The Onion or Real news?
Submitted by gjohnsit on Thu, 06/25/2020 - 6:55pm
OK. It's the Onion, but you had to wonder for a second, didn't you?
Following the progressive challenger’s victory over 16-term incumbent Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi phoned Jamaal Bowman to scold him for winning his primary race, sources confirmed Wednesday. “I just wanted to call and personally reprimand you for your victory,” said Pelosi, extending her sincerest indignation to the former Bronx middle school educator, who is expected to easily win the general election in his heavily Democratic congressional district. “I understand there are some mail-in ballots that still need to be counted, but it appears you won big last night and energized a lot of first-time voters and young people we absolutely did not want voting in this primary. So allow me to extend my sincerest fuck-you for everything you’ve done. Obviously, we’re going to be working together soon, so I look forward to crushing you the first chance I get.” Pelosi added that when things became official in November, she would call again to express how frustrated she was to welcome Bowman to Congress.
Still thinking about the fact that top Democratic operatives thought exposing @JamaalBowmanNY's debt problems would be a smear that would deter voters. Tells you *a lot*.
— Alexander Kaufman (@AlexCKaufman) June 24, 2020
Bold Projection:
Charles Booker is the Projected Winner in the Kentucky Democratic Senate Primary. He will defeat Amy McGrath.#ElectionTwitter #KentuckyPrimary #AllEyesOnKentucky— The Election Center (@ElectionCenter_) June 25, 2020
I'm tickled by the idea of McConnell having to run against someone that will argue for popular social programs without shame.
You know, like socialized medicine.

Yes, it did.
I wasn't surprised at all.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I didn't wonder
because I'm too amazed by what comes out of msm.
The Onion is nothing but a forboding of what will soon be true.
Humor has become truth even when obviously false. Falsehoods have become fact.
The sun will rise. The moon will cause high and low tides.
But always remember, the world is flat according to some.
Thanks fo the giggle gjohn.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Come November, who will call to scold
Shahid Buttar for defeating Pelosi? (My 2020 election big upset fantasy. Always have at least one for every election cycle, and I'm sure one of them must have come true.)
That would be awesome
But really, if she is
still there, or one like her with her priorities, you can bet Bowman will never be called to address caucus meetings.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Democrats' Primary Mode of Discourse is The Scold.
My very favorite Blue Tribe comment came during the impeachment (remember that?). I pointed out to a business associate who was a Democrat that Trump was going to win the impeachment trial in the Senate. He replied, "What do you want to do? Just let him off the hook?"
Leaving in my back pocket the obvious retort about who was hanging by a hook in that particular media event, I politely changed the subject. But there you see the Blue mindset at work -- pummeling Trump with scolds is a noble gesture in the face of evil, even if he gets re-elected.
I would think that trying to persuade Trump supporters to change their minds would be the obvious way to put Trump on a real hook. But I'm not a Democrat any more and I do not think like one. Democrats scold Trump supporters, too.
Going by the June polls it looks, at least for this moment, like scolding is finally vindicated as a political strategy. We'll see if this trend continues . . . .
If it doesn't, of course, then all us who do not vote for Biden will get to hear four more years of scolding.
One trick ponies -- them Dems. The Onion skewers the lot of them with the word, scold.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
You absolutely had me going
I mean, considering that these are NOT The Onion...:
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Funny. No ice cream for Bowman.
I wonder if he will join the CBC after they endorsed his oppenent.
progressives need a whole new caucus
the existing groups are too big and inclusive.
Hell, Pelosi calls herself a "progressive".
As for the CBC, it needs all new leadership