Luis Arce (MAS) Wins Bolivian Presidency ✫✫✫✫!
‘Socialist Presidential Candidate Arce Wins Bolivia’s Elections’, Oct. 19, 2020, telesurenglish
“After midnight on Sunday, Bolivian authorities allowed the results of the exit polls to be known. The Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) presidential candidate Luis Arce obtained 52.4 percent of the votes, the Citizen Community (CC) candidate Carlos Mesa got 31.5 percent, and the “We Believe Alliance” candidate Luis Fernando Camacho reached 14.1 percent of the votes.
Bolivia’s president-elect Arce thanked the people for their support and for their peaceful participation in the electoral process.” […]
“The Bolivian Socialists’ message was categorical and clear: “we call on the community to avoid provocations… let’s end this nightmare we have been living for a year.”
A few minutes before the official information was issued, former President Evo Morales, who remains a political asylee in Argentina, recalled that millions of Bolivians cast their vote peacefully and demanded that the coup-born regime led by Jeanine Añez respect the results.
“Yesterday we denounced that the authorities suspended the presentation of the results of the exit poll companies. That was suspicious,” the Socialist leader said
“Everything indicates that the MAS has won the elections and won a majority of seats in both chambers,” Evo added.”
The page contains a grisly two-minute video: Repression Against Dead and Alive
From the Orinoco Tribune:
“CIESMORI, another exit poll firm posted a regional estimation of the electoral result placing Arce’s victory with a margin bigger than 30% in comparison with Mesa in La Paz and Cochabamba. In La Paz Luis Arce according to this firm won with 65.3% of the votes and Mesa only got 31.7%. In Cochabamba Arce got 63.1% of the votes and Mesa only 34.1%.
Former Bolivian president Evo Morales one hour before the release of the exit poll results held a press conference from Buenos Aires in a celebratory tone and requested the release of the preliminary results. After being force to resign in 2019 Morales travel to Mexico that granted him asylums and a few weeks later he set his operational headquarters in Argentina to be closer to his family and to Bolivia.
Luis Arce was Evo Morales’ minister of economy and many associate him with the flourishing of Bolivia’s economy while Morales was president. During Jeanine Anez de facto government, the economy of Bolivia have deteriorated to unimaginable levels and with the terrible handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, many Bolivians -event from urban areas- began to miss the government of Evo Morales.”
Yes, we hope that the coup government in Bolivia will accept the final results due on Wednesday, especially given the horrors inflicted on MAS supporters and journalists before Sunday’s voting: ‘MAS Supporters are Being Massacred by Golpistas in Bolivia’, Oct.15, 2010, wd,
And given that Evo’s removal from office was a US/OAS supported putsch, and the Bolivian military was trained by US via the Schools of the Americas, we hope that President Arce will dismiss any who had aided in the coups.
There’s no word yet, of course, as to Arce’s re-nationalizing Boliia’s extensive lithium deposits, nor what may become of the golpistas having contracted it to Elon Musk earlier. Are there safer ways to mine it? When will Evo be permitted to return from Argentina?
Meanwhile let’s hear from the MAS supporters and celebrants!
Breaking: Carlos Mesa accepts defeat.
"The result is overwhelming and clear. The difference is wide."
"It's a result that we accept and its a result which given the distance between first and second place, wont change in the final official results of the TSE." @teleSURenglish
— Camila (@camilateleSUR) October 19, 2020
They've only counted 16% of the vote by now. It's will be a long wait. Keep an eye out for the security forces potentially rejecting the results & what irregular groups could do. Today is the formal inauguration of the @CIDH Expert Group. Their mission in Bolivia is crucial.
— AndeanInfoNet (@AndeanInfoNet) October 19, 2020
@camilateleSUR 3h
‘Luis Almagro is responsible for a coup, many coup attempts around our continent, extrajudicial killings in Bolivia and elsewhere and he leads the foremost anti-democratic body in the Americas. The fight to eradicate imperialist forces from our continent only begins now.’
‘Jeanine Añez, ICYMI: "We do not yet have an official count, but from the data we have, Mr. Arce and Mr. Choquehuanca have won the election. I congratulate the winners and ask them to govern with Bolivia and democracy in mind."
Celebrations for the restoration of democracy in Bolivia at 2am.
