There is a righteous anger out there in the midst of a pandemic and the feckless Democrats like AOC and the fraud squad are refusing to use the power they have on behalf of a suffering nation. We owe a big thank you to people like Jimmy Dore and Justin Jackson for calling them out. By the way I have been following Justin Jackson on Twitter for some time.
Every politician in this country with a few exceptions (outliers on both sides) is afraid of their leadership. You do not change the Democratic party from within. It changes you. And 118 co-sponsors of Pramila Jayapal's Medicare for All bill are revealing themselves as careerist cowards.
If @AOC and the squad don’t do what @jimmy_dore has suggested and withhold their vote for Pelosi for speakership unless Med 4 All gets brought to the floor for a vote... they will be revealing themselves. Power concedes nothing without a demand.
That sounds like 118 house Democrats who can use their leverage to get a Medicare for all floor vote. It’s unacceptable that a 118 coalition of Dems who “support” med 4 all cannot even get a vote. Something to consider.
Well, well how about that for "leadership?" People are suffering and in great need, but the leader of the squad is more worried about internal politics and her future within the party. Mama Bear trained you well, AOC.
I love that after, two weeks, instead of addressing @jimmy_dore directly to discuss his proposal, @AOC responds to a football player to make her lame ass excuses. Hey, sis. We see you.
— Comrade Misty is Putin’s Buddy (@SarcasmStardust) December 12, 2020
Wtf is the point of a “progressive caucus” if not a single one of these cucks can stand up to Mama Bear? This is why you can’t reform the Democratic Party. This is why progressives running in it is a detriment to anything we want. CUT. THE CORD.
In the face of such a great need for health care, and a looming eviction crisis, the people are NOT going to be satisfied with lame excuses for inaction. The pot is about to come to a boil over.
IS to make people uncomfortable.
There is a righteous anger out there in the midst of a pandemic and the feckless Democrats like AOC and the fraud squad are refusing to use the power they have on behalf of a suffering nation. We owe a big thank you to people like Jimmy Dore and Justin Jackson for calling them out. By the way I have been following Justin Jackson on Twitter for some time.
Every politician in this country with a few exceptions (outliers on both sides) is afraid of their leadership. You do not change the Democratic party from within. It changes you. And 118 co-sponsors of Pramila Jayapal's Medicare for All bill are revealing themselves as careerist cowards.
If @AOC and the squad don’t do what @jimmy_dore has suggested and withhold their vote for Pelosi for speakership unless Med 4 All gets brought to the floor for a vote... they will be revealing themselves. Power concedes nothing without a demand.
That sounds like 118 house Democrats who can use their leverage to get a Medicare for all floor vote. It’s unacceptable that a 118 coalition of Dems who “support” med 4 all cannot even get a vote. Something to consider.
Well, well how about that for "leadership?" People are suffering and in great need, but the leader of the squad is more worried about internal politics and her future within the party. Mama Bear trained you well, AOC.
I love that after, two weeks, instead of addressing @jimmy_dore directly to discuss his proposal, @AOC responds to a football player to make her lame ass excuses. Hey, sis. We see you.
— Comrade Misty is Putin’s Buddy (@SarcasmStardust) December 12, 2020
Wtf is the point of a “progressive caucus” if not a single one of these cucks can stand up to Mama Bear? This is why you can’t reform the Democratic Party. This is why progressives running in it is a detriment to anything we want. CUT. THE CORD.
i admit to discovering how many detractors AOC has here by now. from where i sit, it's been a long time comin', so good on you, GG.
will she run for cover? likely she'll jut erase Twitter threads as she's often done before. a couple of her constituent detractors dig a few out of the Wayback Machine, if i'm remembering the phrase correctly.
one i do remember was congratulating bill de blaio on hi gentrification schemes, but later she'd had to pretend that it was by her efforts that Amazon didn't move to NYC. that frosted the allies working tirelessly to prevent it.
you may remember that she'd had herself photographed squatting down on a wet sidewalk and chalking NO AMAZON. but even RT last week had remembered that con of hers...incorrectly. as in: The Myth is What Matters Most, and hers is larger than any new congresscritter should have: two netflix films, two superhero graphic novels, the cover-story on Vnity Fir recently, on the cover of Time, and so on.
