Trump IS Obama's Legacy

This is the best explanation for why Trump was elected over Hillary. It all comes back to Obama's failed legacy. It would be one thing if the GOP did block his legislation, but he and the democrats had a filibuster proof majority for many months and they squandered it. Why this is relevant today is because once again democrats are running a candidate with an abhorrent history of bad policies that Trump can use again and run to the left of them. And once again millions of people are hurting and even worse than during Obama's tenure and Joe Biden is telling us that no he will not lift a finger to help us. Well then why in hell should I or any democrat vote for him? Is he campaigning on rolling back the destructive things that Trump has done? Not to my knowledge. So then will he be the democratic hat trick and once in office pass the legislation that Trump wasn't able to like Clinton and Obama did for their predecessors and once again being the GREATER EVIL?

* Obama set this election result up just like the Weimar Republic set up the Nazis coming to power thru the ballot box in 1933. You had the same conditions in 2016 where you were left behind after the Great Depression and Obama spent 8 years in the WH as the representative of the people's party and not doing anything. It took massive government frustration because the government did not meet the needs of Americans. Besides Hillary was a horrible candidate. He failed so badly that Trump was able to walk thru and win because he ran to the left of Hillary.

* Obama passed the things that Bush wasn't able to get passed during his tenure just like Clinton passed the things Bush 1 wasn't able to. Therefore as Jimmy says Obama and Clinton were the greater evil in the circular firing of Lesser Evil Voting.

* Obama had the bully pulpit and could have put pressure on the GOP by going on TV and telling us that they were obstructing his legislation meant to help the 99%. The only time I saw him calling out congress was on a Saturday U Tube that no one watched and he blamed both parties. It was true, but back then we/I thought it was just the GOP. Some people saw the truth, but I would not listen.

* The reason why I mention this is because of the anger I feel towards this buffoon that wasted 8 years of opportunity and who crushed the hopes of 10's of millions who believed in him.

Amen to all of this, but especially the last part. I went from high excitement to watching his acceptance speech in Grant's Park to utter bewilderment at his FISA vote and then his cabinet picks and then everything else was just a further acknowledgement that he sold us out after lying to us for 2 years. Is there any better punishment for the heinous Obama betrayal presidency that for someone like Trump to follow him? Or that Bernie came out of nowhere in 2016 and almost beat Hillary because he was truly running on the same issues Obama was? I think not.

Obama being the Seinfeld president is spot on. I told my friend who was a huge Seinfeld fan that I didn't like it because all I saw was a show about people sitting in a restaurant and nothing happens. Funny how after I said that I heard that was exactly what the show was about.

Obama sat in the White House for 8 years and did basically nothing for the 99%. The Seinfeld president is spot on.

Biden has stated twice now that he would veto MFA or any health care plan that was better than the ACA. He has run on a Public Option since he started, but now democrats are even walking that back and saying that their first priority was strengthening the ACA. You know the health care plan that leaves well over 20 million people off of it? No Bernie, Biden will not be another FDR even if he passes the measly concessions you got from him.

One thing that was suggested Obama could have done is get people to camp out on the National Mall and demand republicans come to the table. Well people did camp out on Wall Street and demand that Obama and democrats do something for the 99% that had gotten screwed by them and Wall Street. We all know how drastically and brutally Obama ended that exercise in free speech.

This video is a must watch too cuz Obama comes on to tell us........ oh hell I am not writing out his bullshit. Watch and hear for yourselves. Great job, Jimmy.

Jimmy explains why Trump is Obama's legacy. And shows how Obama is full of it with what he said about his good friend Joe and why we should give him our vote.

24 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture

After rejecting everything that progressive’s want Biden wants them to vote for him anyway because Trump is so bad. So bad that democrats have given him everything he wanted. F’ck off, Joe.

19 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Obama allowed his nominee to be ignored. GOP senators, with very few exceptions, refused to grant Garland the usual 10 minute in each Senator's office Meet-and-greet.

Mitch held NO hearings.

Obama held his tongue.

We can hold our votes if we so choose.

19 users have voted.


gulfgal98's picture

That is what it has been for the American people and now we are faced with the heinous choice of Joe Biden or Donald Trump. I had been thinking about voting third party but that does not excite me. I also thought about writing in a vote, and that is where I am leaning right now.

Meanwhile the few lefties I know in real life are all urging me to vote for Biden "because of Trump." And I keep asking myself this question. Who is really worse, Biden or Trump in terms of the potential long term damage they could do? Honestly, I am not sure that the answer is Trump.

I keep going over a list of things that pose grave concern for me as far as long term damage and comparing the two major candidates to one another on those issues. And I am not seeing a major difference on any of them, except perhaps style. This tweet really says it all.

