons
Columbia — Death by PowerPoint® (one of the Microsoft products on which Gates’ fortune rests)
as to your Q:
can anyone reason with a 97-mph train aimed at them as they stand on the tracks?
very polite of you to think he may have hurt feeling cuz he means well, but i figure he's not only the (now demoted to) third wealthiest assholes on the planet, but that he's one of the most dangerous sociopaths as well. given he's praised to highly for his 'philanthropic endeavors', why would he change? sorry to admit i'd chuckled at this, though:
no, he knows science only too well, and he loves to tweak 'God's work'. his brand of Geo-engineering is to shoot pellets of some substance i've forgotten above the earth to defect the sun, but you may be thinking of the other kind: purposely disrupting climate by jet chemtrails (one of those believers quit the café because i did not subscribe to that bullshit.
ah, that's all i have time for s it's mr. wd's birthday, and i just took his cake outta the over, got loads to do yet.
He made his fortune by exploiting other people's work
and by abusing the "private contractor" laws to deny worker protection and by pre-Depression tactics to destroy the competition. No, he's not a "nice guy", unless you think John D. Rockefeller and Henry ford were nice guys.
He should be the first to stand before the wall.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
more love for bill gates:
the link is worth reading.
Q: does a sociopath know he or she is evil? do sociopaths have consciences or try to access their internal Shadow Selves? my axiom is: the Worst Lies we tell are those we tell ourselves.
I will consider this before I contribute to her Institute again.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981