Democrat's Justice in Policing Act of 2020


Congressional Democrats, in both the House and Senate, are releasing the Justice in Policing Act of 2020 Monday. A draft obtained by The New York Times would "significantly change federal law" as well as requiring that states and localities change their laws and requirements for law enforcement in order to remain eligible for federal aid. That would include mandatory bias training, a national registry documenting police misconduct, required reporting on use of force, and a ban on practices like the chokeholds that killed Eric Garner and George Floyd.

The legislation would also alter the legal doctrine known as qualified immunity that shields police officers from being held legally liable for damages sought by citizens whose constitutional rights were violated.

In addition, Democrats are proposing to change the federal standard for the use of force by officers from “reasonableness” to only when it is “necessary to prevent death or serious bodily injury.” The bill would require that federal officers use de-escalation tactics and use deadly force only as a last resort. Grants to state and local agencies would require them to do the same.

In federal drug cases, lawmakers intend to propose banning “no knock” warrants, which allow police to enter a residence without warning or identifying themselves, and incentivize states to do the same. Ms. Taylor was shot and killed in her home during such a

Yes why now? Why not when you held all branches with the FIRST black president who basically did diddly squart about addressing police actions towards blacks in America and pretty much stayed silent as one black person after another one was killed by cops. Would George Floyd be alive today? Would Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray and the countless thousands of our fellow citizens that the police kill every year? As of last year it is over 1,000 people who cops have gotten away with being killed. It was over 1,000 the year before and the year before that and the year before that. I saw a tweet that says since 2005 only 15 cops have even been charged for killing an unarmed person and the number of being found guilty was under 5. Prosecutors don't want to bring charges against cops. Like Kamala Harris and Amy Klobochar refused to do. And the biggest thing that needs to be addressed is the power of the police unions. I will try to find the article that says that democrats get most of the funding from them and their lobbyists and that is why they haven't addressed this yet. Of course the republicans are just as dastardly, but we don't expect them to change. I am not sure why we still think democrats will, but we do don't we? Brick/Wall...

There are plenty of more things that must be addressed include Economic racism that also got worse during the Empty Suit's presidency and the rarely talked about Environmental racism where neighborhoods are the dumping grounds of chemical wastes like the Koch brother's Petco crap that is located in S. Chicago where the fine particulates get into people's lung and all over the yards and inside their houses whenever a breeze pops up. Too many other places to list where this happens, but this causes health problems and just how many of them don't even have ACCESS to health insurance.

Maybe this is a start, but it's not near enough what is needed to fix the blatant centuries long racism in the US. And of course it doesn't just affect black lives, but most other poor minorities and of course poor white peoples too. This is the discussion that needs to happen on top of restructuring the police departments.

And of course congress needs to end the drug war that was just a made up prop for Nixon that has been expanded on by both D and R administrations, but it was Clinton/Biden that did the most damage with it when they passed the crime bill. People should not go to prison for using drugs. They should get help from doctors and social workers to find why they are using them. And of course that means that they need health insurance for that.

The list of redresses are long. They are what BLM and the protesters should be asking for if the government wants the protests to end. Of course one thing that would help the most is living wages and affordable housing. I keep adding to the list of things that need focusing on so I'll stop here. Right now We the People have an enormous opportunity to force the government to listen since many are out of work and living on the edge. I kept saying that the middle class should be paying attention to what the working class is going through because eventually it will hit them too. Guess what? It is happening now.

This blowhard has no business telling us what we need to do to change what is happening because he sat on his ass for 8 years not doing any of that. And for gawd's sake how insane is it to put the guy back in office that is directly responsible for what is happening right damn now. Black Lives Matter started during MyBoss/Biden's administration in case they don't remember it. I sure do and I am sure y'all do too.

Classic Obama. Empty Words from and Empty Person.


34 users have voted.


Not Henry Kissinger's picture

Maybe this is a start, but it's not near enough what is needed to fix the blatant centuries long racism in the US. And of course it doesn't just affect black lives, but most other poor minorities and of course poor white peoples too. This is the discussion that needs to happen on top of restructuring the police departments.

