At the dawn of Biden austerity

First we have Kate Aronoff, writing for the New Republic, who tells us that "Democrats’ Fear of the Green New Deal Is Tearing the Party Apart." Well, from reading her article it does seem a mystery why they're so against it, except of course that those who are for it are challenging their hold on power a little bit. Here's a telling segment of this piece:

As for the party’s new leader, Biden has alarmed climate advocates by appointing Congressman Cedric Richmond—a Democrat who is unusually close to the fossil fuel industry—to head the Office of Public Engagement. Worst still is the news that Bruce Reed, a member of Biden’s campaign team and his former chief of staff, is reportedly in talks to head up the Office of Management and Budget. A longtime deficit hawk, Reed could turn the OMB into a graveyard for any progressive policy, much less the sort of sweeping changes the climate crisis demands.

In short, what's going to happen is that Bruce Reed, and his best buds in the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, are going to worm their way into the Biden cabinet and make nothing possible. So why should the corporate Dems endorse the Green New Deal when they'll have to do an about-face on it when orders come from the top?

As for tearing apart the Democratic Party, all they really need to do is say the magic words, "so what are you going to do about it? Vote for Republicans?" And the Party will miraculously hold together.

Next we have Astra Taylor, nice liberal with big ego, who tells Democracy Now!: "Biden Can Cancel Student Debt on Day One. Movements Must Make Him Do It." Ah yeah, they're going to "make him do it." Tell it, Astra! Joe Biden is about to appoint Bruce Reed, folks. Note that not only does Astra Taylor not have any answer to the question "so what are you going to do about it, vote for Republicans?", but Democracy Now! has said nothing about the Movement for a People's Party, an organization with an answer to that question, since 2017.

And then you've got the protesters outside of party headquarters: "Climate activists ramp up pressure on Biden with protest outside Democratic headquarters." You've got to have an answer to that question, guys. Otherwise you're just nice liberals with big egos.

29 users have voted.


Raggedy Ann's picture

to no one. Pleasantry

24 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

vtcc73's picture

@Raggedy Ann the quotes in your sig.

6 users have voted.

"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."

vtcc73's picture

The first indication that Obama wasn't who he said he was and wouldn't do anything he said he would was his picks for senior staff, federal agencies and departments, and his cabinet. Biden's picks are looking worse than Obama's which tracks with his history. All of them since Billy Boy Clinton have been on the same track. Any hope that the US will stop circling the drain is in vain.

One very good friend who you might be inclined to call a nice liberal with a big ego sent me a message on Friday lamenting the state of the republic. I would disagree with the label although he's never been able to accept that Dems are as much a problem as the Reps or trump. Saying that he thinks we're glad we left the asylum, not in those words exactly, tells me he may be getting to the point that he understands. That's reassuring to me but the question to which there is no good answer is, "But what are we going to do about it?"

The most likely answer is quite unsatisfying: Let the swirling continue. History and human nature suggests that only when life sucks bad enough for enough people will they do anything that is useful to change. Right now about half the people love living in the cesspool, love the extra shit poured in during the past four years, and gleefully shout,"Sir! May I have another, Sir!" The other about half is appalled, thinking they actually did something that matters by electing Biden. Of course, many of the rest of us know nothing will change but can't think how to answer the question if the answer requires upsetting their current life, sucky or not so much. I don't know if it's inertia or the "stickiness" in their brains that won't let them change their thinking. Either way nothing will change absent a catastrophic event.

And, yes, I'm immensely glad to have left. It's one of those few times I've made an excellent decision about my personal life.

18 users have voted.

"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."

Herd animals. all restless at the storm but waiting for someone else to start the stampede. When it starts, it snowballs.

1. All the herd (90+%) know somethings wrong but are waiting for guidance.
2. Finally some individuals start doing something
3. Like a cascade, more and more fall in line behind that someone, because -- herd animals

Marketeers know this well and provide the faux stampede.

Bernie started the stampede then ran it back right to the old do nothing leaders. If we had the brain of a COW, we would have kept running until exhausted. But we aren't even that smart. Just following the other cows up the chute where the big guy with a hammer is waiting.

11 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

lotlizard's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness  
for American human cattle this year, helping Biden and other party pols reduce stress on their corralled voter demographics during handling.

9 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture


...out of your personal data like that. Your information spectrum seems as wide as a galaxy sometimes. While I quickly skimmed the article (to avoid potential brain damage) Gina Haspel popped into my mind. Sigh. There seem to be mental-health hazards lurking in even the most casual contemplation of the American experience.

