Dr. Fauci to the American People – You Can't Handle the Truth!

I'm one of those, “tell me like it is Doc, I can take it”, kind of people. I want to know the truth, the whole truth, and most importantly, the ugly truth. For the “ugly truth” is where the root problem lies, and, where the opportunity for not just change, but transformation resides.

The "transformation" being, correcting the thinking and behaviors that lead to the problem in the first place.

It would seem, Dr. Fauci, Joe Biden's pick to be his chief medical advisor, (Talk about failing upward. Crazy ) doesn't think the America people can handle the truth. He has been lying to us. One lie after another. And that, is the ugly truth about Dr. Fauci.

Dr. Fauci straight up lied earlier this year at the start of the pandemic about when, where, who and why, one should wear mask. He lied, not because of the “science”, but because of his “fears” that there would not be enough supplies to go around.

From the Hill's Rising.

His lies early in the pandemic lead directly to preventable deaths. That is the ugly truth.

I don't have stats or direct links to support hat statement, it's just a declaration based on the assumption that people believed his watered down warnings (lies), got sick, and ultimately died as a result.

It just seems rather logical with the kind of child like behavior of many Americans have displayed, whining about wearing a mask. Equating it with an attack on their freedumbs, because they've been told, it's no big deal by people like Dr. Fauci.

Dr Fauci, knowing full well, that for the last 4 years, Trump had been dismantling our country's ability to respond to a pandemic, which I'm sure (speculating) is apart of the root source of Dr. Fauci's fears. In other words, he knew ahead of time and did little to warn the public.

As an aside, and yes, by implication, I want my government officials to have the integrity, to put their "careers" on the line for the American people, especially when it's about a public health crisis, such as a raging, global pandemic that is anything but under control and especially considering how many of our fellow American have died, needlessly.

Trump's destruction of the US's ability to respond to a pandemic is spelled out in this mini-doc, American Pathogen.

The documentary I really want y'all to see is "Totally Under Control", but it's not freely available on the inter-tubes. Here's the trailer for it.
From the Video's description.

An in-depth look at how the United States government handled the response to the #COVID19 outbreak during the early months of the pandemic.

On January 20th, 2020 the US and South Korea both discovered their first cases of COVID-19. However, 9 months later, the novel #Coronavirus has claimed the lives of over 200,000 Americans and caused staggering economic damage, while in South Korea, there were no significant lockdowns and, in an urbanized population of 51 million, only 344 lives have been lost. Where did we go wrong? As the presidential election nears, Americans are increasingly enraged by a lack of clear leadership, endemic political corruption and left to wonder how did the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world manage to fail so thoroughly in its response to a global pandemic?

Academy Award-winning filmmaker #AlexGibney, directing with Ophelia Harutyunyan and Suzanne Hillinger, interrogates this question and its devastating implications in Totally Under Control. With damning testimony from public health officials and hard investigative reporting, Gibney exposes a system-wide collapse caused by a profound dereliction of Presidential leadership.

It will be a generation before we know the full extent of the damage wrought by this pandemic, but Totally Under Control will stand as the definitive account of the Trump administration’s incompetence, corruption and denial in the face of this global pandemic.

And just recently, Dr. Fauci admits, again, he lied about what it will take to accomplish “herd immunity” in the US.

How are we ever going to know what the hell is going on if our chief medical advisor to president elect Biden, can't seem to bring himself to speak the truth about this pandemic? (I reckon, without implicating himself as complicit in a criminal way, as a result of his lies!)

Again from the Hill's Rising.

"in a telephone interview he acknowledged that he'd slowly but deliberately been moving the goal post, he said he's doing it partly based on new science and partly on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks hard as it may be to hear, he said he believes it may take close to 90% immunity to bring the virus to a halt"

(bold emphasis mine)

So, Dr. Fauci has been deliberately moving the goal posts, and has based serious policy decisions on gut feelings about whether the public can handle the ugly truth or not. This, while the public has / is being serially traumatized for the last 10 months by their own, criminally negligent government, while cutting off desperately need support to "we the people".

And just today, he's being all mealy mouth, he's using this same "parental advice" mentality.

From MarketWatch.com:

“We’re really at a very critical point,” he said. “If you put more pressure on the system by what might be a post-seasonal surge because of the traveling and the likely congregating of people for, you know, the good, warm purposes of being together for the holidays, it’s very tough for people to not do that.

(blod emphasis mine)

Well, considering people really don't know what to think, because so many in our government, including Dr. Fauci, has been lying to us this entire time, not to mention they have torched 1/3rd of our economy, put a tremendous amount of stress on everything and everyone, un-necessarily, except the already wealthy, I can certainly understand why people might want to get together for the holidays.