— Camila (@camilateleSUR) October 19, 2020
This is how the Bolivia's Senate will look like. The left will have a majority with which to pass laws to end the failed neoliberal experiment. Also, there's some great new Senators, young union leaders like @AndronicoRod, @LeonardoLoza18 etc
— Ollie Vargas (@OVargas52) October 19, 2020
Challenges for Bolivia's legitimate govt:
- Justice for the massacres & persecution
- Restructure police & military, remove corrupt/pro-US elements
- Rebuild economy after this dramatic collapse caused by neoliberalism
- Build a plural media, defeat current media terrorism
— Ollie Vargas (@OVargas52) October 19, 2020
Above all, the victory in Bolivia shows that organised movements can always win. Even against vastly powerful enemies like the US, even when being massacred & jailed. If you fight you can win. There's nothing special about Bolivia, if it can happen here it can happen anywhere.
— Ollie Vargas (@OVargas52) October 19, 2020
Bless Arce's spiritual heart:
I just spoke to Luis Arce, Bolivia's legitimate President. He characterised the victory in spiritual terms, "We've recovered our Ajayu (soul)"
— Ollie Vargas (@OVargas52) October 19, 2020
(cross-posted from Café Babylon)

this is excellent news:
Evo Morales just announced that a post-coup Bolivia will relaunch UNASUR, one of the only forums for Latin American integration without the presence of the US. The right-wing govts in the region have tried to destroy it on orders from Washington.
OAS includes the US, of course, but ALBA does Not.
What is ALBA?
The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our America (or ALBA for short) was founded on the 14th of December 2004 when presidents Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Fidel Castro of Cuba signed protocols bringing the agreement into existence. In its own terms the ALBA is defined as an “integration platform” whose fundamental purpose is to achieve “integral development” for Latin America and the Caribbean through a process of integration inspired by the likes of Simon Bolivar and Jose Marti. Beyond a narrow focus upon trade which has tended to mark other regional agreements, the ALBA professes to be a “political, economic, and social alliance in defence of independence, self-determination and the identity of peoples comprising it”
Note to readers: The summary below was authored in 2014. It does not reflect changes that have occurred since then, such as the exit of Ecuador from the ALBA in August 2018. The page will be updated in 2019 to better account for recent developments [posted 20/03/2019].
Some truth bombs
and the most epic tweet of the day..
it's good to know that some
USians get it and are cheering on the Return of MAS to power. mark weisbrot at CEPR) i did know about. he also weighs in on VZ a hella lot. ; )
thanks, gjohnist. and i did see our posts crossed about 5 minutes apart, but as most of my sources were on the ground reporters, i reckoned i'd keep it up.
so far so good, so the news got 4 white caution.
you may know that evo was the original indigenous eco-socialist, having given Mother Nature the status of 'personhood'.
World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth; Building the People's World Movement for Mother Earth
, April 24, 2010
it opens:
pretty heady stuff, no?
Almost hard to believe
Fantastic news! Good thing I didn't make any bets on this election (not that I really would). Still, I didn't expect it.
And this:
Well, yes, at least dismiss them. I'd be keeping a close eye on them – they are vipers, every one. Trained murderers at the least. Tracking bracelets come to mind least you'd know when they head to the local CIA office to get their marching orders and/or pickup their bribes.
made me laugh. janine añez called evo and friends 'snake worshipers' and other charming sobriquets. but yes, given what horrors MAS supporters had faced in the run-up to the elections, i wasn't so sure either. maybe it was ollie vargas who'd had a photo showing three (iirc) military shock troopers looking at their phones, and had said earlier ther had be 30 outside MAS HQ in la paz. when the first exit poll results came in...they blew outta there!
well, ollie v. agrees with you and me. likely luis has learned evo's harsh lesson and will too.
thanks, traveller xxx
p.s. do ya think AOC will give her golpista flag now? ; ) boy, howdy, did that vex some socialists on twitter.
AOC pic
I seriously considered posting that picture! Got busy around the house, so I didn't. Glad you did, though!
big smile.
first reference, afaik: February 14, 2020, Ocasio-Cortez to Constituents on Bolivian Coup: Drop Dead', by Jacob Levich,
and later they'd removed the image. ; )
A thousand words
Heh. Too late. We've all got it. Forever.
Sometimes I've wondered whether she was just ignorant. Quite possible, of course. Still...
i really have
no idea who the woman is; she may be a product of her self-advertising, or worse: other people's advertising on her behalf. she does scrub her Tweets madly, but her detractors find ways of restoring them. and yes, she's been touted as running for Prez in 2024 (even here). the main thing to me is that there's often a huge disconnect between what she Tweets...and how she votes.
but as with Greta, she's become a legend in her own time. ; )
Beware Heroes: They Most Often Have Feet of Clay.
