What Bernie Actually Said About Abortion & how his position is significantly more pro-woman
Crossposted at GOS: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/03/31/1508512/-What-Bernie-Actually-S...
When it comes to the rights of women, we cannot go backwards. We have got to go forward. -Bernie Sanders
Last night in her back-to-back, one-on-one interviews with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, Rachel Maddow kinda quoted a portion of Bernie’s remarks to Hillary Clinton in order to get Clinton’s second-hand response to Bernie’s words. I say ‘second-hand’ because no one played the clip of the interview for Secretary Clinton, so she had to no choice but to believe that Rachel correctly represented what Bernie actually said.
This whole thing was an odd stunt because it was essentially shot and played out of sequence. The schedule was supposed to be airing the Clinton in-person interview and then airing the Sanders remote interview which took place later in the day. But Rachel explains that while she was in the process of interviewing Clinton, Chris Matthews was simultaneously interviewing Donald Trump who made remarks about criminalizing abortion (which I will not quote here — there are myriad other sources for that on this site and elsewhere).
So when Rachel sat down with Bernie, she asked him about those remarks from Trump which had not yet been spoken when she initially sat down with Hillary.
The on-air chronology for the opening of the first hour interview with Hillary was pre-empted (well, ‘bumped-back by’ would be more correct) with a second discussion with Hillary about Bernie’s comments on Trump’s bombshell. That was then followed by the full, original, interview with Hillary.
Only after that -in the following hour- did we actually get to hear Bernie’s full comment about the Trump disclosure.
This clip begins with Rachel asking Bernie about the Trump remarks and Bernie contrasts his own position on the subject (transcript below):
Transcript (as transcribed by me):
Rachel: So, sir, you tweeted today that it was “Shameful”, that was the word you used when Donald Trump said this to my colleague Chris Matthews here on MSNBC.
(plays clip)
Rachel: After, uh, the word-spread that Donald Trump had made those made those remarks today about abortion that a woman needs to be punished, uh, if she seeks an abortion and abortion should be banned, uh, you said that was shameful. What was shameful about it?
Bernie: Well, I think that 'shameful' is probably understating that position. Uh, first of all, to me, and I think to most Americans. Women have the right to control their own bodies, and they have the right to make those personal decisions themselves. But to PUNISH a WOMAN for having an abortion is beyond comprehension! I, I just, you know, one would say, 'what is in Donald Trump's mind,' except we're tired of saying that. I don't know what world this person lives in. Uh, so, obviously, from my perspective, and if elected president, I will do everything that I can to allow women to make that choice and have ACCESS to clinics all over this country. The idea of punishing a woman, that is just is beyond comprehension.
Bernie’s statement on his own position about the topic and what will be true under a potential Sanders Administration are about as woman-positive as is possible. His position on a woman’s right to choose is arguably STRONGER than Hillary’s since she has said she feels Republicans ought to restrict later-term abortions earlier than is allowed for in Roe v. Wade. (See below)
* * *
After the above exchange, Rachel then takes the conversation off in another direction and asks Bernie to consider whether Ted Cruz is more extreme than Donald Trump on the issue of abortion because one of his backers says that abortion providers should be executed.
So, the conversation has moved on from directly addressing Trump’s statement and it is at this point in the conversation, Rachel asks Bernie…
Rachel: Is Ted Cruz is even further out on this issue than Donald Trump is?
It was in response to this subsequent question that Bernie responded with the words Rachel presented to Hillary Clinton representing Bernie's position on the Trump statement. When discussing the more abstract notion of the various Republican positions on abortion, Bernie then said:
Bernie: Well, you know, you're living in crazy world there. And that is why, uh, you know, the Republican party, if they continue in this direction will be, as I mentioned a moment ago, a fringe party. Uh, look, they have nothing to say. All they can appeal is to a small number of people who feel very rabid, very rabid about a particular issue, uh, whether it is abortion or maybe whether it's gay marriage. That is their constituency. They have nothing of substance... You know you mentioned a moment ago, Rachel, that the media is paying attention to Donald Trump. Duh, no kidding! Once again, every stupid remark will be broadcast, you know, for the next five days.