ilhan omar i know less about, but she seems cast in a similar mold, especially on public housing, and being photographed genuflecting before madeleine albright as fellow immigrants, WTF?
her detractors this week about her comments on public housing, although i don't know that issue. and her having tweeted close to: 'Don't ask me about medicare4all if you don't wear a mask!' then being over-joyed that a wee babby smooched her naked face.
there used to be a Tweeter named AOC Comix, but he/she seems to have disappeared. his logo was an Instapot with a ché guevara beret. ; )
glad to hear you Tweet so earnestly, and follow the jackson fellow.
on edit: file under 'the devil made me do it', and yeah, pretty incendiary:
There is a righteous anger out there in the midst of a pandemic and the feckless Democrats like AOC and the fraud squad are refusing to use the power they have on behalf of a suffering nation. We owe a big thank you to people like Jimmy Dore and Justin Jackson for calling them out. By the way I have been following Justin Jackson on Twitter for some time.
Every politician in this country with a few exceptions (outliers on both sides) is afraid of their leadership. You do not change the Democratic party from within. It changes you. And 118 co-sponsors of Pramila Jayapal's Medicare for All bill are revealing themselves as careerist cowards.
If @AOC and the squad don’t do what @jimmy_dore has suggested and withhold their vote for Pelosi for speakership unless Med 4 All gets brought to the floor for a vote... they will be revealing themselves. Power concedes nothing without a demand.
That sounds like 118 house Democrats who can use their leverage to get a Medicare for all floor vote. It’s unacceptable that a 118 coalition of Dems who “support” med 4 all cannot even get a vote. Something to consider.
Well, well how about that for "leadership?" People are suffering and in great need, but the leader of the squad is more worried about internal politics and her future within the party. Mama Bear trained you well, AOC.
I love that after, two weeks, instead of addressing @jimmy_dore directly to discuss his proposal, @AOC responds to a football player to make her lame ass excuses. Hey, sis. We see you.
— Comrade Misty is Putin’s Buddy (@SarcasmStardust) December 12, 2020
Wtf is the point of a “progressive caucus” if not a single one of these cucks can stand up to Mama Bear? This is why you can’t reform the Democratic Party. This is why progressives running in it is a detriment to anything we want. CUT. THE CORD.
You can make all the demands you want, but the truth is, that without a real threat to back that demand up, we see in AOC what happens. She got elected running on MedicareForAll, and then turned around and put the knife in everyone's back.
And now just gaslights everyone!
The healthcare industry, before this pandemic, kills over 400,000 ANNUALLY from "preventable medical errors".
the true number of premature deaths associated with preventable harm to patients was estimated at more than 400,000 per year.
How many of these 290K + "covid deaths" are actually preventable medical errors?
From KHN:Ventilators Cause Their Own Damage To Lungs. Is The Trauma Worth The Benefits For COVID-19 Patients?
Only a third of COVID-19 patients placed on a ventilator survive the experience, and doctors are starting to wonder if the life-saving machine should really be used in some cases.
I remember when I was on a ventilator, I had to threaten the nurse, either turn the air down, or I'll rip out the hose and tear the machine apart! My simple request to turn the air down was met with "reasons".
Fuck your god damn "reasons", turn the fucking air down or you'll KILL ME! I CAN'T FUCKING BREATH! (I seriously could not breath.)
Then another time, I had to threaten a doctor with physical violence to get him to give my wife a mammogram. "You're going to need the ER at Parkland if my wife doesn't get a mammogram!". Just because she wasn't 40 yet. Fuck your god damn "reasons".
I can't get healthcare, cause I can't get a job, because I NEED healthcare 1st! But, I can't afford it, because I can't get a job, because I need healthcare 1st. FUCK!
I can't borrow money to get some healthcare, because my credit was ruined because I couldn't afford the outrageous bill. I've been in financial purgatory ever since.
The cognitive dissonance of it is truly madding!
With this pandemic raging, it might be time to consider a real threat of engaging weeks of Jacobin like Terrors! Truly if they don't recognize healthcare as a human right, then we need to make sure they will need all that "government funded healthcare" to stay alive!
Denying people healthcare is FUCKING MURDER, plain and simple.
We're just acting in self defense! We don't want to die, simply because their greed "trumps" their humanity. And that is the plain truth of it.
Imagine if enough pro sports athletes decided not to play unless we had MedicareForAll? This country would shit a gold brick to get pro sports back on TV.