Morales promises return to Bolivia
from RT-
'sooner or later'
might be just the ticket, as he'd hate to get assassinated (as was tried with 'the tyrant' maduro several times in VZ) on his travels home.
thanks, irishking.
on edit: iirc, he'd had to leave boivia covertly to get to mexico, then again secretly to get to argentina. so keeping the timing nebulous is warranted.
Yogi Berra
"It ain't over til it's over".
No one would be happier that me if the Bolivian people can now live in peace and prosperity.
But it's not how our evil regime works.
Cue the sanctions, the blockade of critical imports, the arming of rightist forces, the sabotaging of critical infrastructure, seizing of assets, and trumped up charges of terrorism and/ or drug running.
And continuing assasinations, lots more assasinations.
All that lithium belongs to American Oligarths. They will stop at nothing to get it.
God I hope I'm dead wrong.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
i agree, it ain't over yet.
as i'd noted, i'd given the news 4 white stars on hope and speculation.
add to your longish Imperial list:
They've only counted 16% of the vote by now. It's will be a long wait. Keep an eye out for the security forces potentially rejecting the results & what irregular groups could do. Today is the formal inauguration of the @ Expert Group. Their mission in Bolivia is crucial.
CIDH: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, washington d.c. i assume they certify the election results on wednesday? it's all in spanish, so i'm at a loss...
IIRC, they will post exit results up until 80% of precincts
report, then, by mandate, they go quiet until vote counting is complete. Once the vote is total and finalized it is announced. The last votes to be counted are from the furthest hinterlands. These remote villages are very high % of indigenous citizens who will support MAS very strongly. So even if they go into the "quiet time" with only a 8-9% lead in the polls they will likely come out with the 10% lead needed to win outright.
It was during this "quiet time" that the U.S. state department and their lackeys at NYT and WaPo and OAS started their propaganda efforts to support the coup last year. They seeded the news with "reports of irregularities in vote counts" and undermined what was actually a well run democratic contest.
Also, again just by memory, to win outright you need to beat your closest opponent by 10% points and/or beat the 50% margin or there will be a run off election. If good ole Uhmerika had such robust democratic systems then Gore v Bush would have gone to a run off. As would have Trump v Clinton.
FInal tallies of this election may take over a week to be had.
Don't forget what it took for Bolivia to make this election happen. A national strike and highways closed for over 10 days. It is my understanding that they actually dynamited passes in mountainous regions (blocking highways) and dragged huge trees into the roadway in protest of the current government. The message was basically "give us democracy or we will burn this place down".
Bolivians – TNT. USA – Cute hats.
[My bold]
Whoa! Those Bolivians really are tough! Hell, here in the Home of the Brave, the cops help ladies wearing their pink pussy hats across the street.
what a keen memory
you have! now i remember this:
much like voting 'irregularities' in VZ.
yes, MAS supporters have proven doughty and indomitable...likely because of what the coup government has done to them in the run-up to (thrice postponed elections).
new this a.m.:
old from yesterday, but Ollie sees DT as its author:
@OVargas52 14h
‘They knew they'd lost the vote, just like they knew they'd lost Evo in 2019. Violence is their only tactic.’
gotta love this one from camila, even though i hadn't known his name:
turns out he's Acting Assistant Secretary for U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs.
via this morning's popular resitance
CEPR's Bolivian Elections Live Blog
there are a few alarming things from some districts, such as this:
and i do wish i knew if the TSE has an agenda, as they have several quoted from him:
but at the bottom, they give some background, including:
in any event, there seem to be hundreds of 'observers' there. i'd forgotten to add:
ollie v has some of their photos, but for now i need to work on my cassoulet.
i'll add:
@KawsachunNews 41m
'Evo Morales won't be in government, but will play a leading role in the party, says Wilfredo Chávez the official Attorney for the MAS. Luis Arce said earlier today that Evo 'is welcome to help us' in government, but that Arce will be the one in charge.'
'Bolivia's MAS have asked the courts to arrest former Interior Minister @ArturoMurilloS
so as to stop him fleeing the country and thereby avoid facing justice for ordering the massacres of indigenous protesters in Sacaba & Senkata.
