Bob Woodward Strikes Again

Bob Woodward defends keeping revelations about Trump and coronavirus quiet until book release

The revelation President Donald Trump expressed serious concerns about the danger posed by the coronavirus outbreak, even as he downplayed the threat in public, drew outrage toward the White House and veteran journalist Bob Woodward for keeping the scoop quiet until the publication of his new book was imminent.

And blah blah blah


Ah, Watergate. Robert Redford. Woodstein and Jason Robards. Our long national nightmare ending with stolid old Jerry Ford restoring honor and dignity to the White House. The resignation of Richard Nixon was THE triumph of American Liberty and the Rule of Law. I was proud to be an American then.

I was in college throughout the 26 months of Watergate and I followed every detail as the story unfolded. First, one of the spooks who was caught in the Watergate offices of the DNC while installing an eavesdropping device sent a letter to the judge in the case, a guy named Sirica.

This led to the Ervin Committee Hearings and the discovery of The Tapes and an eventual vote to impeach by the House Judiciary Committee. The endgame involved Barry Goldwater and a delegation of GOP Senators who paid a visit to Tricky Dick, letting him know that he was through.


A few years later, I learned a little more about Woodward and it was heartbreaking. The story of the plucky and hungry city beat reporters who would not let go of The Story as all the rest of official Washington DC was laughing at them and their newspaper -- er, not exactly.

Bob Woodward had been a junior officer in the Navy who delivered daily military briefings to the White House. He withdrew from service and was accepted into the Harvard University Law School. Not exactly the unassuming and naive cub reporter played by The Sundance Kid.

For reasons never publicly discussed to my knowledge, Lieutenant Woodward told Harvard, "Thanks, but no thanks." Instead, this guy who so recently was passing through the security gate into The White House decided that he wanted to be a beat reporter on The Washington Post. Unfortunately, the legendary Ben Bradlee (Jason Robards) noticed a problem with Woodward -- he could not write a simple lead.

So, Woodward left the Post and went to work for a suburban broadsheet to learn how to be a reporter.

What a coincidence that this Up and Comer from the military who decides to blow off both The Pentagon and Big Time Law just happens to trip over the Story of the Century. Furthermore, how amazing that this Naval Officer stood up against all of Washington DC, up to, and including President Nixon, to defend The Truth.

And he won. He kicked Tricky Dick's shaggy ass all the way to San Clemente.

Fifty years later he is back in the news. He is no longer a "reporter." That gig ended decades ago. Now he is in the Big Trump Hate that the main stream media has been conducting since November 2016. Check out the tease in the US Today Headline -- Bob "defends" the journalistic practice of embargoing the Bombshell. That keeps the story going, and Bob ain't running for anything, so it really does not matter if he looks like a shit.

For me, whenever Woodward shows up in National Headlines, I know that he is peddling bullshit. Trump should have been impeached, convicted, indicted, tried, convicted and incarcerated for several crimes -- but "admitting" something to Pentagon Briefer Bob ain't one of them.

But the tale of Trump Killed 180,000 Americans Single Handedly is going to echo through cyberspace until the "election" takes place.

Sundance Kid my ass.

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snoopydawg's picture

If I had done the story at that time about what he knew in February, that’s not telling us anything we didn’t know,” Woodward said. At that point, he said, the issue was no longer one of public health but of politics. His priority became getting the story out before the election in November.

“That was the demarcation line for me,” he said. “Had I decided that my book was coming out on Christmas, the end of this year, that would have been unthinkable.”

7 months to verify sources? I think not. Even if he couldn’t do it might he have let it slip some other way? Nope. This doesn’t let him off the hook. He had Trump's own words on how he handled the epidemic. Trump says that he didn't want to cause a panic? Bull. From the moment Trump rode down the escalator he has been inducing panic. Hordes of Mexican rapists and drug cartels are flooding in through the border because there is no wall was a huge lie because drugs flood the country through the checkpoints or they are flown into the US by the CIA. Trump know that.

Sorry Bob this excuse does not fly for me. Just release the tapes. Oh wait.... you have a book coming out right?

Joe nailed Bob's excuse:

somebody ought to ask Woodward on what date did he choose to begin wearing a mask in public or otherwise change his personal behaviors to reduce his risk of becoming infected with COVID.

that will be the date on which he should have spilt the beans

Thanks for back filling some of history.