Returning to cattle, the concept of "livestock" pops up at every system I examine in the US, these days. From reproductive rights (good god) to the appalling lack of protective labor laws. American's lumbering surrender to injustice and corruption, their reflexive defense of the proxy wars that impoverish them. The twisted ideology that says being overwhelmed by cascading misfortune is proof that Liberty is alive in the US. "Pick wealthy parents next time." Capitalist success requires losers — who need to shut up and stop protesting. I notice the elite are suddenly very, very concerned about "populism," which must have picked up a frightening new definition.

7 users have voted.
lotlizard's picture

@Pluto's Republic  

Your information spectrum seems as wide as a galaxy sometimes.

Truly a compliment to warm the cockles of this Aspie girl’s heart <3 !

My habits re information were heavily influenced by the Whole Earth Catalog and successors — I guess this is what comes out…

5 users have voted.
Lily O Lady's picture

@Pluto's Republic

and the efforts by those with power to malign it. I did an essay on an interview of Frank by Robert Scheer over on The powerful have always feared that word and the struggle of the people to have a voice.

3 users have voted.

"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

that idiotic question "what is your solution then?" as someone who simply does not have an argument and one who refuses to even engage in any criticism of their big hope for big change. It's a debate tactic, and a really shallow one because by asking it, it shows that the person one is attempting to ask to really think about what the real problems are is not interested in real answers but magical thinking. The magical thinking of Americans in particular is that if one is going to criticize or analyze, one MUST have an easy-peasy, simple, one word or phrase "solution" to all the problems. It is a sign of lazy thinking, IMHO.

The problems we have are so many and so complex, interconnected in so many ways, there IS no one phrase solution. "Stop voting for Republicans!" Well, good then, but what about the slimy Democrats? "Well, they're better than R's!" REALLY? Show me how. But they can't show you how because there is simply no truth at all in their position, is there? They'll blather about racism, sexism, etc. but not much more, ever. When you point out that racism and sexism would indeed be "addressed" by changing our corrupted system where people are not pushed to fight each other over mere crumbs, they'll say that's simply impossible, and you just have to be a realist. When you mention that won't really fix anything since it's what we've already been doing, then you are simply another Republican or whatever pejorative they can throw your way. But that doesn't solve the problem you say, possibly along with the many perfect illustrations of just what a fallacy that really is....

By pointing that out to them, that whole cognitive dissonance thingy is awakened somewhat in them, and they cannot bear that. It's why they immediately go to that good old lame question, "then what is your solution?" And when they don't get an easy, one phrase simple answer, they walk away and say YOU are hopeless and are just a whiner. That does make them feel better and I imagine it shuts down that little nagging voice in the back of their heads that tells them, hey, there IS NO easy answer and shit howdy that negative nelly just might have a point....

15 users have voted.

Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

vtcc73's picture

@lizzyh7 Expecting one word, one sentence, or one anything to be the answer is ridiculous. Books can be written to simply define a few of the more basic problems. How to fix the problems is far more difficult. The problems aren't simple so why would the answers be?

I very much agree that the question is used by the lazy and those who wish to shutdown discussion. People don't even talk to each other much less discuss difficult issues rationally and with respect. Getting people to talk to each other is one of the first things that need to happen. Until then, forget any progress on anything. People are the fundamental barrier to finding solutions.

9 users have voted.

"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."

Cassiodorus's picture

@vtcc73 The point of asking it that way, "So what are you going to do about it? Vote for Republicans?" is to say "shut up and vote for the (D) and we'll do what our sponsors want."

11 users have voted.

"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

earthling1's picture

Resistance is futile. All the levers of the government, economy, and military are in the ruling classes hands.
Our only hope is in the success of the enemies of our rulers, Putin and Xi.
Only they can effect a regime change so badly needed in America.
It's going to get very dark and ugly.
The denizens of Zero Hedge quip "Learn to code". They are so wrong.
Learn to farm.

19 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

Cassiodorus's picture

@earthling1 It has always been dark and ugly, and we have always been defeated.

Someday it will be different. How different is up to us.

4 users have voted.

