Bernie: "the Republican Party today now is a joke, maintained by a media which really does not force them to discuss their issues"

Bernie was interviewed by Rachel Maddow last night. Here is a small excerpt from the transcipt showing Bernie’s thoughts regarding the Republican Party:

the deeper point, Rachel, is the Republican Party today has moved very, very far to the right. Uh, they are way out of touch with where the American people are.

And I think if we had a media in this country that was really prepared to look at what the Republicans actually stood for rather than quoting every absurd remark of Donald Trump, talking about Republican Party, talking about hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks for the top two tenths of 1 percent, cuts to Social Security and Medicare, Medicaid, a party which with few exceptions, doesn't even acknowledge the reality of climate change, let alone do anything about it, a party which is not prepared to stand with women in the fight for pay equity, a party that is not prepared to do anything about a broken criminal justice system or a corrupt campaign finance system, I think, to be honest with you -- and I just don't, you know, say this rhetorically, this is a fringe party. It is a fringe party. Maybe they get 5, 10 percent of the vote.

What you really need in this country is a progressive party standing with the working class and the middle class of this country. And yes, a conservative party that, you know, has, you know, is more fiscally conservative. That is where we should be as a country.

But the Republican Party today now is a joke, maintained by a media which really does not force them to discuss their issues.


When you hear all Trump all the time on msnbc or [on TOP], you’re hearing part of the problem, not the solution.

Talk about issues. That is the way we change this nation. Trump is this year’s OJ, content for the cable news and blogs who seem to follow down that road.

Other news: Bernie is close to beating last month’s fundraising record.

Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign on Thursday announced it is aiming to surpass last month’s fundraising record of $43.5 million. Sanders has now received 6.2 million individual contributions from more than 2 million donors since the campaign began last year.

$40,400,000 at 11:19 a.m. eastern time as I write this post.

If you have a few bucks, toss them to [ or to BNR for Bernie [ (goes to today’s BNR — link is at bottom of post).

Update for caucus99percent version: I like your software. I could not put the entire title as I wanted it in the post at TOS. Thanks for all who created this place last year.

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kharma's picture

Thumbs up and tweeted.

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

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kharma's picture

it may find a new set of eyes. If we all re-tweeted these articles though...

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

Raggedy Ann's picture

I remembered I get paid today. I went to my bank website to ensure the money was there. After subtracting all the bills scheduled to come out, I found I have a pittance left over. I immediately went to Bernie's campaign site and made my standard $30 donation. I then return to c99 and find TomP's diary! GMTA!

I'm so happy Bernie is calling out the media. That's why there's a blackout on him. He's speaking truth to power and heaven forbid anything like THAT happen! Thanks, TomP!

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

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Jazzenterprises's picture

at the very least, will tell future candidates that you don't need all that dark money to win... you just need integrity and policy. As a matter of fact, those who continue to take money, should be shunned.... maybe starting today? Paging Hillary Clinton, paging Hillary Clinton, your motorcade is blocking voter access again....

Great to see you posting here Tom, I have been weaning DKos down and much prefer to read all the great diaries here! Wink

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Progressive to the bone.

He puts a lie to their claim they have to take Wall Street money.

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FreakFlagFly's picture

Go Bernie!

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