Benign Neglect

I’m still struggling to catch my breath after the disclosure that the Federal Government had NO vaccine in reserve. None. Not a single vial. After the Liar Azar said he was releasing this supply earlier in the week.


Here’s what I think happened. Trump realized in late summer that the polls were against him and producing a Vaccine! a Cure! before Nov 3 Election Day, was the best way to at least try to change his luck. So Trump put a lot of energy into convincing us a cure was on its way Thanks to Him.

At the same time he ratcheted up the rigged election and fake news rhetoric. A back-up strategy.

We know what happened. The drug companies delayed their announcements until after the votes were in.

Trump lost interest in the growing death toll and the vaccine. He knew he himself was gone and why not fuck up anything and everything he could so that Biden would struggle.

Benign neglect. That’s what happened. The Covid Vaccine couldn’t enrich Trump personally, nor save his presidency, so he lost whatever scrap of interest he might have had.

Other countries snapped up the available vaccines and here we are. Hospitals cancelling appointments because they have no vaccine. How soon can Biden get the pipeline flowing again? IDK.

Once again we are hearing “It’s going to get worse before it gets better.”

I have lost confidence about the gets better part.

When? How? Do tell.

(I brought my little essay over from The Progressive Wing because I thought perhaps some people would find it interesting.)

19 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture

to get more syringes out, but he hasn't said anything about getting more PPE to health care workers who are still reusing their one time use masks. I haven't seen health workers wearing garbage bags lately instead of gowns so maybe that has been fixed some what.

If the new strain overwhelms the health care system which it looks like it might then maybe some of the hedge funds that bought hospitals, loaded them with debt and then closed them taking away services from rural areas might be forced into opening them back up. Pretty sure they got plenty of money to do that. Just a thought.

20 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg your pointing this out, snoopydawg. The lack of PPE and syringes and personnel and locations are all significant. and disgraceful. And the hospitals taken down to build luxury condos that stand 1/2 empty and unsold. Don't get me started.

My outrage is focused right now on the lack of the vaccine itself. And my possibly ridiculous idea about how this happened.

Do you or does anybody here recall a few weeks or months ago a report that Trump had refused an additional shipment from Pfizer? I speculated, cynically, to myself, that Pfizer probably refused to pay him a kickback or laud him publicly.

The news reported that the additional vaccine had gone to other countries.

Now we have to do without and wait helplessly while Biden delivers promises he cannot keep. Not more vaccine soon enough.

I hope I'm wrong in all of this.

16 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


Do you or does anybody here recall a few weeks or months ago a report that Trump had refused an additional shipment from Pfizer? I speculated, cynically, to myself, that Pfizer probably refused to pay him a kickback or laud him publicly.

Not all the details behind it, but a report came out a few weeks ago on it. Rising covered it.

Can’t find it but here’s a few

Hope this helps.

8 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg got a bit lost.

it's down the thread

I still have a lot to learn about posting and replying correctly.

3 users have voted.


Roughly 1/6 of the US population.
The White House refused an offer to buy 100m additional doses of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine, a decision which could cause delays in distribution. The Trump administration ordered an initial 100m doses, enough for 50 million Americans, from the US multinational but passing up the opportunity to buy a second batch could mean the US has to wait until Pfizer has supplied other countries before it can get further doses.

This was last summer, well before the election. All he cared about was a news splash about Only I Have The Cure, fuck the followup. "Reality vaccine"

Maybe because it was created by BioNTech in Germany by the children of Turkish immigrants? Pfizer got involved for marketing snd distribution.

3 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture

I try to remain above the reaction level on this type of event, but it was really difficult. Every branch of inquiry led to a new betrayal or to unresolved past betrayals. These days, I skip anger and go right to grief, because we are living in the time "after the end" and anger is pointless. I don't write about it because grief, in this case, is a proxy for feeling sorry for oneself.

Before I dabble in other details, let me get to the conclusion — Pfizer said they have the vaccines ready and states should contact them for immediate delivery. Moderna said something similar (they fall short in character in my book) and also said they would deliver directly to states — but they didn't mention "immediately" or "prepaid." In any event, states reported that they are all over this, even though this news dump happened just before a weekend (of course).