It bears repeating: Bernie’s statement on his own position about the topic and what will be true under a potential Sanders Administration are about as woman-positive as is possible. His position on a woman’s right to choose is arguably STRONGER than Hillary’s since she has said she feels Republicans ought to restrict later-term abortions earlier than is allowed for in Roe v. Wade:
I have been on record in favor of a late pregnancy regulation that would have exceptions for the life and health of the mother.
I object to the recent effort in Congress to pass a law saying after 20 weeks, you know, no such exceptions, because although these are rare, Bret, they sometimes arise in the most complex, difficult medical situation.
And so I think it is -- under Roe v. Wade, it is appropriate to say, in these circumstances, so long as there's an exception for the life and health of the mother.
-Hillary Clinton
Anyone who’s life or health has been on the line in such a circumstance knows that if one finds oneself in a position where one’s life or health is threatened, one does not want to have to dealing with semantics in court to get a determination that one’s life and/or health is SUFFICIENTLY threatened to warrant meeting the legal criteria for the exception.
Bernie has always been clear — a woman should make her own decisions based on the realities in her life as she knows them.
* * *
Los Angeles was an early market for Air America, so I’ve been a BIG Rachel fan since what she has called ‘the early two-thousandsies.’ She very clearly and deliberately presented a slice of Bernie’s full interview out of context in order to create the appearance that Bernie minimized Trump’s comments on criminalizing abortion. Shame on her. They repeated that distortion in discussion in the second half of what began as the Bernie interview hour when she and other MSNBC hosts made hay about how anti-woman Bernie had supposedly been. It was inaccurate and partial. I may not be a supporter of Secretary Clinton winning the nomination, but I would not stand for her being misrepresented to make a political point, either. Sure, I get that this is politics, but along with so many other Americans across the political spectrum this year, I want to see more fairness in our media.
Bernie Sanders’ statement on women’s reproductive health:
We are not going back to the days when women had to risk their lives to end an unwanted pregnancy. The decision about abortion must remain a decision for the woman and her doctor to make, not the government.
We are not going to allow the extreme right-wing to defund Planned Parenthood, we are going to expand it. Planned Parenthood provides vital healthcare services for millions of women, who rely on its clinics every year for affordable, quality health care services including cancer prevention, STI and HIV testing and general primary health care services. The current attempt to malign Planned Parenthood is part of a long-term smear campaign by people who want to deny women in this country the right to control their own bodies.
We are not going back to the days when women did not have full access to birth control. Incredibly, almost all of the Republicans in the Senate are in favor of giving any employer who provides health insurance, or any insurance company, the ability to deny coverage for contraception or any other kind of procedure if the employer had a “moral” objection to it. That is unacceptable.

I left you a tip and a rec at TOP....
Thank you for posting it here so I can tweet and fb you with c99 links and not TOP.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Thank you
Always makes my head spin to publish something which is emotional for me, so I'm a bit out of words at present.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I know how you feel
So thanks for doing it. I'm uber emotional.
We used to castigate Breitbart and his ilk...
For doing this crap.
Now, it seems IOKIYHC.
This tactic is Republican. I don't fucking vote for Republicans.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Great diary
Thanks for helping to set the record straight. This one needs lots of eyes.
I pledge allegiance to liberty and justice for all. Period.
This is my first comment here
This is my first comment here. I've been a lurker at TOP for some years (but not as far back as the 2008 election when there was apparently a lot of similar in tone, if not in degree, shenanigans going on) and have been deeply dismayed by its disintegration into a terrifying tribalist cluster****. I do still look in there, but I'm having a harder and harder time justifying its negative effect on my mental health, not to mention my blood pressure.
The diary you are responding to over there is worse and more dishonest than I even imagined, unless the diarist there was also misled by Maddow and company's sophistry, which is meant as a possible explanation for some of the interpretation found therein but which doesn't excuse the ridiculous cognitive dissonance of the piece itself. Speaking of both the show and that other resulting diary, every time I think I can't be further shocked by a story misrepresenting Bernie, I get shocked again.