I would rather see that happen, than a few weeks of Jacobin Terrors.
But, they, like ACO, aren't willing to risk it!
They don't want their "American Dream" to end, while the rest of us are living in a fucking nightmare!
Think for a moment, a starting one-year rookie has a minimum income of $435,000 a year and gets the best healthcare their team can buy!
Fuck your god damn sports!
If Black Lives Matter to these pro athletes, then MedicareForAll would be a good place to show it!
Jimmy needs to get these pro athletes to threaten to stop playing! Imagine of you took away America's pro sports?
(apologies, I woke up on the wrong side of the rehearsal room makeshift bed this morning. I can't even afford proper housing, because I can't afford healthcare!)
19 users have voted.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
You are caught in the circle jerk from hell and congress won't do a damn thing to fix it. Everything is setup now to transfer wealth to the upper class whilst killing the lower class and decimating the middle class. That is what our government is doing to us. And You're Right.
Denying people healthcare is FUCKING MURDER, plain and simple.
We're just acting in self defense! We don't want to die, simply because their greed "trumps" their humanity. And that is the plain truth of it.
Imagine if enough pro sports athletes decided not to play unless we had MedicareForAll? This country would shit a gold brick to get pro sports back on TV.
LeBron James threaten to sit out games until there was cop reform, but Obama stepped in and killed that PDQ because he knew that they DID Have the power to enact reform. Air traffic controllers threatened to stop working during the guv shutdown. Trump opened it up the same day. We do have the power. How we get people to see that is another thing. However there are somethings that people are doing now. If only the media would......nah the PTB do not want that covered.
In sheer economic terms, few workers have stood more directly in the path of the pandemic than the roughly 10 million people employed by restaurants at the start of the year. The industry shed close to half those jobs in March and April, and was still down almost 1.5 million as of October.
California is shutdown again while unemployment benefits end in 2 weeks while New Yorkers are ordered to continue working even though Cuomo thinks it is too dangerous for him to give public press conferences. The hubris and arrogance!
The Springdale walkout, which the workers plan to continue until their demands are met, was the first labor action of its kind by poultry workers in Arkansas, said Magaly Licolli, the leader of Arkansas workers' justice organization Venceremos. It's significant that it happened in Springdale, one of the country's largest poultry-producing cities and home to the corporate headquarters of Tyson, the country's largest chicken producer. While Arkansas has a history as an anti-union state, there has been growing interest in worker organizing there in recent years.
The workers told Facing South that the walkout was prompted by management's decision to end staggered shifts, which forced workers entering the plant for their shift into narrow hallways with workers who were leaving. A spokesperson for George's did not respond to specific questions about how they planned to address worker's concerns, instead directing Facing South to the company's website.
"In the afternoon shift, [social distancing is] much worse because there are significantly more people. That hallway is far too small for all of us to fit in it," Juana, a worker who debones chicken at the plant, told Facing South in Spanish. She asked to be identified by a pseudonym because she and other protesting workers are worried about retaliation.
The plant can no longer do this when stores across the country has implemented entry and exit points, but this huge factory doesn't think it should even try to continue doing the simplest things to keep its workers safe. This is the behavior that congress wants to give immunity for.
You can make all the demands you want, but the truth is, that without a real threat to back that demand up, we see in AOC what happens. She got elected running on MedicareForAll, and then turned around and put the knife in everyone's back.
And now just gaslights everyone!
The healthcare industry, before this pandemic, kills over 400,000 ANNUALLY from "preventable medical errors".
the true number of premature deaths associated with preventable harm to patients was estimated at more than 400,000 per year.
How many of these 290K + "covid deaths" are actually preventable medical errors?
From KHN:Ventilators Cause Their Own Damage To Lungs. Is The Trauma Worth The Benefits For COVID-19 Patients?
Only a third of COVID-19 patients placed on a ventilator survive the experience, and doctors are starting to wonder if the life-saving machine should really be used in some cases.
I remember when I was on a ventilator, I had to threaten the nurse, either turn the air down, or I'll rip out the hose and tear the machine apart! My simple request to turn the air down was met with "reasons".
Fuck your god damn "reasons", turn the fucking air down or you'll KILL ME! I CAN'T FUCKING BREATH! (I seriously could not breath.)