I mean, over 330,000 of our fellow citizens have died as a result of the gross, criminal negligence of our government's response to this pandemic. Heck, this might be the last time they ever get a chance to see their families and relatives.

It's understandable why people might want to get together, and also understandable why people do not fully understand, why it's so un-advisable, because of the criminal failure of our governments response to control this pandemic, not to mention the "hey, Santa still Exists!" type of parental advice from our nation's chief infectious disease "expert".

It's also understandable why people are fed up with being forced into systemic poverty by a government completely devoid of acknowledging the magnitude of the crisis, they themselves have help create, by down playing the ugly truth of it.

Because, you know, you can't handle the truth.


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I'm not saying it was intentional, but Americans are indoctrinated from both sides to rebel against authority. Our "experts" all have nothing but agendas and contempt, so no one believes them and misinformation runs rampant. It's a self fulfilling downward spiral.

15 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

vtcc73's picture

@doh1304 Every one of them has an agenda? Designed to kill Americans? Only Americans?

I understand the frustration and confusion but this is deep in trumista territory. Do you think it is worthy of reconsideration?

4 users have voted.

"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."

I'm 63. When I was high school/college age the left was all about distrusting authority - it was always lying to us. Always. And for the last generation or so, roughly since Clinton, the right has actively revolted against "authority". Obama derangement syndrome, Trump derangement syndrome, fake news, Fox, MSNBC, it's almost universal. Americans don't like being told things, especially when someone is qualified more than us.
Reading further down the discussion I think you are unwilling to condemn Dr. Fauci because you do not know his reasons. I agree. But it's not why he did what he did, it was the result. I am writing from CA, which has lightened and intensified restrictions seemingly - and I do mean seemingly - without reason. This is a lack of communication, caused by IMHO a n unwillingness to listen based on general distrust.

6 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

snoopydawg's picture

to downplay COVID-19 and maybe lots of people would still be alive. Think about that. Not one person tried to warn us about what government was doing. I bet lots of little people knew about not just the ones who decided to do it.

13 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


He admits that it will make people 'feel better' and it Might block a drop of spewed virus, but all in all do not wear a mask. They are not needed.

He lied. People died. But he's been put on a pedestal because he seemed to be going against Trump. He allowed the lies and dereliction possible. He needs to be held to account.

Krystal does a great job breaking down the horrid response. And so what if the virus came from China? We had plenty of warning that it was bad, but we did as little as possible. Massive crime against humanity and then add on closing people's business, but not compensating them for it is another. It is theft and it will be complete when those businesses have been gobbled up by some big corporation.


This is the most Russia phobic thing I have read in awhile. They have no idea what they're talking about, but oh they sure sound tuff.

- Throughout their history Russia has motivated to a strong man. It is just part of their nature.

- One thing Russians are used to is death, illness, uncaring government, that’s been the history of Russia.

Throw in some homophobia:

- Trump and Putin sitting in a tree, kiss i n g

A few years ago Russia cut their defense budget 10% so it can address poverty. This year they spent $200 BILLION on it. What is our country doing? Watching as more people are pushed into it.

Throughout their history Israel has motivated.......... It is just part of their nature. Actually Brennan did say something just like that on national TV. Propaganda works.

Only republicans lie, but not Adam Schiff who lied for 4 years on Russia Gate, Mueller, ect and told us that he had PROOF that Trump had been naughty. We never saw it, but we did see his lie about Crowdstrike get blown out of the water. Gawd this tribalism is old.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Pluto's Republic's picture


He could have been a whistleblower after Trump decided to downplay COVID-19 and maybe lots of people would still be alive. Think about that.

Most likely, Fauci was sent in there for cover-up purposes, and to win hearts and minds, just like Mueller was sent in to cover up the attempted election overthrow.

Everybody in "Public Health" in Washington has resorted to lying to the American people. Other nations have been avid witnesses to this deceit. Dr. Anthony Fauci is a part of the deceit, but he is not the author of America’s failure. That was caused by a series of incompetent actions and chaotic events in the Public Health sphere. The absence of a strong, hands-on, public health care regulator in the US is America’s largest national security vulnerability.

At the Federal level, the National Public Health edifice is basically a free port, like Hong Kong or Dubai — with some insider trading and casinos on the side. You’d be surprised at the kind of self-dealing and risk-taking that goes on there. Scientists gone wild. Even Wall Street blushed. Neoliberal deregulation in early 2000’s helped the Medical Industrial Complex burst to the top growth industry in the US. The medical industry pulls in insane profits, swallowing down every penny of middle class savings. Responsibility for Public Health was pushed to the states, where human rights can be more freely violated.