"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

Pluto&#039;s Republic's picture


The US is already careening into chaos. Both leaders are highly regarded by their people. Both have worked tirelessly to improve the lives of their people and have made amazing progress. By New Year, China will lift the last of its people out of poverty. They've created jobs or subsidies for all of them, which keeps their domestic economy healthy. They have many more five and ten year Plans underway — all of them to benefit the people and society. The Party of the Chinese People — with 12 million Party Members providing oversight throughout the country — always complete their challenging Plans and make their deadlines, with full transparency along the way.

China and Russia are not competing with the US to become the supreme Ruler over all nations and all people in the world. They do not have the resources to do so, and they aspire to their own national goals to create healthy, well educated citizens and grow a sustainable society for the future.

It's really up to the rest of the world how this all plays out. Will the nations of the world help the US achieve its monsterous goals for Empire by participating in crippling sanctions imposed on China and Russia in order to harm the People? Will China's and Russia's access to global resources be blocked by the rest of the world? Will the 21st century infrastructure that China is building to facilitate trading and transportation throughout the Eastern Hemisphere be bombed and destroyed? Will the proposed new trading routes to bring prosperity to land-locked countries be sabotaged? Will the rest of the world participate in destroying China's economy to boost the power of the United States?

It could go that way.

However, the world has reached a technology milestone where the progress and development of China and Russia and other nations cannot be held back. They will continue to work to empower their people for success. Those countries can now sustain themselves and they can still help other countries that reach out to them.

The question is, what will become of the geographically isolated the North American Plantation?

9 users have voted.
earthling1's picture

@Pluto's Republic
Agreed that Russia and China need do nothing but survive, America will disintegrate all on its own.
Between the two countries they need very little resources imported. Trade between themselves, in addition to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the member states of the BRI/New Silk Road will leave the rest of the western world in shambles.
The New Silk Road will be out of reach of our oversized Navy/Air Force and will render them obsolete. Floating scrapyards.
The NSR extends down the middle of Africa and China has begun a leg of it up the South American continent.
America destroys things all around the globe, China builds. It's no wonder 130 nations have signed on to the BRI/NSR.
The RCEP will be the final nail in the Empires coffin.
Trumps recent push to extend rail through Canada to Alaska is a promising sign for connecting the Americas to the Eurasian continent under the Bering Sea, a plan that oringinated with the purchash of Alaska from Russia.
That plan could possibly save America from its own self destruct.

4 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

too many times. A year ago many here were predicting if Biden won this would happen. Obamas play book spun out even before his inauguration, he met with all the House and Senate factions, even the most RW nutbag factions....except the Left. So much for dancing with the one that brung ya.

Tell me again why I should vote blue no matter who? How may times is the transaction going to be "give us your vote, STFU, and then we'll give you the finger"? So many voted for Biden as a vote against Trump. How many voted Trump as a vote against Biden?

Neither one of them is going to do anything for us, and they'll take different routes to do the same thing, make cuts that will end up hurting us.

17 users have voted.

If everyone that doesn't vote because they are disgusted voted third, it would panic the Duopoly. It would show how minority their governments are. But ,nO, we have people here who say they voted for Biden but "next time".
"Next time" never comes. Don't vote for LOTE, just don't vote for evil. I'm a great one for advocating against purity and going for half a loaf, but with Biden you are not even getting crumbs!
As I've said before, I could have voted for 7 of the 9 candidates. I was enthusiastic about two and could accept (with reservations) another five, but never Biden or Harris. 2024 if I'm still alive, I won't even bother voting in the primary. Probably will in the general if only to vote against my current (D) representation at both the state and federal level. The county is gone. It's Soviet. No (R) opposition and usually only one candidate in the (D) primary.

5 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

media coverage of the deficit crisis.
Hoo, boy!

12 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Otherwise imagine the staff, appointees, and cabinet Biden would have appointed.

11 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Each day brings another person saying that Biden shouldn’t go after Trump for whatever crimes he might have committed. Lots of blue check Twitter have been busy today tweeting about it. Centrists are pissed, libs are laughing really loudly.

My bet is that Trump will walk free. Nothing for what he did in office and NYC will not go after his taxes. Hell he’s already gotten away with charity fraud. People in power are rarely charged for anything unless they hurt their rich friends. Trump is gonna be on Ellen after the next Trump has been in office 1 year.

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg As the events of the last four years have shown, lots of people made big money off Trump hatred. If he goes to jail too fast, then there goes the revenue stream.

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Trump stays active on Twitter and heckles Biden until he quits and then he heckles Kamala. lol...

