My Bernie Sanders Adventure in Kenosha WI
These are two comments I left at the GOS. I still go there for the BNR and certain other columns/regulars. I luv me some BNR every AM. OK, so anyway, I posted this comment at about 6:45am:
Leaving in an hour to go see Bernie at Carthage College in Kenosha, WI!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will report later today or in tomorrow’s BNR.
Thank you, thank you, thank you LieperDestin for every single BNR. You and OPOL and several others are the only reason I still visit the GOS. And the wonderful comment threads in the BNRs and select other diaries.
Then when I got back I added this about 1:45pm:
It turned out to be a speech and not a townhall. Standard stuff with some Wisconsin stuff added — Kochs & Walker, examples of crippling deindustrialization we’ve suffered under for the last 20+ years, voter ID, gutting environmental enforcement….
The line went around the football field twice.
As a grassroots organizer and volunteer, I got a by-pass-the-line priority ticket from the local field office — ticket #1 of 50.
50 Priority tickets were available for those who canvassed on Tuesday
We were positioned behind the podium, so all my pictures either have bright lights shining in them or my finger covering the light. I think they figured we’d be the most enthusiastic (and they were correct) and that would look the best for the cameras. So this is what I saw.
Bernie from behind
The venue holds 2500 and all seats were filled.
My finger blocks the teevee light. Filling to the rafters!
Some of my fellow KenoshaForBernie volunteers
Fellow Berners.
Local Fire Fighters for Bernie
Some more Bernie Volunteers sittin’ in our special section before it fill in completely.
And finally, my wacky husband makin’ faces at the camera.
Wacky Hubby makin faces in the selfie.
I planted a big old smooch on him when Bernie was talking about “Republican Family Values” and said (paraphrasing) “Our Republican friends don’t think gay people should be able to get married. Well I disagree!” (He did women controlling their own bodies, pay equity, etc., etc.) The crowd went nuts, we stood and being directly behind Bernie and in line with all the news cameras, I reached over and gave him a big kiss. I dunno if it will show up on any news footage, but I tried.
So that was my Bernie adventure. Now, to deliver Wisconsin’s Congressional District 01 (WI-01) for Bernie.
One more thing: Super big shout out to all the Illinois folks who have, and continue to, help us canvass here in WI-01, augmenting our local volunteers. Thank you Sisters & Brothers. We are stronger when we stand together, and right now you are the very finest example of that truth. Again, thank you.

Cool post! Thanks!!
Thanks TomP! My first Diary
Posted many comments at the other place, but never a diary - not much of a long form writer. So this is my first-first diary, but I cheated because it is just two comments from this morning's BNR.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Love your matching T-shirts!
Another full house. Nice with today's WI poll. Good work, and forward we march!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Thanks RL!
I've been out all morning. What's the poll say? (fingers crossed!)
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Bernie up 4 pts over Hillary
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
Wunnerful article, GLS, I wish I could have been there to see it
all. Thanks for the photos, it helps us see what you saw. I love the photo of you and your hubby. Welcome and best wishes,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Thanks Gerrit for the kind words
If you see me on the teevee news, lemmie know!
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Thanks for sharing!
I saw your post this morning at the BNR and have been looking forward to seeing your report. So glad that you got to see Bernie, and I'm glad to be reading about it here!
Three college-aged guys...
...unfurled a banner that read "Liberate Animals Now" Not sure why Sanders was the target other than there were lots of people & reporters there. They were aimed the wrong way for the teevee cameras to capture the text of the banner. I could not hear what they were saying, but Bernie kept talking and the crowd quickly started chanting "Let Bernie Speak" or something like that. After much less than a minute the Secret Service took down the sign and escorted them out.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
I got my replies all confused
Thanks for your kind words Phoeline.
I'm really glad I got to see Bernie too. Been organizing for Bernie since July 2015 when I wanted to attend his first house party and no one in the area was holding one. So I sez to my self, "Self, some fool will step forward and hold a party!" Well, turns out it was me. I expected 5 or 8 or maybe 10 people to attend that first meeting. 37 showed up. At the end of the meeting they all looked at me and said, "OK, what's next? 18+ meetings later, fliering, intersection rallies, barnstorms, phonebanks, canvassing andorganize, organize, organize. This many months later, we have 300 activists and are supporting the GOTV in WI-01.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
I caught a bit of that rally online at a point where there was
a disturbance in the crowd that took a few minutes to resolve. Couldn't see or hear what the fuss was about. Did you see who was causing the interruption and what they were saying?
Oops - see my reply up one comment :-(
Bad aim.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.