Could Trump have done more to stop the epidemic from becoming worse? Of course he could have, but he's not the only person making life and decisions. Remember DeBlasio and Cuomo were both downplaying the dangers in March until they didn't. Was there a national memo sent to governors that said let's let old people get infected and die instead of doing everything in their power to protect them? Washington state warned us of the vulnerability of people in them in January. Just last month Pritzker in Illinois was still allowing deaths to continue.

Is Trump the only one who is sending kids and teachers back to school? Hell no. Schumer said that if we don't do it we are responsible for the worsening economy. Cuomo, Newsom, Herbert in UT and most governors are on board with this no matter how many people die.

That the food supply wasn't protected at the federal level is one thing. That no governors couldn't have done what they could in their states? Or any of the many, many other things that could have been done. Yes Trump Very Bad Man. But he's not the only one who deliberately dropped the COVID ball.

And let us not forget how Pelosi and democrats refuses to bail out we the people. Lots of democrats wanted to send people $2,000/month UBI until the epidemic ended and it was safe to open the country back up. It wasn't just Trump who spent TRILLIONS for rich people and left us out.

19 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

travelerxxx's picture


“If I had done the story at that time about what he knew in February, that’s not telling us anything we didn’t know,” Woodward said.

I don't recall exactly when we started getting reports from Chinese research that there was a strong possibility of airborne spread of the virus, but it damn sure wasn't February. It was much later. That Trump would know this and lie is not earth-shattering, but for Woodward to get confirmation directly from the president that early ...and then sit on it? And for what? Potential book profits! JHFC!

Not only did Woodward sit on the information regarding airborne spread, he also bottled up the fact that Trump had admitted that he was aware of how much more communicable was this coronavirus than influenza.

Naturally, Trump - being a liar-to-his-bones - would have denied saying any of this, but the country would have at least been tipped off and been in a position to take more effective protective measures.

Lives saved? Almost certainly.

14 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Lives saved? Almost certainly.

But maybe if he had come clean with us his supporters would be wearing masks instead of thinking that they don’t help. And it wouldn’t be us against them thinking. Oh yes I think Woodward should not get a pass for sitting on it.

12 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Roy Blakeley's picture

@travelerxxx to anyone that was paying attention. Certainly by early Feb. to even casual observers. All the human corona viruses are shed by respiratory tissues and enter the air from them. How long they stay in the air depends on droplet size. The surface contact infections are from droplets that have settled out. Trump, the CDC, Fauci and the media all downplayed what obviously had the potential to be a very serious outbreak.

8 users have voted.

@Roy Blakeley was confirmed, (iirc 22 Jan), the preliminary working assumption should have been that it was airborne and the world should have acted accordingly until the science could sort out the details.

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travelerxxx's picture


...the preliminary working assumption should have been that it was airborne

Agreed. As I mentioned to Roy Blakeley (above), it's a sad fact that even today I personally know people who still dismiss this. These would be folks who hang on Trump's every word. Had Woodward come out with his info rather than hiding it, maybe a few of these people might have questioned things a bit more. We'll never know.

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travelerxxx's picture

@Roy Blakeley

It was clear that it was airbourne to anyone that was paying attention.

Yes, I thought the same. However, the public was not being told this, as you point out. That Trump and his administration did not bring this to light caused many "...casual observers" - particularly red-hat-wearing ones, to deny the possibility. Many still do deny it.

5 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Alexander’s lengthy messages, some sent as recently as this week, are couched as scientific arguments. But they often contradict mainstream science while promoting political positions taken by the Trump administration on hot-button issues ranging from the use of convalescent plasma to school reopening.

The emails add to evidence that the White House, and Trump appointees within HHS, are pushing health agencies to promote a political message instead of a scientific one.

“I continue to have an issue with kids getting tested and repeatedly and even university students in a widespread manner…and I disagree with Dr. Fauci on this. Vehemently,” Alexander wrote in one Aug. 27 email, responding to a press-office summary of what Fauci intended to tell a Bloomberg reporter.

A comment:

The right-wing trumper pressuring Fauci actually said:

“There is no data, none, zero, across the entire world, that shows children, especially young children, spread this virus to other children, or to adults or to their teachers. None. And if it did occur, the risk is essentially zero.”

