What" Really? This Obamagate is a hoax. BHO, the greatest President we've ever had. Gosh darn it. Just examine the word itself. You can see this concept is pure Trumpian propaganda.
Look: I'll show you
See. Just like I told you. Nothing to this. The MSM would never lie. No, not Rachel Madcow. Not Chris Hayes. Not Joe the Schmoe and Mika Mouse. No. Never. I believe in the Gospel as preached by CNN. Don Le-moan. He da man.
Well, fellow swampers (and those who think they can stay dry), I proudly present to you a pictorial essay.
Tweet, tweet:
Just self serving political mudslinging--and I like mud.
Brief history lesson, part 1
Part 2
When Barry met Sally---and Sue, and JoJo, and the Weasel (Cardinal Comey that is) in the WH on Jan. 5, 2017 to talk about stuff. Stuff like getting Flynn on a pike or at least fired. Stuff like exposing the grand Russian Plot to Overthrow Amerika.
Fee, fie, fo, FISA.
Hi ho, hi ho,
It's off to spy we go
"Let's do this by the book" (written Jan. 17, 2017 2 hours pre-Trump)
Yes, by all means, be discreet.
302? What 302? Can't find it. Clerical error. Technical glitch. Pientka's on vacation.
Quack, quack says van Grack (you may call him Brandon).
Don't fret, Madam (S. Powell)
We'll call Adam (Shifty)
He's got the proof
But the proof went poof!
Let's play 53 pickup (depositions)
One little hiccup
No one had evidence
Thus ending the pretence
So, here, fellow swampers is the new turn. Get ready. You won't like the next picture.
The prediction of falling idols.
Raising the New Flag
Justice or Just Us?
I'll believe when I see it.

Got my mojo working
you got my bojo deflating
all MAGA turned to dust to be treated appropriately. That's how it is done.
Too bad, I can't follow this without getting severely damaging depressions. So, who are the good guys and girls and who are the bad ones? Who is winning and who is losing? My mama is asking from up in the sky, why do I read stuff, I can't understand? That will make me sick.
She got it right. My guts got cramps and are in rebellion.
And what does Bojo really mean?
How do them bad guys threaten the good guys and girls to break them down? It's not good for my health and guts to know about it, but my heart wants to know my brains keeps knocking.
Who is the guy on the flag (bottom image) ?
Really muddy transparency presented in a clear-as-spring-water time table. I feel I have to give you kudos for the time line, but all those incoming and outgoing figures...
Gotta buy this book?
Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice - by Sidney Powell
My table in my purse:
Bill Clinton - checked for dismissal due to his mom"s failure to teach him some manners.
George W. Bush - wanna be big boy not getting the girls on his side
Barack Obama - some no-good-doer of the wicked charm shooter battalion.
Donald the Duck - quacks a lot and always am octave short and doubling the note. Neither rhythm nor blues. Turn down the volume and stop the music.
I no need no darn license...
In answer to your request, the Librarian at AU has answers
Your character analysis is excellent. Quite descriptive and fitting.
I do not frequent this site, but found this article after Glenn Greenwald recommended it on Twitter.
While many of us knew pieces of this story, especially Susan Rice's CYA memo to herself after this meeting, it appears that new information obtained from the Justice Dept. paints a much clearer picture of the depth of Obama's involvement in the Russiagate hoax and the attempt to get General Flynn to perjure himself to an FBI agent.
The article is long, but the first two sentences of the final paragraph summarize my own thoughts about this debacle. You do not have to like or approve of Trump to be disgusted at what the Obama administration tried to do to Trump's incoming administration.
(my emphasis)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Well worth the read
Thanks for posting.
It looks like during the Obama administration the DOJ and intelligence agencies were weaponized against perceived enemies...
The case of Sharyl Atkisson gives some idea how they were operating. Usual suspect defendants in her suit over spying and harassment include Rod Rosenstein (de facto in charge of the DOJ during the Mueller investigation) and the president of Crowd Strike (source of "Russians Hacked the DNC Server!" hysteria) - this all dating back to 2012, if not earlier.
New Lawsuit Claims Rod Rosenstein Led Task Force that Spied On Sharyl Attkisson's Computer
"A mind, like a home, is furnished by its owner, so if one's life is cold and bare he can blame none but himself. You have a chance to select from pretty elegant furnishings." ~ Louis L'Amour
The empire struck back
with the Flynn takedown - pretty decisively. But they can't be at all happy at the prospect of having their nefarious works see the light of day.
Allow me (ahem) to refer to the first paragraph of my first C99 essay:
Sidney Powell, herself a former federal prosecutor literally wrote the book on prosecutorial corruption and abuse in the DOJ says she's never seen anything this bad. She's been kicking ass and taking names - Flynn (and we) are lucky she's representing him.
from Washington Examiner
As for justice actually being done... Even though I'm not as old as the Gator-in-Chief, I have been up the creek, over the mountain and around the block enough times to not be wildly optimistic. But I have to rate the prospects higher under Trump than under any prospective Dem administration. Where they fall to pretty much zero.
Someone please correct me if I've got that all wrong.
"This-this was what made life: a moment of quiet, the water falling in the fountain, the girl's voice. . . a moment of captured beauty. Those who are truly wise will never permit such moments to escape."
~ Louis L'Amour
The Republicans
as announced by Lindsay Graham do not intend to call Obama to testify.
They are not going along with Trump on Obamagate, at least as of this morning.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
This is huge!
I concur with every word you wrote, CB.
Removing Michael Flynn
was the most important part of the Russiagate effort to mislead the American people. Flynn had publicly exposed the treasonous nature of our policy of supporting Saudi Arabia and Turkey while they suppprted ISIS and Al Qaeda in Syria as well as in Libya and Iraq. He is every bit a Whistleblower as Manning and Snowden.
So I believe Flynn would have moved to clean up our foreign policy as well as our so-called intelligence community. He was the target, not Trump. I think they felt they could handle Trump, whose only real threat to them was in his willingness to listen to people like Flynn.
On top of all the evidence of illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign, the release of testimony that there was no evidence of hacking of the DNC emails puts the CIA/FBI/MAINSTREAM MEDIA conspiracy to mislead the American people in clearer light for those who are now paying attention.
Flynn was an existential threat to the
national security establishment which had been put on steroids (WikiLeaks, Snowdon, dozens of foreign operations both overt and covert, enrichment of National Defense corporations, etc etc) during the eight years of the Obama/Biden/Hillary cabal - whether Hillary should win OR loose in 2016.
The power behind the throne
In this photograph, Megaera consults with Tisiphone while Alecto sits behind, smug in the knowledge they have a firm grip on Barry's gonads.
The Three Furies planning the War of the Womb.

Great picture.
No comment on your comment, but a capture of 3 important elements of the conspiracy to mislead.
Only mislead after the fact
The Three Furies encouraged Obama to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people in 7 nations around the world. The carnage he and the Three Furies set upon the world in the name of R2P is still wreaking it's carnage to this very day. These people not only helped to create 'the swamp' in Washington, they are part and parcel of it.
In that photo they are deceptively engineering a case at the UN for authorization to use NATO to bomb the crap out of Libya to "save the women and children".
I come from an era where it was said "If wom(b)en were in charge in the world there would be no more war." Thatcher and Albright put the lie to that canard decades ago.
I completely agree with you.
A long time ago, I believe it was you who posted a video of children mortally savaged by our cluster bombs and thermobaric weapons in Libya. If the American people saw this footage, they would start to understand what war is.
Priceless phrase there, cat.
Fantastic. Just like Peter Strzok. The re-igniter of the incompetently still active investigation into Flynn due to dismissed business about FARA violations and some other worthless clap-trap. There was nothing productive about the Flynn foreign agentry charge alongside than that. Possibly some other relatively minor business might have been going on.
Got it. No Pee Tape. You don't have to rub it in. Sheesh!
If there was a Pee Tape
it would be of Hillary pissing on the Constitution.
Andrew McCarthy at The Hill
has an excellent artcle on the substanceless indictment of Flynn.
If the Obama left-over stalwarts at DOJ were to testify
Yes, I agree.
I think Comey and his colleagues did a good job of creating the illusion that Flynn was a witless wonder, a rogue general with an axe to grind over Middle East policy, and who was easily rattled into mis-remembering his conversation with Kislyak.
But I think that illusion is going to fall apart. Flynn is a long term insider with the military element of the Deep State. He was at Abu Ghraib and Camp Bucca in Iraq. He knows we brought the ISIS leadership together. He has spoken about it publicly. He knows how much death was involved in that policy and how much death has resulted from it. He knows he's part of the problem. He knows what he's up against in opposing the Deep State and how much violence they are capable of.
Therefore, I think he would have known exactly who the FBI agents were when they interviewed him and why they were there. I also think he would have considered them a threat to national security, and as National Security Advisor to the President he probably felt they had no reason to ask him about his conversation with Kislyak other than to subvert or harass him, especially considering they had a recording of it. And if he misled them by leaving out information, there may have been an excellent reason to do so.
If he knew what was afoot why didn't
he lawyer up?
He went into the interview bare-assed to face a group of people who could and would indict a ham sandwich if they so wished. It cost him his home and financial future to try and dig out from the shit they piled on him.
I don't think he intentionally misled them. There was no incriminating evidence to be found in his conversation with Kislyak. The conversation was so mundane and innocuous that he probably forgot much of it. The fact that Flynn was eventually charged under the Logan Act tells us Obama's FBI attack dogs had nothing. On Dec 23 and 29, when he talked to Kislyak, Flynn was just a civilian - he was yet to hold the position as National Security Advisor which would have made these very same conversations with a foreign government official perfectly legal. There was no quid pro quo in the conversations.