There was a tremendous news dump last night on a variety of issues. Some of it was preemptive CYA dumping for issues that have not yet emerged. Stories were pulled from Google as fast as they appeared. I saw that Trump personally twisted arms and had a dozen death row inmates murdered, some waiting on appeal — before the Supreme Court got wind of it and Sotomayer got around to lodging a complaint. Oops. Too late. The resignation letters that are stacking up are among the sleaziest I have ever seen. Each appointee, who have all done great harm to the nation and the People, are claiming they are forced to resign because Trump's recent rhetoric incited civil disobedience. They are sabotaging as much as they dare on the say out.

I deplore that people want to treat those involved in the break-ins at the capitol as "terrorists." Such profound hypocrisy. They are angry Americans sick of election rigging that they believed happened. They were mocked and ignored by the establishment, and are goaded by the wild insanity of the PTSD victims of US domestic propaganda — which is close to a majority in the US. I, myself, examined the rigging of the past four elections, events that have been documented in scholarly publications and journals. They are right if they think US elections cannot be trusted. US democracy is a criminal enterprise of the war profiteers, and nothing more. I can understand the clueless, poorly-aimed anger of these would-be patriots, who were caught up in the sudden righteousness of finding themselves in a crowd of like-minded ditto-heads. Their ringleaders colluded with the members of the Capitol Police and members of Congress. They would certainly be dismayed to discover that evidence of election rigging often has no political bias from election to election. Both Parties and most of the state governments in the US are thoroughly corrupt and run by embedded cronies. Unfortunately for them, the US culture, being the least informed and lowest form of semi-intelligent life on earth, loves their political revenge above all else. Especially when people get killed.

11 users have voted.

@Pluto's Republic says that only the federal government can purchase vaccines.

Who knows.

5 users have voted.


Pluto's Republic's picture

@NYCVG a different country to receive the vaccine of their choice right now. Most vaccines do not require two shots. To me, two shots is a warning sign. It's a sub-optimal platform for dealing with a pandemic. Instead of 300 million interactions with a medical center to get the job done, you have 600 million interactions. That's just nuts. The vaccine may be okay, but the delivery is a for-profit scam. Coming back for a second shot is a big hassle that people will skip, leaving a large swathe of the population under vaccinated. These drug companies got there first and collected their promised jackpot, But that doesn't mean that they have the best vaccines. There are several new US vaccines in the pipeline. Mexico has several good vaccines including two from China.

There are also several new and more effective ways to prevent infection, for those who want to wait it out. I'll be talking about those soon.

8 users have voted.

@Pluto's Republic

Is more a factor of haste to deliver than greed. The BioNTech/Pfizer supercold vax was developed by a small research company in Germany with specialized vax experience (no Warped money involved); Pfizer got brought in for distribution and scale.

(Maybe DiJiT rejected the 100M extra doses because he couldn't claim credit {even tho he still tried})

I'm a rusty biologist, not a doctor, so I can't judge by training, but medical friends, some overseas, have not raised issues with the 2-dose regimen. Interestingly, the British vax was found to be more effective with an initial half-dose. Training the immune system is tricky. This is why vaccines usually take a long time to develop.

That said, I trust Big Pharma about as much as I trust Skreli-dude. I use plant-based medicine as first choice, pharma 2nd. But I will definitely(!) got for the vaccine. It's not so much about protecting me as it is about breaking the chain of transmission to someone's grandma.

(BTW, a really sweet old lady I loved died of it recently)

What REALLY worries me is the rush to get the first dose out with no plan for followup. All about the PR. The US reserves seem to have been exhausted for the first PR-value dose. The vax should be administered as trialed, with a few weeks between doses. Waiting too long gives the pathogen time to mutate and adapt to the vax. Doctors have confirmed this danger to me. It's like taking half the course of antibiotics: a sure-fire way to breed resistant pathogens.

3 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture

I closely follow the science of the Pandemic, although I have not been writing about it. My area of interest is prevention and first aid for exposure. I also look at medicines and other substances that have been tested in trials with SARS-CoV-2 and are shown to block infections. The for profit corporations that guide the direction of medical research in the world have made one disastrous decision after another, in my view.

Stopping the pandemic — with or without a vaccine — was always considered possible.

Some countries were successful, some failed. The problem is that all countries must succeed in halting it — or none will.