Then another time, I had to threaten a doctor with physical violence to get him to give my wife a mammogram. "You're going to need the ER at Parkland if my wife doesn't get a mammogram!". Just because she wasn't 40 yet. Fuck your god damn "reasons".
I can't get healthcare, cause I can't get a job, because I NEED healthcare 1st! But, I can't afford it, because I can't get a job, because I need healthcare 1st. FUCK!
I can't borrow money to get some healthcare, because my credit was ruined because I couldn't afford the outrageous bill. I've been in financial purgatory ever since.
The cognitive dissonance of it is truly madding!
With this pandemic raging, it might be time to consider a real threat of engaging weeks of Jacobin like Terrors! Truly if they don't recognize healthcare as a human right, then we need to make sure they will need all that "government funded healthcare" to stay alive!
Denying people healthcare is FUCKING MURDER, plain and simple.
We're just acting in self defense! We don't want to die, simply because their greed "trumps" their humanity. And that is the plain truth of it.
Imagine if enough pro sports athletes decided not to play unless we had MedicareForAll? This country would shit a gold brick to get pro sports back on TV.
I would rather see that happen, than a few weeks of Jacobin Terrors.
But, they, like ACO, aren't willing to risk it!
They don't want their "American Dream" to end, while the rest of us are living in a fucking nightmare!
Think for a moment, a starting one-year rookie has a minimum income of $435,000 a year and gets the best healthcare their team can buy!
Fuck your god damn sports!
If Black Lives Matter to these pro athletes, then MedicareForAll would be a good place to show it!
Jimmy needs to get these pro athletes to threaten to stop playing! Imagine of you took away America's pro sports?
(apologies, I woke up on the wrong side of the rehearsal room makeshift bed this morning. I can't even afford proper housing, because I can't afford healthcare!)
13 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
before a game. He was fired or whatever the sports thing is and hasn’t played since. They concocted some sort of bullshit tryout for him to come to in Atlanta, but even I could see that the whole thing was a cruel joke to mess with him. I think that has put the fear of god into a lot of sports figures.
is a crime against humanity.
You can make all the demands you want, but the truth is, that without a real threat to back that demand up, we see in AOC what happens. She got elected running on MedicareForAll, and then turned around and put the knife in everyone's back.
And now just gaslights everyone!
The healthcare industry, before this pandemic, kills over 400,000 ANNUALLY from "preventable medical errors".
the true number of premature deaths associated with preventable harm to patients was estimated at more than 400,000 per year.
How many of these 290K + "covid deaths" are actually preventable medical errors?
From KHN:Ventilators Cause Their Own Damage To Lungs. Is The Trauma Worth The Benefits For COVID-19 Patients?
Only a third of COVID-19 patients placed on a ventilator survive the experience, and doctors are starting to wonder if the life-saving machine should really be used in some cases.
I remember when I was on a ventilator, I had to threaten the nurse, either turn the air down, or I'll rip out the hose and tear the machine apart! My simple request to turn the air down was met with "reasons".
Fuck your god damn "reasons", turn the fucking air down or you'll KILL ME! I CAN'T FUCKING BREATH! (I seriously could not breath.)
Then another time, I had to threaten a doctor with physical violence to get him to give my wife a mammogram. "You're going to need the ER at Parkland if my wife doesn't get a mammogram!". Just because she wasn't 40 yet. Fuck your god damn "reasons".
I can't get healthcare, cause I can't get a job, because I NEED healthcare 1st! But, I can't afford it, because I can't get a job, because I need healthcare 1st. FUCK!
I can't borrow money to get some healthcare, because my credit was ruined because I couldn't afford the outrageous bill. I've been in financial purgatory ever since.
The cognitive dissonance of it is truly madding!
With this pandemic raging, it might be time to consider a real threat of engaging weeks of Jacobin like Terrors! Truly if they don't recognize healthcare as a human right, then we need to make sure they will need all that "government funded healthcare" to stay alive!
Denying people healthcare is FUCKING MURDER, plain and simple.
We're just acting in self defense! We don't want to die, simply because their greed "trumps" their humanity. And that is the plain truth of it.
Imagine if enough pro sports athletes decided not to play unless we had MedicareForAll? This country would shit a gold brick to get pro sports back on TV.
I would rather see that happen, than a few weeks of Jacobin Terrors.
But, they, like ACO, aren't willing to risk it!
