Congress has abdicated its job to SCOTUS

I rarely agree with Saagar's views on politics, but on this he is spot on. As we have seen during Obama's presidency there were many vacancies on the federal courts, but starting in 2015 McConnell blocked Obama from appointing anyone to them. What did democrats do about that? Nothing. Nada. Not a gawd damned thing. But now that Trump is appointing the elite's wishlist of justices that will do their biddings democrats are helping McConnell appoint over 200-250 justices to the courts. Many of them we hear are not qualified because of various reasons, but democrats vote to allow them to be appointed. Schumer's legacy is that he let Trump change the federal court for generations. This won't be McConnell's legacy nor will it be Trump. It will be Schumer and every democrat in the senate during Trump's tenure. Why are they helping republicans? Because their donors/masters tell them to do it. It is really this simple.

Saagar starts out with how congress used to decide important issues through legislation, but not any longer. Immigration/DACA? Let the SC decide. The ACA? Abortion rights? Gun rights? Worker's rights? Let 9 unelected people decide what the law of the country is.

Get screwed for any reason and have an iron clad case that should be a no brainer? It won't be heard if the power elite don't want it to. But poison thousands of kids? Money launder for any criminal as long as banks make money on it? Or any of the numerous crimes that are committed by powerful people that go unpunished? SMDH!

Jimmy covered many of these same issues in his video on Ginsberg and I agree with his views.

I think that this current crop of congress is one of the most corrupt in the history of the country. While millions were laid off or terminated for good congress turned its back on We the People and gave us a one time $1,200 check while transferring trillions to the corporations, banks and churches who did not only not need it because they had other options to fund their businesses, but then let them continue paying out massive bonuses.

Meanwhile millions of families are on the brink of starvation. Before the COVID epidemic hit 19 million CHILDREN were food challenged and congress has spent decades defunding food stamps. The last cut that I know about was during Obama when he signed the bill that cut $5 billion from the programs. Nary a word was said about that. Tens of thousands of people last month were given eviction notices even though there was a moratorium against them. Pelosi wanted to give them access to a lawyer funded by congress.

Rising had David Sirota on last week and he talked about how CEOs load their businesses with massive debt and then use the money to pay out bonuses before they declare bankruptcy. That money never goes to the employees that are getting shafted after working for them for decades and often for generations. Oh no. They get their pensions robbed and told to go f'ck themselves and the courts let them do it.

Every day some Biden sycophant tells me that I must vote for him because Trump is so corrupt. So dangerous. So Orange. But when I ask them if that is true then why are democrats helping him pass his agenda? Appoint his unqualified right wing judges? Keeping him from withdrawing troops from wherever he wants?

There are 100 million eligible voters that do not vote and yet neither party goes after them by offering them something that they can vote FOR instead of vote Against. Democrats are going after republicans and telling the left to go screw themselves. In fact Democrats are welcoming the Bush cabal neocons into the party. Gee, I survived the Bush presidency so why would I want to go back to it? Besides didn't Obama say that group drove the car into the ditch and therefore can't have keys to cars anymore? Yes he did. So why are democrats buying them brand new cars?

The system is rotten to the core and is as corrupt as the one the Founding Fathers escaped from and wrote up a new system of government. Yes it left a lot to be desired, but almost everything they created has been thrown out. Can you name one civil liberty that is still working for us? Barr is having people in Aurora, CO arrested because they were the leaders for the protests after cops strangled a person and then had paramedics shoot him up with an overdose of Ketamine. Not one of them has been charged for that brutal murder. Think voting is going to change that? Vote blue no matter who when it's democratic governors who are cracking down on protesters? Willingly letting people in nursing homes die and then gave those CEOs immunity for grannies death?

People say that we must vote Trump out, but I ask why we should when Biden is going to continue doing what Trump is just like Obama continued many of the Bush policies. No. I will not take part in this corrupt system because it means that I am giving my permission to continue being corrupt. Never. Going. To. Happen. I am told that we have to vote out fascism by voting for the person who is most responsible for it. And this was after dems got the Green Party kicked of the ballot in multiple states. And never forget that Clinton got the democrats in bed with the Koch brothers.

I'd vote for a giant meteor before I will vote for Biden or Trump.

20 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture

They tried thoughts and prayers for years with gun violence. Seems like there’s an easy conclusion to draw here.