The failures in containing the virus, in some cases, were so profound that, to me, that the outcomes looked to be manipulated by entities with different motives. Certainly, it was a terrible time to double down on a trade war with China and slap economic sanctions on China. It was a bigger mistake to start conspiracy theories that blame China for the Pandemic, because most nations have intelligence that tells them otherwise. The fact is, US Intelligence briefed Trump on the pandemic suspiciously early — even before China heard about it.

Although none of this really matters now.

What is important, was that people were deliberately misinformed about the pandemic and about their vulnerabilities. One thing that no one told them was, there is a hard deadline for stopping the spread of the pandemic. Now, it could be too late. There is a theory about a Global Viral Load that says when the viral infection reaches a specific mass, it will all spontaneously mutate into forms that are beyond the reach of our medical intervention. That's what the initial panic we saw among doctors at the White House was really about. They knew the risks.

Back to the corporations guiding medical research, the worst mistake they made was to suppress research into treatments and preventatives, and to go all in on vaccines. Humans have never been able to develop a vaccine for a corona virus, after a century of trying. Humans have never developed vaccine based on mRNA technology, even thought the technology has been around for thirty years. But thanks to Project Warp Speed and Donald Trump, and all the people who have resigned from the Department of Health, we now have two mRNA vaccines! In record time!

Last night there were also news dumps about the state of the pandemic.

Problematic News about Vaccines:

The details are coming back.... It seems that 23 Norwegians died after receiving their first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Norway officials say the people who died were old anyway, so they are not too concerned. Norway is continuing the vaccination program, without pause.

Meanwhile, numerous Chinese medical specialists are calling for a suspension of COVID-19 vaccination campaigns that use mRNA-based vaccines, such as those produced by Pfizer and BioNTech, especially among senior citizens. Wuhan University virologist Professor Dr Yang Zhanqiu said that if the deaths were indeed caused by the Pfizer vaccine, it would indicate that the mRNA vaccines are not as good as was previously thought. The world should stop using the American Pfizer vaccine that was promoted by the Trump administration, as the mRNA technology was not proved to be safe enough for large scale immunization. The vaccine expert went on to warn against people over 80 receiving any COVID-19 vaccines, citing their weakened immune systems. Others are voicing concerns about the method being too novel to be used safely.

Keep in mind, a lot of what is posted above are opinions. Keep in mind also, that there are several good vaccines out there. Ask the FDA to approve them.

Theres more....

@Pluto's Republic

14 users have voted.

@Pluto's Republic

Was afraid that I was being too cautious in my old age.

8 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@Pluto's Republic @Pluto's Republic You're no doubt correct about the point of no return and hiding that fact while attempting to maximize profits explains all the bullshit we've been fed.

There's plenty of blame to go around.

If that even matters.

I'll be reading your info with great interest as we progress down this path.

7 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

All of it.

One thing that no one told them was, there is a hard deadline for stopping the spread of the pandemic. Now, it could be too late. There is a theory about a Global Viral Load that says when the viral infection reaches a specific mass, it will all spontaneously mutate into forms that are beyond the reach of our medical intervention. That's what the initial panic we saw among doctors at the White House was really about. They knew the risks.

I believe that time has gone for the world to get a handle on the pandemic too. Of course it’s going to mutate because most of them do given enough time. And doing it now just when there is a vaccine could be very bad if the virus mutates out of the vaccines range. Then what? An out of control pandemic where people will be triaged and only certain people can be saved. Maybe by then we will start hearing about preventative measures we should have been doing all along. But $$$ was more important than lives.

This is what I have always thought because of my background in medicine and my years in the laboratory.

Humans have never been able to develop a vaccine for a corona virus, after a century of trying. Humans have never developed vaccine based on mRNA technology, even thought the technology has been around for thirty years. But thanks to Project Warp Speed and Donald Trump, and all the people who have resigned from the Department of Health, we now have two mRNA vaccines! In record time!

(my bold)

I read about this today.

Meanwhile, numerous Chinese medical specialists are calling for a suspension of COVID-19 vaccination campaigns that use mRNA-based vaccines, such as those produced by Pfizer and BioNTech,

On top of the Norwegian deaths there have been others for people who had no allergies and were healthy. Many Israelis had their faces paralyzed as did 3 people in the original study. Many of them also got Covid after their vaccinations. Bell’s palsy is one of the more serious side effects. Or contraindications for the 2nd dose. 3 congress members were just days away from receiving their 2nd dose when they got exposed to it and they have tested positive and 2 have symptoms. But it’s not just the quickness of making the vaccine, it’s that Bill Gates is connected to BioNTech which he bought into right after it was formed in 2009. He is connected to AstraZinika too.

I can’t wait till more...

12 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture


China just built another 5,000 bed hospital.

Hey anyone hear how the military is dealing with Covid? Remember all the troops serving on ships got sick at the start of all this? I haven’t heard anything about it since then.

7 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Pluto's Republic's picture


Chinese city builds isolation center with 1,500 rooms in 5 days

Construction of the first batch of 1,500 rooms for centralized medical observation has been completed in five days in a city in north China's Hebei Province, local authorities said Saturday.

The center, using the land of a newly-built factory, is among the makeshift facilities with a total of 6,500 rooms planned to be urgently built at six locations in the city of Nangong to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Each room with an area of 18 square meters is equipped with a bed, electric heater, toilet and sink. WiFi access is also available.

As of Saturday, more than 800 residents who were close contacts or secondary close contacts of the confirmed cases have moved in.

Construction of 1,500 more rooms has also been completed. The rooms will soon be put into use after being furnished.

The construction project started on January 10 after a cluster of COVID-19 cases was reported in the city, and the rest of the rooms will be ready within a week, according to the local publicity department.

Qu Peicheng, a manager in charge of the project who works for a local engineering company, said some 300 workers in two shifts have worked day and night on the project.

The workers undergo nucleic acid tests every few days. Regular disinfection is also carried out at the construction sites, said Qu.

"We often can't feel our hands as we keep working in temperatures as low as minus 16 degrees Celsius," said Jiao Yongshuo, 34, a worker from Nangong.

"We hope to do our part so that our folks can resume normal life as soon as possible," said Jiao.

Why are we trying to destroy communism, again?

So they don't embarrass and shame capitalists?

11 users have voted.

@snoopydawg NY Congressman had 2 doses of the vaccine and still tested positive after the Jan 6 lockdown with unmasked GOP.

The explanation given is that it takes time after the second dose for the vaccines to be effective. IIRC the Congressman's second dose was on Dec. 19. So either I got the dates wrong or the info doesn't track.

Also telling is all the hype for the new vaccine from Johnson & Johnson. The media is determined to keep the charade going.

5 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

US democracy is a criminal enterprise of the war profiteers, and nothing more. I can understand the clueless, poorly-aimed anger of these would-be patriots, who were caught up in the sudden righteousness of finding themselves in a crowd of like-minded ditto-heads. Their ringleaders colluded with the members of the Capitol Police and members of Congress.

It’s also another chance for the elite to transfer massive amounts of money to each other through funding elections. Billions are given every year that we do this song and dance and everyone involved makes lots of money. TV ads. Digital ads. You name it they do it and it’s not cheap.

Going off topic so I’ll end with this. Almost every retail store that went out of business was 1st loaded with debt which just went somewhere. Add in all the other businesses they’ve done this to and we are talking big money.

13 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Pluto's Republic's picture


,,,as US dollars. They can move it into foreign currencies or precious metals, or buy real estate in the US or elsewhere, or put it in the markets, which is what they've been doing. But they are not going to have back accounts filled with dollars. Neither should we.

8 users have voted.

@Pluto's Republic
The FED is inflating the world. real estate should be good. Raw land also. Commercial real estate not so good.

1 user has voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Pluto's Republic's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

But holding a large number of US dollars is like holding ice cubes. They will be discounted if the banks swap them out for Digital dollars.

That's worse.

I don't have the answers yet. I'm repeating speculation. The only thing I know for sure — at this time — is that the people will be harmed in various ways. The poor more so than the wealthy. But that's a no-brainer.

4 users have voted.

@Pluto's Republic
Tired of seeing them continue to drop as the FED flirts with negative interest rates. Riding the stock market tsunami, knowing it will crash. No where to hide.

4 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@snoopydawg be paid, won't be.

A truism that I have no idea about whether it is true or not.

(Taking $10,000 of the Principal off every student debt will be astonishing if it happens. It will restore my faith that some itsy bitsy amount of justice still exists)

4 users have voted.


I know things are going to get worse though. I am confident of that. I just don’t even know what better is under in this system. Like the hospitals you talk about, I feel the venture capitalists have stripped this country of anything of value and now that the bills are coming due, in the form of Covid, the coffers are empty. We are past the point of a new “new deal” saving us. We better hope the rest of the world sees us as “too big to fail” and offers a bail out, though I’m not sure why they would.

13 users have voted.

Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

@Dr. John Carpenter unlikely.

But they will be happy to buy more weapons from us.

7 users have voted.


@Dr. John Carpenter "better" is a world population of 500 million.
Let that sink in.

6 users have voted.
TheOtherMaven's picture

@Battle of Blair Mountain

Basic pablum from Wikipoo - there's a lot of nuttier stuff around:

2 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

RantingRooster's picture

has decimated the healthcare industry with consolidation, mergers, and the shut down of tons of "non profitable" rural hospitals.

We, i.e. the US, simply do not have the "production and support" infrastructure in place to effectively deal with a national healthcare crisis as we are experiencing now. Our industrial supply chains have been crippled because of their globalization combined with a "just in time" inventory management ideology that infects our manufacturing base C suites across the nation.

But it's important to understand, with the above in mind, through out Trump's entire presidency, he has been systematically crippling the command and control infrastructure to actually respond to a pandemic like we are going through now.


This is not "benign neglect", imho. At best, again imho, it's gross dereliction of duty, and since the body count is so outrageous, it's a felony level offense. His little failed insurrection at the Capital pales in comparison in criminal culpability. Trump is personally, and directly responsible for disabling our pandemic response capabilities.

If he were tried and convicted under the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice), the conviction could warrant the death penalty. (Life in prison would be my choice!)


13 users have voted.

C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

snoopydawg's picture


combined with a "just in time" inventory management ideology that infects our manufacturing base C suites across the nation.

But this is how many hospitals staff their health care workers. Just in time to get an extra nurse on shift or lab or therapists, etc. And try not to get sick at night because the hospital is basically shutdown. I remember only having a few lab techs working for the whole hospital. Or in some cases just one person does the night shift. All departments.

At best, again imho, it's gross dereliction of duty, and since the body count is so outrageous, it's a felony level offense.

He’s not alone in causing so many deaths. NYC and California are run by democrats and look at how badly they screwed up. But congress owns a lot of it too. They knew that Trump was ignoring the dangers of the epidemic, but they stayed just as quiet as Trump did. What were they told in that meeting when 3 people came out of it and immediately sold some stock? Hoefler, Loefler Purdue and Feinstein have all gotten away with it. Love this word: Hoefler.

And every death from being kicked out of their home because congress did not provide support after telling people to stay home should be prosecuted. But they have gotten away with killing millions so I won’t hold my breath.

14 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg factory and institution management is going to be a recurring problem.

If you have space and the money to do so you should keep supplies of everything you really need with enough to get through temporary empty shelves.

Lots of us did that at the start of the pandemic but I have kept up by restocking and it can not be a mistake to have extra food water and drug store items.

8 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


I never buy bottled water, but maybe I should have some on hand. And yay I can eat soup again. It’s been decades since I’ve been able to eat it. Decades.

6 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

RantingRooster's picture

@snoopydawg exactly!

3 users have voted.

C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

@RantingRooster @snoopydawg Pfizer until June! A Million thanks to snoopydawg for this research.

Watched Rising and then David Muir. OMG.

My worst fears about Trump seem to be real.

What does the impeached and soon-to-be-gone president care. some patriot. @RantingRooster

6 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


They talk about how Pfizer did get government funding from the US and Germany and they had a $2 billion guarantee that the government would buy their vaccine. Their funding relies on government money for R@D research and then they get to keep all the profits from things we helped them make. And yes they want to privatize everything they can. Congress is on board with them too.

Just saw that a fire department in a big city had to have a fundraiser to buy a freezer for the vaccines. In the richest country in the world. Funny how the military never needs a fundraiser to buy planes that don’t fly.

11 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg money to build our 12th nuclear submarine supership.

No other country has more than one of these monstrosities.

Because they are useless weapons in a world where an EMP can destroy huge areas as can hacking grids, etc.

We are arming up to fight the past wars so that our richest people can have even more.

The excuse is---weapons and war gear and military bases are in every state. Jobs programs.

We can pick at any thread of our unraveling country and it's doubtful that we can find any reassurance that the empire is not collapsing just as it seems it is.

The answer for me is to til the square inch----local politics----see if we can do some local good.

7 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


We are arming up to fight the past wars so that our richest people can have even more.

