Establishment endorsements are backfiring
Remember how Lacy Clay won re-election after Kamala Harris endorsed him?
How about when Hillary Clinton delivered her only endorsement in a 2020 House race, thus giving Eliot Engel victory?
Then this shouldn't surprise you.
• The Kennedy campaign said it raised more than $100,000 in response to Pelosi’s endorsement
• #TeamMarkey raised more than $300,000 via 9,000 individual contributions since Pelosi endorsed Joe Kennedy III
To be clear: we outraised him by triple.
— Sydney Rachael Levin-Epstein (@SYDNEYRACHAEL_) August 21, 2020
Barney Frank came out of retirement to endorse Richard Neal.
The news out of Morse's campaign follows a controversy over the mayor's consensual relationships, which the Massachusetts Democratic Party reportedly helped a College Democrats chapter to orchestrate.
"Alex Morse looks very likely to join the ranks of new progressive millennials in Congress," tweeted TIME magazine correspondent Charlotte Alter.
BREAKING: Fresh off winning back to back debates, we have now officially outraised Richard Neal in the pre-primary filing period, with a total of $475,000 versus Richie Neal’s $367,404.
— Alex Morse (@AlexBMorse) August 21, 2020
Proof that pesky Russians are meddling in our minds again
Americans criticizing Biden may be ‘unwittingly’ spreading ‘Kremlin disinformation’,top Russiagate peddler warns
"Speaking to NBC News’ “Meet the Press” on Sunday, the Senator warned that if one is not careful enough, he can accidentally become a Russian “agent” partaking in the alleged smear campaign against Biden.
My fear is there may be Americans that are unwittingly promoting that Russian disinformation campaign, and I think they need to be briefed so they don’t become, frankly, agents in effect of this disinformation campaign.
Moreover, the Senator said that the intelligence community should be more vocal and, basically, instruct the public on how to handle information. (my emphasis)
“It’s incumbent on the intelligence community to lay out more of the facts of what we know about that disinformation campaign,” he said."
I guess it's too late for me
I've already been informed numerous times by random strangers on social media that I'm a Russian agent. Or a Russian troll, or bot, or stooge. Something Russian, anyway.
Often it's because I've advised someone to use their critical thinking skills instead of swallowing whole what CNN, the NYTimes, and Rachel Maddow tell them.
Somehow, I get the feeling that Senator Mark Warner's idea of how the public should "handle information" is a bit different from mine.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
lol and ditto
I’ve been doing this same thing and being called all kinds of Russian names. I guess it’s the telling people to do their own research on every Russian. Some Kyle guy I follow must have the patience of a saint for not blocking me yet. I’m not rude like the Khive darlins though.
I’m also surprised that Neera hasn’t done it either. Today I warned her of throwing rocks when she lives in a glass house. She asked if the RNC didn’t have any standards for the number of people who have been accused of sexual assault who are speaking at their convention so I reminded her of Bill Clinton’s reputation and how on the night he spoke the pictures of him having a massage by someone tied to Epstein.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Straight out of the McCarthy era playbook.
This reminds me of strategic voting system
...I thought might be disruptive to the rigged duopoly structure — enough so to unbalance it over the course of several elections and dislodge the imbedded corruption..
It's a simple rule: Up and down the ticket, ignore Party affiliation and vote against the incumbent in every race. The theory is that, after one term the elected official gets comfortable with the payola and influence-peddling racket that is the hallmark of US government. Half of their term is wasted fund-raising for the next election. Corruption sets in and grows like mold on cheese. So, dislodging an elected official after one term, is the best way for the People to protect their own interests and introduce some chaos into the organized corruption. By flipping the board during every election by jettisoning incumbents, an unspoiled crop of legislators is constantly added to the mix. This will continuously disrupt the power establishment, which spends all if its time exploiting the working class and robbing the People of their nation's resources. This way, no one gets to stick around long enough to game the system. No more influential and deeply compromised politicians dragging people backwards into austerity and suffering. It would also deliver a satisfying mortal blow to the think tank cartels to defenestrate their imbedded cronies.
After a few election cycles, cronyism will be scrambled and the rigging in tatters. Constant turnover and fresh blood is our friend. The strategy could turn into the Anti-Incumbent Party. Citizens Rising.
