Obomba, Please Kiss My Grits
‘Obama says Hispanic Trump voters looked past ‘racist’ comments because they agreed with him on gay marriage & abortion’, 25 Nov, 2020, RT.com
“People were surprised about a lot of Hispanic folks who voted for Trump,” the former president said during a Wednesday appearance on ‘The Breakfast Club’ to promote his memoir ‘A Promised Land.’
Obama chalked up Hispanic support for Trump to “evangelical” voters who weighed certain issues as less important than their faith.
“The fact that Trump says racist things about Mexicans or puts detainees, undocumented workers, in cages, they think that’s less important than the fact that he supports their views on gay marriage or abortion,” he said.” [...]
“In a separate tweet, Blum added that Obama’s words may not completely match reality, as both he and Hillary Clinton got more support than their opponents from evangelical Hispanic voters in the 2012 and 2016 presidential races.” [...]
“Others have also pointed to Obama’s own record not quite matching his comments, given that he was not only against gay marriage being legalized when first elected, but many of the “cages” referenced were built and utilized during his administration.
“Remember, Obama built those cages. Not all Latinos are from Mexico. Trump came into office supporting gay marriage, unlike Obama,” Daily Wire editor Ashe Short wrote.
Since it looks like Barack Obama forgot who build the cages, maybe this refresher from his former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson is helpful. "Chain link barriers, partitions, fences, cages, whatever you want to call them, were not invented on January 20, 2017."
Nice white-washing, Jeh. Guess you've heard that if Biden doesn't choose Michelle Fluornoy (I'd thought it was a Done Deal) as his Secretary of Defense Offense, you're next in line! You're Number 2 !!!!
Since it looks like Barack Obama forgot who build the cages, maybe this refresher from his former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson is helpful.
"Chain link barriers, partitions, fences, cages, whatever you want to call them, were not invented on January 20, 2017." https://t.co/pqyAHmfLDq pic.twitter.com/14K2XOTkhh
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) November 25, 2020
Let's not forget, either, that Obomba paid Peña Nieto to send would-be immigrants to be 'sent back' at the southern border of Mexico, cuz see, they were all drug-lords...
Et tu, Colbert? Slurp away, you suck-up!
‘Painful to watch’: Colbert makes Twitter cringe with gushing Obama interview, telling him ‘I just want to… drink you in’, 25 Nov, 2020, RT.com
“I just want to take a moment to drink you in for just a moment because I’m having to get used to looking at a President again” – @StephenAtHome lovefest with Barack Obama on Tuesday’s @ColbertLateShow #LSSC pic.twitter.com/pSYYjRX3uH
— Brent Baker (@BrentHBaker) November 25, 2020
Sorry; I just needed to vent.

Whenever he refers to 'folks'
I find something else to read.
He's a polished fraud.
from a reasonably stable genius.
'polished fraud' may
be the most polite way of phrasing it. he keeps tweeting his favorite musical playlist for the youth he wrote his newest book for, in hopes that the young uns will grow up to be just like him.
This is sad.
I apparently know more about Hispanics and Latinos than the former president of the US. I know that South Florida Hispanics are mainly from Cuba and are politically conservative. This led to Biden losing Florida. I know that Arizona Latinos are politically liberal. This led to Biden winning Arizona. It had nothing to do with evangelism. It had everything to do with country of origin and political philosophy.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
good on you,
ad good on cass's additions. i was so glad that the Twittersphere had erupted to set the record straight.
A lot less true as the old guard Cubans
What isn't computing for me is the following (in 000s):
Broward County:
2016: HRC - 553 and Trump 261 - total 814
2020: Biden - 618 and Trump 333 - total 951
Palm Beach County:
2016: HRC - 375 and Trump 272 - total 647
2020: Biden - 430 and Trump 333 - total 763
The pattern in the above counties was similar to that in most FL counties. Increased turnout and roughly equal gains from 2016 from the D and R 2016 outcomes.
Then there's this:
2016: HRC - 624 and Trump 334 - total 958
2020: Biden - 617 and Trump 532 - total 1,149
The increased turnout favored Trump 100%! I don't believe that.
I used to respect colbert.
Now I don't understand why.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
i hadn't watched him
for a longtime, but that was indeed cringe-worthy. i thought colbert looked way older than i'd expected.