Our money is going to defense company’s CEOs bonuses and their stock buybacks so that they can pay themselves higher dividends and the circle jerk keeps rolling at the expense of the poorest people and our safety nets. The greed is so out of control and I don’t know what it’ll take for it to end. How’d we get rid of the robber barons of the last roaring 20's a century ago?

8 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg to our Great Leader probably explains Trump refusing to buy more vaccine.

or the kickback quid pro quo theory.

5 users have voted.


@RantingRooster works very well for me, RR.

6 users have voted.


It used to belong to the Catholic Church. It was a happy place with mostly cheerful residents. A sitting room with a big fish tank. another with an aviary. A large dining room that family could share meals with their loved one for a $5 fee. Now it's part of a corporation. everything gone. no more cafeteria. All meals in their bed. Sullen or defeated faces last time I was in their which was a long time ago. someone stole his jacket that my wife bought him, bit I think the rottenest part is someone stole his Vietnam Veteran cap.
Our billionaire Governor won't let anyone in to visit, citing covid concerns. except covid has already run through. bob got it. his roommate got it. lots of them got it. Either f4rom staff or the unmasked construction workers running in and out, converting the amenities and cafeteria into offices and more resdent rooms. got to keep those profits up. I wonder if Pritzker is an investor.

13 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@The Voice In the Wilderness This country is failing so many of us.

10 users have voted.


janis b's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

The other end (for babies, children and teens) is no better. I'm sorry for all the people suffering from such deprivation.

10 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

It was a happy place with mostly cheerful residents.

The hospital I worked at was run by the catholic nuns since the 40's, but the members started getting old and retiring and so it was sold to the 1st company in the 80's. Before it was sold the staff seemed like part of one big family and that showed in how well patients were treated. After it was sold that changed for all departments. Instead of partying with people from all departments we separated into groups by where our departments were. Point your hand out and close the thumb. This is how the hospital was laid out. The wings were patients were are down each finger. Medical and the coronary ICU was in the last finger farthest from your wrist. Medical ICU was at the end of #3.

The laboratory, respiratory therapy, X-ray and the emergency department were all down at the wrist far away from the patients. Imagine how long it took for people to respond to codes down at the bottom of #1. They got there all tired and out of breath and gawd forbid you forgot something in the lab that’s needed right damn now. Anyway that’s why we broke into groups. The morale went down immediately. This keeps happening everywhere. It’s sad. No loyalty to companies anymore.

11 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture

This is more about supplies than hospitals being bought up by hedge funds, but it’s worth glancing at.

10 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg on Fox TV is an eyeopening show in its third season.

It shows the murderous practices at modern hospitals but it's packaged in a glitzy doctor drama. The goal is 100% Profit and the patients are lucky if they get out alive.

Amsterdam on NBC also removes the haloes from the heads of doctors and hospital administrators.

The spoonful of sugar these shows offer makes the medicine go down.

last week, a doctor on the resident mentioned that 20% of All surgeries are unnecessary. Buyer beware.

400,000 die every year from "medical errors."

That's what we've come to.

12 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


Yes they do call out the injustice in health care. I’ve tried watching Amsterdam, but the lead guy is not my favorite. I might give it another try though if I’m bored. I like the woman who plays Nick. If you do too then you might enjoy Revenge. Love this show. She’s great in it.

3 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg that Amsterdam did was to explain/act out de Blasio's M4A program which is up and fully functional in NYC. That jittery (cocaine? fueled) lead actor who you, understandably, don't like, did a great job spelling out how the humiliation of the poor ends with this program.

Every participant gets their own doctor.

Every participant gets their own insurance card.

Any NYC resident can and should apply for this if they have no medical coverage.

It is M4A. It's not an ER when you are bleeding.

If very few people outside of NYC know this it is because the media prefers to keep it hidden.

Opinion polls showing de Blasio unpopular are probably done on Goldman Sachs employees.

The New Yorkers who love the Mayor don't get polled.

9 users have voted.


Trying to remember a quote abot democracy and a "responsible" press, i.e. a managed press.

4 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Lily O Lady's picture

Me neither.

As things get worse and worse we seem to do less and less.

10 users have voted.

"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

Pluto's Republic's picture

@Lily O Lady

In some states, ambulance drivers make the decision who lives or dies.

