Hitler is not dead
This is excellent. It talks about how Trump was 'the new Hitler', but wasn’t. Hard to explain, but this article is a must read.
Too large to excerpt it well, but here’s a taste:
It has never been more apparent that liberal democrats are the stabilizers and upkeepers of fascist rule—who exist to provide an illusion of “opposition” to the material actualities and consequences of liberal democracy, western capital(ism), and the white power structure at-large—while actively upholding the neoliberal fascist order and inhibiting even the slightest possibilities of progress. Left radicals, or anyone who has divested from bourgeois electoralism, are constantly punched down on and condescended to for daring to demand more than mild concessions (“reforms” that’ll just be poked, prodded, weakened and rendered obsolete the moment the next Republican gets into office) and milquetoast, uninspiring, career-imperialist Democrat candidates. There have been constant claims on the part of liberal democrats—and those sympathetic to their politics—of radicals being “child-like” and expecting “purity” for wanting a world without constant racialized violence, demanding political representatives that aren’t subservient to capital but to our material interests, and refusing to engage in lesser of two evils every election cycle. It is quite clear that liberal establishment democrats—and the opportunists who serve their rule—are categorically irrelevant to the dispossessed, colonized, racialized, super-exploited, and wretched of our world, beyond their attempts to postpone and/or flat-out hinder our drive to build a better world, and redirecting our aims back into the arms of the establishment.
I hope congress is paying attention to the mood of the country. There already are pissed off people in the streets right now and this election 'confusion' is creating lots more angst between the right and left and exploding economic strife and all that comes with it. If Biden pulls an Obama I think people will react. Maybe a general strike could find some purchase.

This too
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Great link!
I will try to read it slowly and absorb it tomorrow.
It is busy here tonight, but thanks for that. I skimmed it, and it will be fascinating.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Job One: Get rid of Trump
Job Two: Get rid of Biden.
from a reasonably stable genius.
My feelings exactly
And we shouldn't let ourselves think the democrats would allow anyone better in 2024. We might be tempted to support AOC (or someone else) but that's not going to happen. If Biden is still capable of lifting his head he'll be the nominee. If he can't do that then this cop vp will be pushed on us.
We've got to go outside the dems.
How about The Peoples' Party?
I like them; Jimmy Dore likes them; Cornell West likes them; and so many more. Nick Brana says they have a plan to be on the ballot in all 50 states for the 2024 election with enough money to run a campaign. I'm not sure about the House and Senate in 2022. We don't have much time left considering the demise of the Democrats, the fiscal austerity of the Republicans, and the insanity of Trump's base all during a pandemic and climate catastrophe. Anyone got a better idea?
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Job Three: Make sure their replacements
aren't just "more of the same".
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Job two:
Back in 92
A Brit that I worked with asked me about the election that was going on. "Easy", I replied, "step 1, get rid of all the Republicans, step 2 get rid of all the Democrats". Little did I realize that they were all Republicans, and that they're like cockroaches, you can't ever get them all.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
I sincerely doubt Americans have what it takes to strike.
Despair, need, and even hopelessness is insufficient to convince people to strike. A successful strike requires trust in your fellow strikers. Unity, cohesiveness, and being convinced shared sacrifice in the interest of common cause are all a must to be successful. Ornery, obstinate, and belligerent helps but fails due to self interest when the other side gets tough. Most Americans are more than willing to let others take a hit for them and lap up any success as long as they don't have to put any skin into the fight.
I only experienced one strike. It was hard to convince myself that risking it all was worth the potential results but in the end we knew it was necessary. It was a scary vacation. I knew a couple of the most militant loud mouths who had to be talked into not going back after only a short time but when they knew it was real. We were a cohesive group with years of fruitless contract talks and bad faith negotiations to work up our courage and get a 95%+ strike vote. All of us knew how bad it was for a scab after the strike was settled too. Better ruined financially than having to face that group after being a scab. Americans are too divided and self interested even if they become desperate. I just don't see it although the conditions under which more will grow a backbone are not too far away.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
If I wasn't suspened from twitter
THIS THIS THIS (with a index finger emoji)
In order for us to take advantage of this "revolutionary moment", we must find broad, fundamental common interest, that both a far left and far right people could agree on.
We must dig deep, to a fundamental level and analyze the "system" to find the common interests to all. That "system" is American capitalism, which, at it's root, is based on the fundamental principle of "forced labor".
Since there is no right to a job, nor real safety net (like a UBI) you have a choice to make if you want to "live" in America, based on the following faux choices, Beg, Borrow, Steal, or Work.
And actually, one really can't choose their employer, they choose you. One can apply to the potential employer of our choice, but they don't have to hire us. So, really, who our employer is, is actually their choice, not ours.
Imho, the following are "fundamental" to all our common interests. meaning they are "essential' if one wants to live in America.
Communications (phone & internet)
Our only choice currently is to Beg, Borrow, Steal, or Work. But you are "free" to do what ever you want, just be back on the plantation by Monday morning.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Be sure and read the link Snoopy posted.
This goes toward patterns, history, and gives us an idea of how close we are to a Hitler than we realize.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Excellent article snoop.
I sent it on to a friend, although not my good Liberal friends today. They're too busy enjoying their big "win" and this would just be seen as proof of my unrelenting negativity to them, how dare I burst their bubble!
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Thanks Lizzy
I thought it was interesting how it dissected why Hitler was able to rise to power. This quote from the top is excellent.
a few more snippets:
Many of here are clear on why Trump was able to beat Hillary in the 1st place and why there will be another and even worse Trump if Biden fails to deliver. Sure he can blame it on McConnell blocking his cabinet, his policies and other crap that he pulled during Obama's tenure, but lets not pretend that McConnell was that powerful. As the Barrett confirmation was starting, Sirota and other writers showed what Pelosi or Schumer could do to delay it or stop it altogether and yet they did nothing. Nancy left her quiver of arrows in the Sherwood forest and never gave them another thought. Biden can appoint 'vacancy' appointments if he really wants someone in a position. Look at what Trump did with so many acting administrators. Obama could have recessed Garland. He didn't want to. They fold again, we get a worse Trump.
This article is on the same subject. If Biden doesn't deliver.......
And another one on how we never defeated Hitler nor white supremecy. Oh no. We first helped fund it and then we imported it after the war ended. If Trump's plan to teach real American history in schools and it included articles like these and Howard Zinn, Wm. Blum, Hedges....I would support it. Sadly many people have no real idea of our history.
The U.S. Did Not Defeat Fascism in WWII, It Discretely Internationalized I
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
the Hitler within ourselves just waits to get a chance
to act out overtly without getting caught. I believe. I could be wrong. Who knows.