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Nick-Nack Bortac
Pepper Spray and Flash Bang
This ole’ town comes swatting down
The Border Patrol Tactical Unit (BORTAC) is the tactical unit of the US Border Patrol. Their mission is "to respond to terrorist threats of all types anywhere in the world in order to protect our nation’s homeland”. Formed in, wait for it, 1984, BORTAC has steadily expanded its scope and mission capabilities. The Bush administration expanded the border patrol to 20,000 members and increased its budget to the $5bn it is today.
This is the same unit that was recently deployed in Portland. BORTAC typically has
additional gear such as stun grenades and enhanced Special-Forces-type training, including sniper certification. The officers typically conduct high-risk operations targeting individuals who are known to be violent, many of them with extensive criminal records.
This type of thuggery has been going on in Black and Brown communities for a very long time.
Bates said he believed the number of cases pursued by the Gun Trace Task Force [in Baltimore] helped explode the number of shootings and deaths in the city. Nine members of the elite police unit have been convicted or pleaded guilty to corruption that included robbery and extortion, planting evidence and illegal searches and seizures of Baltimoreans.
It has been said that sending in BORTAC to handle protests is Rumps way of garnering votes from middle class women who, Republicans think, do not want non-White people moving into their neighborhoods.
Donald Trump and his enablers know that women. for as long as there have been efforts toward desegregation, white women have defended the status quo. These women have been loud and insistent, maybe because those protests have long been one of the few places where anger doesn’t immediately render a woman unfeminine and unattractive, strident or shrill. An angry white woman has always been a “nasty woman”— unless she’s a mama bear, standing up for her kids and their schools and neighborhoods.
Thus President Trump’s recent provocative tweet to “the Suburban Housewives of America,” warning “Biden will destroy your neighborhood and your American Dream.”
Mr. Trump’s re-election depends, at least in part, on white suburban women still feeling that way.But if recent protests and nonfiction best-seller lists are any indication, at least some “housewives” have arrived at a more nuanced understanding of racial dynamics and have harnessed the potent, symbolic power of white motherhood to advocate for change. Simsbury, for example, now has a Facebook group called Holding the Door Open, “for people within greater Simsbury CT who are open, ready and willing to discuss, share and grow in their understanding of racism, white privilege and exclusion in our community and within America.”
So there is that. Anything for election. But still, the force and techniques that these "special forces" are using in Portland do not belong in a democracy, or even in what little is left of it.
The question, in my mind, is, is it too late? The PTB are hyper organized as witnessed in their response to the Portland protesters. They have been prepping for this, certainly since the Sanctuary Movement. Now they are honing their skills on Portland protesters.
This is what Democracy looks like...
Is it too late to change things via elections, via legislation? What are our options? Time is short. The Climate Crisis will not wait.
The thread is open…

Good morning, magi ~~
Remaking society requires dramatic changes. We are witnessing the universe instituting great changes to our world. August will be volatile, which will move into the September/October time frame of re-making, re-tooling, re-thinking, re-creating, re-flecting, re-organizing, etc. our society in a movement way. November will be explosive. Can't you just feel the excitement in the air? I'm beside myself in anticipation!
It will take a few years, but by 2026, we will notice that the Aquarian Age is, indeed, our path forward. It has been a struggle ridding ourselves of the Piscean age, which has been dominated by top down heirarchy and power. The Aquarian Age is the age of information. Nothing is secret anymore. All information is available at your fingertips. Where the Piscean age was organized in a vertical, up and down structure of hierarchies, the Aquarian Age is organized in a horizontal network, opening the world up to true equality.
Be to be. Have a pleasant day.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
RA, I so hope that your ppredictions come true!
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Well, you are the
only person here who seems to want to move to a higher vibrational level. I'm disappointed in most here who are in the lower vibrational thinking level and are mired in the shit show. What's happening is so exceptional I'm honored to be tuned in. Hopefully others will come along in due time - or not, much to their detriment.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
dearest one. I lived in Mt. Shasta for years, the heart chakra of Gaia. We can travel on all planes at once and would be wise to pay apt attention to the ways of the world. How else can we change them. I love your uplifting comments, they feed me in these times of chaos. Be well, be centered, be light.