Fauci is a very sneaky guy. He’s at the center of all sorts of nepharious bioweapons research, covering up mistakes, securing industry patents, outsourcing military research to foreign biolabs, like Wuhan He’s kept the secrets of a number of US Presidents and he’s a known entity to many heads of state. Americans see him as the US Pandemic spokesmodel, making people feel protected (and strangely unempowered at the same time). I would describe Fauci as a Pentagon Asset. If you don’t know him that way, that’s okay. The global response to the Pandemic is being steered by old money and the allies of Empire. The agenda and priorities of 2020 research is very specific — it’s the reason why there are no treatments for the infection ten months later but vaccines everywhere (that are unlikely to work long term). Trillions of dollars are in play, but the prize is about exponential wealth and geopolitical power.

At least, that's what my research told me.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

But actually, he was sent it there to cover up the entire issue and win hearts, just like Mueller was sent in to cover up the attempted overthrow.

Exactly how I view him. As someone to be out front of the epidemic who people blindly trust for no reason. And his actions along with all the other hypocritical actions of others is why people don’t trust what they’re being told. It’s not just Fauci either. The WHO Is saying that the only way to reach herd immunity is through vaccines. Bull.

Love this.

I would describe Fauci as a Pentagon Asset. If you don’t know him that way, that’s okay. The global response to the Pandemic is being steered by old money and the allies of Empire. The agenda and priorities of 2020 research is very specific — it’s the reason why there are no treatments for the infection ten months later but vaccines everywhere (that are unlikely to work long term). Trillions of dollars are in play, but the prize is about exponential wealth and geopolitical power.

There is a cure for COVID-19. Trump got the 1st dose here and lots of other 'important people' got it, but it’s only for the rich.

5 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Pluto's Republic's picture

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg

And his actions along with all the other hypocritical actions of others is why people don’t trust what they’re being told.

I've learned since the Russia Hoax that the people cannot see the deceit. They may prefer not to see it. They might even want to believe the lies because they match their programmed ideology.

But they can FEEL the deceit.

That's what makes them blindly lash out in such self destructive ways. It's not some resident evil in their psyche. They are driven by a rising panic reaction to the sensation of being deceived.

There is a cure for COVID-19. Trump got the 1st dose here....

Is that what people say about the drug he was given at Walter Reed?

I think it was played down, a lot. Doctors say it wasn't effective. I'll have to look at that again.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

It will be interesting to see if Trump was actually cured or not. I did think though that those drugs do work? Not so?

I think it’s okay if some people are bat shit crazy after all the propaganda we have been exposed to since birth.

4 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

vtcc73's picture

here I go again. RR, you've once again spent a lot of effort in writing a very good essay. You've thoroughly explained and supported the reasons for how you see Fauci and how he's handled the pandemic. I disagree with most of it for reasons I'll explain. But first let me digress with a personal story about leadership from some time ago.

It's summer 1980 in Lubbock, TX, and I was standing in line in DMV to pick up my new TX driver's license. Someone behind me says there's been a T-37 crash out at Reese AFB. I was an IP (Instructor Pilot) at Reese. That's my squadron. I had only left the squadron 45-60 minutes before after 10 hours on the flight line. I know it's not my flight, B, but I probably know the people involved.

This is before cellphones so I had to go home to get any info. I find out it was a solo student coming off the auxiliary field in Terry Co that augered in. He's dead, airplane's burned up. Over the next couple weeks we learn he's the son of a 2 star general whose sponsor is the 4 star commanding Air Training Command that I belong to. The kid, E Flight across the hall, was a very weak student but nobody has a clue what could have happened. A couple weeks into the investigation the wing commander, a colonel, held an all IP squadron meeting with an update. They knew there wasn't anything obviously wrong with the airplane or medically with the student. All of the training records for the student look tight and nothing stands out as a possible cause to the AIB, Accident Investigation Board. Col. Monte D. Montgomery was the wing king. Best one I ever served under. At the end of his update he said something extraordinary. He says that he knows we all know that these things can become some sort of a witch hunt but that from what he knows now, we had all done our jobs. He promised that he would have to be fired before any of us to be disciplined as long as the board doesn't find that we had failed in our duty. He followed up with his confidence in how well we were doing our job of training future USAF pilots and to keep the operation tight, fly safe, and lets see where the investigation goes from here.

About a month or so later I received a call from the squadron operations officer on a Saturday evening. He says that he can't completely explain but that the flight commander, his assistant, and the student's IP have been fired and transferred immediately. I've been chosen to be the new assistant flight commander in E Flight under the previous flight commander, Frank, who is returning to the job from a higher squadron position. He tells me to call Frank who can fill me in some more and tell me what he needs from me. Frank and I spent a lot of Sunday doing just that.

