Biden's shameful and disgusting talk with Ady Barkin

Biden part is less than 5 minutes if you don't want to watch the whole video.

No one is saying that we should take away people's access to a private insurance plan. Biden has been tweeting that health care is a human right and that if he is elected he will make sure that people will have access to health care. Well Joe we already have access to it and that is the problem for many of us. It is not affordable and that is why there is 500,000 medical bankruptcies here every damn year. And because people don't have access to it 60,000 plus die from lack of health care every year in this country. If health care IS a human right then we should have it. Period. You say it costs too much to keep people alive every year? Well it cost too damn much for us to kill people in foreign countries every year just because they live atop resources that your friends and donors want and yet we spend it anyway at the expense of the people in the country. Period. Republicans are not the only ones who don't care if you get sick and die and as soon as possible. Democrats have been saying that same thing since this conversation began. Nancy says that she doesn't believe in MFA. Hillary told us that universal health care will never ever happen. Obama kicked single payer advocates out of the room when discussing his health care plan and let the insurance and pharmaceutical companies write the bill which still left millions of health care to get sick and die. When Biden's son Beou (sp)got brain cancer he was going to sell one of his houses to pay for it until his good friend Obama said that he would loan him the money. Great for Joe and Beou, but Biden still had to pay that back. Fortunately he was in a position to make that kind of money. You guys have access to that opportunity?

By Ady saying that he will vote for Biden anyway regardless of his saying he will support MFA is just saying that no matter how much you and democrats shit on me (us) we will give you our vote anyway. If you do that then why would democrats lift one finger to help us?

Biden never won even 1 state in his previous 2 attempts at being president and he had to drop out both times because he is a damn liar. Why anyone would believe a damn word he says about his platform is beyond my comprehension. Besides we have been promised the American Dream by folks such as yourself and your good friend.....umm....MyBoss and others and you never live up to them.

This is who the democrats have decided that is there best chance to beat Trump. It doesn't matter to them if he does or not because either way they win and we lose.

I have been watching some of Jimmy's older videos and this one is a doozy.

People keep saying that if Biden is elected then it is up to us to push him left. Bernie just tried that and Biden told him and us to screw ourselves. Back at you, Joe.

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I don't think Biden could have been more dismissive of Ady's concerns if he tried. It was beyond disgusting. However, that being said, I find Barkan's vocalized support of Biden just as disgusting as I find Bernie's support for Biden. What the hell are they thinking? If Barkan had just told Joe that he found his position on medicare for all immoral , but he was getting Barkan's vote because Trump is more immoral, it might have been a bit more palatable, but not much.
Trump hatred is just like most religions... it screws up your brain, messes with your thinking and disables your ability to be rational.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

snoopydawg's picture

@Fishtroller 02

That Ady and others are giving Biden their votes without even getting something in return for them is why democrats know that they don’t have to change a damn thing.

Trump hatred is just like most religions... it screws up your brain, messes with your thinking and disables your ability to be rational.

I remember feeling that way during Bush’s maladministration and thought that he was a one off and if we just survived it things would get better. Or return to normal. lol little did I know that Clinton wasn’t what normal was. As Jimmy says he was the more effective evil than Dole because at least democrats would have fought his agendas.

I admit that Trump is worse than Bush, but I’m appalled by the democrat voters who don’t see how democrats are enabling him by voting for everything he puts in front of them.

I see people overlooking the things Biden has done since his 1st train ride into DC and saying that he’s exactly who we need to be Trump.
Phewy to that.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

CS in AZ's picture


Not directed at you personally but to the general topic being discussed on this thread ...

What is the diagnosis of people like myself, who very much do hate Trump, and also despise Joe Biden, and has no plans to vote for either? Are we also “deranged” because of finding D. Trump repulsive?

Is my brain screwed up, my thinking messed with, and my ability to be rational disabled?

That is very interesting! It sounds extremely similar to democrats who insist that if I do not vote for Biden, my brain is screwed up, my thinking messed with, and my ability to be rational disabled.