Me, too.
We caught 2 or 3 minutes of him last night and I asked my wife, what the heck is Colbert going to talk about when he doesn't have Trump to kick around anymore. I can't see Colbert going after Biden with any vigor.
i've never seen the show,
so i dunno what the format is, whether all guest interviews, esp. of the political class, or if it's ever issues oriented. that may give him some changes to engage in some witticisms of one sort or another.
no, i can't think he'd go after dementia joe at all. the papers of record have already begun to publish glowing reports of even his most terrifying cabinet picks, like SoS blinken.
i'd forgotten to wish everyone a good National First American Day of Mourning Day, and hope that you and yours all have enough to eat.
Unhappy Mourning Day to you, too.
oh, my stars.
you've reminded me of our next-door neighbor who kinda/sorta plays at being a vegan. he had a pretty major stroke last year, so we feed him often. he'd brought some containers back the other day and went on...and on....about the trump turkey pardoning, supremely vexed by it all.
he made some statements that ALL nations around the world are killers, but what he really had meant was that many kill and eat animals. from there he went to the evils of eating honey, as the bees are being abused, etc. okay. but i'd totally forgotten to remind him of the worst campaign ad imaginable: sarah palin standing in front of a turkey chopping machine. the operator was staring at her, of course, while he'd grab a turkey by the toes, and feed its head into the chopper, blood and feathers everywhere. oh, the sound!!!
but i swear to the gods, she was so blithely unaware of the whole thing. you've likely seen it. my cousins had learned a song at school whose refrain was: 'gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble...i don't like thanksgiving day!' guess i'm down with that myself.
ah; it's rutting season here, and one very large buck with long, thick, and gorgeous antlers is outside the window, again following what seems to be the apple of his eye. i can't say for sure, but she seems to be returning his...interest, and yet the chase just goes on and on. i'd imagine he should know what do do next, but who can say for sure? ; )
Last weekend I started a re read
of Thomas Frank's "Listen, Liberal" and got through maybe 10% of the book that describes just how we got Trump voters - the abandonment of labor, the constant refrain of "you just need to re train," Bill Clinton's "what you earn depends on what you learn" and the Liberal worship of the meritocracy along with massive doses of "white men are only racists" and that "diversity" is the answer to ALL OUR PROBLEMS, never mind the CLASS issue of a living wage, not important anymore... A book anyone with any type of actual progressive bent ought to pick up and read again, especially now that we have a good "liberal" in the White Hut who will continue that fine tradition and has no empathy for anyone who lost that bet.
When I read Obummer's remark this week about Republicans making white males out to be victims and that was the ONLY reason they voted for Trump, he fed right into that betrayal. No surprise there, obviously, as that whole Democrat "victimhood" thing drones on in the background of that condescending and damned near racist in its own right comment. Yes, yes, we can talk about how white men have been disproportionate winners in America for decades, we can debate all we want the merits of how racism plays into that victimhood and of COURSE we can bash on Faux, Rush, Hannity, blah, blah, blah. But there is indeed a grain of truth in who the victims of neoliberalism are and how white men, particularly those sans college, lost their place in the hierarchy, albeit a false one founded on racism, but we ignored the betrayal at the cost of Trump while we acted as if it were ONLY white men who lost. Hell, some even celebrate that as if it is a good thing, never mind the blowback that's coming YOUR way very fucking soon, just tell yourself what a good virtuous diversity minded liberal you are and drive on. AS IF Obama did one damned thing for ANY worker of any color, please. If any one of them gave any shits about ordinary people we'd already have M4A, as one example of what would really help real people, for God's sake! And really, not all that surprising out of a man who thinks the ONLY reason for "terrorists" in the ME is that they were taught wrong, not that their entire civilization was wiped out by the drone king and his minions and the justifiable anger they might have at that. Nope, just "bad teaching" that got them there, never mind the bombs or the losses or the fact they have NOHTHING LEFT TO LOSE... They should just go to college, sheesh.