Harris and Booker nibble around the edges and call it a 7 course meal.

20 users have voted.

The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

@Not Henry Kissinger every time I think the Democrats can't sink lower, they do and with flair. I'd bet both my cats and all their toys that these shameless, opportunistic ghouls won't even reach for the low-hanging fruit and come out in support of Colin Kaepernick and other NFL players who first started kneeling to get their jobs back/get compensation. Not even in support of fellow millionaires.

20 users have voted.
thanatokephaloides's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger

Harris and Booker nibble around the edges and call it a 7 course meal.

And the tiniest rat nibbles, at that!


9 users have voted.

"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Unabashed Liberal's picture

was only willing to say (to reporters) that 'defunding police' was a local issue.


“Revolution is not a one time event.”
~~Audre Lorde

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”
~~Will Rogers, Actor & Social Commentator

13 users have voted.

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

thanatokephaloides's picture

@Unabashed Liberal

Earlier today, Pelosi was only willing to say (to reporters) that 'defunding police' was a local issue.

She's right. (For once!)

And I'm seriously confused that Donald "Yer Fired!" Trump is objecting when Minneapolis took after his example and fired their PD!

9 users have voted.

"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Unabashed Liberal's picture


but, from the scuttlebutt on Cable News today, seems it puts Pelosi at odds with many of the BLM, and other progressive activists. IOW, they want the Dems at the federal level to take the lead on a massive legislative package that will defund/redesign policing, nationwide.

Frankly, I somewhat expected her to pander to them, at least, rhetorically. I seriously doubt that Dems will proffer a radical legislative package, though, because Nance is trying to keep the seats of just over 40 conservadems--Deep Staters/military/CIA--in Purple States, most of which went for DT in 2016 (if, by thin margins). That's why her reply surprised me. She's usually very much on message, although she shows up at her weekly Press Availabilities--and speaks the truth. (such as--she doesn't support MFA; the ACA is what she considers to be her legacy--which she said just a while back)

As far as DT and the Repubs go--it appears that they're 'eaten up' with luv for all things cop and/or military. Ugh! I think DT doesn't realize that the ol' "law and order" meme is outdated, and isn't likely to sell in 2020. Yes, his Base may eat it up, but, I don't think he can sell enough Independents on it, for that message to carry the day.

Take care of yourself; stay safe. Pleasantry


“Revolution is not a one time event.”
~~Audre Lorde

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”
~~Will Rogers, Actor & Social Commentator

4 users have voted.

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

@Unabashed Liberal the establishment moderate-liberal with anti-progressive tendencies was never going to

it puts Pelosi at odds with many of the BLM, and other progressive activists. IOW, they want the Dems at the federal level to take the lead on a massive legislative package that will defund/redesign policing, nationwide.

And it is naive and stupid of BLM to expect otherwise, especially for establishment pols to endorse and push for a literal defunding of police nationwide. What are they smoking?

Frankly, I somewhat expected her to pander to them, at least, rhetorically. I seriously doubt that Dems will proffer a radical legislative package

But she and other D leaders did pander at least rhetorically -- the other day appearing for a photo op in kente cloth and kneeling on the floor. Nancy and Steny are today honorary African-Americans, although Nancy still has a tendency to insist on "All Lives Matter". She'll have to work on that to maintain her new cool status.

But their bill is actually pretty good, even if not radical (Nancy, Steny offering up a radical bill???). And a few of the items for reform are major pieces, not the usual tepid reforms that tinker at the margins and do little. This legislation looks like a better job of bill creating than the wimpy, sellout work those two did on the recent stimulus package.

3 users have voted.
Unabashed Liberal's picture


And a few of the items for reform are major pieces, not the usual tepid reforms that tinker at the margins and do little.

Hope so.


“Revolution is not a one time event.”
~~Audre Lorde

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”
~~Will Rogers, Actor & Social Commentator

2 users have voted.

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture


that she's right.

Fusion centers, federalization, etc.

One of the few places where libertarians and I would agree, if they actually followed their principles to their logical conclusion. But they believe cops are secular saints, so they won't.