They don't want their "American Dream" to end, while the rest of us are living in a fucking nightmare!
Think for a moment, a starting one-year rookie has a minimum income of $435,000 a year and gets the best healthcare their team can buy!
Fuck your god damn sports!
If Black Lives Matter to these pro athletes, then MedicareForAll would be a good place to show it!
Jimmy needs to get these pro athletes to threaten to stop playing! Imagine of you took away America's pro sports?
(apologies, I woke up on the wrong side of the rehearsal room makeshift bed this morning. I can't even afford proper housing, because I can't afford healthcare!)
12 users have voted.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
but in walked Obama and apparently everything is just jake!
is a crime against humanity.
You can make all the demands you want, but the truth is, that without a real threat to back that demand up, we see in AOC what happens. She got elected running on MedicareForAll, and then turned around and put the knife in everyone's back.
And now just gaslights everyone!
The healthcare industry, before this pandemic, kills over 400,000 ANNUALLY from "preventable medical errors".
the true number of premature deaths associated with preventable harm to patients was estimated at more than 400,000 per year.
How many of these 290K + "covid deaths" are actually preventable medical errors?
From KHN:Ventilators Cause Their Own Damage To Lungs. Is The Trauma Worth The Benefits For COVID-19 Patients?
Only a third of COVID-19 patients placed on a ventilator survive the experience, and doctors are starting to wonder if the life-saving machine should really be used in some cases.
I remember when I was on a ventilator, I had to threaten the nurse, either turn the air down, or I'll rip out the hose and tear the machine apart! My simple request to turn the air down was met with "reasons".
Fuck your god damn "reasons", turn the fucking air down or you'll KILL ME! I CAN'T FUCKING BREATH! (I seriously could not breath.)
Then another time, I had to threaten a doctor with physical violence to get him to give my wife a mammogram. "You're going to need the ER at Parkland if my wife doesn't get a mammogram!". Just because she wasn't 40 yet. Fuck your god damn "reasons".
I can't get healthcare, cause I can't get a job, because I NEED healthcare 1st! But, I can't afford it, because I can't get a job, because I need healthcare 1st. FUCK!
I can't borrow money to get some healthcare, because my credit was ruined because I couldn't afford the outrageous bill. I've been in financial purgatory ever since.
The cognitive dissonance of it is truly madding!
With this pandemic raging, it might be time to consider a real threat of engaging weeks of Jacobin like Terrors! Truly if they don't recognize healthcare as a human right, then we need to make sure they will need all that "government funded healthcare" to stay alive!
Denying people healthcare is FUCKING MURDER, plain and simple.
We're just acting in self defense! We don't want to die, simply because their greed "trumps" their humanity. And that is the plain truth of it.
Imagine if enough pro sports athletes decided not to play unless we had MedicareForAll? This country would shit a gold brick to get pro sports back on TV.
I would rather see that happen, than a few weeks of Jacobin Terrors.
But, they, like ACO, aren't willing to risk it!
They don't want their "American Dream" to end, while the rest of us are living in a fucking nightmare!
Think for a moment, a starting one-year rookie has a minimum income of $435,000 a year and gets the best healthcare their team can buy!
Fuck your god damn sports!
If Black Lives Matter to these pro athletes, then MedicareForAll would be a good place to show it!
Jimmy needs to get these pro athletes to threaten to stop playing! Imagine of you took away America's pro sports?
(apologies, I woke up on the wrong side of the rehearsal room makeshift bed this morning. I can't even afford proper housing, because I can't afford healthcare!)
10 users have voted.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
You are close to turning into Matthews or Riley. If you invite people on to your show you give them time to speak and don't talk over them. Or keep yelling ranting about the point that has been already made months ago. He is making things all about him, not the issues as much. You know what I mean. I like Jimmy's piss and fire, but he is becoming conceited and making things about what HE"S doing and how right he was to cover everything that many of us had already covered. Jimmy ain't the only smart person on the left.
He just ranted about Biden's I, I, I, I, I am doing or I did those things ....... and here he is doing the same. This must stop or he will lose his audience. IMHO of course.
Great last point about the wipe out of dems after the next elections because they're actually repubcrats working for the same goals as their good friends across the isle.