Well, I do not listen to them either. Smile

I feel quite comfortable with my choice to not vote for either of them, and as much as it applies to a public figure, I hate both of them. Anyone who wants to call that “deranged” is free to think what they want but it doesn’t persuade me to like Trump. That is NOT gonna happen. Trump is an insane, stupid, utterly narcissistic megalomaniac. Biden is not any better, although his problems are less obvious and probably more manageable by handlers. I am not convinced he is even a “lesser evil” than D. Trump; imo the jury is still out, or it’s a tie.

This is one thing I really do not understand is why so many people who are strongly against Biden seem to feel it necessary to defend D. Trump as “not that bad” or think well whatever, he “just continued what was already going on” so he’s not really to blame for his insane decision-making, or for supporting a resurgence of openly racist white supremacy in this country. Which he is doing.

I find it perfectly reasonable to hate that asshole to the very core of his heartless being. So please go ahead and call me deranged and whatever else. I’m used to it from democrats, because I won’t support their fundamentally unacceptable candidate, so I might as well also get slammed for my refusal to think that Trump is fine, he’s not a huge f*cking problem who needs to go. Right.

That’s why I am so done with democrats. That they could not muster a candidate to beat Shrub, and they could not muster a candidate to beat trump and keep him out of office, and now this time they field a candidate who should by all rights never have been VP, much less the dem nominee. Biden might win simply because D. Trump is that bad, that enough people would vote for a proverbial ham sandwich to get rid of him. Personally, about this so-called choice, I feel exactly as I did in 2016. No Biden, No Trump. No vote for president. Both of them are despicable and unacceptable. (In my opinion.)

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@Fishtroller 02

There's effectively no difference between Trump and Biden on 90% (or more) of the issues that are actually important to them. The moment you say you'll do anything you can to get rid of Trump is the moment any Democrat listening tunes out--they've got ya, and they don't give a damn beyond that about you or your personal circumstances.

10 users have voted.
travelerxxx's picture


The moment you say you'll do anything you can to get rid of Trump is the moment any Democrat listening tunes out--they've got ya ....

Which is why I sometimes use that exact ploy to extricate myself from the vicinity of someone with TDS. Let them think they talked me into being a Biden voter. At least I don't have to listen to them any longer because, as you pointed out, I no longer count.

Works like magic. Every time.

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snoopydawg's picture



I got a ton more reasons why Biden shouldn’t get your vote. I’m sure that I am not alone.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

TheOtherMaven's picture


'Cause after this he won't get elected dogcatcher.

2 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

And as the saying goes:
No Medicare for me?
No vote for thee!

At least he’s straight up telling people it’s not going to happen rather than pretending he can be persuaded.

12 users have voted.

Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

snoopydawg's picture

@Dr. John Carpenter

At least he’s straight up telling people it’s not going to happen rather than pretending he can be persuaded.

I. Do. Not! were the first words out of his mouth and he didn’t let Ady finish his sentence. I stopped watching it a tad after ByeDone stopped yapping so I don’t know what else was said. I’ll watch it all now, but as you say he’s telling the "we can push him left after we get him elected" to go to hell, but have fun trying.

11 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg with the whole "push him left" or get the "right" people in his administration. He is straight up, no questions, no ambiguity saying this stuff will not happen if he is president. He said he would veto a M4A bill even if they passed it. I don't know how much more clear this could be.

5 users have voted.

Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

snoopydawg's picture

@Dr. John Carpenter

and in the video he rudely tells Ady Barkin that he does not like MFA. I don't!!! People telling him what is most important to them and then saying that they will vote for him even though he doesn't give a shit really need to rethink their strategy on voting. We had 8 years of signing petitions to the Shrub and the Obomber and both told us to go pound sand.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

TheOtherMaven's picture

@Dr. John Carpenter

and it will be pigshit under ByeDone. (It's bullshit under The Rump, but he occasionally skids on it.)

4 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

snoopydawg's picture


I’m seeing the centrists saying that "our first objective is to vote Trump out and then we can worry about pushing ByeDone left."

They have a series of diaries on how ByeDone is just who we need right now and I’m gonna lmao off when he appoints Bloomberg to be treasury secretary.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Cassiodorus's picture

Well Joe we already have access to it and that is the problem for many of us. It is not affordable and that is why there is 500,000 medical bankruptcies here every damn year.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

snoopydawg's picture


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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.