Sounds like a variation of Congressional term limits
It just goes back to one of the big X-factors we the people still haven't figured out: Just how much control over the situation do any of the *elected* officials really have?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Yes, the one-and-out
Yes, but the Deep State relies
...on a corrupt, entrenched congress that is beholden to their Big-Donor war-profiteers to appropriate the tax revenues to pour into the black hole of the Pentagon. !nvasions, murder, mayhem and thousands of military bases from which to terrorize the world.
If you fill congress with first timers, they may start asking questions and getting ideas about oversight. One of them might blow the whistle on these war criminals and thieves. They, themselves, won't be there for a second term, since some of them will catch the corruption and start lusting after the dirty money. So, you keep bringing in more and more innocent blood and dumping the incumbents.
You don't let up until all campaign funding is Public money shared equally. Private money is not permitted. Campaigns would be much shorter and not such a big commitment. The Presidential campaign could drop to eight weeks, if the money holds out that long. Marginalize the media by limiting spending.
It's a fresh start, every two years.
Who do you think will be funding
A version of this was tried in California with term limits and all it produced was a totally inept state legislature because they weren't in office long enough to figure where the Capitol bathrooms were located.
Three election cycles controlled by a determined People
...and much of the deadwood would be cut out of Congress. After Public Election Funding is in place, extended terms may be a thing again. But first things first. It's "fund raising" that is the source of the corruption in DC. Private donors have made Democracy a sham in the US. This must end.
New members of Congress will figure it out. We don't want them to learn the racketeering business that defines US politics. The Congressional aids have this covered. They are careerists. They run Washington. The set the agendas, write the Bills, handle the PR, plan meetings, and schedule the social action. They do it all. The only thing they can't do is vote.
The Elected government are part time Temp Workers who bring the votes to DC, while Congress is briefly in session. Otherwise, the Permanent Government carries on with or without them. Besides voting, these temporary officials busy themselves with prayer breakfasts, reading some BS into the Congressional Record for posterity, or trying to attach themselves to some piece of legislation. They redecorate their offices, sniff out insider trading tips, take their deluxe all expense paid trip to Israel, and introduce themselves to lobbyists. But the lobbyists are pursuing the most entrenched and influential members of Congress — the ones hooked into the political machine that gives them staying power. The Corporate lobbyists climb all over each other trying to fund their next election and buy their votes on some environmental catastrophe or another. Always to the detriment of the people. These encumbants are the worst of the swamp. They must go.
As for who funds the new candidates, the Parties pick up the whole tab, as usual. What other choice do they have? The People's job is kick the incumbents out of congress and dethrone the entrenched government cartel. No need for legislation or laws for term limits. The Authority lies with the actions of the People. Once the People recapture Congress for themselves, maybe a congressperson gets another term. Particularly if they learn who their real constituents are — and spend 100 percent of their effort satisfying the will of the People.
I figure if the People can't do this one thing to drain the swamp they are always talking about, then really, they are not fit to lay claim to self-determination — the most transformative of the Human Rights. It won't be a smooth ride. There will be times when the psychopaths briefly cycle into power. But in eight years, Congress will mostly belong to the People, and the People will have a fighting chance to rescue themselves.
The only power the People have is their votes. They must learn to use them like a sword.
Yep I feel the same
There are exceptions to this rule, but there are so few exceptions you can count them on two hands.
If you believe the government has been stealing from you, and it has, then you should definitely be voting against the incumbents.
You must live in a state where no one runs unopposed.
Not all are so lucky.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I'm glad that
Bill Lohmiller is running for Senate on the Green ballot line in CO (although it appears that he didn't actually make it on the ballot and will be running write-in). If there was no Green candidate, I would have had to break my lifelong rule and actually vote for the repub incumbent Gardner, because there is no way in hell that I would vote for the execrable Frackenlooper. This time will be all Green candidates, and blank if there isn't a Green available. It'll be the first time I've ever treated the dems and the repbs the same, as existential threats, but it won't be the last.
Even so, this election really is pushing my disgust threshold to the absolute limits. I'm having a harder and harder time justifying opening the envelope and making a mark on my ballot, instead of just sweeping it into the trash with the rest of the junk mail. This cycle can't be over soon enough, because the outcome will absolutely stink no matter what happens.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
This is amusing:
MA Senate Race tightens
@Marie LOL
Ted Kennedy is an empty name tag.
Diet Trump nails it
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
@ggersh this might be the best
If it was easy, everyone would do it.
The Dems Class War
Something is rotten in the State of Denmark
class war fare without class in the wrong state.
Can you have your revolution, already? Pretty, please.