12 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
as well. when he'd get back to justin jackson, JJ would almost have to wake from either boredom or a reverie.
my first into to dore i likely should leave out, as it's vague, but he was wearing that stupid houndstooth hat, smirking and doing comedy on the war against some oppressed group or other. Not Funny.
my next intro was this and he lost me as a Brave Truth-teller to Power forever. dunno who funds his show.
Here's Jimmy, irritated with his own audience's questions about Tulsi's record: "I can tell you one thing, if there is one thing I couldn't care less about, it's what is happening in India [...] How does that affect me?"
You are close to turning into Matthews or Riley. If you invite people on to your show you give them time to speak and don't talk over them. Or keep yelling ranting about the point that has been already made months ago. He is making things all about him, not the issues as much. You know what I mean. I like Jimmy's piss and fire, but he is becoming conceited and making things about what HE"S doing and how right he was to cover everything that many of us had already covered. Jimmy ain't the only smart person on the left.
He just ranted about Biden's I, I, I, I, I am doing or I did those things ....... and here he is doing the same. This must stop or he will lose his audience. IMHO of course.
Great last point about the wipe out of dems after the next elections because they're actually repubcrats working for the same goals as their good friends across the isle.
to condemn Jimmy Dore. He is exposing the charlatans like AOC and exposing the fraud that is the 'change from within' movement. These fake progressive operatives are exposing themselves with their attacks on Jimmy much like the Dailykos fakes did years ago with thier attacks on Bernie.
The time for a third party is NOW.
You are close to turning into Matthews or Riley. If you invite people on to your show you give them time to speak and don't talk over them. Or keep yelling ranting about the point that has been already made months ago. He is making things all about him, not the issues as much. You know what I mean. I like Jimmy's piss and fire, but he is becoming conceited and making things about what HE"S doing and how right he was to cover everything that many of us had already covered. Jimmy ain't the only smart person on the left.
He just ranted about Biden's I, I, I, I, I am doing or I did those things ....... and here he is doing the same. This must stop or he will lose his audience. IMHO of course.
Great last point about the wipe out of dems after the next elections because they're actually repubcrats working for the same goals as their good friends across the isle.
@wendy davis
MSNBC is spouting the right wing age old racist meme that anything the left pushes for is racist.
The right argues BLM is racist. The KKK argued - and got a movie made about it in Birth of a Nation - that the Civil War was racist.
‘Twist in debate over ‘Pelosi speakership for M4A vote’ idea: People who push it must be RACIST, MSNBC's Reid agrees’, 14 Dec, 2020,
if you can make any sense of it, you're better men than i am, gunga dins.
written from a Klan perspective, by an author who had had close family ties to the first version of the Klan. D.W. Griffith, who had a Southern upbringing and didn't know any better, got hold of the novels and thought they would make a corking good movie, with an obvious place for his (already deeply-rooted) obsession with "cavalry to the rescue".
The novels, and the novelist, were quickly forgotten. Not so the movie or its director.
#7 MSNBC is spouting the right wing age old racist meme that anything the left pushes for is racist.
The right argues BLM is racist. The KKK argued - and got a movie made about it in Birth of a Nation - that the Civil War was racist.
Joy, I've been watching your show recently with a 'body language expert' friend of mine, and she tells me your on-air gestures suggest you're a complete moron.
Joy, I've been watching your show recently with a 'body language expert' friend of mine, and she tells me your on-air gestures suggest you're a complete moron.
That when you were complaining about Jimmy "punching left" - when the realiy is he doesn't punch left, he punches centrist - you were, in fact, the one punching left at Jimmy.
That when you were complaining about Jimmy "punching left" - when the realiy is he doesn't punch left, he punches centrist - you were, in fact, the one punching left at Jimmy.
You questioned.
That's what's important.
If I were not skeptica of most everything, I would miss most of the truth.
You weren't wrong. I'm not right.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Wow -- Justin Jackson is smarter,
more articulate, and more ethical than almost all of those in Congress.
That’s a
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
He should have a show.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Agree, except I think a show
would be aiming too low for this good young man.
The point of protesting
IS to make people uncomfortable.
There is a righteous anger out there in the midst of a pandemic and the feckless Democrats like AOC and the fraud squad are refusing to use the power they have on behalf of a suffering nation. We owe a big thank you to people like Jimmy Dore and Justin Jackson for calling them out. By the way I have been following Justin Jackson on Twitter for some time.