If that appraisal of where we stand in the Covid pandemic is official policy there is clearly rampant mental illness on a grand scale emanating from the trump WH - a malignant metastasized tumor in America by people of zero moral compass, less wisdom, apparent no ability to reason, and zero concern for Americans!

The now laughable “opposition” is missing in action (very little of that) and support for Universal NFP Single-Payer health coverage is paramount among numerous failures, stupidity, corruption, complicity and craven open bribe-taking by corporate predators!

It's not just that Trump downplayed the seriousness of the virus. He knew it was airborne and then told people not to wear masks and continued holding rallies where his supporters were exposed to it. Yes Bob you should have released the tapes.

12 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Trump made his comments about Covid-19 to Steno Woodward. By that time it was no longer possible to claim that it was no big deal. And if there's one thing that should be clear about Trump, he always tries to make himself look smart and prescient, which he isn't. He isn't smart enough to have listened to and evaluated whatever information was funneled to him during the first six weeks (from Jan 23 through March 3). However, he wanted to impress Woodward that he was smart even if it meant he had to make up an excuse for why he'd been a dumbass for nearly two months. (And didn't exhibit much knowledge at that point either or much since then.) It probably would have served Trump better if Woodward had immediately gone public with Trump's claim, but that would have jeopardized Woodward's 'access' and made for a skinnier book.

(Bernstein was the writer, and he actually did some Watergate investigating on his own. He's not a particularly good or insightful reporter; thus even though always well written, he hasn't had much good material since Watergate.)

7 users have voted.

If he had come out in February and done a full court press against the spread of Covid. Masks for everyone. Hand washing. social distancing. We'd still have experienced damage but it might not have been as severe.

He didn't want to spread panic? puhleeze.... Panic and fear are his daily offerings.

Instead of truthful info about the danger we faced, the President made the choice to panic the USA about gang members invading your neighborhood. BLM gangs burning down your cities. FFS.

10 users have voted.


@NYCVG which I doubt -- his style wrt to bad news is to deny it and engage in happy talk. Probably how he snookered the bansters during his bankruptcies. (With contractors and suppliers he told them to pound sand.)

7 users have voted.

@Marie so sad.

3 users have voted.


@NYCVG and concocted long after the fact is that WHO is always conservative in its pronouncements to minimize panic, and DJT was trashing WHO from the get-go.

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snoopydawg's picture

Before it can be printed Woodward had to verify his information right? So once he sent it off he could have released what Trump said then because he had verified his source. But since his source was Trump....yeah I got nothing that explains why he stayed quiet until now. Did he not think that people would see through his excuse?

2 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg to sell more books makes the most sense.

Gin up trump hate close to the election.

profit motive is the usual reliable guess as to why something is done or not done, or when it is done.

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Bob In Portland's picture

When Woodward went from the Pentagon to the White House basement (where, according to Woodward himself) he first met Mark "Deep Throat" Felt, he was working for the Office of Naval Intelligence.

Like William Barr, who went to law school while working for the CIA, or Robert Swan Mueller III, who was born into the world of intelligence, or any number of others who have surfaced, Woodward toiled for national intelligence. He writes for the benefit of the Deep State. When he writes recognize who he's writing for.

9 users have voted.

@Bob In Portland '

Personally, I do not much care what Trump ever says and obsessing over his tweets and his palaver with a career Intelligence Community influencer is of zero interest to me. Supposing this tale is accurate, and assuming that Donnie Fucknuts wasn't just pulling Woodward's chain -- then Trump "admitted" that he told the public one thing while actually believing something else. The hell you say!

Yup, yet another reason to impeach, convict, indict, try, convict and incarcerate this asshole. Glad to see plenty of internet support for this vital effort. Since Democratic "incompetence" frittered away this option, the clear and unmistakable lesson from Bob's tardy ratting out of this murderer of 180,000 Americans is Vote Biden!


I think a more realistic assessment of Woodward jamming the Pandemic up Trump's ass is part of the ongoing effort to create the Biden Era Reality -- Trump fucked everything up and so we can't do anything that costs money or disturbs "markets."

Trump, who of course is a pile of human excrement, will be turned into Goldstein, the root of all problems marring life in our Paradise Restored.

4 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.