@OVargas52 3h
'Bolivian indigenous leader El Mallku: "We fulfilled our duty to democracy, we showed these foreigners that we the savages, the ignorants, indian pieces of shit & human beasts, are the majority"
(wide grin)
@OVargas52 2h
'Bolivia's Patricia Arce was not only kidnapped & tortured by coup supporters, she was then persecuted by the regime. She had 17 charges brought against her, including for 'terrorism'.
She's now a Senator for the MAS. Her persecutors are leaving power. She can rest easy now.'
@OVargas52 Oct 18
'The next few days will be key for consolidating democracy in Bolivia. The MAS will need to embrace the patriotic elements within the police & military, to ensure the US/Murillo don't launch a second coup against the majority of Bolivians.'
tragic beyond all reason:
granted, i'm a bit (???) obsessive on this vote
and what it means, or may not mean...but i'll add a few things even if this thread has reached its sell-by date.
first: ‘The Spin War: Media Responds With Apathy, Disappointment as US-Backed Coup Gov’t Concedes Defeat in Bolivia; Across the spectrum, corporate media has endorsed last year’s rightwing takeover of Bolivia, refusing to label it as a coup. Coverage of Sunday’s historical elections hasn’t been much better’, by Alan Macleod, Oct. 19, 2020, (CC) bits from a longish, but excellent piece:
“Media disappointment at return of democracy
Across the spectrum, corporate media endorsed the events of November, refusing to label them a coup. The New York Times editorial board claimed that the “increasingly autocratic” tyrant Morales had actually “resigned,” after “protests” over a “highly fishy vote.” The Washington Post did the same. “There can be little doubt who was responsible for the chaos: newly resigned president Evo Morales,” their editorial board wrote, as they expressed their relief that Bolivia was finally in the hands of “more responsible leaders” like Añez, (who, at the time, was giving security forces orders to shoot her opponents in the streets).
Despite this, The Wall Street Journal’s board decided the events of November constituted “a democratic outbreak in Bolivia.”
Today, therefore, the corporate press is in a very tough spot, as they have to explain to their readers why the Bolivian people have just handed an overwhelming, landslide victory to a party they have been presenting as an authoritarian dictatorship who were overthrown by popular protests last year.
A number of outlets solved this by simply fastidiously avoiding reporting on the events of November or using the word “coup” to describe them. NPR’s Philip Reeves, for example, claimed Morales “resigned” amid an annulled election after “allegations of fraud,” leading to an “interim government” (Añez’s own public relations-minded phrase for her administration). The word “coup” only appears in the mouth of Morales, someone whose credibility the outlet has spent months undermining. Other organizations like Deutsche Welt and Bloomberg failed to use the word at all in their reporting.
The Associated Press, meanwhile, referenced the coup, but did not use the word, instead describing it as when “police and military leaders suggested he [Morales] leave.” It takes great linguistic skill to refrain from using by far the most appropriate word to describe events in Bolivia for what they are: a coup. Indeed, the linguistic gymnastics necessary to avoid using the word would be genuinely impressive were not an exercise in deceit and manufacturing consent for regime change.
CNN at least included the phrase “claims of a coup,” but presents it beside apparently equally justified “allegations of fraud among contested national elections.” But these two things are nothing like the same. One is a statement of fact while another is a debunked, discredited talking point used to overthrow a legitimate government.
Meanwhile, the BBC’s article on the election had an entire section called “why is the country so divided” which did not mention the massacres, the firesale of the country’s economy, the repression of media or activists, the persecution of the MAS or the U.S. role in overthrowing the elected government. Instead, it presented Morales himself as the prime agent of polarization, a common tactic among media discussing enemy states.
The New York Times also published a long, in-depth article on the election, yet it appeared that the only MAS “supporters” it was willing to quote were ones who constantly badmouthed Morales, the article also suggesting that MAS’ figures might be inflated, despite the fact they have now been accepted by Añez and Mesa as essentially accurate.
As such the corporate press refused to cover the incredible story of nationwide nonviolent resistance to authoritarian rule, forcing a government into accepting its own defeat, reminiscent of Gandhi’s campaign against the British in India.”
Eventually macLeod asks ‘What’s Next?