Look at all the issues Trump is doing that question whether they are legal and then ask why are democrats just going to throw in the towel and fund them for another year? Because what Trump is doing is what dem's masters want him to do. The fake Resistance to Trump and the GOP agenda has never been more clear. Any person that wants democrats to stop Trump from appointing another SC justice is met with severe criticism. "What? You want to hand Trump the election? You are a fool." But then they think democrats are going to pack the federal courts if they win the WH and the senate. Sure they will. That's why they have been voting for those right wing justices hand over fist just so they can nullify their power by appointing more leftists to the courts. Hello: Did you see how centrist Garland was? Was that why Ginsberg refused to step down during O's tenure? Because she knew he'd replace her with another corporatist? I'd take that bet.

Here's Krystal on the worthlessness of the dem leadership.

14 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

TheOtherMaven's picture


And they do.

13 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

@TheOtherMaven Perfect!

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

with pushing her prayers and using government owned website to do so...

I wrote in part, "Pray for the children, but pray harder for those who support the Catholic Church which continues to pray on children and cover it up."

Pelosi is a hypocritical mess.

4 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

This is a comment posted below the article by Allison Smith. (any emphasis mine)

"I commend the author for the sharp and politically principled analysis. One could list her many right-wing votes, including: Her vote in favour of Safeco Insurance of America in the case Safeco v. Burr, to uphold the company’s “right” to escape punishment for denying or cancelling policy coverage without notifying policy holders.

Or her opinion in the 2010 decision to restrict the ability of authorities to prosecute corporate and political crooks who rob their constituents of their "intangible right of honest services."

And her 2013 decision for American companies to immunity from lawsuits for human rights abuses overseas in Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum.

This year, she declined to support the reinstatement of the order requiring Texas prisons to provide proper safeguards against the deadly coronavirus to state prisoners.

Then one could also underscore her close, personal friendship with the fascistic Antonin Scalia…you are the company you keep, as they say."

11 users have voted.
vtcc73's picture

You're preaching to the choir while the rest of the congregation is messing with Facebook on their cellphones and picking their noses.

I have no answers. I just try to spread the word one person at a time and help those I can help get through life. Sooner or later the country will come unglued or people will become desperate enough to make changes. Which is a tossup and I'm not holding my breath waiting for it to happen.

15 users have voted.

"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."

mythologizing of public figures a major hobby. I've even seen Dems who praised John McCain in Facebook posts as some kind of hero. Now they are working on whitewashing George W. Bush's record. It's an illness that is pretty rampant among Dems. The notorious RBG book leant to this mythologizing by simply ignoring many of her decisions. And this is how the historical record gets fucked up. Just think of all the claims people make about the life of "Jesus" and how people really think this guy actually walked the earth and said all the things attributed to him. Two thousand years after those fables were written, we still act as if they were reporting on real events.

5 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

snoopydawg's picture

@Fishtroller 02

the Bush era neocons that got us into the Middle East quagmires, but yet daily they post ads that say something mean about Trump and the accolades get more deeper each day. John McCain was a hero, not a warmonger who never saw a war he wasn't in favor of. McCain did not want us to have single payer health care and worked against it until that day he became a hero because he saved the ACA.

And next up was the other republican that said unequivocally that SADDAM had WMDs and therefore we must destroy and occupy Iraq to get him out of power. I am talking about Robert Swan Mueller of course who was going to get Trump thrown out of office until he didn't. Well today Mueller took a swan dive under the bus because he didn't do that. Now people are backtracking and saying that no they did not elevate Mueller to lofty heights.

Horrible news on the Russian interference front. Putin is saying bad things about Biden's mental health and Ukraine Russians are leading the charge. Putin is demeaning Biden. So there! Take that Joe. There's so much more to the story, but since it's all bogus why bother?

I read all about those 8 republicans that went to Russia on the 4th of July one year to get their marching orders from Putin. However I never hear about all of the democrats and many republicans that go to Israel every year on AIPAC's dime to get their marching orders from Bibi NutenYahoo. Oh no. Let's not talk about that.

4 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.


Russians to float disinformation about any of the candidates to influence elections. All one has to do is watch our own home grown political ads and the other ways politicians lie about each other within our own country.

And as for Biden, he can go jump off the end of the earth, for all I care. His comments in July and now yesterday about socialism (do I look like a socialist? I beat the socialist) have finally revealed him to be the nasty player I always thought he was. We don't need the Russians at all to figure out Biden's "character".

3 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

Thanks for posting it here, snoop.

2 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver