The Steal Continues
Submitted by Blue Republic on Thu, 11/05/2020 - 7:01am
Michigan USPS whistleblower comes forward to Project Veritas alleging that on Nov. 4 he and others were instructed to collect and separate un-postmarked ballots from the regular mail, hand postmark them Nov. 3 for diversion into the express mail system.
Michigan court ruling is that only ballots received by 8:00 PM November 3rd can be counted...
Question does not seem to be whether various forms of vote fraud are occurring but rather if anything at all will be done about it?
*Another* Postal worker comes forward, alleging the same fraudulent backdated postmark scheme as in Michigan - this time from Erie, PA :

Or if anything at all happened.
Neither side is above cheating. Both sides can benefit from casting doubt on the validity of ballots. And there are a busload of shitheads who get their jollies from creating chaos and/or inciting violence. It is also possibly the work of an idiot supervisor for whatever stupid reason. The only way to decide which is happening in this incident is an unbiased, thorough investigation. Lots of luck getting that in a highly charged, over politicized environment we have.
Personally, I look at this from a who has the most to gain from either the act or the claim. I also find it strange that this wasn't reported to the postal inspectors. That lot has a fierce reputation for finding irregularities in the handling of mail. Whether that is an agency that has been gutted like many others in the federal government is a question that I can't answer. Everything considered from the little I know (what's presented here and we know only the gospel makes it on to YouTube, right?) leads me to think this is an extraordinary claim that demands extraordinary evidence. It looks most like the first shot fired in an attempt to cast doubt and confusion into the legitimacy of the election. There will be more but I somehow doubt we'll see the claims from safe states. Funny thing that. No?
For total clarity, I see a yuge Bullshit Flag flapping in the breeze. YMMV.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
Too bad O'Keefe and his weasels already blew their credibility
on too many fake "exposés" that turned out to be totally staged. Not saying this sort of shit isn't being done, but it sure is conVEENient that he gets to "find" it.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
From Twitter, Google, Pinterest, CNN, etc. come to Veritas because they realize it is the real deal for them to get the story out on the corruption they see.
PV has had a few misses early on, but people have sacrificed a lot to get the truth out about corruption and wrongdoing and I respect that.
PV four years ago exposed how the DNC was coordinating with the Hillary campaign to screw Bernie - partly by having contractors send out people posing as Bernie supporters to instigate violence at Trump rallies. Same contractors on tape declaring their intentions to commit vote fraud. (see part one of PV's 2016 campaign documentary below)
I agree with the poster above that the Michigan situation should be investigated. Unlikely, but even less likely without PV:
Let me know which the staged and faked parts are, I couldn't pick them out.
also discussed here (Oct., 2016)
It'd be so much better if
O'Keefe was still wearing his pimp costume, wouldn't it?
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
To me, it's just
the boy who cried wolf too many times. I don't believe it for one second. Even if there's independent verification, I would still be highly skeptical.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Are we being played?
I think we are being played. For well over a month I have been reading about how this election is going to be stolen by Trump. By the republican party. By Biden. By Democrats. By the USPS because De Joy is naughty. I got caught up in that story.
So 300,000 ballots aren't missing in various post offices around the country. Damn I fell for it. For over a month I have been reading that democrats are going to steal the election. Stage a coup after Trump really won and many others in that vein. I saved the articles if anyone is interested in seeing how we've been setup to fall for this huge election saga starting with all what happened during the 2 years long primary. Hey remember that? And now I am seeing what needs to be done for 2022. Damn folks, let us breath a bit before we go down that road again.
Why are so many countries spewing that? Build Back Better. ???
Yep. I seriously believe we are being played. Why? Lots of reasons I suppose, but that we are is without a doubt.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Voter supression happens by both sides
and regardless of who wins, we lose.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
And despite the obvious
voter suppression that has gone on, there are states that are reporting turnout numbers up into the mid-80% range- when no election has come anywhere close to that kind of turnout in decades.