Biden has already promised to veto Medicare for All.
Biden has many times in the past attempted to destroy Social Security in order to privatize it. Biden is beholding to the insurance and credit card industries. He could care less about income inequality and poverty.
Biden is against the Green New Deal or any climate legislation, so the climate time bomb will continue to tick.
Biden proudly authored the Crime Bill which has led to the incaraceration of millions of people of color for very minor crimes.
Biden is a hawk.

That is not to say that Trump has been any better on these issues with the possible exception that he has not started any new wars yet although there are hawks in his administration.

I am in deep despair over the state of politics in this country. A Biden administration with both a Democratic House and Senate means he can probably get whatever he wants, especially with neolibs like Pelosi and Schumer as leaders. The COVID packages they negotiated show exactly where their loyalties lie. And with House and Senate majorities, there will be zero checks upon a Biden administration. So in my despair over the state of things in this country, I am wondering would we truly better off Biden as President? Personally, I think it is a wash of evil versus evil, and we are all being forced to choose our poison.

I blame Barack Obama directly for Donald Trump and I blame Barack Obama directly for shoving Joe Biden and Kamala Harris down our throats. We are so screwed. Thanks Obama!

23 users have voted.

Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

at the MPP (Movement for a People’s Party) Virtual Convention, along with Cornel West, Jimmy Dore and Nina Turner. This group of people really gets that both the D’s and R’s work together to perpetuate our destructive status quo, to the detriment of the rest of the world..

The 2020 election debacle is already baked in, regardless of which of the two lesser evils “wins”. My efforts, and financial support, is now on 2024 for ending the parade of sociopaths chief executive occupying the White House. I do not expect to see a sane or benevolent candidate on the top of the ticket from either of our two major parties, ever.

Real change, to the extent that it is possible, must begin and grow outside of our existing power structure, the one that has brought us the brink of our horrific dystopian future. Meaningful change will not be found among the greed-heads and their enablers.


13 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

enhydra lutris's picture

the Seinfeld reference since I never watched it and know nothing about it. OTOH, your description, sitting around talking and doing zi shit is very wonderful.

be well and have a good one.

11 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Cassiodorus's picture

If not, you might enjoy it.

8 users have voted.

"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione

snoopydawg's picture


Oh wait...
You seem to enjoy doing this. Why? Is Bernie still running? No. I find it rude.

4 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Cassiodorus's picture

@snoopydawg Are there other places on the Net where you will find lefties advocating a vote for Trump because they don't want to be co-opted by Biden/ Harris?

4 users have voted.

"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione

snoopydawg's picture

Democrats say it’s too dangerous to hold their convention in public and person, but they have no problem sending our kids back to school during a not controlled epidemic. How can people not see this?

It’s not just democrats that are doing it. The GOP’s having a Zoom convention unless things have changed. Ghouls. Murderous ghouls.

16 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Granma's picture

We had hit bottom and would surely have more realistic choices in 2020. I was wrong. I won’t vote for evil. I’ll write in once I decide for whom.
Seinfeld was a show where all they did was sit around talking and there has been all this buzz about it? Unbelievably weird.

12 users have voted.
Bisbonian's picture

@Granma , ... there's still some room down there.

5 users have voted.

"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Shahryar's picture

Even though he's not running and my vote would thus be tossed.

I'd say, though, that blaming Obama for Trump misses the mark for two reasons

1. Hillary Clinton was a horrible candidate, hated by people left and right, who didn't know how to campaign; who had fund raisers among rich people instead of rallies; who blew a 40 point lead over Obama; who almost blew a 40 point lead over Bernie; who blew a double digit lead over Trump.

2. A very large segment of the populace still loves Obama. Rather than reject him, they wish he were still President. Some even hoped Michelle Obama would be Biden's VP pick. Obama would have beaten Trump if he'd been allowed to run again.

Blaming Obama for Trump is, in a funny way, like "Russia!". It deflects away from the horror that was Hillary's campaign.

10 users have voted.
lotlizard's picture

and fabricated charges out of whole cloth, using a wide variety of deep-state operations and subterfuges, as “insurance” against the Democrats’ candidate losing the 2016 election.

Unfortunately, Trump winning again is the only way we would ever get to the bottom of that unprecedented attack on such remnants of democracy that remain in the U.S. constitutional setup.

And because Washington DC is wedded to “look forward, not back” and loves its coverups, maybe we, the voting public, wouldn’t find out the truth and be allowed to hold the schemers to account even then.

7 users have voted.
Daenerys's picture

until they start doing more than just vote. Some of us tried to warn people about fascism in America back when W was president; fuck 'em if they didn't listen. I'm tired of this shit; burn it all down.

8 users have voted.

This shit is bananas.