Every politician in this country with a few exceptions (outliers on both sides) is afraid of their leadership. You do not change the Democratic party from within. It changes you. And 118 co-sponsors of Pramila Jayapal's Medicare for All bill are revealing themselves as careerist cowards.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Great call out. Will AOC reply or run for cover?
In the face of such a great need for health care, and a looming eviction crisis, the people are NOT going to be satisfied with lame excuses for inaction. The pot is about to come to a boil over.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
'fraud squad' indeed.
i admit to discovering how many detractors AOC has here by now. from where i sit, it's been a long time comin', so good on you, GG.
will she run for cover? likely she'll jut erase Twitter threads as she's often done before. a couple of her constituent detractors dig a few out of the Wayback Machine, if i'm remembering the phrase correctly.
one i do remember was congratulating bill de blaio on hi gentrification schemes, but later she'd had to pretend that it was by her efforts that Amazon didn't move to NYC. that frosted the allies working tirelessly to prevent it.
you may remember that she'd had herself photographed squatting down on a wet sidewalk and chalking NO AMAZON. but even RT last week had remembered that con of hers...incorrectly. as in: The Myth is What Matters Most, and hers is larger than any new congresscritter should have: two netflix films, two superhero graphic novels, the cover-story on Vnity Fir recently, on the cover of Time, and so on.
ilhan omar i know less about, but she seems cast in a similar mold, especially on public housing, and being photographed genuflecting before madeleine albright as fellow immigrants, WTF?
her detractors this week about her comments on public housing, although i don't know that issue. and her having tweeted close to: 'Don't ask me about medicare4all if you don't wear a mask!' then being over-joyed that a wee babby smooched her naked face.
there used to be a Tweeter named AOC Comix, but he/she seems to have disappeared. his logo was an Instapot with a ché guevara beret. ; )
glad to hear you Tweet so earnestly, and follow the jackson fellow.
on edit: file under 'the devil made me do it', and yeah, pretty incendiary:
You e got
a big heart, gj. I can feel it and hear it from where I sit.
Good on ya, mate!
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Capitalism in Healthcare
is a crime against humanity.
You can make all the demands you want, but the truth is, that without a real threat to back that demand up, we see in AOC what happens. She got elected running on MedicareForAll, and then turned around and put the knife in everyone's back.
And now just gaslights everyone!
The healthcare industry, before this pandemic, kills over 400,000 ANNUALLY from "preventable medical errors".
How many of these 290K + "covid deaths" are actually preventable medical errors?
From KHN:Ventilators Cause Their Own Damage To Lungs. Is The Trauma Worth The Benefits For COVID-19 Patients?
I remember when I was on a ventilator, I had to threaten the nurse, either turn the air down, or I'll rip out the hose and tear the machine apart! My simple request to turn the air down was met with "reasons".

Fuck your god damn "reasons", turn the fucking air down or you'll KILL ME! I CAN'T FUCKING BREATH! (I seriously could not breath.)
Then another time, I had to threaten a doctor with physical violence to get him to give my wife a mammogram. "You're going to need the ER at Parkland if my wife doesn't get a mammogram!". Just because she wasn't 40 yet. Fuck your god damn "reasons".
I can't get healthcare, cause I can't get a job, because I NEED healthcare 1st! But, I can't afford it, because I can't get a job, because I need healthcare 1st. FUCK!
I can't borrow money to get some healthcare, because my credit was ruined because I couldn't afford the outrageous bill. I've been in financial purgatory ever since.
The cognitive dissonance of it is truly madding!
With this pandemic raging, it might be time to consider a real threat of engaging weeks of Jacobin like Terrors! Truly if they don't recognize healthcare as a human right, then we need to make sure they will need all that "government funded healthcare" to stay alive!
Denying people healthcare is FUCKING MURDER, plain and simple.
We're just acting in self defense! We don't want to die, simply because their greed "trumps" their humanity. And that is the plain truth of it.
Imagine if enough pro sports athletes decided not to play unless we had MedicareForAll? This country would shit a gold brick to get pro sports back on TV.
I would rather see that happen, than a few weeks of Jacobin Terrors.
But, they, like ACO, aren't willing to risk it!
They don't want their "American Dream" to end, while the rest of us are living in a fucking nightmare!
Think for a moment, a starting one-year rookie has a minimum income of $435,000 a year and gets the best healthcare their team can buy!