I think Obama and Trump played us. Trump went after Obama’s birth certificate and Obama played along with him for 3 years and dragging out the time till he released it. But it sure pissed off the libs didn’t it?

BTW. Centrists are libs to me now because they have fucked up the name so bad that it’s worthless to me. I’m going by either socialist or humanist to describe my views.

Can we agree on what to call us/them or does no one care?

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg From what I have been hearing and reading its The Left, Leftist and Socialist VS Centerist, Liberals, shitlibs and Bootlickers. I'm ok with any of the first three, Humanist works as well.

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Trump wasn’t really all that bad.

Joy Reid went after Bernie harder than others did including having the body reader on so she could womansplain about Bernie. All of MSDNC did that, but it was nothing compared to what they said about Trump. The worst president ever. White supremest. Hitler-esk. I’m sure you can come up with more, but now we’re going to watch them as they tell us that he really wasn’t that bad after all.

And MSNBC’s Joy Reid, who has built her career on telling the Democratic Party’s base only what it wants to hear, struck a conciliatory note early Friday morning by framing the president as a man defined by Greek tragedy, suggesting via Twitter that “there is a pathos to his story.” For Reid, whose broadcast career has enjoyed a rocket-fuel boost from the constant deployment of “Resistance”-style language over the past four years, now to liken Trump as a man merely possessed of humanizing tragic flaws is remarkable. Whether she knows it or not, she’s provided the platform for what should be an impossible project: the eventual rose-tinted view of the Trump presidency; the story of a man more sinned against than sinning.

And not just Trump. The GOP too’

NBC News reporter Kasie Hunt said Friday that many Republicans currently in Congress deserve credit, that they “actually do the work that keeps the country on track.” Never mind what “on track” means to a party devoted to deregulating the state, exacerbating inequality, and using the immigration system to pursue various ethnic cleansing schemes—to say nothing of a do-little-to-nothing approach to a pandemic that’s already claimed nearly a quarter of a million lives. Material reality just doesn’t have any bearing on the situation. It can’t, in a world in which the GOP is presented as a reasonable counter to liberalism, studded merely with mild disagreements about the direction of the country for which everyone shares an abiding affection.

Blue dawg democrats are blaming the left for their losses. The media has been giving them their platform to spew their accusations. Obama’s book seems to be full of snide remarks about the left and how they pestered him all through his 8 years. Waa.
The left the left the left the the new boogeyman and they are asking for too much too soon and they need to "Just Calm Down!

So Trump rides off into the wealthy sunset.
Biden brings back the worst of the Obama folks that did a great job screwing us already and are coming back for another turn. And this should give everyone pause.

When Biden’s key foreign-policy advisers started a consultancy serving the corporate world and defense contractors, they already had their eye on returning to government. They were so sure they’d be back in the White House that they even put it in their lease.

WestExec Advisors—a strategic consultancy founded by senior Obama national-security officials Michèle Flournoy and Tony Blinken—opened an office in downtown D.C., three blocks from the White House. But their lease had an unusual clause. It could be terminated without penalty if, in the event of a new president in 2020, the firm’s principals landed jobs in the administration.

There’s not much more to the article, but just that people who worked in Obama’s administration left and went back through the revolving door into lucrative jobs as lobbyists, in think tanks, defense companies, you name it and I doubt that even stopped working on whatever they were the years before. This is the swamp that infects DC/government/pentagon/defense companies/etc and they rotate in and out of the swamp ponds. There is no voting this out. And they are still there no matter which party is in the White House.

Nothings going to change.

11 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Shahryar's picture

it would be a shame if people believed Biden is a solution. Now we have a full 4 years to organize something useful instead of hoping for something good from the Ds.

8 users have voted.
Cassiodorus's picture

@Shahryar without a mass movement. Everyone do your part!

8 users have voted.

"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

Pricknick's picture


a mass movement

9 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

lotlizard's picture

A nation in need of a “spiritual enema.”


The businessman calls it deficit
The Catholics call it sin
The brother Isalama [= Islam] says it’s infidels again
The Mormons own Laie
The Protestants the heights of Kapalama
The fly says it’s all just foreign kukae, blala

(As if one couldn’t guess, “kukae” is the Hawaiian word for poop.)

3 users have voted.
Pluto&#039;s Republic's picture

@Cassiodorus exposing not only incompetence and corruption — but the systemic neglect regarding the safety and wellbeing of the American people.

The other shoe has yet to drop. You'll see.

7 users have voted.