We started out Monday morning with pilots' meeting with the squadron commander for the 3 early week flights before the sun was up. He explained a little bit of what the accident board had discovered. The student was given a 90-95% probability to have committed suicide in the jet because he was about to wash out and couldn't face his father. A lot of people had failed to do their jobs. The student's IP was carrying him through the program and had permitted him to progress when he shouldn't have. The signs of the student's mental and physical state were obvious when all of the data was in. The squadron chain of command from the IP up though the wing operations officer and the flight surgeons had missed signs. There was no system to properly manage week student pilots that would have prevented this accident. We as an organization had failed in our responsibilities. That would be fixed in short order but everyone wanted to know who was going to be the new wing commander. The squadron was seething to find out that Monty wasn't going anywhere.

Our flying day was cut short for an all officers meeting with the wing commander at the end of our day when the 3 late week flights came to work. The man had courage to walk into that briefing room. He began by going through the accident report findings. They were justifiably harsh. The management and leadership failures were significant. In addition to the three IPs who were now long gone everyone in the chain of command up through and including the wing king himself had at least a letter of reprimand from the 4 star himself.

Before he opened the floor to questions he dismissed all of the officers above captain from the room. When the doors to the briefing room were closed he unpinned his eagles and put them on the table in front of him. He then said that anything said in the room for the next hour was fair game and completely off the record. Fight's on. Monty took a real beating from several IPs. He also explained his reasoning very well. I know that not everyone agreed but I don't know anybody who didn't respect him and was willing to follow his leadership.

So what did he say? The big one was that he had no problem falling on his sword for injustice but that the firings and non-judicial discipline were justified. He went on that he was the leader who allowed this event to happen and he was also the best person to clean up the mess. He had failed in his responsibility but the 4 star still had confidence that he could fix the problems. One choice was fall on his sword for no good reason, losing the best man available to move forward, but that would not change any of the disciplinary actions. Or he could man up and put it all together better than before. He said that he knew he wouldn't convince everyone that he was right to not take the bullet but then people had not done their jobs either which was a requirement of the promise.

When I left the squadron two years later it was the best flying organization in the whole command. We had a bullet proof marginal student program that became the model for all of the UPT (Undergraduate Pilot Training) wings. Monty was right. There were still some who thought Monty was a liar and not a man of his word but nobody could disagree with what we, together, built. Very little of it came from on high either. The wing provided guidance and support but let us build and run the programs. I don't have any idea what would have happened with a new wing commander. But I do know that Col. Montgomery was the best wing king I served under.

So, Fauci. The only thing I know about the man is what my internist/infectious disease friend has said. He respects him and thinks he was as good a doctor for his position as he could think of. I haven't followed Fauci. I can very much appreciate the situation he found himself in.

His mask position early on was odd but it also wasn't without support in the medical community. It was also a mistake that he's acknowledged. He corrected it recommending masks when the data suggested it. This showed up today: Covid-19 pandemic shows that scientists had it all wrong about how viruses are transmitted. There was and still is a lot not known. Add the scientific gaps, medical uncertainties, a toxic political climate, a whackadoodle president, and all the crazy fuckers there's little doubt this pandemic would be a flustercluck.

Personally, I think the man deserves a lot of slack. He didn't create the virus or the political climate in the US. He only had to deal with what was, not what he wanted. What to some is a lie is to others the best path through a dense minefield. I have a hard time thinking of anyone who knew the landscape and the issues better who could have negotiated all of it any better. I'll also guarantee that any tard trump put in the position would have been far worse. He/she would have been nothing but a toady trump mouthpiece. Would we be better off?

As far as the demand for truth is concerned give me a break. No, Americans can't deal with truth. Half will scream "false news" and many of the others will take anything as gospel if their team says it. The rest fervently believe everything is a conspiracy to fuck them over personally. That's what happens when belief and faith are substituted for evidence/data and when total certainty based on nothing but opinion is the standard. In other words, Fauci dealt with the pandemic in the real world and not in the black and white one of ideals.

This thing is too long as it is so I'll leave out another observation I've been thinking about for some time. Right now I'm going back to what I like to call "morbid curiosity mode." It's one reason I've been sitting in the shadows here lately. Maybe I'll pop up again later.

10 users have voted.

"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."

travelerxxx's picture


This thing is too long as it is....

Nah. It's not.

Maybe I'll pop up again later.

Hopefully sooner rather than later. Many appreciate your insight. The analogy of the flight squadron of which you wrote was appropriate and well considered.

8 users have voted.
vtcc73's picture

@travelerxxx Maybe tomorrow but it may be more appropriate as an essay.

5 users have voted.

"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."

@vtcc73 Ecuador if you lay low?
I think your disagreement with RR's premise is about as gentlemanly as it gets.
I appreciate what your superior officer did.
I do think there is enough solid information now to draw a conclusion that Dr. Fauci occasionally focuses too much on supply of devices and medicines, and not on the immediate health needs of the public.
He did lie.
He didn't have to.