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RA I definitely need the help to get there!
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
morning ra
Something is happening. It's like labor pains. Birthing and hope. Out of the fire rises the phoenix. I think there will be much chaos beforehand.
Thanks always for your centering comments. Take good care.
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Cuz every day unfortunately feels like Groundhog day
but today maybe that reality changes, especially w/headlines like these.
Trump Sparks Firestorm With Suggestion To Delay Elections 'Until Vote Can Be Safe'
"With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history."
Jul 30, 2020 9:00 AM
US Q2 GDP Crashes By A Record 32.9%, Worse Than Great Depression
Worst. Quarter. Ever.
Stay safe everyone!
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
What this tells me
is that El Trumpo has finally realized he can't win, and the only way to avoid losing is if the election never happens.
But the election is going to happen.
Biden will win without ever leaving his basement, so they won't have to swap candidates after the convention. He might actually make it to Inauguration Day. "Honey, why are we here? Who are all these people?", "Just repeat what this nice man says.". The next day he resigns and we get whoever was chosen as his running mate.
El Trumpo makes a state visit to Russia the week before Inauguration and never comes back. He retires to a big, beautiful home somewhere and spends his days on the Internet railing against his enemies. Maybe Russia will be nice and let Air Force One fly back.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
it's good to see you
back; i'd been concerned at your long absence, and may even have emailed you to ask...
while major media are pushing rice as dementiaJoe's running mate, were i he, i'd choose bill gates, the most famous doctor on the planet. he knows vaccines from the ground up, and has already approved some to prevent coid-19. he knows everything worth knowing about geo-engineering and green-washing runaway climate chaos away. he knows how to feed the world with GMOs, and controls the svalbard seed vault 650 S of the north pole, which now stores over a million different seeds. ooopsie; it may be flooding again: yesterday it was 72 degrees there.
additionally: he doesn't have store teeth like deMentia joe does!
I'm still alive
thanks for wondering.
Biden has said that he's (or whomever is actually running his campaign) going to pick a woman as VP. I'm just hoping it isn't Clinton. I'm not 100% sure it will be someone we know, they may take this opportunity to slip in someone who has no public record, who would never get elected herself, and would be even worse than the other possible choices.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
sure, it's gotta be a
"She", the more mulatto the better, no. another guess, of course, is the Lotus flowewr, kamala harris.
but an interesting thesis: 'a she with no public record'.
Who would be analogous to
Sorry to say but I'm not that optimistic about
And evil resides on both wings of the fascist oligarchy
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
well, you know the old adage:
"it's always darkest before.........lights out."
from 1969, and we old hipppies ate it on a spoon:
hola gg
Crazy time we are witnessing. Each day brings more chaos. The folks with their hands on the levers do not want to let go. It's a struggle and more and more
momspeople are waking up. Many people are joining in the fight for justice now.Take very good care and thanks for being here.
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These mama's can dance!
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Time to turn this ship around
set a course and go...
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
this is the way to go]
[video:I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
80 feet at the waterline
makes her almost 100' LOA
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
hola q
Indeed. Best sooner than later.
Take good care and have a good one.
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Good Morning! I just saw a blurb fly by
that indicated that Herman Cain had finally succumbed to Covid-19, after contracting it while attending Trump's Tulsa rally and doing the maskless I'm-immortal tapdance. Interesting. I'm kind of surprised that the media didn't immediately bury that info... Condolences to his family, and to any folks out there who thought that he was a respectable human being.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
At his age and medical history should have been a shut in.
Technically, he may have contracted
good afternoon usefewersyllables
Welcome. I saw that too. Not a very smart guy. It just may be a Darwin award. Looks like he pissed of a bunch of repugs too.
Thanks for stopping in. Take good care and have a good one.
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Good morning magi. A lot is going on, but nothing is
happening. A very weird but yet highly normal and routine state of affairs. (Ever wonder why weird is spelled that way? Is it just to be weird? Too early in the day for etymology, so later for that.)
so our homeland and it's borders are now anywhere in the world? We know, from Portland, that graffiti are terrorist threats, so these thugs are on the lookout for global graffiti, ready to respond with the violent, armed, terrorism that they perpetrate wherever spray paint and waterproof markers are sold? I really don't doubt it.
We are the global terrorists, we, our military, the CIA, and now, it would appear, the bullies from bortac, catchy. "bort" is small trashy non-gem quality diamonds used as an abrasive, so there that is.
Lately I just keep thinking
The Fire Next Time
, but who wants to go there, especially this early in the day. Ah well, perhaps "Somebody holds the key".
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
P, P & M went there...
; )
Heh ;-)
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
morning el
I never spell weird right. Have to go back and change it. Originally spelled werd.
I thought you knew that "our" borders were just about everywhere. Look around. How'd ya miss that.
Take good care and have a
werdgood one.Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
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good on ya;
i'd partially just stopped by to add niles neimath's ‘Plainclothes NYC police grab protester and throw her into unmarked car’, which i'd included in my 'a PSA from ProPublica' diary re: NYPD police complaints exposés. but i see you've included it.
i keep mislaying the list of cities' PDs who've either been trained by the IDF or in the states...also by the IDF. but the NYPD has their own office in tel aviv.
yeah, hi wendy
Why isn't your post on the front page. Maybe it got moved up by now. Thanks for it. If you ever find that list post it. Would be good to file it.
Take good care and thanks for all the work you do. So appreciate it.
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Biden: Trump is the most racist president ever
Let’s Impeach The President
What Bush allowed to happen in New Orleans after Katrina seems pretty damned racist to me. Just watching a few seconds of this brought tears to me eyes. Again. I cannot understand how he wasn't impeached for his response, but of course he wasn't alone. Do imagine if Osama had blown up the levies and caused all those deaths.
Bush's invasion of Iraq was also pretty damned racist since it was just 'Muslims' and other minorities who were killed and of course anyone protecting their country from the invaders are terrorists and insurgents. Bull!
But I doubt I was alone watching as Bush shredded the constitution with nary a word from democrats. And Nancy of course knew that there were no WMDs in Iraq and that Bush/Cheney had been torturing 'folks', but since the country had just been through impeachment with Clinton for lying under oath she didn't want to look like she was doing tit for tat. But she did impeach Trump for not immediately sending lethal weapons to Ukraine that even Obama refused to do. And are still sitting in a warehouse because they can't be used on the front line. Oops. How many people even know that?
Remember color coded terror alerts to influence policies and the elections. Remember being told we need to go out and buy plastic and duct tape to protect us from anthrax after a few congress members who did not want to vote for the patriot act were sent some in the mail? Did you know that Biden wrote the damn patriot act in 1995? Why did he feel he needed to write that that pretty much revoked our civil liberties and that has been left for Trump/Barr to use as they see fit?
Trump is a horrible person and a worse president that is doing untold damage to the country. But so did Obama who actually did some things that were worse. As did Clinton who got the rest of GHWB's policies passed with nary a word from the democratic base.
Preaching to the choir I know, but I am flabbergasted that George has been rehabilitated by the centrists just because he said some mean about Trump. Those same centrists are cheering every video that the Lincoln Project makes about Trump even though it is made up from the people who got us into Iraq and they are damn selective about what they think Trump is doing wrong. IMO it is basically because Trump has taken the mask of our imperialism and being captured by the power elite. Electing Biden won't do a damn thing to reverse what Trump has done, but try telling people that. It was because of Biden's, Obama's and democrat's actions for the last 4 decades that made a Trump even possible.