Fuck your god damn sports!
If Black Lives Matter to these pro athletes, then MedicareForAll would be a good place to show it!
Jimmy needs to get these pro athletes to threaten to stop playing! Imagine of you took away America's pro sports?
(apologies, I woke up on the wrong side of the rehearsal room makeshift bed this morning. I can't even afford proper housing, because I can't afford healthcare!)
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
No need to aplogize for what is true
You are caught in the circle jerk from hell and congress won't do a damn thing to fix it. Everything is setup now to transfer wealth to the upper class whilst killing the lower class and decimating the middle class. That is what our government is doing to us. And You're Right.
LeBron James threaten to sit out games until there was cop reform, but Obama stepped in and killed that PDQ because he knew that they DID Have the power to enact reform. Air traffic controllers threatened to stop working during the guv shutdown. Trump opened it up the same day. We do have the power. How we get people to see that is another thing. However there are somethings that people are doing now. If only the media would......nah the PTB do not want that covered.
Pandemic Closures Devastate Restaurant Industry’s Middle Class
California is shutdown again while unemployment benefits end in 2 weeks while New Yorkers are ordered to continue working even though Cuomo thinks it is too dangerous for him to give public press conferences. The hubris and arrogance!
George's poultry workers walk out in Arkansas to protest COVID-19 conditions
The plant can no longer do this when stores across the country has implemented entry and exit points, but this huge factory doesn't think it should even try to continue doing the simplest things to keep its workers safe. This is the behavior that congress wants to give immunity for.
h/t Laura Clawson for the links There are more links to stories there.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Colin Kaepernick is still in purgatory for kneeling
before a game. He was fired or whatever the sports thing is and hasn’t played since. They concocted some sort of bullshit tryout for him to come to in Atlanta, but even I could see that the whole thing was a cruel joke to mess with him. I think that has put the fear of god into a lot of sports figures.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Well the NBA players almost walked...
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Careful Jimmy
You are close to turning into Matthews or Riley. If you invite people on to your show you give them time to speak and don't talk over them. Or keep
yellingranting about the point that has been already made months ago. He is making things all about him, not the issues as much. You know what I mean. I like Jimmy's piss and fire, but he is becoming conceited and making things about what HE"S doing and how right he was to cover everything that many of us had already covered. Jimmy ain't the only smart person on the left.He just ranted about Biden's I, I, I, I, I am doing or I did those things ....... and here he is doing the same. This must stop or he will lose his audience. IMHO of course.
Great last point about the wipe out of dems after the next elections because they're actually repubcrats working for the same goals as their good friends across the isle.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
it seemed so to me
as well. when he'd get back to justin jackson, JJ would almost have to wake from either boredom or a reverie.
my first into to dore i likely should leave out, as it's vague, but he was wearing that stupid houndstooth hat, smirking and doing comedy on the war against some oppressed group or other. Not Funny.
my next intro was this and he lost me as a Brave Truth-teller to Power forever. dunno who funds his show.
Establishment actors are swift
The time for a third party is NOW.
good golly miss molly:
‘Twist in debate over ‘Pelosi speakership for M4A vote’ idea: People who push it must be RACIST, MSNBC's Reid agrees’, 14 Dec, 2020,
if you can make any sense of it, you're better men than i am, gunga dins.
That's an easy one
The right argues BLM is racist. The KKK argued - and got a movie made about it in Birth of a Nation - that the Civil War was racist.
It started with a couple of novels
written from a Klan perspective, by an author who had had close family ties to the first version of the Klan. D.W. Griffith, who had a Southern upbringing and didn't know any better, got hold of the novels and thought they would make a corking good movie, with an obvious place for his (already deeply-rooted) obsession with "cavalry to the rescue".
The novels, and the novelist, were quickly forgotten. Not so the movie or its director.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
This reply should help
lol, yes,
it helps.
The irony is
That when you were complaining about Jimmy "punching left" - when the realiy is he doesn't punch left, he punches centrist - you were, in fact, the one punching left at Jimmy.
Well that certainly helps
You forgot to kick me for changing my mind
"May"? How about "were"?
There's enough punches being thrown at Jimmy but really aimed at Single Payer that we don't need progressives punching left at Jimmy too.
i'd rather listen to
krystal and saagar any day, myownself.