The fallout for Bernie being nice to his good friend
The fallout for Bernie being nice to his good friend
Bernie, this is what is happening and what happened all because you A) didn't want to hurt your good friend Joe and B) you didn't want to be another Nader (guess what, that ship sailed and Biden's going to lose and you're going to be blamed regardless. Hello, Hillary 2.0).
1. We're helping the cruise industry (that doesn't pay taxes) and not the Postal service (which is as 2. American of a service as you can get) because you couldn't attack your good friend, Joe.
3. Millions are going to go bankrupt from medical debt because you couldn't attack your good friend, Joe.
4. Millions are going to struggle with student loan debt for decades because you couldn't attack your good friend, Joe.
......If you weren't going to fight. If you weren't going to push as hard as possible to win. If you were just going to allow your most diehard supporters like Sirota and Nina to continue being villified. If you were just going to coddle a rapist with dementia and tuck your tail between your legs with no real concessions, I wish to fucking God you would have told me that a year ago. I don't even care that much about the money, but you got my hopes up and I wasted time trying to help you win when, apparently, only one of us actually was seriously committed to it.
Fuck your good friend, Bernie. I love you but this is a real shit way to cap off an otherwise incredible legacy. You were a godsend to the country, but--for some reason that I can't even begin to understand--you let them coronate Biden. BIDEN of all people! JFC!

Thank you Snoopy dawg.
I agree completely with you. I thanked Bernie for bringing Medicare for all to the fight. But I feel the same way you do about his limp campaign ending.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
I brought this over from Way of the Bern
I hope people went to read it at its source because there are so many more issues that will never be addressed if either Biden or Trump wins now. I didn't think for a minute that Bernie would get all of his agenda passed, but I did think that he wouldn't allow things to continue deteriorating as they are now. Yeah I know that is wishful thinking because this isn't just on one person and maybe our ship has sailed over the horizon of a flat earth, but....
Please take the trip folks. There is so much pain, loss of hope and desperation floating around that it's palatable to me.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Yes, it's palpable, like a big raw knife cut
Bernie can be friends with a war monger, liar, greedy and crooked bastard, rapist...
but not me.
I should add war crime mass murderer to the list of disqualifications to be my friend.
But then, that's just me.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Bernie and Gabbard both endorsing Biden just pulverises my belief in both of them. My belief that they actually understood how corrupt our system is has disintegrated.
It shows us that members of Congress really aren't capable of seeing how bad things are partly because they really are friends of the psychopaths that rule us. They meet together, eat together, and remain cordial and sympathetic to each other year after year. And they make deals. And they share strategies. And they see each other as part of the lofty tradition of blah blah blah... our founding so and so's.
But that's because we pay them too much and allow them to profit from their crimes, and no matter how clearly they can see the problems, those lunches and country clubs just make it all so charming. I don't see Bernie and Tulsi in exactly this way, but in their seeing Biden as a colleague, they've fallen into to the trap of self-delusion that Biden is part of why they are important. It is a club, but not the kind of club we need.
Both Bernie and Tulsi
he quit at first opportunity
Only 300 delegates down with 1700 still up for grabs.
He needed to win just over half of those to force second ballot.
Then we might have had a discussion about the wisdom of nominating a demented rapist.
Win 1100 or so and he wins outright.
Certainly worth a shot, you'd think.
but no.
The DP had to stop the campaign before Biden imploded, and Sanders was happy to help.
I can't wait to see Bernie out stumping for "my friend Joe".
The only comfort I have is that I didn't give him a dime this time.
(I don't think Gabbard will actually campaign for Biden, but who knows?)
@irishking I said in one YouTube asking for refund, and I was asked to send email to another address. I did it and never heard from them again.
I said in one YouTube comment "Felt like cheated that he would fold like a cheap suit and drop his supporters like flies." Someone replied that I were never for Bernie, only that I maxed out my donation to his campaign this time around. The day he endoresed the alleged finger rapist, I sent an email to"Hey there,
Thank you for reaching out.
For any and all adjustments to your contributions, please email for assistance.
In solidarity,
Team Bernie"
This is kind of odd
"Although Bernie Sanders is officially out of the race, Biden does not yet have an overall majority of convention delegates. As of April 27, the former vice president has 1,305 of the 1,991 delegates needed to clinch a first-round coronation at the party’s convention. New York offered 320 delegates up for grabs, 274 pledged to the primary winner; a prize that would have brought Biden closer to the nomination."
Biden would have had to win the primary to get the delegates, if it's cancelled, no win. If it's like that for other cancelled primaries then Biden could just banana peel it right out of there, by not having the delegates needed. Am I reading this right?
Thanks for this information on the delegate count
This why it makes absolutely no sense that Bernie dropped out when half the country hadn't voted. Andrew Yang is suing NYC over this, but Bernie isn't? Come on, man stand up!
The two make a great point here.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
No, Biden will still get the delegates
See this article on Politico for more...
Sanders' delegate quest gets tougher after New York shuts down primary
Biden is still on the ballot, so he will win no matter what.
Of course, the DNC still has to approve this plan. It’s technically not a done deal, yet.
I am fairly sure the DNC will approve, making sure Biden gets the delegates from NY. All of them.
Welcome to Banana Republic status
It's official, we're there. It only needs the final touch of a military junta...and I wouldn't rule that out, the say things are going.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
The DNC did say back in 2016 that they would select the nominee
The dem primary was always just a bit of smeared lipstick on that pig.
At this point they are not even bothering with the lipstick anymore. I think they should do away with the rest of this wasteful show and go ahead and name Biden as the official nominee. The charade has gone on long enough. Truth will out.
The entire primary is not canceled; there will be some voting
As I understand it, there will be voting in areas (precincts? districts? ... whatever they call them there) that also have other primaries happening, such as for local and state-level races.
In areas where they had nothing other than the presidential primary on their ballot, there will not be any voting.
So some people in NY will still be voting, and those people will all have Biden on their ballot as the only choice for the presidential primary, and some of them will no doubt vote for him. So he will win, in those places, and state wide.
I cannot find, and I don’t think they have yet published, details about how many delegates will ultimately be awarded to Biden for winning in those places where he does get votes.
Oh and yes, it is obviously a ridiculous mess. Hence my call to just end the whole charade.
According to one
news story, the head of the NY state Dem party is offering to meet with Biden and Bernie people to decide on perhaps giving Bernie some delegates.
It is all rather odd. Why not then just go ahead and allow Bernie's name to remain on the ballot, and award delegates based on the votes as opposed to negotiating over it.
Apparently the rationale for this, the public one, is to lessen the risk for precinct workers and voters as fewer will show up with no real presidential race on the ballot. Even Mayor De Blasio agrees with this half-measure solution, which however only seems to have brought added grief to the party along ideological lines.
Yes, this is exactly what I mean by the charade...
Scene here we go again, take infinity.
Who can possibly think it matters now whether Bernie has this or that number of delegates at the so-called convention? Maybe, at the very ultimate best, they might possibly get Biden to spout some meaningless bullshit about some issue or another to throw a bone to “the left” that Bernie purports to represent.
It won’t matter, just like it’s didn’t matter in 2016, whatever verbal ‘concessions’ they might extract. Biden is a loser. Actually worse than Hillary, which seemed impossible to achieve. And if by some miracle he did win, whatever he said to get there would be long forgotten. It’s such a manipulative and wasteful performance all around.
Sometimes I have flashbacks to 2004, when Shrub won a second term. I was mostly disconnected from politics at that time, but I hated Junior Bush, and I could not believe it when the dems ran someone who could not defeat him.
Even though I knew the 2000 election had been entirely disregarded to install shrub, I still wanted to believe it was an anomaly and there was a way to vote him out and “win” — with enough effort and if we had the right candidate.
I didn’t vote for Gore, but I lived in CA at the time so I was fine with not bothering. I knew Gore would win CA, and I knew he was a very weak candidate. I wasn’t surprised he lost. I was just sad at what a bunch of sorry losers comprise the dem party.
Obama was the one when sucked me back in, with his fake hope and “change we could believe in” song and dance. Then Bernie in 2016.
So... 2020... here we go again. Or not.
I am so tired of this fake drama. Such an enormous waste of energy. It is time to pull back the curtain.
I have been thinking a lot about Shrub's tenure lately
Every day seemed to bring new outrage because of the things he was doing and that the democrats kept rolling over for the republicans because they were keeping their powder dry. Little did I know. Well you know what they say about hindsight.
I thought that if we could just survive it that then we'd go back to being 'normal' and lo and behold the Rorschach's candidate came along offering it too us. And once again I watched as democrats kept letting the republicans roll over them because they were still keen their powder dry.
This is why I don't allow myself to freak out about what Trump is doing while the democrats once again are keeping their powder dry. It's sad that I got fooled again with Obama, but now I see what's really going on. But boy I'm curious to see who comes after Trump if he wins a second term. But by then I doubt there will be anything left to steal them us.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
What was "normal"
Good point
The one thing that stands out from Bush's tenure was the assaults on our civil liberties, but other than that from the Reagan presidency forward the march to the right was much more evident if you look at it hindsight. Austerity measures were put on steroids too.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Actually just the
Bernie did the right thing in closing things down when he did as victory over Biden was not going to happen.
As for the rest, and all those previous campaigns, it's just a reminder that the Left needs to get more and better people elected to office. The Left overall was rather weak back in the day, and it's only shown signs of life in the last 4 yrs or so. With neoliberalism and austerity on the defensive in the current crisis, and with a Dem gerontocracy leadership group looking older and more out of touch by the day, the time is right for the Left to step up and assert itself and make itself a major force within the party. Nancy, Hoyer, Clyburn and maybe Chuck are on their last legs and Pelosi and Schumer look vulnerable in their leadership, esp after the Wall St giveaways on the relief bill. We just need more on the Left in Congress to be brave and point this out.
There isn't anywhere to write in on a NY ballot
cult membersparty faithful will bother. In NY 24 a Bernie endorsed progressive is running against two corporate Dems (She was the candidate in 2018). A lot of her support came from SU students, they aren't around this time. AOC is another target of the DNC and DCCC." In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
But if Bernie was still running wouldn't the delegates
still be available for him to win? The article is only because he is not right? But I see the point of his not going to collect any since he no longer is.
Hey guys did you hear how some of the top people from Bernie's campaign have formed a PAC and named it something catchy from one of Bernie's campaign? "Forward to the future" or something and they are fundraising for Biden. Nice. Weaver is one of them IIRC. Some people say that he was the mole from Neera's CAP sent to sabotage his campaign.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Bernie chose to align himself with those people
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Yes, if Bernie was still in the race, he would be on the ballot
They removed all candidates who have dropped out or suspended their campaigns, leaving Biden as the last man standing. And yes I know Bernie only “suspended” him campaign... as did Warren, Mayor Pete, Bloomberg, Castro, Harris, Klobuchar, etc...
So if they left on candidates who have “suspended” their campaigns then ALL of them would have to remain on the ballot. I don’t see why Bernie would be an exception, even though his campaign seems to think they should be.
I wasn't thinking he should have left on since he did
But another thing I read about the NYC primary was if Bernie hadn't dropped out then Cuomo was going to push it to June which would have cost the state half of its delegates. Either way Cuomo was dead set on screwing Bernie.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Cuomo pushed it back
Weaver as a Neera mole
That's the most effective kind of mole
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Wow. Ok, for sure,
And yet..
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Difficult to comment
And Nick Brana sounds like a bit of a snowflake purist. So he walked out over a second-tier issue, which was never carried out. I am not impressed.
Btw, Bernie, with campaign mgr Jeff Weaver, came very close to beating Hillary in 2016. How does that square with the rumor promoted here that he was actually a CAP mole? Wouldn't Bernie have ended up far behind HRC with a deliberately sabotaged campaign led by Weaver? This fanciful scenario just doesn't hold up to reality. Or did that sneaky Neera get to Weaver before the 2020 campaign?
Except that Bernie has said that he would not take money from billionaires and that his campaign would be funded by grassroots and not take PAC money. And now here's Weaver creating a PAC and fundraising for Biden. It's his right to do whatever he wants.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The fallout. Utter destruction of any progressive wing of party
The label of progressive is meaningless in the party as it has no power or influence. Bernie helped to utterly wipe it out. The establishment and their base of supporters crushed any hopes, if there was any, of something like a left wing of the party. I forgot who said it but any lawmaker who labels themselves progressive is just virtual signaling, and that includes Bernie who refuses to use his power of a US senator and just resorts to palabrum and civic lectures out of a grade school text.
It could be argued there never was a viable left wing of the party as for several decades any left wing insurgence has been destroyed or co-opted from Jackson to now Sanders.
In the last week, revealed that Biden is relying on Larry Summers as his economic advisor. Well back to Obama/Bush vers. 2,0.
As for Chomsky, like Bernie he is marginalizing himself for blind alliagence to the democratic party.
that tactic has diminishing returns
Blaming the left creates questions even for the brainwashed masses after awhile.
1) What do we need to get the Left to turn out and vote for us?
or, 2) Why don't we reject the Left entirely since we can't count on them?
or, 3) Is it really the Left's fault?
All those questions lead to a better world
WOTB: "In 1988 plagiarism was enough to make Biden drop out. In 2020 ethics & sexual assault allegations aren't. How can you say that voting for the lesser evil hasn't made our systems worse?"
One major difference,
Few majors this time have spent more than a couple of minutes on the Tara Reade allegations. And none I've seen have started the When will he drop out? discussions.
Q: what is "WOTB"?
Yep Biden got a huge pass this time
The media keeps telling us that he has been vetted and nothing has come up. Only if you don't look at how many issues got him disqualified by the voters during his two previous runs and his history that voters rejected.
Way of the bern. Link at top of this essay. It was formed after the great exodus from DK.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
WOTB = Way of the Bern on Reddit. EOM
Too many
I spelled it out in the second comment here
I don't know what else I could have to make it more obvious. The link I included would have taken you directly to the website if you had clicked on it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
GOP lowering turnout is nefarious but Dems do it for our HEALTH!
And I’m Angela Merkel.
Democracy is dead
In these Corporate States of Oligarchia. The way the DNC, the other candidates, Obama, and the MSM all coalesced against Bernie , and that he was "Too nice" i.e. wimpy to hit back harder when they were fucking him over and by extension us as well. Just proves to me that the Oligarchy has risen, democracy died, and now we live in a land where the choices is either dementia riddled sexual predator, or another dementia riddled sexual predator.
If this is our best choice, then we have no choice at all and yet we all allow this shit to happen over, and over again.
When will the populace finally get mad enough to fight back against this shit? Oh right, many are medicated to stupor, others enjoy it, and others are to afraid to lose some shit that is in the end meaningless and stupid.
I am pretty much looking at this nation stuck, wallowing in corruption and chicanery which will go on, and on as it suits those in the 1%
Scotty beam me up, there is bugger all for intelligent life on this mudball.
So long, and thanks for all the fish