He makes my ass hurt, as my ex husband used to say. The absolute arrogance of shilling to sell his book while people are staring down the barrel of eviction, poverty and death, while shaming those who don't take in his shallow empty words and who no longer believe it was only the Big Bad Racist Republicans who ruined what he really, really wanted to do for real people. I wish to hell he would just go away, but no, we're going to be treated to another volume of his masterpiece of hope and change while he shames us all as racists, and sexists mind you, for not celebrating the virtues of Joe and Kamala. And who is the malignant narcissist in America? WHO is so tone deaf that he spouts platitudes and does NOTHING? WHO made a financial killing off of his office? Who cares if that was "after" he was out of office for fucks sake, he's nothing but another cheap ass grifter, selling empty words to those who are willfully ignorant enough to lap them up like good liberal stooges who enjoy being screwed over once again but are too damned willfully dumb to see it coming for them. WHO is the con man grifter, again? And who will the good stooges blame for another good fucking over? It won't be St Obama, will it? Why, to do that would merely be racist, wouldn't it?
As for Colbert, I tried to watch him back in the day, but he always made me uncomfortable really, too hyper, too many lame jokes, too much "right wing" spew meant to be sarcasm, I just never really got it. And now I look at him and I see why I never got it. Was it all merely empty theater to gin up ratings and fame along with the big payoff? Seems so. I have never watched his network show, why bother, the fact that he's on a major network says it all, another sell out who is making his millions selling cheap laughs. I'm sorry, but Trump humor? Talk about a cheap ass joke. Can any of their writers write a joke without Trump in it? And why would they? So much quicker and easier to slam together a few lines about our idiot POTUS while they all congratulate themselves on being oh so much smarter, which again plays right into the hands of the Trumps of the world and further divides the populace. A winning gig if one can get it. What will they do when El Trumpo is gone? Or will he be gone? Will they continue to use him as their favorite example of stupidity to keep the divide going? What new boogeyman can they come up with to blame it all on? Why invent a new one when the old one will do?
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
So well said.
Ah yes, all the better to make the Obama's wealthier. He has the depth and self-reflective ability of the slug.
Out of office, but not out of sight. The MSM will no more resist his juvenile antics and ignorance than they have for the past five years. Not as long as El Trumpo bring the eyeballs the MSM thrives on. Plus Biden/Harris are boring and won't pitch anything other than more bad public policies.
a fantastic lizzy rant! the only thing st. obomba has really gotten right in his little (bad-grammared) interview up yonder was that Trump said mean thing about what was it...mezzicans? (cue cheech and chong's 'mexican americans'...(and white gurls named betty..)
but you've reminded me of the asshat' having said: 'I'm not the President of African Amerikans, but All Amerikans'. and boy howdy, was he right. blacks lost more wealth than any other identifiable group during the sub-prime mortgage scandal in which not one bankster went to jail, not one was even brought up on charges, iirc. bill black is still fuming....
obomba, education, dimwit arne duncan, rahm closing myriad schools in chicago and creating for profit charter schools... he'll be in Obiden's cabinet too, but never forget: blinken was on sesame street with Grover bein' giddy bout....immigration! what a man!
Rant on!
Interesting, I heard Thomas Frank mention in a very recent interview that he was never going to write another book regarding elections. The interviewer didn't come back to that statement, but I wish he had. I would have.
Thomas Frank is one of the best writers on the left, even though he does pull punches. Often he'll let you know that he's pulling punches. What's happened – especially since the publication of The People, No – is that he is now persona non grata with the Democratic Brunch gang. I suspect he even may be having trouble making the house payment. He long ago showed the Democrats that it was they themselves to blame for the rise of right-wing mania ...and yes, even Trump. Rather than a mite of retrospection among Democrats, they instead hang Mr. Frank by his heels for the crime of telling them the truth.
Love everything else you wrote, by the way. Spot on.
Great rant, lizzy! Absolutely spot on about Obama’s failed presidency and his whining about people not liking him anymore. Waah!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
time for me to close down for the night,
but i'd like to add this:
‘Obama’s book tour is a reminder he’s the media’s favorite celebrity. He could never survive the scrutiny Trump faces‘, zachary leeman, RT.com, nov. 26, 2020
excerpts toward the end:
‘Obama’s book tour is a reminder he’s the media’s favorite celebrity. He could never survive the scrutiny Trump faces ‘, zachary leeman, RT.com, nov. 26, 2020
i'd had a bit of a mishap yesterday, and only got maybe three hours of zzzzzleep last night. sadly, i'd even had to roust mr. wd for help, so he's weary too. ; )