6 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

..."mandatory bias training" - hopefully it's something else, but if this is more of that neo-Freudian Flavor-Aid they were talking about back on DailyKos, I wager it'll only make them more racist, especially the *least* racist ones. That shit doesn't fight racism, it spreads it.

This is like Alcoholics Anonymous all over again (I recommend Alcoholics Anonymous: Cult or Cure? by Charles Bufe), I guess; someone ought to try taking that swill to court on 1st Amendment grounds (so especially bizarre that I NEVER heard anything about it, pro or con, in all my years of social studies classes) and set a precedent that this is a religion.

13 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

ludwig ii's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat @The Liberal Moonbat that mandatory bias trainers say that we all need more mandatory bias training. And when that fails to cure the systemic societal problems that are playing out in whatever institution brings them in, the answer is even more mandatory bias training.

In the mandatory bias training, they often like to state as fact that racism is a sort of metaphysical component of our DNA and can never go away. It's a bit like sin, but instead of confession, you need to endure the training in order as a form of temporary repentance (and inevitably you WILL return to your sinful racist ways and need even more training).

16 users have voted.
The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@ludwig ii That is a cult; I was kind of hoping I didn't know what I was talking about. Someone REALLY needs to start a take-no-prisoners counter-crusade.

I have always thought that the very concept of "original sin" was nothing short of a crime against humanity; my ancestors did not come to this country just for me to have Catholicism cloaked in secular Groucho-glasses shoved down my throat, and I did not spend the '000s locking horns with abstinence-ed flunkies and creationists just for the War On Science to rebrand itself as "progressive" (and WHY is it working this time on people who knew better last time?!?)

Where did this even come from, and when?!? I repeat, it is SO strange that I never heard about any of this until JUST AFTER I finally graduated from college.

6 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

travelerxxx's picture

@ludwig ii

In the mandatory bias training, they often like to state as fact that racism is a sort of metaphysical component of our DNA and can never go away. It's a bit like sin, but instead of confession, you need to endure the training in order as a form of temporary repentance (and inevitably you WILL return to your sinful racist ways and need even more training).

Say what? Obviously, I am out of touch with what's been happening. And, yeah, it does sound like something straight out of DKos.

Note to self: Check out more about this bias training, particularly if it's mandatory for various people for various reasons.

3 users have voted.

@The Liberal Moonbat

is the main flavor over there. It’s filled with folks who may once upon a time have been activists, and who probably have and still do experience discrimination. But they mainly spend their very affluent time on that site blogging and wagging fingers at anyone who doesn’t buy in to their concept of “woke” or awareness of racism or whatever.

I lived almost my entire childhood in abject poverty in mixed black, hispanic , asian and white neighborhoods. I know what privilege my skin color does—and does not—afford me. The folks over at DKos have a message drawn mainly from spite and ignorance and it doesn’t resonate with most anyone who’s grown up as I did. They can all of them just fuck right off.

13 users have voted.

14 users have voted.

The book Nixon's Piano was brought to my attention yesterday and it kind of puts things in perspective.

But first this piece:

Slavery to Crime Bill. On how the establishment of both parties seem to find a way to keep the cheap labor down.

"Viewed against the backdrop of the full historical trajectory of racial
domination in the United States (summed up in Table 1), the glaring
and growing ‘disproportionality’ in incarceration that has afflicted
African-Americans over the past three decades can be understood as
the result of the ‘extra-penological’ functions that the prison system
has come to shoulder in the wake of the crisis of the ghetto and
of the continuing stigma that afflicts the descendants of slaves by
virtue of their membership in a group constitutively"

It goes on to slam Clinton for not only increasing prison, but decreasing safety net funding.

So now we get to Nixon's Piano.

Starts off about Nixon's southern strategy and how terrible it was. But the main stream press were in such awe that it worked, they never bothered to write just how terrible our nation was for even allowing this to happen. Instead they cheered when Nixon joked about it.

"All three of the nation's two-party systems have accommodated white over black and respected White House responsibilities to ensure that the nation's politics remains organized according to that dictate. In the era of Federalists v. Republicans, our presidents enforced by example the gentlemen's agreement that kept slavery removed from public discourse. While the Whigs continued that increasingly difficult duty from the 1820s to the 1850s, the Jacksonian movement invented a party and a style of presidential leadership that knew no higher purpose than protecting slavery forever. Our third and still functioning two-party system has been largely shaped since the Civil War by a Republican struggle to capture the white southern vote and a Democratic struggle to keep that vote. For the former this meant a presidential charge to transform the Republican party into a white man's party. For the latter it meant a peaceful coexistence between the White House and the worst extremes of southern racism until the coming of Lyndon Johnson and the Second Reconstruction. For post-Johnson Democrats it has meant an effort to counter the GOP's exclusionary racial status. To put it bluntly, Republicans seeking election or reelection to the land's highest office are expected to solidify their hold on the angry white male vote while Democratic presidential candidates are expected to win that vote back."

So you have Clinton and Biden fighting to win the vote back with their tough on crime bill.

They are the same evil. Only more so because they pretend to be friends.

15 users have voted.


So you have Clinton and Biden fighting to win the vote back with their tough on crime bill.

They are the same evil. Only more so because they pretend to be friends.

If not for the AA vote in NV and SC, Biden wouldn't have made it to Super Tuesday. But tough on crime apparently plays well with AAs in SC and the rest of the south -- not that Biden has a chance to carry any of those states. Doesn't play so well with AAs in states like MI, PA, and WI.

0 users have voted.

@Mickt this

To put it bluntly, Republicans seeking election or reelection to the land's highest office are expected to solidify their hold on the angry white male vote while Democratic presidential candidates are expected to win that vote back."

So you have Clinton and Biden fighting to win the vote back with their tough on crime bill.

I don't know what idiot political analysts would be advising Ds to do that, not in 2020. The white racist/WWC former Ds that migrated to Reagan are long gone. And the DP is too much now closely identified with oppressed/underrepresented minority groups.

Just a reminder too that it's no longer 1994, the era of Clinton Ds wanting to look tough on crime and so the Biden Tough on Crime Bill. Which even most of the Congressional Black Caucus supported bc that represented the political tenor of the times and probably bc major crime in their districts was still a major problem. I also doubt if many voters this cycle will be asking about Biden, Sure, today he's supporting some strong reform legislation on the police which could bring positive outcomes, but what about that 1994 bill?

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Pluto's Republic's picture

As I pointed out earlier, police brutality was legalized in 1989 by the dementia stewpot at the Supreme Court.

The physically and mentally decaying Court has refused to revisit that decision, which transfers the criteria for police brutality from the 14th Amendment in the slave-owner's Constitution to the 4th.

You can read about it in The Atlantic: Blame the Supreme Court for Police Brutality.

Democrats have been using window-dressing Bullshit, like this new Bullshit Bill, to stop progress for over a century.

As long as there is a Democratic Party, the Left is doomed.

17 users have voted.

@Pluto's Republic will die if we require cops to ask two questions before laying hands on non-violent, non-fleeing suspects:

First, is there any reason why we shouldn't arrest you?

Second,do you have any medical condition we should be aware of?

The process of question and answer will often calm both parties down, and a failure to consider the answers is proof of lack of reasonableness by the officer if injury results from an arrest made in many of these cases.

This reform in police procedure in restraint and arrest is as necessary as the Miranda warning preceding interrogation. The mandatory inquiry prior to physical contact would of course be recorded, as it should be in 100 percent of police interactions (as are interrogations, which must similarly be preceded by a Miranda warning) it also provides a record indicating any unreasonableness or actual malice by the officer.

Finally, the national standard for use of force should be a composite of the three approaches: reasonableness under the Fourth Amendment; malice and intent to harm under the 14th; along with Necessity under the new CA standard. They are complementary standards, and in practice would be no more burdensome on Law Enforcement than the Miranda requirement has proven to be.

Of course, there's nothing like this procedural reform that protects constitutional rights in the Democratic Bill.

9 users have voted.
janis b's picture


I think the questions you propose are very valid ones that have the potential to temper the inflammation and promote understanding. Isn't it in those critical moments before reacting, and what we do with them, that make the difference? It is a learned behaviour, which takes practice. I hope it becomes something we all have the time to practice and benefit from.

6 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture


Without doubt, such a procedure would protect us — at least temporarily — from some of the deep foundational flaws, omitted statements of rights, and perverted Court interpretations of the entrenched US constitution that make such abuses possible now and going forward.

Always a pleasure to read your posts.

8 users have voted.
thanatokephaloides's picture

@Pluto's Republic

As long as there is a Democratic Party, the Left is doomed.

Not quite. As long as there's a c99, there's hope.


10 users have voted.

"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Pluto's Republic's picture


Not my original intention, mind you.

I represent only the "change" part of the "hope and change."

But I suppose it's the hope here that keeps me coming back.

7 users have voted.
thanatokephaloides's picture

@Pluto's Republic

Yes. Perhaps we do preserve hope.

Not my original intention, mind you.

I represent only the "change" part of the "hope and change."

Without hope, there will be no change.
Without change, there will be no justice.
Without justice, there will be no Peace. (h/t TheOtherMaven)

But I suppose it's the hope here that keeps me coming back.

I know it keeps me coming back!



7 users have voted.

"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

janis b's picture



1 user has voted.
ludwig ii's picture

especially about feeling threatened. Otherwise, legislation that relies on their subjective sense of danger and necessity at the time they used force would be significantly less valuable than a roll of Charmin Ultra Strong

15 users have voted.
ludwig ii's picture

Kamala says, "Be the first to hear what's in the bill on The View at 11:30!" Like we are playing Let's Make a Deal or something and who knows what reforms will be behind the door.

Next she'll announce new COBRA subsidies in a cameo role on General Hospital.

19 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@ludwig ii

She got hammered for it because most of us know that she did jack shit for this subject when she had the chance. She was the type of AG that didn’t want to go up against cops. And of course there was that time when a court told to let people out of prison because they were too crowded and she said it’d interfere with getting prisoners to fight fires. For $2 per hour fighting and $1 waiting to fight. Plus all the other prison labor jobs that pay them far less than $1 per day while companies make a killing.

She’s famous though for not prosecuting Mnuchin for bank fraud after he gave her $$ for her campaign. Lmao Kambama. We see through this.

19 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

Because after the election of Barack Obama, the left fell asleep. Markos declared the Republican party dead. When Obama disappointed again and again, anyone who criticized him earned an accusation of racism.

So, no mass demonstrations in the streets. We did have Occupy Wall Street, but that fizzled too fast into "squat in the park." Even Ferguson couldn't generate enough momentum, because at the top, Obama--the hand-wringer in chief--could never motivate himself to care about a single domestic issue.

And of course, the Democrats (aka, "Power Without Purpose") found themselves too busy trying to lose 1,000 seats at state and local levels to stand for anything. Except perhaps incremental changes to the Affordable Care Act (aka, RomneyCare). But Wall Street continued to rake it in.

18 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Both kos and Obama said that republicans were dead and would stay dead for a decade. Obama said that since they drove the car into the ditch then he was taking away the keys to their car. But then he just turned around and gave them back to them. Why? I’m glad you asked. He needed them back in power so he could hide behind their obstructionism so he had an excuse for why he couldn’t pass legislation he wanted to. Imagine the most powerful person in the world being blocked by Mitch who said that he wanted to make Obama a one term president. Gee you’d think after that Obama would quit trying to do bipartisan type things with him. But not so ole Obama. By golly he wanted to get along with people he pretended wanted different things than he did.

The anti war left also went to sleep during his tenure because everyone who complained about the number of wars he started and the number of people he was killing was like you said just being a racist. How that made sense in their minds always boggled my mind.