Generally speaking, I can't watch MSNBC with the sound on any more and haven't been able to since primary season started. I only tune in briefly to see primary / caucus results.
You did a great job here of disinfecting this latest steaming pile of bull****, and I look forward to reading more of your work.
(About me, I'm a 54-year-old white woman born and raised in the southeast U.S. who is her own little islet of roaring progressive liberalism in a sea of blood-red conservative horror. My screen name refers to the fact that my employer relocated [and me with it because, while still relatively modest, jobs like mine as well as otherwise-pretty-awesome employers like mine are extremely rare] to an even more regressive southern state than the NC that I used to be proud of for some of its history of being more progressive than its neighbors. That was before Art Pope bought the state government. *very sad sigh*)
So, anyway, Bernie didn't make me white, but he apparently changed my gender and dipped me in the fountain of youth. (Not so much.) Also, while I deeply respect Bernie Sanders and ardently support his aspirations to the Presidency, I also categorically reject any attempt to gift me with membership in some kind of idolatrous cult of personality. Such dreck (and projection)!
Thanks again for this excellent exposé of the latest effluvia from the fail-stream media.
Welcome here!
I totally agree with this:
This diary is the same as the one I have cross-posted over there, and I'm not reacting to another diary but just to the interviews Rachel did last night. This is the first segment she did with Hillary:
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Thank you very much for the
Thank you very much for the welcome! I must have been extrapolating my sense that your diary was a reply to another over there that also references Rachel Maddow's interviews of Sen. Bernie and Sec. Clinton, the one about the "process questions". *eye roll*
The reason for that is probably because your diary here has provided exactly the same reaction I've had in the past to Republican / right-wing smears and lies / misrepresentations, which is that I see the smear first, have a moment of confusion thinking the smear-ee (somebody with whom I usually agree or support) has said or done something out of character or disappointing, only to then discover that the original content was baloney of various brands, such as an edited video or a printed quote with the needed context removed.
It's both maddening and saddening when somebody I previously respected (Rachel Maddow) indulges in this sort of thing. Apart from that, and I'm going to put on my tone-police uniform for a brief moment here, the arrogance and condescension oozing from almost every media source towards Bernie on top of the lies is just as upsetting.
To me the latter stands out even more on MSNBC when they are doing election coverage because, individually, the self-congratulatory pseudo-sophistication many pundits manifest just reaches saturation level when they are shown en masse babbling away with such rampant smarmy, "Here we are at the in-club for politics telling all you plebes what's what, and, Tee Hee Hee!, we're all just a little punchy from staying up past our beddie-bye times to avail you of our vasty knowledge, since we are still the very serious people who have the insight and know stuff." I've started picturing them all in smoking jackets and ascots with a brandy snifter in one hand and a big fat phallus-substitute, I mean cigar, in the other. Ugh!!!
So, back to the point, your diary was a cleansing wash of clarity and truth for me after having stumbled into the cesspool, so thank you again very much for that!
Rachel Maddow split personality
I am watching her less and less, which is so annoying since her coverage of the Flint water crisis had the hallmarks of good journalism: digging deep into timelines, explaining a big mess to the public in terms of "who had authority to make decisions" - I was really moved by her reporting on that. Look at her questions to Bernie - what do you think of Trump? What do you think of Cruz? It is like high school popularity contests, not actual people's lives.
May I please add that HRC has supported late term abortion restrictions that would leave women who now may face horrible decisions with the Zika virus(expected to hit Puerto Rico and South Carolina from what I have read recently) - her restictions to health of the woman would make it even harder for women to terminate a pregnancy that would result in a short and painful life for a baby born with such a condition. Bernie is on the side of women in this.
Yep and I don't understand
NARAL and PP's endorsement of Hillary. It's been bothering me since they announced their endorsements, but I couldn't mention it at TOS.
This shit is bananas.
Follow the money and the connections
You'll find that they explain a lot.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
You are absolutely correct. n/t
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member