The prognosticators called for national turnout in the upper 60s. Colorado, for example, is reporting 81.6% turnout right now. I can see it being a little higher than 2016, which was 71% or so, but going up 10 whole percentage points? I can't speak for anyone else, but that raises some flags for me. That bears watching as well.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Didn't Colorado switch to
We've been 100% VbM
since 2013, so that shouldn't be it. VbM isn't that new here, and was fully in place for 2016. There's no doubt that 2020 interest was high, but there's also no doubt that some folks who used to be very active deliberately sat this one out in disgust. I'd like to know where that extra turnout came from, for sure, so I'll be looking for the numbers from the SoS with some interest.
I checked the registration numbers for October, and the 18-24yo count was only about 10% of the total registered voter count. I wondered if a sudden massive increase in the youth vote might have accounted for some of it, but I don't see that. A gain of 10% overall between 2016 and now just seems odd, given the third party numbers...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Voting lines in my neigborhood were substantial
On another note, Fuck tRump fuck biden too, they don't give a fuck about you!
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Despite the widespread disgust with the red/blue tickets, third party alternatives took it in the shorts. I was saddened to see the Green vote drop from 38,437 in 2016 (1.36%) to currently 8,110 (0.26%). Libertarians got 144,121 (5.17%) in 2016, but only 48,146 (1.56%) this time. Total turnout is up 10%, but third parties drop massively? Strange.
I'm not particularly surprised by the Greens taking a beating here: their CO "primary" was a week-long wide open online poll conducted with no publicity, and only 47 people bothered to vote in it, presumably as a result of the completely unknown candidates. But I still would have expected them to do much better in terms of the not-blue protest vote, and at least get close to their previous numbers. Ditto for the libertarians and the not-red protest vote...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
I don't think it's surprising, given the circumstances
In 2016 with Trump v. HRC it was much easier to just say no to both and either not vote or vote 3rd party. The hatred of HER was deep and wide, and Trump was an unknown entity in terms of what kind of president he would be.
Now we've had 4 years of seeing what kind of president Trump is, and a lot of people really do not like it. (That's an understatement; in truth, a great many people are genuinely terrified by him.) The drive to "fire" him for his incompetence and/or his vile politics is huge.
I've seen it myself among friends who are generally nonpolitical or not very invested in politics, or who voted 3rd party previously, but have been going off the deep end these past few months with incessant demands and/or pleas to vote against Trump at all costs.
Biden is generally less hated than HRC and (apart from people like us here at C99% who really follow political stories) most know little or nothing about his record. Without Trump for him to run against, Biden would get nowhere of course. But for a whole lot of people this year, getting rid of Trump was/is a goal that supersedes anything else.
On the other hand, those who do support Trump are, to say the least, complete fanatics. They would crawl naked through a field of broken glass to kiss his feet and vote for him.
So the high turnout does not surprise me, nor does the shift away from "protest votes" for candidates with no chance of winning.
Assuming Biden does win this one, and depending on who the Republicans run next time (Ivanka Trump?), I think there is a good opportunity for that to change again in the next round. Kamala Harris will most likely be the Dem nominee, and we'll be coming out of 4 years of a Dem president (Biden for as long as he lasts, then Harris) doing jack sh*t for the people. If the republicans manage to nominate someone not named Trump, then we're all set for the message that both parties are failing us and a turn away from the duopoly.
That is, if there is a serious effort made to organize and build such an alternative. That's a big if. I know various groups are trying.
The problem as I see it that there is no cohesion among them.
For example, Libertarians and Bernie Sanders-style progressives have basically no shared goals. They are fundamental opposites. For libertarians, providing true universal healthcare to Americans is the absolute worst thing that could possibly happen. Just to cite one example of the divides we would face in trying to build an option outside the duopoly that would have any power.
And trying to get people excited about casting protest votes for inevitable losers is never going to accomplish much. It makes some people feel good, but for the vast majority, they want to feel like their vote has a chance of making a difference. Even if that feeling is an illusion, it's an important one to maintain if you want people to bother with it.