9 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

vtcc73's picture

@on the cusp I'm only being more picky than usual where I engage. I've resisted jumping in to the discussions several times during the past month writing only two smartass comments of little substance. I've been rather busy in life since late November. Nine days in the Galapagos sucked up a lot of time then we came home to a big problem that took most of our time until just before Christmas. Once I finish a review of the trip for my friend and tour organizer and writing two Trip Advisor reviews for the hotels I may write up something here about the trip. We'll see.

I suppose one could say he lied. I see it differently. His duty is to the management of a pandemic. I see the first mask position as one based in honest uncertainty, even though his personal opinion was counter to what he said, and a genuine concern to the greatest threat. He had to secure the safety of first responders and health care workers before considering the general public. I can't be in the man's mind but I'm pretty sure he knew he would be criticized for that decision and he has been, is being criticized. That's all a part of the job and meeting his responsibilities. The easy, self serving way would have been to go with trump's spew. He didn't and if he has to take fire for it, well, I think he's able to live with it.

The best example of this principal I can think of is the flight attendant preflight demo for the oxygen masks. Passengers are told to "put on your own mask before helping others" for a very good reason. On the surface it seems selfish. But someone passing out from hypoxia isn't going to help anyone. Similarly, contagious and/or severely ill first responders and medical staff are no help if they're sick and/or contagious and can't safely treat the public. If the many, many stories from the medical field are anything it was and still is a close win. How much worse would this mess be if he didn't act to secure high priority of PPE to medical personnel?

As far as "He didn't have to." goes, I agree. He didn't. He could have taken the trump highway. To his credit, IMHO, he didn't.

4 users have voted.

"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."

janis b's picture


related through your experience as a student and instructor in a field that is conventionally unknown; and for highlighting how relevant it is to make an effort to perceive things in the ‘bigger picture’.

I had not heard Dr. Fauci speak before this recent interview I caught on RNZ. I tuned in at 14 minutes, and listened to the end at 25 minutes. I was pleased to get a sense of his expertise in the area of disease and immunology.

5 users have voted.
vtcc73's picture

@janis b and administrative skills are my friend's basis for saying Fauci was a good choice in his position. Thanks.

4 users have voted.

"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."

snoopydawg's picture


As I said previously he could have told us the truth about what Trump/government was doing by disregarding how serious the virus was, but instead he went along with it.

In the video above listen to what he says about not wearing masks. That he later admits that he lied to us because he was saving masks for the health care workers doesn't matter to me. He lied. People died between what he said and when he fessed up. If he hadn't said that masks don't work would more people be wearing them now?

And he has once again admitted that he is moving the goalposts on the vaccine and herd immunity. And the WHO has deleted people getting infected as one way to achieve it. Now it is 100% through a vaccine that has not been long term tested, being okayed to be given to pregnant women with no idea how that affects the baby on board.

What else has he lied about? Will we know? He is supposed to be the ONE person who is looking out for us. Sorry, I am not impressed. He should have spilled back in Feb when Trump said to downplay the virus. People died. Many others have long term health issues. Maybe wearing a mask.........?

11 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

vtcc73's picture

@snoopydawg No worries snoop. We have slightly different perspectives and values. Disagreement is inevitable between people. The important thing is that we respect each other and can discuss differences like adults. I certainly understand and respect your position as I think you do mine.

I'm not going to beat a dead horse....too hard. You may well have considered what I'm about to write. Forgive me if I'm overdoing it.

What you say is true. He could have chosen to stick to his confidence in mask usage saying so publicly and forcefully. He also could have been far more pointed in his criticism of trump and the administration's terrible (criminal?) response. Lets play that tape all the way to the end. What would have been the likely result? How long do you think he would have remained in his position by directly confronting trump and the administration? It's not hard to imagine he would have been marginalized into irrelevance at the least but given trump he would most likely have been booted as publicly and harshly as possible. Disagree?

Given that scenario, what would have been the result? What purpose would falling on his sword have served? Consider who might have replaced him. Consider that person's likely message to the public and performance. Consider the effect of not conserving PPE for first responders and the front line medical community. There's more to consider but I think you and anyone reading this understands where I'm headed. Think through your own list of probable results of Fauci suiciding professionally on Mt. trump.

When you're done tell me that you honestly think that fewer people would have died and fewer would have been infected and/or the health system would have not been overwhelmed more than it was, still is. Tell me what gain Fauci or the people would have made. That's the calculus.

This isn't the lie we tell when asked if these pants make my ass look big. It's a calculation like that used in tirage. On a personal level it's tragic and seems immoral. On the greater scale of the welfare of a nation's citizens it is the better choice and the ethical one. The last thing I see in Fauci's favor is that he is talking about his errors and accepting responsibility. That's freaking refreshing for a public official in this day and age.