Just saying. Watch the video if you've luckily have forgotten how bad the Shrub was.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
No amount of brain bleach could remove
the stench of the memories Shrub left behind. The photo ops of Michelle Obama cuddling Bush are stomach turning. And then the “cute” pics of Cheney in a mask—ugh! The 180 turn the Democrats did on the Bush Administration is a transparent political maneuver which shows how little issues matter. It’s all about power and doing the bidding of TPTB. Everything else is smoke and mirrors.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
hi snoop
Good to see you. Oligarchs. Fuck 'em. Blows my mind every day, the hubris, entitlement, lack of conscience.
This is what Democracy looks like.
Take good care and have a good one.
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More bleeding of money
and an exercise in futility.
Nature holds the trump card (sorry).
If it weren't such a complete disaster it would be funny.
hi randtntx
Holds the trump card?! Really! So right on. Will be stealing that. Hope all is well with you and yours.
Take good care and have a good one.
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It always is amazing
how easy it is to divide people, we fall for it every time. Margaret Kimberly makes the point in a BAR article;
A House Divided Against Itself....and all that. I looks like we will all just end up squabbling against each other.
I don't think the message has gotten out though. In a game where there are winners and losers, the losers make it way to easy for the winners.
Great article
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I hope this comes back to bite them in their........
More info has come out that shows how Strzok and Page totally set up Flynn which led to the whole farcical Russia investigation. And that Comey, Biden, Obama and Strzok knew that Flynn had done nothing wrong in talking to Russia after Trump won the investigation. Strzok notes actually says just that and that Biden questioned whether they could go after him for the Logan act. I'll look for the link to that story. Here's another one.
Instead of warning Trump that Russia was being naughty they used the meeting to spy on him. Obama actually did do the deed of spying on Trump and his campaign and they got warrants to do so by lying to the FISA court about Carter Page not working as a CIA asset. The information was actually criminally changed to show that. One person is under criminal indictment for that.
Plus I am seeing centrists doing all they can to spread propaganda about the Durham investigation into the origins of Russia Gate. The chief propagandist is tying it Pizza Gate and Q Anon. It is flat out falsehoods or lying if you must and of course I am seeing lots of people buying into it.
The 33% retraction of the economy that came out today? It is Putin's fault. He wants Trump to destroy the country from the inside. I am seeing democrats and republicans doing just that by not expanding UI benefits. Maybe democrats are working for Putin too? Sure. That makes as much sense as everything else they have come up with.
This was an attempted coup d'tat from the Obama administration and from Hillary's campaign. How sweet to get your party's IA to do opposition research on your opponent at our expense. But her emails, right? How far Barr is going to go with will be interesting. From what I have seen what was done to Trump is far more serious that Nixon's watergate fiasco. But since we are no longer a nation of laws for the elite class I expect just a lot of noise and this will end up like the Mueller report. People will read it and see what they want to see that fits their thoughts.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Not sure about this:
The full extent of the Nixon/GOP dirty tricks in 1971-72 remains unknown. One reason may be that it was successful in getting Nixon his landslide win; whereas, "Russiagate" failed in its intended purpose to defeat Trump.
More from the 2nd article that ties the 2 together
The Clinesmith information was disclosed to congress by Horowitz a few months ago and so was the information that the FBI did not give Flynn's defense everything that they should have. The case against Flynn was a horrible injustice. He is said to have only to plead guilty so that they wouldn't go after his son. I don't remember if Flynn is charged for not registering as a foreign lobbyist or it was his supposed perjury that he was charged for. I still don't know how any info dug up after the bogus information that got the FISA warrants in the first place isn't fruit of the poison tree.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
George H. W. Bush was a war criminal — Trump’s just a bumbler
compared to the respected and venerated Bush crime clan (the BFEE, the Bush Family Evil Empire, as the late lefty blogger Bartcop [= Terrence R. Coppage of Tulsa, Oklahoma] was fond of calling it).
good afternoon ll
Yes he was. I remember right after the Iraq war started. I could see planes take off from Moffett Field from my office in the Silicon Valley. Every 20 minutes a big hulking transport plane would take off. Made me cra cra. I kept count of every person (mostly men) that was killed. LSD bummer for sure. And Michelle Obomber just loves the man. "It's a club and you ain't in it." Sigh.
Take good care and have a good one.
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