Speaking of 'spin wars', i'll include another one (a true hit job in a separate comment.
lord luv a duck;
and although andrea lobo is known for such, her hit job on the election and evo in particular is epic, with too much to reasonably bring, so i'll just hit a few of the most scorched earth notes, even while some of them might be...close to so:
Coup regime in Bolivia concedes electoral victory to MAS. Oct. 19, 2020,
not having heard that fact, i dug the english version of Almargo's tweet out, lookd at his Twit account, and it does seem to be so, shockingly:
back to Lobo's screed:
i wasn't able to find Jacobin's interview with Evo, although i'd looked a 4 separate items there. but i will offer that several wsws authors are furious that DSA Jacobin is promoting 'herd immunity'.
on later edit: i'd forgotten to add: or is this all by way of a long con job, given i'd seen this on his account, as well as a similar one in spanish?:
Luis Almagro Retweeted:
Department of State @StateDept
US government account
.@OAS_official has expanded democracy throughout the Western Hemisphere. But there are still outliers. We will continue our work with OAS to restore democracy to Venezuela and Nicaragua, and to bring democracy to Cuba. #OASAssembly
Jacobin Evo interview
Is this the interview you are looking for, Wendy?
Not positive of the date, and haven't had time to read it. I will later this evening.
bless your heart, amigo.
although lobo had said that immediately after the vote (0n the 18th), evo had tweeted. etc. then: following this...jacobin, and this is dated oct. 7. but thank you, 2 L to read 2night. i was just about to close down for the night.
Sleep well, all; your national guard is protecting your dreams.
can't imagine what a closing song might be. ah! yes i can; we just heard this on a dvd we're watching. works 4 me.... ; )
as it was definitly
a pre-election interview, it seems not to have been the one lobo had smeared Evo about. nothing about 'herd immunity being capitalist' and so on. he seems quite intelligent, well-educated in history, social movements, and capitalism's hegemonic dark centers.
from the related Twitter accounts:
@camilateleSUR 11h
Vote abroad: Luis Arce of the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) receives 88.14% in Argentina with 100% of votes counted.
@camilateleSUR 13h
The Ombudsman's Office in Cochabamba reports this gathering is made up of Cochala youth resistance and citizen platforms who are seeking to "generate violence to prevent the completion of the count" by the Plenary Chamber of the TED.
@camilateleSUR 19h
Breaking: Jeanine Añez reappoints Arturo Murillo as Interior Minister one day after dismissing him. Víctor Hugo Cárdenas also reappointed as Minister of Education.
@KawsachunNews 16h
Bolivia will restore diplomatic relations with Cuba, Venezuela and Iran, said President-elect Luis Arce in an interview with EFE. He will also re-establish good relations with China & Russia.
Arce condems the coup govt for its ideological & pro-US approach to foreign policy.
remember as well that andrea lobo had claimed that the large police presence outside MAA HQ in la paz were there to protect MAS candidates supporters.
Best thing I can say right now is that "I don't know." Seeing too many things not making sense. Naturally, the various propaganda mills are in overdrive. I hope MAS has the time to see this settle out a bit. They may not have that.
As for Lobo: "...remember as well that andrea lobo had claimed that the large police presence outside MAA HQ in la paz were there to protect MAS candidates supporters."
Yeah, I wouldn't be betting the farm on that.
yeah, me too.
i keep trying and failing to construct metaphors for Killing socialist nations' leaders (reversing the pink tide): too bougie capitalist, too dictatorial driving peasants into poverty, too corrupt elections...but all i imagine don't really make the grade.
thank you sooooo much for hanging in so long with this this discussion, my friend.
i just put 2 loaves of fake sourdough dill bread into the oven, and can't wait for the scent to fill the house. my second favorite is Masa, as in tamales. maybe for christmas as they are works of love.
Tamales ...and nit picking
Ah, Christmas tamales! So glad to be living in a Latinx majority area. We don't cook them ourselves as the real pros are everywhere here ...almost next door! The only problem is too many choices!
Yeah, right now I don't think the average Ecuadorian is contemplating "...metaphors for Killing socialist nations )revering the pink tide): too bougie capitalist, too dictatorial driving peasants into poverty, too corrupt elections," if you know what I mean. If you brought any of that up to one of them now, they'd probably look at you like you're crazy.
how fotunate for you re:
tamale availability! a mexican neighbor taught me how to make them...what? 40 yrs ago?
i did have mr. wd pick up some masa harina last weekend. guess i might need to ask him to buy some (fresher) dried corn husks for steaming.
good night my friend; mine eyes can scarcely see the remaining letters on my keyboard. we get up before five to milk the chickens and all.