I think Flynn was blind sided. He knew the US government had some real bad actors involved in foreign affairs but I think he was naive in not understanding that the FBI and DOJ had been completely corrupted under Obama's tenure - especially during Hillary Clinton's stint as SOS.
The more I look at this shit in retrospect, the more I think Hillary has played a larger role in running the Russiagate psyop than even Obama. She had the full support of people within the FBI and DOJ. The Clinton machine was in charge in Washington, including the Presidency. Obama never had that amount of power and control.
He did lawyer up.
Sadly, his lawyers represented the Deep State. It's his new lawyer who sorted this out. No, I agree, he wound up in the six-ways-from-Sunday machine and got squeezed. But that interview was no threat to him. It's Trump's firing him that destroyed his ability to stand up to the onslaught, especially the media deluge.
Lawyer up FOR the FBI interviews
He got snookered because he was honest.
I know that he got shafted after being charged and ended up pleading guilty to stop the nightmare he and his family were being subjected to.
The only reason Trump fired Flynn was for damage control for himself personally. Obama had already poisoned the well against Flynn for reasons stated in my link.
The media deluge was planned to utterly destroy Flynn for reasons that go way beyond Trump. Even the CIA was out to get him. The FBI and the CIA were both determined to make Flynn an albatross to hang around Trump's neck. Trump had no choice but to cut him free.
For another perspective on the Flynn affair:
this is a great article, and I truly thank you for posting it. Still, I disagree with the writer about the arming of ISIS and Al Qaeda being operational failures. What Flynn is known for is speaking truth to power. He opposes bad policy. Speculating about whether bad policy is purposeful or dumb is beside the point. I personally think the CIA Military Industrial Deep State knows exactly what it is doing.
But whether or not Flynn should have lawyered up before receiving a couple of Deep State punk agents is, I think, missing the fact that he had not violated a law and that he had been in and among and part of the Obama administration for years and knew what the visit was for.
He didn't lie to them. He didn't reveal classified information to them. Their own notes say that. I agree that the guilty plea had to do with the fact that they were now bringing this persecution down onto his family and that he was broke, essentially. But even if Sydney Powell had been in the room with him during the FBI visit, it wouldn't have made any difference. He didn't lie to them.
The arming of "moderate rebels" were operations
There were two US state actors at work
in Syria. One, the CIA and the other, the US military, both working independently. If the end result was to be complete chaos in Syria then yes, the
was not a failure.
But chaos was not the end purpose. The chaos originally fostered by the CIA was to be used to destabilize the country to such an extent it could be partitioned in the future. This chaos was successful but when it came time to balkanize Syria into separate entities in July, 2015 was when the plan went completely sideways. The weapons and more rational trained fighters supplied by the US Army to accomplish the partition soon got taken by the more radical jihadis who had been covertly armed and supported by the CIA. The US was now in the position of having their two supported groups fighting amongst themselves instead of against Assad.
Russia entered Syria in September, 2015 after realizing the country was on the verge of being balkanized to such an extent that it would not survive as a nation unless they came to the full miltary aid of Assad. After Russia entered theater, the US CIA/Military interventions in the country became increasingly incoherent and ineffective, due in large part to Russia's counterinsurgency efforts. Don't forget that Russia had a history of successful military operations in dealing with these very same Islamic jihadis in Chechnya 15 years prior.
The US had so many fingers in this pie from so many hands they didn't have a clue what was going on. Obama should have made a decision as to who was in charge. He never did have decisive clue went it came to military policy decisions. He always left that up to others in his circle.
The US has now reverted to creating chaos in Syria in an effort to bog Russia down.
Maybe someone should tell James Jeffrey that today's Russia is not the USSR of the 1970's.
I like your ideas on Syria
Can one blame Assad for trying to protect his country? What if the CCP and the Ukes came over here to stir up confusion and disrupt government? Russia is in a way trapped in Syria because they know pulling out will let the "moderate rebels" back in with all their nasty friends.
We can thank the wunnerful Barry O'Hussein for the situation in which CIA proxies were fighting US forces. Word is that OP'Hussein's bombing missions were against Syrian loyalist targets, sparing the modrebs.
I agree with you both,
Think about the cold bloodedness of saying we should keep the war going in order to create a quagmire for Russia. How many more babies would we burn to death? Meanwhile, Exxon is still in business with the Russian government, in spite of sanctions. Chevron is still in business in Venezuela, in spite of sanctions purposed to starve the Venezuelan people. How psychopathic is our so-called foreign policy? I think Flynn is heroic for opposing our policies in Iraq and Syria and that his outspoken public positions are why he is the principal target of the Deep State.