11 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@Lily O Lady

and the numbers are very bad there. Some states are closing again, others are open. Nothing makes sense anymore. Meanwhile other countries are through the worst and life is back to normal. Will we ever return to it here? I think it’s going to be years before we can. And this was done on purpose. They all knew how bad it was and how bad it could get and they just said oh well. Of course they are safe and they just doubled their health insurance. Just after not voting on MFA. Boy if that ain’t in your face....

10 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg
Remember the small businesses get loans and big corporations get grants.
More and more are declaring bankruptcy because of debt they cannot ever get out of.
Losing the three big holidays destroyed restaurants and small shops. Corporate chains got grants. If they operate by franchise, they just get another franchisee. Mom and pop apartment buildings face a mounting load of property taxes, expenses and no rents. Layed off workers face ruin when the mortgage puse ends and they owe a year or more of payments all at once with no income or savings left. You will see the banks takeover both the houses and the mom and pop apartment buildings using the casah the government has given them or "loans" from the FED. Courts will enforce the foreclosures. If the shutdown had only been summer, fewer would suffer but now? Chicago and surrounding counties still facing lockdown. Talk about allowing outside dining? In a Chicago winter? What will they feature? Seal blubber?

EDIT: Small restaurants are closing for good in Central Alabama where there is no lockdown. Everyone makes their own judgement of safety without Big Brother. People still eat out, but far fewer, so some still go under. Also, on Chicago's "Magnificent Mile", burned and smashed by BLM looters, the inscos have paid out $100 million in claims but refusing to renew policies so shops are closing down. But no charges for "insurrection". Apparently, no charges at all. The FBI isn't pureeing the "political demonstrators".

9 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

snoopydawg's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

and they are boarded up. Not just mom and pop stores, but some of the biggest ones. I imagine rodeo drive in California is boarded up too. How many companies got money and then they laid off their workers anyway? China town in SF might not return. It’s been there for centuries and made it through the Great Depression intact, but not this. Very sad.

12 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Lily O Lady's picture


some school systems are still on remote learning. They do want to open up but teachers are objecting because they don’t want to die. Parents are upset because they are losing their jobs to stay home with the kids. Parents of special ed. kids want schools open because it’s hard, if not impossible for these kids to learn remotely. Ultimately, how can schools stay open with teachers dying? Somebody needs to stand in front of the kids, or schools close anyway. Nobody wants to make the hard choices.

This is economics partly. 50-60 years ago there was one stay at home parent because one spouse could support a family. Parents needs kids in school now because both must work or they are a single parent household. Schools are now part of corporate welfare.

So now we can’t restrict society enough to shut down covid. That is unless leaders are prepared to make hard choices. But hard choices don’t pay for the new yacht.

Another problem is that our society is so fragmented that we can’t make common sacrifices. Of course sacrifice doesn’t fill the offshore bank accounts of our corporate overlords. So again, economics.

During WWII people endured rationing of food and consumer goods. They bought War Bonds and held paper drives and scrap metal drives. They recycled cans and glass!

Once the war ended their patriotic duty became consumption. It seemed innocent at first, but capitalism is insatiable. A new refrigerator once in a while has become getting the latest model which is designed to fail quickly so you can get the next newest one. And it all feeds those at the very top.

So here we are, sacrificing our lives for capitalism. No longer flattened the curve climbs upward. Not how I thought I’d end my days, dying on the altar of capitalism.

12 users have voted.

"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

snoopydawg's picture

@Lily O Lady

This could have been written by someone from either party. She is mostly right m but sees things from a republican viewpoint.

I wrote another comment to you but it’s not here. Maybe it’s somewhere up thread? Or not.

3 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Lily O Lady's picture


overlords, both political and corporate, have abandoned us to our fate while ensuring their own safety. I’ve decided that these times are far too interesting.

8 users have voted.

"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

@Lily O Lady
Lazy bums work six hours a day for nine months and complain about it.
Meanwhile, shipping clerks, truck drivers, package handlers and store clerks work long hours every day. Twelve months a year. I have zero sympathy.

0 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@The Voice In the Wilderness

2 users have voted.

@Lily O Lady
They will hire more.
Remember the death rate is only 5% among old people like me, less for younger people.
Cold comfort if you or someone close dies, but the fear mongers have the mortality figures reversed.

1 user has voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@Lily O Lady
We are deep in the land of make-believe.

5 users have voted.