COVID-19 update: the eyes may have it but the nose knows. A hot topic: fever
Time for serious contemplation once again about the flourishing pandemic. A recent essay entitled the nose knows has been submitted for your erudition. Loss of the sense of smell, which sensation is called olfaction, is called anosmia. Hyposmia is a milder form of diminished olfaction. In the above cited essay, the loss of olfaction has lately been realized to be of possible diagnostic significance. The MedCram video is referred to below, from which also are taken several illustrations, also included here.
Loss of olfaction, anosmia, has been the only symptom reported in otherwise asymptomatic individuals who test positive for the virus. So, if anyone in your family or social/work environment has suddenly decreased or absent olfaction, advise that person he/she may be infected. Then self-quarantine because...tag, you're it.
Hat tip to Raggedy Ann for bringing up fever and fever treatment. Previously, I wrote that one should avoid fever treatment. Dr Sejheult's MedCram video clarifies exceptions to that rule as well as explaining how fever combats infections, not just viral ones.
Briefly, fever enhances certain cytokines, intracellular and circulating chemical messengers, to help destroy invaders (although not cancer, as I understand it). This effect is mediated by A20, another in the enormous list of cytokines.
Acetaminophen (Tylenol, paracetamol), aspirin, and all other NSAIDS, suppress metabolic reactions enabling the body to fight off infections. Please watch the video.
Diagrams are often helpful illustrating ideas, processes, etc. Here are a few:
Graphic depiction of effect of good and not good immunity in COVID-19
General effect of NSAIDS on infection:
Specific action of NSAIDs in COVID-19 infection:
Testing, testing
The spike protein (S-protein) mediates receptor binding and membrane fusion. Spike protein contains two subunits, S1 and S2. S1 contains a receptor binding domain (RBD), which is responsible for recognizing and binding with the cell surface receptor. S2 subunit is the "stem" of the structure, which contains other basic elements needed for the membrane fusion. The spike protein is the common target for neutralizing antibodies and vaccines. It's been reported that SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCoV) (ref.) can infect the human respiratory epithelial cells through interaction with the human ACE2 receptor. Indeed, the recombinant Spike protein can bind with recombinant ACE2 protein.
The Nucleocapsid Protein (N-protein) is the most abundant protein in coronavirus. The N-protein is a highly immunogenic phosphoprotein, and it is normally very conserved. The N protein of coronavirus is often used as a marker in diagnostic assays.
To aid the efforts of developing vaccines and neutralizing antibodies against this virus, Sino Biological Inc. has developed a panel of research reagents for SARS-CoV-2, including recombinant antigens (the N protein, S protein, the S1 and S2 subunits of the S protein, and the RBD domain of the S proteins), antibodies, antigen detection kits and genes.
Tests performed on nucleic acid residues, PCR, are slower to perform and according to the linked article less sensitive than tests to detect immunogenic protein caused by viral infection; in other words, DNA unneeded for the faster protein-based testing.
The eyes have it
Conjunctivitis, inflammation of the whites of the eyes, is a sign of infection with COVID-19. Dr. Wen Liang, martyred by the CCP, was the first to publicly state there was a "new kind of pneumonia. Dr Wen was an ophthalmologist. And thus this pink eye sign connotes likely COVID-19 infection during this pandemic. If one has no pink eye, wear contact lenses but clean them carefully in bactericidal solution as suggested by the lens manufacturer.
A million thanks, Ed.
I read through it once but need to go back and study it. Great information.![Pleasantry](
edited to add - everyone - watch the film about fever! So informative. I plan to share that one far and wide!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I saw one source in which a virologist suggested that
bat-based coronaviruses might be specifically evolved to replicate even in fever temperatures, because apparently bats attain startlingly high body temperatures during flight.
So that was yet another, what the fuck, everything we thought we knew might be wrong moment.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Could be true but controversy persists
As the owl says, WHO knows?
There is almost no doubt that it was originally a bat virus.
Conversely, there isn't any molecular OR epidemiological evidence, of any kind, not one shred, not an iota, that it was re-engineered by Evil Scientists. But even if it had been -- and again, the only reason to think so is the pleasure one might derive from thinking so -- the engineers would have been starting out with a scaffold based on a bat virus.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Se my comment below to Science Teacher
"Controlled double-blind trials" are underway per NIH involving HCQ, AZ, AZ + HCQ and placebo groups. Will 2000 test cases be sufficient. And how sensitive and specific are the COVID-19 tests. Trump wants tests developed under CDC guidance, as opposed to treatment. Fauci is medical establishment, which is an ancillary wing of the political establishment.
Fauci is a fraud because he endorsed Dr. Tedros, WHO's putative chief.
Learn a bit about Dr. Tedros, who is not an MD, by watching this 13 minutes video by John Martin. And Fauci respects this criminal? Tedros wanted noted humanitarian and fellow genocidist Robert Mugabe to be WHO's goodwill ambassador. Does that tell you anything?
I guess that was an interesting sidebar, though unrelated
to my own comment. Mugabe? Really? Jeebus.
I hope your informed intuitions about the HCQ-AZ treatment protocol pan out. We will know soon enough.
This particular remark caught my eye:
I have a long and impolite rant cued up on the matter of testing. The amount of speculating -- and even worse, conclusion-drawing -- going on here, there and everywhere based on little snippets of news about the latest dumbass thing Trump said, or on the statistics we're seeing from different countries is pissing me off, because those doing the speculating and conclusion-drawing generally know nothing about such tests: nothing about how they work, nor about how they are designed, developed, manufactured, or implemented in the field.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Dr. Tedros - Who controls the WHO - Virginia Benassi
What do you think about this? I barely can understand half of what George Webb says here.
@Alligator Ed Before signing up to
Admittedly the anthr*x situation several years ago proves that the folks at Detrick have the technical and moral capacity for something like that.
I defer to your knowledge about bat virology
The diagram appended to this comment is all information I did NOT possess before this pandemic.
And that diagram only deals with taxonomy, not epidemiology, symptoms, treatments, morbidity, mortality. It would please me greatly as a physician if you would share your knowledge on the subject of viral genomics and genomic modification, including epigenetic, if any.
@Alligator Ed According to Ashour
SARS had a fatality rate of about 10%. The primary host was bats with civets and raccoon dogs acting as intermediate hosts. Bats in various regions of China have a variety of SARSr-CoVs. I have not looked at DNA sequences for this myself but it seems to be widely established in the literature. Human to human transmission did occur before the epidemic was controlled.
MERS had a fatality rate of about 35%. The primary host was bats, and camels are an intermediate host. Symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath; severe complications include pneumonia and kidney failure. Fortunately human to human transmission is rare and avoiding close contact with infected dromedary camels should offer adequate protection in the US.
Fung state that the other coronaviruses known to infect humans mostly causing common colds but there may be an association with multiple sclerosis. There was no comment on whether any people who have recovered from SARS or MERS had developed MS.
The reservoir hosts for coronaviruses that infect humans are bats and rodents. I am not an expert in bat viruses. When I saw that bats were the hosts of coronaviruses of course I remembered that fruit bats were the primary hosts for Ebola in Africa. This article has an interesting technical discussion of bat viruses for anyone who is cares about it. The original ancestral source of the current virus is believed to be Rhinolophus affinis bats. Intermediate hosts may by bamboo rats, civets and possibly pangolins.
Transmission of COVID-19 is mostly by droplets and has a tendency to occur in family clusters.
Another useful review is Guo et al. Military Medical Research (2020) 7:11
A search of PubMed for coronavirus reviews will provide enough reading to keep someone occupied during a long quarantine.
Ashour (Pathogens 2020, 9, 186)
Sin-Yee Fung, Kit-San Yuen, Zi-Wei Ye, Chi-Ping Chan & Dong-Yan Jin (2020) A tug-of-war between severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 and host antiviral defence: lessons from other pathogenic viruses, Emerging Microbes & Infections, 9:1, 558-570, DOI: 10.1080/22221751.2020.1736644 To link to this article:
Plenty of reading indeed.
It appears that the feds have made an entire library of 10s of thousands of coronavirus papers publicly available, so if my understanding is correct, ordinary folks without expensive journal subscriptions can access them.
Yes, tens of thousands. There's been a lot of work done in this field since 2003.
The current operating assumption is that the coronaviruses that infect humans begin as pathogens in some other species, then mutate into human-infectious form in some intermediate species, and that humans probably catch them from the intermediate species, rather than from a member of the original species that has somehow "caught it back" from one of the intermediary hosts. Everything I've seen seems to assume that this process has always happened in the wild, and researchers are hunting for the smoking gun in samples taken from various critters that have been taken from the wild. In the case of SARS-Cov-1, they eventually found a bat infected with a virus 97% identical to the human pathogen, which was evidently transmitted to humans by civets.
Warning: The rest of this comment contains large quantities of quite hostile snark, none of which is tagged as such. The reader is advised to apply simple common sense, for fuck's sake.
Shi Zhengli (whose name I have repeatedly mangled) was viciously libeled all over the intertubes for the crime of knowing more about these viruses than anybody else, since to the minds of those with the necessary inclinations that obviously meant that SARS-Cov-2 had come out of her lab, where it had probably been engineered by her team, because that's what Evil Scientists do, you know. Shi's the one, with her killer graces and her secret places, who positively identified the new virus as a novel bat coronavirus. Scientific American has an excellent pop-science treatment of Shi's work, which I recommend, even though it's obviously just a propaganda piece seeded into our MSM by the nefarious agents of Dr. WHO and his worldwide Deep State Evil Science Brigade. The article "claims" (pshaw! Dr. WHO! DSESB!) that Shi herself immediately "wondered" whether the new virus had come out of her lab, because she hadn't considered Wuhan to be a likely spot for an outbreak. Happily for her, once Shi had the bug's sequence, she knew it had come from somewhere else. At least, that's what she says. Were you there?
SciAm cites a couple of papers from early 2019, co-authored by Shi, reviewing the state of knowledge about bat coronavirus Bat coronaviruses in China and Origin and evolution of pathogenic coronaviruses. Again, for persons inclined to see the world through a particular set of lenses, these articles are likely to represent prima facie evidence against Shi, since they lay out all the usual propaganda from Dr. WHO and his DSESB, and "somehow" (Note to reader: arch eyebrows now) predict the patterns of a future outbreak, almost as if they were planning the whole thing! Oh, that wiley Dr. WHO and his wiley minions in the Deep State Evil Science Brigade, cunningly hiding in plain sight!
In response to the libels, she (meaning Shi) went kinda batshit (which you'll understand if you read the SciAm piece) on the speculationists. Being the sort of Chinese scientist who goes in more for WHO than for woo, she blasted those elements of her own culture that created "institutions" like the Wuhan wild animal market, where dockworkers' dreams mix with panther's schemes to someday own the rodeo. Had her criticisms come from anyone Not. Chinese., they would have been denounced as Big R Racist, but instead they were simply ignored by those from whose eyes had fallen the scales that had been so meticulously cultured by Dr. WHO and the DSESB.
God, I'm tired of writing about this. I need to make some coffee.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
UR, poetic and noetic
I never watched any of the 49 varieties of Dr. WHO and since being introduced to the Dr. Tedros documentary, I doubt any forthcoming ability to believe anything emanating from WHO. As far as FAUCI--he's turning out to be piece of the PTB infrastructure. If he can praise Tedros in any way, it is revealing. Just as revealing when my former hero, Major Gabbard "supported" JoJo ByeDone. Supported? As in jock strap? As in cane? As in walker assists? As in orienting himself to a camera or audience?
Watch for it: JoJo will get COVID-19 and succumb just after receiving adequate votes at the DNC to "win" the nomination. He will then state, before the convention ends, that he is too virally debilitated to continue fighting Trump. Therefore he respectfully will request Bidenites to support his choice to be the running mate, H. Rodent Clinton (certified immune to COVID-19) to rescue the party from JoJo's enforced retirement.
Don't say you weren't warned. Since I live with snakes and swamp rats, I know all about their diabolical ways.
There, I just thread-jacked my own essay. Hah. Gimme another chance, I might do it again. But remember "what's good for me, is not for thee". So all other thread jackers may be bitten without further warning.
I have two confessions.
One: I've almost completely stopped attending to the Democratic primaries. The disastrous results of Super Duesday, followed up by the clusterfucks in Illinois, Michigan, and Florida, have simply overwhelmed my political sensibilities, like a pandemic virus running wild through the hospital wards of what is arguably the greatest city on the planet (if you're the sort of person who thinks cities are great, which I'm not really).
Two: "Killer graces and secret places" was ripped off from another source, albeit VERY CLEVERLY. I mean, seriously, it was really fucking clever.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I’m seeking informed opinions
I’ve been reading about this symptom of losing the sense of smell and taste.
The weird thing is, I had this exact thing happen to me, for about 3 weeks, from early to late-January. It was the strangest thing, I’ve never had this in my life. At first, I would briefly smelled weird things like rotten eggs. Then some things I could not smell at all. Then suddenly I lost all sense of taste. Food tasted terrible, even things I have always liked. I ate almost nothing for several weeks. I could barely force myself to get down a few bites, no matter what I ate. I lost 10 pounds in less than a month, and wondered if this was going to last forever. It sucked. Then, just as suddenly, it went away. I could smell and taste food. Yay. Gained back my “lost” pounds. I mentioned this bizarre loss of taste and smell to a few friends, they would just shrug, like whatever...
Since it went away by early February and I’ve been back to feeling normal, I basically forgot about this episode. Until I started reading about this symptom of the virus.
But, like I said, this happened in early January and was over around the end of the month. So that seems too early to have been this virus. What do you all think, who have some knowledge in this area. Is it even possible that I actually had this virus during January?
And/or, is this loss of smell and taste a symptom of other viral infections or other conditions... that would go away after a few weeks? I don’t know. It would actually give me comfort to believe I already had it and recovered. But is that wishful thinking?
Diagnosis at a distance is not desirable
Multiple infectious ailments as well as multiple drugs can distort and / or depress olfaction. So, while I cannot tell you a most-likely-to-have-been diagnosis, you have recovered. IF YOU HAVE NOT RECOVERED, seek medical help--but COVID-19 is quite unlikely.
I've had loss of smell twice...
each time it had to do with spring allergies and/or sinus infection. Drove me nuts and immediately put me on the depression path. I started inhaling lavender oil and for some reason after a couple of days everything came back.
I absolutely hated this.
Will post an interesting video link from an organization in England called
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Lavender oil is purported to have therapeutic value other
I use lavender essential oil all the time.
I put it on spider bites (which I am prone to) and it's the only thing that helps get ride of the welt.
I love the smell of it, plus it has very strong anti-bacterial/viral properties.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
I know 1 other possible reason
according to my neurologist loss of smell is a sign of parkinson's, but don't worry if it was temporary. I had little and unreliable sense of smell for 30 or 40 years before the tremors started.
BTY AE, have you heard about the recent (since Christmas) research on the relationship between gut flora and Parkinson's? My neurologist is with a county clinic and is overburdened. He said, "Yes, pretty soon everybody's going to get (a treatment to restore the proper balance of gut flora)" and moved on to his next patient.
On to Biden since 1973
I am unaware of biome relationship to smell
There does seem to be a relationship...
Drs. Perlmutter and Hyman might provide some insight.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
This gut biome stuff is wack (in a good way)! I was at a talk
a few months ago where the guy described the experiments they're doing where they manipulate the gut biome of mice, and find measurable changes in the blood serum concentrations of various molecules-of-interest.
They (and many others) are also doing research on bacterial "communities" -- on the ways that a heterogeneous population of bacteria eventually stabilizes, and how it responds to disruptions (e.g., the introduction of a new organism).
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
This is why taking probiotics right now is essential.
Probiotics probably rank as the most effective general immune booster available. This is because their mechanism of action is so far-reaching; probiotics impact dendritic cells, epithelial cells, T-cells, lymphocytes, and B-cells.
Probiotics in the GI tract help to reinforce the barrier function of the intestinal lining, lowering the chance of bacteria in the intestines entering into the blood stream. Of all the healthy bacterial strains, four have been proven by research studies to significantly impact the immune system:
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG
Bifidobacterium animalis
Lactobacillus paracasei
Lactobacillus acidophilus
It's difficult to find a probiotic that contains all of these, but many have at least one or two of them on board.
Listing helpful bacteria as you did is beneficial
Indeed, what you've described would be one of the
long term objectives of some of the research I was describing on bacterial communities. For example, depending on what's already in your gut, taking some particular probiotic might be fruitless, because the introduced desirable organism might be unable to get a foothold in the pre-existing community.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
This is true.
I've never seen a standardized requirement. Different people in different locations may have different needs. Frequent travelers rely on probiotics. They are used to manage treatment in many diseases. They affect the body's energy levels. And there is a big connection with the brain functions and psychological wellbeing.
I rely on comments from hundreds of users to judge efficacy of a certain products (I'm writing an article on the topic).
Pre- and probiotics is the next frontier that needs to be settled.
The reason probiotics are only now emerging from the shadows
You might enjoy the last half of this...
Essay. Scroll down to the gut biome portion...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Very encyclopedic and good information
Please select your answer from the choices below:
1. Everything, the good, the bad, the ugly
2. gut biome only had two purposes: digest some nutrients and bulk up stool
3. nothing
Time's up.
The correct answer is #3.
Now, please select among the following explanations of this gross abstinence teaching important physiology:
1. Ignorance
2. Big Pharma
Yes, dear fellow investigators into intestinal well-being, the correct answer is #1 AND #2.
Seems my nose had it all along then
What else can cause anosmia? One advantage of anosmia is that you can't smell fast enough, if you burned food that you tried to cook. It happens all the time to me. I am already known as the master of burning things in the house, all they wait for is that I burn the whole house.
Greetings. I think the shutdown is bullshit. That's all.
You really read all your books now. I have a lot, but don't read any. Have too much heart aches and head aches. And am angry a lot.
I pretty much am pissed off a lot, also
Can't diagnose loss of smell sensation at a distance. One interesting, readily treatable cause of both hyposmia and hypogeusia (decreased taste sensation) is zinc deficiency. People who are otherwise well-nourished and lack gastrointestinal absorbtion problems rarely get this. People with chronic diarrhea get low zinc as well as other mineral depletion states.
wow; you're one of them?
who knew?
One of them? Who them?
my apologies for being late
to come back to face your music, gator. but one of those Western Seinophobes who trot out the meme 'many scientists recognized...', but then name only Wen Lang, an ophthalmologist who may or may not have recognized a new iteration of SARS. did he send some sample to a virologist? We'll never know the truth of that, will we? but what you'd written was:
Dr. Wen Liang, martyred by the CCP, was the first to publicly state there was a "new kind of pneumonia. Dr Wen was an ophthalmologist.
and the rest of the story is always: "he later died OF covid-19". did he? as some medical experts know, some who've tested positive, then died, perhaps died 'while testing positive', bu not necessarily FROM the virus. in any event, think it through logically: if the mean length of incubation was five days (now stretched further as 'up to 24 days' has been added), how could the CCP been expected to come up with some sort of targeted help for him?
do we even know where he died, or do we simply believe those who loathe and mistrust china and xi? ack, i'd had one more point it my noggin earlier, but it seems to have blown off in the wind.
and yes, china hadn't locked down Wuhan quickly enough as b at MOA points out daily, and now believes that *anyone* who's tested positive should be isolated, not in their houses, but in special facilities dedicated to that end.
