This election is still about Obama's legacy

Ryan Grim nails what a Biden presidency means to Obama. This was why Obama was waiting to take down Bernie if it looked like he had a shot at winning and take him down he did on Super Tuesday by getting everyone but Warren to drop out and having Clyburn clear the way for Joe to get the black vote. And now the DNC has rejected almost everyone of Bernie's proposal and are not even going to offer the public option because the insurance and pharma donors do not want them to.

On the eve of a Democratic National Convention taking place as millions lose health care coverage, the health care industry is launching a new ad campaign pressing Democrats to back off the party’s already compromised health care promises. That pressure seems to be having its intended effect on Capitol Hill as congressional aides say the party will not push the initiative if Biden wins. The signs of retreat come as health care industry profits are skyrocketing and the industry’s campaign cash has flooded into Democratic coffers.

The Partnership for America’s Health Care Future (PAHCF) -- a front group created by health insurance, pharmaceutical and hospital lobbying groups to oppose “Medicare for All” -- announced on Friday that it is launching a new national ad campaign to persuade Democrats to abandon their plans to create a public health insurance plan. The group said it will run ads during the Democratic National Convention (DNC) this week. PAHCF is led by a former Hillary Clinton aide and run out of the offices of a D.C. lobbying firm led by former top Democratic congressional aides.

Kasich assures people that Biden will not turn to the left if he is elected. Followed by 3 other republican big wigs. Meg Whitman and others were the opposite of what democrats insist they are so why were they invited to speak at the democrat's big shin dig? Exactly.

For every democrat voter we don't get we are picking up 2 republican voters. - Chuckles Schumer.

Hey Rachel, did you catch this bombshell?

Then there's this:

That was met with this:

I’m sure he thought Pardoning S.B.A. on the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment would get him great ratings. I am sure he did get great ratings in Moscow. Stupid is as stupid does.

Can anyone explain why Putin would be happy that Trump pardoned Anthony? Cuz I just can't make the connection.

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usefewersyllables's picture

is currently sitting on the White House toilet, tweeting inanities.

After the election, his legacy will still be sitting on the White House toilet, tweeting inanities.

Seems pretty simple to me...

13 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

Raggedy Ann's picture

I think it goes all the way back to Clinton and preserving the neoliberal position.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

gulfgal98's picture

@Raggedy Ann ... so I tend to agree. IMO, Obama was Bill Clinton's third and fourth term. However, Obama is narcissistic enough to believe that Joe Biden will somehow preserve his legacy. Yes, Obama did the dirty work in taking down Bernie, but Hillary installed her choice for Vice President in Kamala Harris. Also, looking at the lineup of speakers at the Democratic convention tells it all. There were more Republicans than Democrats featured and the second day was reserved for the neocons. The Democratic party is now officially the party of war.

Bernie turned his back on his own movement and gave it all up but got nothing in return. Not even a crumb. The Republicanization of the Democratic party is now complete. It is totally disgusting to see. But the DNC "won" their real battle and that was to destroy the left. They really do not care if Trump wins. He represents a fund raising bonanza for the Dems and they do not even have to legislate.

They no longer even try to hide their corruption.

9 users have voted.

Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

snoopydawg's picture


I have been saying that on the Twit since Kasich spoke. Then when they put Colin Powell on the stage I knew that the take over of the democrats by the Koch brothers is complete. Clinton took their money and their ideas and made them their own.

Great minds...

6 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

gulfgal98's picture

@snoopydawg We both were thinking the same thing. I tweeted that today also. Unfortunately, my tweet was not as artful as I now wish it was.

6 users have voted.

Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

travelerxxx's picture


I liked David Sirota's reply to your tweet, gg. I'd put it here, but I'm not a Twitter user ...even though I do peek in from links here on C99. Actually, there were a lot of good replies!

3 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


I’d forgotten about that comment and after reading it I don’t remember writing it, but there it is about the Koch brothers....

Reading tweets tonight the shitfest is on going with Obama lecturing Trump on wanting to be president. Pot/kettle to you too you asshole!

3 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

It couldn't have been just Obama and Clyburn. A theft of that magnitude required essentially the entire Democratic establishment and a large percentage of the black electorate. And don't give moderate Democrats a pass either, a lot of them had to go along too.

18 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

Can anyone explain why Putin would be happy that Trump pardoned Anthony? Cuz I just can't make the connection.

I'm working on it.

I'll keep trying.

I'll get back to you.

4 users have voted.

it has to do with this?

When women got the right to vote in 25 places around the world

New Zealand: 1893

Finland: 1906

Finland, which was part of Russia at the time, adopted universal and equal suffrage in 1906, and women voted for the first time in the 1907 election. The legislation was spurred by a general strike related to the 1905 Russian Revolution. It granted women the right to vote and stand for election.

Russia: 1917

Following a massive demonstration in Petrograd in 1917, women in Russia won the right to vote. They were also able to hold public office.

United States: 1920

Is it possible Putin relishes our slowness relative to Russia about women's rights? And therefore Trump is a Russian stooge for celebrating women's right to vote?

Again, I see so many assertions that our support of Nazis in Ukraine is good because it's anti-Russian. Suddenly, Susan B. Anthony is a Communist because she worked for women's rights?

10 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@Linda Wood

this nails so many issues that centrists are now in favor of or not in favor of anymore.

Again, I see so many assertions that our support of Nazis in Ukraine is good because it's anti-Russian. Suddenly, Susan B. Anthony is a Communist because she worked for women's rights?

Whatever makes Trump look bad they are in favor of no matter if it changes centuries of history that used to be for. Or against. Good grief I just can't understand their mindset.

8 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@Linda Wood not for women of color, and maybe that's why some racist advisor told him to do this to get women's vote in the election.
Just like other stupid idea of gassing peaceful protestors to disperse them just so tRUMP could pose for a photo shoot in front of a historic church holding up a bible...upside down.

I don't believe tRUMP thinks of any of these stunts, just the hyenas (apologies to the real critters)surrounding him trying to curry favor, and to stay in power.

Obviously,tRUMP liked their poor ideas, but as the saying goes 'like minds think alike'.

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@Linda Wood

In 1870, a full 50 years before the 19th amendment gave women the right to vote in the United States, Louisa Swain cast a historic ballot for the general election in Laramie, Wyoming. She was voting thanks to a law passed the year before in the Territory of Wyoming, giving women over the age of 21 the right to vote and to hold public office.

"Voters had to be a citizen or swear an oath that they were seeking citizenship," says Kim Viner, a docent at the Laramie Plains Museum, which meant that the right did not extend to Native Americans and Chinese immigrants, who were excluded from citizenship at the time. Black women, officially, were able to vote under the law, but it's unknown if any did. "In Laramie there were only three black women in a population of just under 800," Viner says. "The Laramie [news]paper did note that 93 women voted in 1870 but did not mention any names other than Louisa Swain."

As such, Swain became the first woman to legally vote at the same level as a man in the United States. The territories of Utah (1870), Washington (1883) and Montana (1887) would follow, and, in 1890, when Wyoming was admitted to the Union, its state constitution granted women voting rights. In 1893, Colorado became the first state to pass women's suffrage into law through a referendum.

source: Smithsonian Mag

Oregon was a latecomer, adopting women's suffrage in 1912, although they had managed to have a female governor for a few days in 1909...

I'd happily swap Carrie Shelton for Kate Brown anytime.

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