Which one of us is right? It doesn't matter. What happened is what it is and we can't change it. I only offer perspective.

RR deserves credit for bringing up the topic. Thanks for the discussion.

4 users have voted.

"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."

RantingRooster's picture

@vtcc73 but you pilots, y'all are like the Black Knight from Monty Python's Holy Grail. You could lose all your limbs and you would be like, "Ah, it's just a scratch, I can still fly". (snark)

Respectfully, I disagree.

Fauci dealt with the pandemic in the real world and not in the black and white one of ideals.

I have experienced 1st hand that living with integrity can be, and very much is, detrimental to one's career and financial livelihood. I exposed a drug ring while serving in the military, and they booted me out. I exposed fraud at major energy company and it ruined my consulting career.

I'm sorry, not sorry, but in my black and white world, it's either right or it's wrong. It's very clear and very simple to me. For me, there is no grey scale to my integrity.

The "root" failure in this situation as you've described it, was not the direct result of anyone lying, to try and cover up a failure within the "system" that they actually knew about before hand. Right?

Unless is was uncovered during the investigation that an IP had out right lied about the student's capabilities?

In the situation you've describe, I can totally understand giving the guy who offered to fall on his own sword some slack.

From what you've describe, he didn't try to cover up anything, he didn't lie or mislead people, and had the integrity to take full responsibility, even for a "system" / institutional failure. Just having the courage to admit, even if wrongly, "I should have known something".

Hell, he seems to have taken it as a personal / professional failure on his part, owned it 100%, and offered to sacrifice his career over it. (I'ld be his wing man any day, if I could fly!)

And as what you've describes proves, if you will, the "slack" given to this man, well, he did something of "integrity" about it.

When I left the squadron two years later it was the best flying organization in the whole command. We had a bullet proof marginal student program that became the model for all of the UPT (Undergraduate Pilot Training) wings.

Now, for me, the HUGE difference in the situation you described and what I have described of how Dr. Fauci has acted during the worst public health care crisis our country has faced in over a century, is very simple. Dr. Fauci lied.

His lies were based on his "fear" because of his "specific knowledge", the US didn't have enough supplies and was no where near prepared to handle a pandemic. He has admitted this!

As the nation's top infectious disease "expert", serving for 40 years, and after the last two decades of pandemic war games, all of which had the same observations and warnings, the US would not be prepared with having enough supplies, equipment, or man power, he has known we have been woefully unprepared for YEARS!

As the nation's top infectious disease expert, if he didn't know how under prepared we are, well, that would be just a gross dereliction of duty!

He already knew there were HUGE, system wide, and systemic institutional failures already happening. And he, and everyone else in a position of "power" for that matter, knew, we had an out of control president, whose advice was going too, and has, kill lots and lots of people.

What slack will the families of all the people that have died as a result of his lies get? A 10% discount on their next over priced health insurance policy? What slack will the survivors get, when the hospital bills arrive and 100% payment is demanded within 30 days, or their credit is ruined for the next 7 years because they can't pay because their government gave bad advice, not to mention destroyed our economy in the process?

What slack will they get? What slack will the 100,000 business that have gone permanently out of business get? What slack will the tens of millions of our fellow citizens get when the eviction moratorium expires? What slack do the tens of thousands of families that have to line up at food banks get?

Dr. Fauci straight up lied and now is going to be Biden's chief medical advisor.

The "contrast" couldn't be more clear to me.

One man acted with integrity, acknowledged the failure(s), took it personal, did something about it. And the other man, well, not so much, and as a result, many people have died and will be medically bankrupted, if not soon evicted, homeless and facing starvation soon. What slack will they get?

I don't think Dr. Fauci deserves any "slack". The man should be fired, if not prosecuted. He didn't act with integrity. I guess that's just too much to ask of our nation's top infectious disease "expert" or anyone else in a position of power.

In other words, if we continue to excuse the failure of people in power to have even the slightest bit of integrity, and stumble all over ourselves to find ways of giving those in power "some slack", well, then we can forget about ever holding those in power accountable.

I'm just saying...


7 users have voted.

C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

@RantingRooster It is common for TPTB to lie to us. Lying cops, lying congressmen, lying presidents, lying oil CEO's, and lying doctors in government positions.
They can all go to hell as far as I am concerned.
Or jail.
Ok, jail first, hell later.
There is no excuse, short of a gun held to a loved one's head.

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

RantingRooster's picture

@on the cusp deal with the ugly truth, than someone lie to me to try to make me "feel better", that could ultimately result in my death, because, I was lead to believe this crisis, isn't really a crisis, because the one person, ya know, our nation's top infectious disease "expert" told us, it wasn't a big deal. Don't wear a mask.

10 months later and gee, Biden is hoping he can get everyone in America to wear a mask for the 1st 100 days of his administration.

"On the first day I'm inaugurated, I'm going to ask the public for 100 days to mask. Just 100 days to mask — not forever, just 100 days" Biden told Tapper, adding he feels the move will result in a "significant reduction" in COVID-19 cases.

(bold emphasis mine)
And Dr. feel good will be right there with him as his Chief medical advisor, and they can both let their emotions drive their policy decision making process, affecting hundreds of millions, if not billions of lives globally, because ya, know they "feel" strongly something will have some desired effect.

That's a great strategy don't ya think?

5 users have voted.

C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

@RantingRooster I was told by a doctor I was gonna die in 6 months. hell, I felt I was treated respectfully, and could choose my day to day activities with death in mind. The dr. told me and Dad the news was awful, and asked if Dad wanted to go into another room and speak privately. Dad told him to tell me, I had the right to know, and could take it.
I was 16.
We decided not to tell Mom or my brother.
I read a lot, made a plan not to die ignorant.
52 years have passed. Doctorate degree, and I read a lot.
Who doesn't know they are going to die?
We deserve to know from what, and to be given a chance to fight the inevitable.
People can take bad news better than Fauci knows.

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Pluto's Republic's picture

@on the cusp

....of stripping them of the power of self-government.

When they ask you to be patient, they are asking for your surrender.

I agree with this:

We deserve to know from what, and to be given a chance to fight the inevitable.

The deceit is destroying their character.

5 users have voted.

@Pluto's Republic Lying to me for my own good is fucked up enough, but lying to me and possibly endangering me for the protection and survival of another is just too much power for anyone of TPTB to exert. It is just not their place to play god. It is not Fauci's place to rank who should get the help to survive, and who should not.

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

janis b's picture


but when covid first presented itself here (10 months ago) I had a conversation with the husband of my best friend who is involved in the health sector that is responsible for distribution of supplies. The first task was to locate where past supplies were housed. They had been transported years ago from their original location to warehouses. Then they had to inspect the condition of the supplies (masks) and found them compromised by time. For example, the elastic that was meant to hold the mask around the ears was disintegrating. They also questioned if the mask was not fit properly, whether they would be of benefit. At that time because fresh supplies were not yet available the health sector decided not to recommend the wearing of masks, considering that what was available would not be beneficial to reducing the spread, largely because they could not be worn properly. Now, even though there is no community transmission, it is mandatory to wear a 'face covering' on public transport. Note, ‘face covering’ is not necessarily a proven and perfectly fit mask; but that has to do more with the fact that there is currently no community transmission than what seems more scientifically accepted in places where the virus is spreading. Things change as further knowledge is known and considered. Time, and ones location on the planet makes a difference. Who knows really what are lies and what are uniformed or rash decisions made in a chaotic time. There's no question that suitable and well fitting masks are helpful. At least we know that.

2 users have voted.

Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon request a stop of all corona vaccination studies and call for co-signing the petition

On December 1, 2020, the ex-Pfizer head of respiratory research Dr. Michael Yeadon and the lung specialist and former head of the public health department Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg filed an application with the EMA, the European Medicine Agency responsible for EU-wide drug approval, for the immediate suspension of all SARS CoV 2 vaccine studies, in particular the BioNtech/Pfizer study on BNT162b (EudraCT number 2020-002641-42).

Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research

In 2019, with the backing of NIAID, the National Institutes of Health committed $3.7 million over six years for research that included some gain-of-function work. The program followed another $3.7 million, 5-year project for collecting and studying bat coronaviruses, which ended in 2019, bringing the total to $7.4 million.

Many scientists have criticized gain of function research, which involves manipulating viruses in the lab to explore their potential for infecting humans, because it creates a risk of starting a pandemic from accidental release.

SARS-CoV-2 , the virus now causing a global pandemic, is believed to have originated in bats. U.S. intelligence, after originally asserting that the coronavirus had occurred naturally, conceded last month that the pandemic may have originated in a leak from the Wuhan lab. (At this point most scientists say it's possible—but not likely—that the pandemic virus was engineered or manipulated.)

Dr. Fauci did not respond to Newsweek's requests for comment.

10 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

vtcc73's picture

@ovals49 I think he has earned our trust in his decision making while managing the pandemic. There may be a lot of things we disagree with, may not like the man personally, or question his connections, motives, or his decisions. We should do all of those things. Blind trust is not in line for consideration.

My willingness to give him slack is based on how he's navigated the trump administration's malfeasance and obstruction without completely losing the fight with the virus. Conditions have been very bad, world leading bad. USA!! USA!! USA!! Without people like Fauci to stand up to our idiot leaders there's little doubt this pandemic would be far more out of control with a trump toady in his position.