You could be right, of course.
I have a number of libertarian friends who are positively apoplectic about it: they are True Believers as well, and can't imagine that enough of their fellows bailed out to push them below the precious 5% level for ballot access. Sucks to be them, I guess. As of 9am, turnout here has grown to 82.61%. Amazing.
At the end of September 2020, there were 8,292 registered Greens in CO, and there were 38,913 registered libertarians. 8,110 Green votes is less than the number of registered Greens. Which is possible, of course, but you would expect that they would have picked at least *some* up from the ~1.4M unaffiliated voters (like, for example, mine), at least making their registration numbers. Hell, Kanye West at 7,199 is currently only ~1K behind the Greens, with a campaign that was widely regarded as a joke/vanity effort.
It's all a mystery to me. I'm glad that the era of me donating to politicians is over. I have never and will never give a dime to the repubs, and after this cycle my #DemExit is permanent.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Tes and pieces in the on-line press
Talking about how Left Biden is, how he will put in Medicare For all and Sock it to the Rich and rein in the banks.
I suppose he will bring all the children presents on his sleigh on Christmas Eve too.
IMHO, more likely "Do you want a present little girl?, close your eyes and drop your pants."
Re Medicare for All. I fear that IS being planned. Medicare Part C for ALL, total abdication to the Inscos.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I think you must have replied to the wrong comment
No, I was not taking about that. My comment said absolutely nothing about Biden being "Left" or putting in Medicare for All or that he would "sock it to the rick and rein in the banks" -- because it would be ridiculous to think any of that, which I do not.
I specifically said I believe that 4 years under Biden/Harris will result in jack sh*t being done for the benefit of the American people.
Yes, I agree
I was pointing out the nonsense that the online press has been saying about how Left Biden is. Trumptards bite and say Biden is a Socialist (a bad thing to them).
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Using that 0.26 number
I must have been the only Green voter here at C99%.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
No- there was
my Green vote as well, so you aren't it. I even wrote in Lohmiller for Senate, but I doubt that he got more than 500 all told. I bet we'll never know.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Me too
But Hawkins w3as swamped by nutjob Willie Wilson.
After 2016, the Greens had a real chance to challenge the Dems, but they seem to have thrown it away. Leading me to think they don't want to win, just wear purity badges.
EDIT: OMG! I should have voted for BIDEN! That would have guaranteed that he would lose.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
This is just like when Syria's Assad
... "decided to use chemical weapons on civilians" right when he was about to win anyway.
The only stealing being done is by the oligarchs
It is an undeniable fact
that everything published by "Project Veritas" is a fabricated pile of complete, utter bullshit. That is all they do and their only reason for existing.
So the one thing we know for sure from this essay is that whatever the actors in that video might say, it didn't happen.
Trump and his sycophants are doing everything they can to prevent votes from being counted. That should tell you something.
And naturally
You have something in the way of *facts* to back this up?
Take your time, it's not like I'm holding my breath waiting.
(Manchester Union Leader Sept., 2020)
Speaking of Stealing the Election ...
In Georgia, the USPS finally got around to delivering 150,000 ballots, but too bad, so sad, they arrived too late to be counted.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Is that a fact or rumor?
Georgia postal centers
Oh FFS! Are you serious?
O'Keefe is a known shyster and fake. His "proof" comes from an anonymous voice that has been filtered.
How fucking gullible...oh yeah. Republicans.
Here's part one of PV's documentary about vote fraud and other corruption in the 2016 campaign.
Do us all a favor and tell us where the fake parts are:
That said, the DNC is clearly capable of
stealing elections. They robbed Bernie twice now.
@Battle of Blair Mountain
Project Veritas documented that for you the first time around, too bad you missed it.
This is a comment
to say that I can't comment on what I'd really like to comment on because if I did comment, the reply of comments to follow would be more comments I could not comment on.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier