Kicking Expert Dependency

JC - med school professor of neurobiology - is here to tell you: that when it comes to car repair, compound bows or understanding the course of a pandemic you aren't helpless and dependent on experts *if* you are willing to think, research and act.

JC in the Woods

You don't, it seems, need a weatherman (or a smart phone) to know which way the wind blows. Might need to stick your head out the window, though.

9 users have voted.


QMS's picture

solutions beyond the broadcast confusion

good idea

3 users have voted.

question everything

Alligator Ed's picture

The greater the teacher, the better they are in explaining things in ways which common people understand. This is a wonderful video. The points made are simple, comprehensible AND explanatory of things purposefully made obscure by those whose vested interests lie in making themselves the High Priests of Disease, Shameless Shamans of Self-aggrandizement.

J.C. took my spirit through a rejuvenating walk in the woods. I didn't learn anything I didn't know but find solace in knowing that sentient others know and feel the same way.

BR, you have done us, who watched, a service. Hopefully others will avail themselves of this opportunity.

5 users have voted.
Raggedy Ann's picture

that people need to start thinking for themselves. That is the right track. We also need to be wary of vaccines - I mentioned that back in March when the pandemic stuff started being essayed about here.

Remember, though, the universe is in charge. I know that's tough for many of you on this site, but it's true. We are not in charge of what is going on - the universe is shifting us to a new consciousness, which cannot be done if we live in "normal" times. We needed to be taken out of our element, the earth needed time to heal - everything is working in tandem as it should.

Get out of lower vibrational thinking and get into higher vibrational thinking.Don't live in fear - live in the present moment and live in love.

5 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

QMS's picture

@Raggedy Ann

mind opening opportunities abound

3 users have voted.

question everything

Read up on coronavirus biology:

Another huckster with a youtube account. Think that hospitals are making money on this? All elective surgeries are cancelled across the country right now.

6 users have voted.
QMS's picture


PT, OT, SLP, types are not allowed in the new medicare tele heath reimbursement program
it is either hands on or furlough
without proper PPE
Beating down the health care teams by reducing staff and not providing protective gear
assures failures, This is a blatant exposure of the limited effectiveness of our health care
capabilities. Question is, do we reduce the defense budget to afford our national system of
"defense" against health and environmental threats, or do our expenditures go out to bomb
other countries to take their resources?

3 users have voted.

question everything

I could not find this guy on the website for the med school in Pittsburgh.

Unfortunately the epidemic is real. Here is a graph from the BBC showing the situation in the UK.
excess deaths uk bbc.png

Note the obvious increase in deaths over the expected numbers. This graph is from an excellent article about care home deaths in the UK. They point out that many Covid deaths are being attributed to other causes. There is another graph showing the same situation in care homes as in the overall population. The evidence is the sudden rise in the number of deaths over the usual number.

The overall number of people dying in care homes is now three times higher than it was before the pandemic started.

Fewer than half of these extra deaths are being attributed to coronavirus.

Here is data from the CDC about recent deaths in NY. Data from the last few weeks is still coming in but the trend is clear from the beginning of April.

Screenshot_2020-04-29 Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).png

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J. J. Couey

J. J. (Jay) Couey
Research Assistant Professor
Cortical and subcortical microcircuits.
My work uses advanced patch clamp techniques, optogenetics, and promotor/enhancer driven gene expression to dissect cortical and subcortical microcircuits. I am particularly interested in the structure-function relationship between local inhibitory connectivity and the subcellular organization of synaptic input, and how the specific arrangement of neurons and their inputs underpin the functional properties of neocortical microcircuits in vivo.

I don't think at any point JC is denying that the epidemic is real. He, and many others, though, are questioning the rationality of our response to it and whether it is, in fact, being driven by the relevant science. Which should certainly include epidemiology, which JC appears to think is not being properly considered.

The benefits of lockdowns need to be balanced against the deleterious effects and it is not at all clear that is happening. Isolation and lack of sunshine are themselves unhealthy and impair immune response. Start adding in increased depression, suicide, domestic violence, costs of deferred medical treatment and etc. Does that appear to you to be part of the discussion or is it being dismissed out of hand?

2 users have voted.


your huckster.

Of course his main job is duping the gullible masses, but he also seems to have a side gig of some sort:

J. J. (Jay) Couey
Research Assistant Professor
Cortical and subcortical microcircuits.
My work uses advanced patch clamp techniques, optogenetics, and promotor/enhancer driven gene expression to dissect cortical and subcortical microcircuits. I am particularly interested in the structure-function relationship between local inhibitory connectivity and the subcellular organization of synaptic input, and how the specific arrangement of neurons and their inputs underpin the functional properties of neocortical microcircuits in vivo.

I don't see him contending hospitals are making out on this - but they have been starved of normal revenue and incentivized to over-report COVID. Kind of like when in the course of our noble drug war we herbicide a Colombian village where they are growing coca as a sideline. The herbicide kills the food crops, sickens or kills the livestock *but* if they are gotten to in time and the leaves stripped off, the coca plants will survive. So, instead of one productive asset among many, now coca is the *only* thing. In that situation what are people going to do to survive?

Of course, they are forced to grow coca - just as hospitals are forced to maximize their reported covid deaths since that is about their only source of revenue.

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