Your late response is still appropriate and appreciated.
But, no, I am not sinophobic, nor russophobic nor xenophobic nor hispanophobic nor hydrophobic. Reptiles do not suffer from mammalian diseases. I am an equal opportunity carnivore. I care not about nationality, my concern is caloric, nutritional value, etc. If one is good enough to eat, I'll take Chinese, traditional American, French--but never Mexican (too many jalapeños--burns my tongue).
The CCP lies. Commander Cheeto lies. Pelosi and Chuckles lie. Mickey Micron in gay Paree lies. Angela hides, but lies when given the opportunity. BoJo lies. Vladimir Vladimirovich lies. wd, do you sense a pattern here?
Trust WHO, should read trust who. Dr. Birx with her Gatesian connectivity and association with the world association for health-scamming NGOs (WAHSN) is an authoritarian placeholder for real physicians and not moneyed interest groups. False-faced Fauci, lover of genocidist Tedros Adhanom, non-medical doctor, has fallen from grace.
Me oh my. Testing. Whose tests? How fast? What cost? What deployability? What biomarkers: RNA, or antibody residues? What sensitivity? What specificity?
i hadn't accused you of
sinophobia, etc., just you're having parroted their facts. yes, yes, they all lie, we know that: oh, maybe not. they all do disseminate their own brands of propaganda, but not even close to the US Imperium's.
i'll add a couple things to my own diary on 'weaponization of corona virus', one of which may ballast my point, although it comes from the daily neast, soo...there's that.
For those who experience the loss of smell/taste...
This training will help, especially if you catch it early...
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
That's a really helpful resource.
In watching the video, I was struck my how sincerely people commit to helping others however they can. I'm feeling a lot of gratitude these days.
Thanks for posting this.
Thank you for observing the generosity most humans have
Very interesting video FT, thank you
I’d forgotten how much it sucked during those weeks in January when I could not smell, and even worse, almost all food tasted awful. Not just bland or tasteless, but actively unpleasant. Eating became a huge chore.
Also my spouse reminded me last night, there were some things I could smell, like the scented kitchen trash bags he got, and the smell to me was so extremely unpleasant, it literally made me feel ill. I asked him to please remove them, use them only for outside trash bags, and get unscented ones for the kitchen. It was so weird. Even more strange is realizing how completely I’d blocked out the memory of that whole experience. Even though it was just a couple months ago.
Anyway, thanks again for the video. I’m going to look into this more. Especially if it’s becoming a common after-effect of the coronavirus. People may not realize just how much we need our nose working in order to feel alive and enjoy it.
Hey CS...good to hear from you.
I know what you mean about everything tasting like nothing or worse than nothing. Fortunately my episode only lasted about a week. I remember getting down right depressed at the thought of not being able to smell the wild bergamot in my prairie. There was a candle I had in the bathroom that smelled of peach. Every day I would try to smell it. On the day my sense came back, it was the first thing I smelled. I keep that candle there now to remind me of what an incredible experience it was to be able to smell again.
I freaked out when I read that losing sense of smell was associated with the coronavirus. I already ordered a kit from the Abscent webiste.
Stay well!
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
A week, or more, ago
You told us about NSAIDs, and that Tylenol was not one of them. Now your chart includes it with them. I am confused.
Also, I slowly lost my sense of smell, a decade or so ago. It was so slow that I really didn't notice, until my partner asked me to smell something.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
My mistake which hopefully will be clarified
Hopefully, that clarifies your confusion. If it doesn't, then watch Dr Seheult's of Dr Campbell's videos on fever. Much more clearly explained.
In my essay diagrams are included of PGE2's position in the inflammatory / anti-inflammatory cascades.
Got it, thanks for the clarification,
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X