And now ole Mitch is putting one right wing judge after another on the federal court because he wouldn’t let democrats appoint the ones that they wanted. Never mind that democrats had ways to force Mitch to do it and that Obama also could have found ways too. Like appoint Garland during a recess appointment. But now centrists are bitching about McConnell appointing one after another after blocking Barack, but they conveniently miss seeing Schumer making deals with Mitch or democrats actually voting for them. Oh no, it’s just McConnell, excuse me, Moscow Mitch being the bad guy and not Schumer letting him fast track up to 15 judges at a time just so democrats could go home early to fundraise for reelection. I mean what is more important? Getting re-elected or letting unqualified judges on the court that will roll back legislation passed decades ago?

I bet you didn’t think you’d trigger a rant did ya? My bad.

Besides Trump being Obama’s legacy, here is his other one.

13 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

Pluto's Republic's picture


The Democrats (aka, "Power Without Purpose") found themselves too busy trying to lose 1,000 seats at state and local levels to stand for anything. Except perhaps incremental changes to the Affordable Care Act (aka, RomneyCare). But Wall Street continued to rake it in.

Both parties are determined to sever the government from health care — before people start to see health care as a human right.

The corrupt Democrats supported the ACA in order to sabotage both single payer and the public option.

The corrupt Republicans couldn't even come up with a health care scam to replace the ACA when they had the power to do so.

And the most shameful election in US history with two brain-damaged candidates is just months away.

And just watch. The American People are going to vote. No election is too debased for them.

6 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

The American People are going to vote. No election is too debased for them.

Biden's history is totally being whitewashed and he is being made to look like a knight in shining armor that this country desperately needs right now even though he was complicit in creating what it is now. Don't dare go against the narrative with things like you know, facts.

Joe Biden has also been on the right side of history.

Read the rest of the paragraph. Biden has been on the right side of history? In who's world is that true? Because Trump wanted to have the military police the protests? Yeah and who else did that? Who had private mercenaries beating the hell out of protesters at Standing Rock? During who's administration did they spray water on them when it was below freezing? Let them set attack guards on peaceful Native American protesters and when asked about the violence said, "let's see how it plays out" and then never said anything after that? My gawd it's like 1984 over there with Winston Smith busy rewriting history to soothe the PTB. I just don't get this.

4 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

Pluto's Republic's picture


Clearly, to me, people are struggling with the cognitive dissonance, and pushing it down deep. It's still obvious, however. I wonder if they fear the hall monitors who whip at their legs and feet in the various forums they visit. Some try to be intellectually honest, but that's just reckless behavior there. They are endangering themselves for nothing. Everyone knows the punishment they risk.

Overall, the spooky delusions and, my god, the insane narratives that appear in many of the comments must have the larger site audience paralyzed with fear. Or perhaps they are marveling at the pure audacity. I've seen a number of embarrassing lies about actual historic events that people write in comments. I cannot imagine what the educated people there make of this. None of it is ever corrected by anyone, if only for the sake of site credibility. And the constant and very silly channeling delivered by the hall monitors and their poodles, who claim to know exactly! I don't know if that is spontaneous or deliberate — or if it is possibly the result of physical damage from the strain of hating Trump hard enough to cause brain lesions. Poor souls.

I know there are normal people there who can see all this. Good grief. What a fate.

In the end, however, I think this is all very good that this is on display.

It's important that informed, intelligent people are exposed to this. It will strengthen their observations and understanding.

There are sections of this ongoing discourse that should be archived for future studies. On display is a clinical treasure trove of public surrender, not only surrender to government propaganda, but surrender to self-produced propaganda. It is taking place on a scale that is impossible to fathom without archived evidence. There are plenty of place to make and store archives online for free. You potential archivists out there who regularly witness this really should make an effort to capture it for the common good. Make it a daily habit. Future generations will want to study the phenomena, and examples collected by experienced eyes will be invaluable. Donate your archive to a university. Make a difference in the world.

5 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture

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Cassiodorus's picture

In 1995 the Heritage Foundation lapdog Dinesh D' Souza wrote a book called "The End of Racism" in which he argued that there was such a thing as rational racism. Racists, he argued, thought like insurance agents, profiling groups of people to determine risk. This is, of course, what cops do, profiling everyone to determine who in society is or isn't a "likely suspect."

Now, of course D'Souza, true to his backers, proclaimed that was up to the Black race to insure that they weren't being profiled unfairly, by being well-behaved. Such a ridiculous and patronizing conclusion is, it needs to be said, a logical conclusion of his adoration of capitalist social relations. The problem is of course that, instead of getting to know each other, people profile each other. It's a cheap substitute wherein structurally privileged individuals get to know people as components of "masses" rather than as human beings. Demography (literally meaning "writing about people") substitutes for human relations. The background of structural privilege makes this sort of thinking dominant.

The effects of real, consequential racism, then, can all be attributed to this background of privileged, demographic, profiling thought, solidified by actual, structural privilege. Discrimination in housing is a byproduct of the privileged position of what used to be called "the gentry," or landlords. Discrimination in employment is a byproduct of the privileged position of employers, basically corporations. Police racism is a byproduct of police privilege, itself a byproduct of the privileges of the political class.

If you want to get rid of actual, consequential racism, eliminate the structural privileges. Policing thought while keeping the structural privileges around will give you a society of virtue signalers.

8 users have voted.

"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

Kamala Harris wants justice in policing?

10 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

snoopydawg's picture

How many of the names came from the Obama era? Again why didn't the 'greatest president since FDR' do a damn thing about it? Gee if dems rrealy want to do something about this issue then they can use their power of the purse and stop funding them at the local level until things are shaped up. But they will not do that because of how much money the police unions give to democrats. And as I mentioned here it is not just the problem with the police, but systematic economic and environmental issues that need to be addressed. I have seen at least 5 people who were assaulted by the cops create a go fund me
because they don't have health insurance. This should be one of the first things that is addressed. If cops injure someone during their interactions with them then their medical bills are paid by either the government or the states where it took place. One person was shot in the face with a 'less lethal' rubber bullet. It split her lip, knocked out some of her teeth and broke her jaw which she will have to have reconstructed. Trust me this is not just a simple procedure when they have to cut tissue, bone and nerves. Been there twice and still have the T'shirt. It took years to recover and it's only because I can't put pressure on my joints because I have no molars, okay I have no teeth that I am finally pain free. I miss nuts.

Peloosi: "It's a local problem."

Snoopy: "Retire now you worthless bag of bones. You have done enough damage through your decades long career in congress. Being elected should not be a means to pump up your financial portfolio!"


Apropos of nothing. Whatever happened to close the foreign bases and bring the troops home? Oh yeah, it's Trump doing it. Never mind cuz of course Putin told him too.

Where might those troops be redeployed to? Poland you say? Might be, but the US has been stationing the military in a few countries that border Russia. Gee, maybe that is why Russia is sending more troops to areas at its border? Imagine if a super power such as oh I don't know, Russia maybe started stationing troops in Canada and Mexico. Would it be bad for Trump to send our troops to those borders or would that be giving Putin everything he wants? You know like pulling out of every treaty made by past presidents to tone down the risks of war.

A few more responses:

- DT must continue to satisfy Putin. Trump needs those videos from hotel rooms in Moscow to stay in the vault, and he needs to have the loans made to his businesses by the Russian State forgiven.

- I figured he did it to stick a thumb in Merkel's eye after she declined G-7 meeting and Germany did not support admission of #Putin.

- So Trump has now made it "normal" for an American president to have undocumented and secret phone calls with foreign leaders? This is unprecedented and dangerous. Let's make sure future presidents can't do this.

Remember the good ole days when every time a president talks to a foreign leader we heard about it? Me neither.

- No, it's all just following Putin's orders (as was the "unilateral" "decision" to include Russia in the G-7)

Umm doesn't this bring the Logan act into play? And isn't that what people accused General Flynn of doing even though it is natural for an incoming administration to talk to foreign leaders. You know like Reagan did with Iran?

- I'll start working on that back channel with Ambassador Emily Haber asap. I'll tell her to hold off doing anything drastic until Biden gets elected. And, for some shares in Pfizer I am willing to expatriate the entire Drumpf family to be held for criminal prosecution.