I don't see any value in not working with the Chinese or the Russians on fighting this virus. This isn't a nationality, political, or ideological issue but is a great threat to all humans and our societies. Investigating possible improprieties is essential. I expect a thorough analysis at some time in the future. I'm highly suspicious of unnamed intelligence sources' claims however. Just because we don't trust Fauci is no reason to trust unknown sources without full attribution. In almost any other essay on these pages intel claims would be suspect if not outright dismissed. That a claim seems to support our other bias doesn't suggest anything about validity of the claim. It's a data point.

We're all extremely susceptible to confirmation bias. It's tripped on carelessly by the lazy and unaware and used intentionally to shape our thinking for fun and profit all the time. Those of us who can't sort out "truth" from BS should learn to first look to our own vulnerability to confirmation bias. Recognizing our own BS reduces our confusion and stress. To me this is a data point, no more. It's a low quality piece of data looking for higher quality confirmation. Lack of solid attribution is a huge flashing red light for me. Being consistent in our skepticism is important. We can't not trust the intel community one moment and take them at their word the next. The same goes for Fauci. The problem is looking for trust rather than evaluating each piece of information on it's own merit.

Lets go back to Chinese and Russian work on a vaccine. From this morning: Ecuadorians join Chinese vaccine trial; Some say Chinese and Russian vaccines may be first to arrive.

I fully expect to see the Chinese and/or Russian vaccines be the most available here the soonest. We were supposed to have 7.5 million doses of the two big dollar ones available here in January. That was being pushed back since the news was released. Some sources say maybe not until March now. They will supply the world while the most talked about "name label" vaccines will go to those who can pay the most. Yet, to anyone who can think it's not a matter of label as much as it is a matter of efficacy and safety. Who made it is only one consideration and one that is very susceptible to our biases.

4 users have voted.

"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."

including your trust in Fauci.

I think he has earned our trust in his decision making while managing the pandemic.

As long as the information available to us all is sculpted, massaged, censored and designed to create “realities” that do not in fact exist, we all must recognize the innate uncertainty of the conclusions that we draw from that flawed and incomplete information.

I have working hypotheses but no certainty. I trust no one absolutely: not Fauci, not you, and especially not myself. We all are wrong sometimes, despite our best efforts.

7 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

vtcc73's picture

@ovals49 I don't trust Fauci and I don't distrust him either. Trust is not my concern. Trust is your word that I used carelessly in that sentence. He has earned our forbearance? We need to give him slack and room to do a job that at best results in a less nasty result?

I do think he's earned that. He's made mistakes and miscalculations. Anybody in his position under these circumstances was coming out battered and tarnished. Maybe someone could have done better. We'll never know. Hell, without trump and company he would have not had to figure out how to respond effectively as a nation while walk a thin line with the entire administration obstructing a proper response and having half the population wanting his head on a pike. Most of us would have probably said "Fuck this shit! I don't need this!" and taken a hike or just rolled over for trump to use. I just don't see the necessity of condemning a guy who did what he did without having walked in his shoes. I'm not someone who thinks that there has to be someone a fault for everything I don't like or disagree with. I've been that guy a few times.

5 users have voted.

"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."

snoopydawg's picture

you can watch the video I posted and come to your own conclusion after listening to what he said. How hard is that? Want proof? See what he said.

3 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

In his 60 minutes interview, he espoused the consensus of the medical establishment, based on literally decades of study: masks are not effective at blocking viral transmission. Therefore, there is no need for the public to adopt universal mask wearing. Then, the political winds shifted 180 degrees, and it was decided, on a worldwide level, that masks would be mandated. Fauci, who is nothing if not politically astute, changed his tune along with everyone else, and claimed that before he was only trying to save scarce supplies of masks for health care workers. Now, everyone should wear a mask.

I laid this all out in my post about masks back in October. Go read it.


1 user has voted.

Dr. Mercola does a good job of summarizing the case against universal mask wearing by the public:


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snoopydawg's picture

@out of left field

can you excerpt some of ?

3 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg I just checked the link--I got in with no problem, and I don't pay Dr. Mercola anything. Regardless, here's his summary of the story:

Story at-a-glance

A family was recently booted off a United Airlines flight because the couple’s 2-year-old daughter refused to wear a face mask

Research overwhelmingly shows face masks do not prevent the spread of viral infection in community settings. What’s more, to get what little benefit you can from a mask, you have to put it on, wear and remove it properly, which young children cannot do

Young children are insignificant disease vectors; they rarely test positive or spread SARS-CoV-2 infection

According to Delta Airlines CEO Ed Bastian, nearly 700 people have been placed on the company’s no-fly list since May 2020 for refusing to wear a face mask

Consider “defunding” companies that strictly enforce unscientific COVID-19 rules. In short, don’t fly with airlines that boot children off for mask infractions

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