Another person who didn't read the Mueller report where he said that he saw no collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia. Or the many people who admitted to congress that there was no there there. Hell why even have an investigation into something if you are just going to ignore the results?

- Who is running this country, Putin...Erdogan. when they speak, Trump acts. He moves Troops. He advocates for Putin. He opens safe passage for their aggression. He has private phone calls to both before he makes a move not in the best interests of America but for Russia and Turkey.

- He's committing flagrant treason & yet, he remains in office. How can this happen? How spineless can our government, judiciary & military be knowing he's in the process of selling out Europe & THIS country to a foreign dictator? Any other POTUS would have been imprisoned by now.

Lots more fear mongering and gnashing of teeth here

US Troops in Germany are a deterrent to Putin, who has been playing fast and loose with the former Warsaw Pact nations that split off when the USSR imploded. It’s one thing to attack Ukraine, but going after a NATO ally is another kettle of fish.

Huh? What if Obama was bringing some troops home from Germany or transferring them to Poland? Would that be seen as a good move?

As for the Putin call — I’d guess that Trump’s insistence on ‘domination’ of the George Floyd police brutality protesters was born from advice Putin provided in that June 1 call.

Guess some were okay with Obama's brutal coup in Ukraine and our supporting neo Nazis too when Obama did. Hey guys we are still supporting them under Trump. Do you know that? Not if MSDNC and the Clinton News Network doesn't cover it.


5 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

Pluto's Republic's picture


It's been so damned long that I have acquired perspective.

Did you notice that that entire article is being run by the most notorious Zionists embedded at that place?

That explains a lot of what has happened to the US Internet, and the never-explained trajectory of the US military run amok in the world.

That place is nothing but a bio lab run by DC's most insidious pnac-spin-offs. This is not an opinion. It's intelligence.

6 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

That place is nothing but a bio lab run by DC's most insidious pnac-spin-offs. This is not an opinion. It's intelligence.

Let's not forget that kos was once in the CIA. Was or still is. The framing of diaries that were about Russia Gate seemed right out of coinetell or however it's spelled coin something anyway. The diarist would take a headline that said one thing and totally rewrite its meaning. Over and over. I wondered if anyone every read the articles at their source to see how they were just gas-lighted or outright lied to. I did.

5 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

Pluto's Republic's picture

@snoopydawg a herd of pigs.

“Let me control the media and I will turn any nation into a herd of pigs.”
— Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels.


What other explanation is there?

4 users have voted.

The cops have showed that during thed anti-racist protests that they can engage in the most egregious violent action againt peaceful citizens (even white protesters) knowning they will get away with their actions. Any sanctions will be extremely rare. The cops have the complete protection of prosecutors and judges (many local judges grew up as prosectuors). Maybe most of them democrats. Even the prosecutor in the Floyd case was working on basically justifying the murder until national protests and riots starting happening. The prosecutor then threw the cop under the bus to save his own ass. Unless event gets recorded and the event goes extremely viral, fourgettaboutit.

As for the withholding of federal funds, which seems to be stick to force states and cities to comply, they will give agree and then refuse to honor the rules. In the case of chokeholds, many cities banned them already. I think the chockehold on Eric Garner was not a sanctioned tactic. Or if some state gets persnicky, look for asset fortitures to rise dramatically to fund the cops as has happened with a number of cities. No knock goes away in federal drug cases? I think this happened in AZ but the local cops handed off raids to the feds as AZ restricted asset fortiture amounts. The Feds then sold off the assets and get a kick back to local cops. Same thing might happen with drug raids.

Oh, right before the murder, primary voters in my area had a proposal to incress property taxes to support the local sheriff's office. And once again it passed with overwhelming support. It is not only the elites and government officials who support the cops, but your average (white) property owner.

Police departments are basically independent armed militias.

5 users have voted.

The View must be the preferred show of BLM and Antifa??? Hey, everybody, stop protesting and watch the View willya. The proposal must go through Meghan McCain's questions before it is legitimate.

7 users have voted.