
I’m self-isolating as instructed, for 4 weeks. I would find it soothing right now to be at a monastery in the mountains somewhere, which leaves me wondering how I can achieve a place of greater peace and serenity at home. What do you consider the necessary essentials for achieving greater peace and serenity at this time - and by what principles do you guide yourselves?

At least Spring is coming for you all in the Northern Hemisphere.

Whenever I need an injection of peace and serenity I listen to this, it never fails ...


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earthling1's picture

my garden soil before the rain came back. Five or six days without allowed it to dry out enough to work the soil. I immediately covered it with tarps to keep it from turning to mud.
Using a 10 x10 canopy I've planted 100 onion starts, some 5 inch bean and pea starts that have been outside a few days to harden.
Have more seedlings coming up under the lights and will be spending most of my time in the garden. Supposed to rain for the next week though.
Fall there now isn't it, Janice B?

13 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

janis b's picture


sounds like poetry to me. Good timing for you earthling.

Yes, the past few days have definitely presented themselves as fall-like.

7 users have voted.
thanatokephaloides's picture

5 users have voted.

"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

janis b's picture


for the timely reminder, and Club Des Belugas ...

Smooth, and good to move to these rhythms.

4 users have voted.
Shahryar's picture

No reason to be afraid. Fear is different than having sense. I won't be touching anyone other than shaharazade for the next good while. My days are now spent at home, helping her with chores, writing tunes. I'm lucky that I can work from home and have for years. I'm lucky to even have work at all.

I believe this will pass, as the influenza of 1918 did, running it's course in x number of months. We're listening to lots of music. Another lucky thing for us: we don't have cable so we're not exposed to whatever propaganda is coming out of the so-called news stations.

Oregon is now shelter in place. We really don't need any of the places that are closed although we'll miss them. But it's still ok to take walks or go for a run. Squirrels are still digging in our dirt and running up our garage roof. We've been watching Mr. Crow build his nest in the tallest tree around. We see him flying with what I assume are the perfect twigs, carefully selected.

Shaharazade is very stressed, though. I'm ok with a vacation, however long, from certain social interactions. But again, I feel lucky to be in a situation where I haven't just been fired after living paycheck to paycheck. If I can relieve my loved one's stress....well I think that's the most important thing.

10 users have voted.
janis b's picture


I extracted a few of my favourite lines from your wonderful comment ...

Shelter in place

Squirrels are still digging in our dirt and running up our garage roof. We've been watching Mr. Crow build his nest in the tallest tree around. We see him flying with what I assume are the perfect twigs, carefully selected.

If I can relieve my loved one's stress....well I think that's the most important thing.

Some music for you both …


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mimi's picture

What do you consider the necessary essentials for achieving greater peace and serenity at this time - and by what principles do you guide yourselves

That's a tough question. Because my worries and fears are different for the two continents I watch the corona virus news for.

For Germany: I can self-isolate rather comfortably. Live in a house with a garden. As long as electricity and gas is delivered, which it will unless some evil-doers throw the big bomb on Germany, we are good.
I do believe deliveries of food items to the larger grocery stores will be made. So my essentials here are wait and see and hopefully the banking system will not collapse to the point one can not get access and withdraw what one needs for daily food purchases. I intend to give it another try to learn how to bike safely again (for some strange medical reasons I couldn't bike anymore when I tried two years ago). I try to not to use the car. That's all.

For Hawaii and Mainland US: Don't even ask me. I am a bundle of messy thoughts. Don't want to share them, as I would only contribute and possibly increase the fears and worries of readers here. I think my main principle is: Try to do the least harm possible. And in order to do that, think twice, three times and make moves or plans together with your neighbors.

Listen to music or reading books doesn't calm me down. Have not enough nerves for that. And those, who are very angry inside and who are my loved ones, they all try to garden and find a lonely place to make some music by themselves. But they have substantial reasons to not cope well with the situation. FUBAR is what FUBAR does.

Take care and thanks for posting the question.

I find our German public TV less annoying than what I read online and probably I would be way more annoyed if I would directly have to listen to US TV news channels. I am too far away physically to make any clear-eyed judgements about almost anything considering US media outlets. And I think I can pretty much smell 100 meters against the wind which German media, online or printed or private TV channels are "influenced by some strangely unreasonable thoughts". They make me angry.

(This is Off Topic and not related to the virus, but it angers me, so there ...)

For example this letter beats me.

The letter was published over a week ago, but I just read it today. I would have never believed that a 'she said, he said dispute' would erupt on truthdig. I liked to listen to Robert Scheer's podcasts, valued their authors and writers on that site a lot and can't believe why Zuade Kaufman would write something like this:

As you may know, a statement was posted March 11th by some Truthdig staff and contributors. Contrary to the statement, the real underlying issue is negotiations to end the business partnership between me, Truthdig’s Publisher and CEO, and Robert Scheer, its Editor-in-Chief. Unfortunately, the staff and contributors have gotten caught in the middle. While I sought to shield them and to respect confidentiality, Bob internally and externally waged a campaign of misinformation.

Sadly, the situation seems to have devolved into Bob having an attitude of “If-I-can’t-have-Truthdig, no-one-will.” Indeed, he even pushed me to permanently shut down Truthdig.

Well, that's the last thing we need, nor do I believe a word of that paragraph and I just can't understand why Kaufman's obvious support for women's and human rights (according to her bio) would lead to such a dispute. She even didn't post the "Note from march 11th on which the whole debacle seemed to be based on".

Which side are you on? I want Scheer to continue his work like he did all those years.

Can someone find that "note"? I am too stupid to find it. And unless I get miraculously smarter (doubtful), I can't have peace and serenity. No way. Smile

Take care. Be well.

5 users have voted.
janis b's picture


I'm sure you're doing your best at this time. You must need some extra loving energy to support you through the difficulty of caregiving, and the separation from the one who you are closest to. Sending you what I can ...

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studentofearth's picture

Been fortunate to have a few and have used the time for various activities that in the most part have improved my life. During highly busy times in my body would want to rest (exhausted) and to slow my mind down I would start learning a new craft or practice a skill within a craft for a new level of competence. The key for me was to get the mind and body at least recognizing they needed to work in cooperation. When tired rest - but not mindless distraction with TV or video. Sometimes the rest is simply a timeout when the mind and body are not wanting to cooperate. Watching videos related to craft is within the theme of learning. Sport and dance skills require mind/body cooperation if not interested in craft.

Deep research into a subject requires uninterrupted time to think and ponder. Travel is a state of mind, not just a physical activity. We can travel in time and to different cultures without getting on a plane or boat.

If the atmosphere of a monastery is desired identify the key aspects for you. Monasteries are created by people. Create a spot in your home where you sit, stand or walk that has the feeling that transports you to a monastery experience.

Types of skills I have explored have ranged from mastering desktop publishing to the crafts featured in the Irish documentary series Hands.

One of the skills I want to try.

3 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

janis b's picture


“We can travel in time and to different cultures without getting on a plane or boat.”

Please let me know if you learn the skill of bookbinding and repair. I have the perfect treasure for you to practice on. A couple of years ago I brought it to a local artisan of this craft, but he would have charged $300. I’m sure it would have been treated perfectly, but instead I’ll keep it in the knitted protection my daughter made me as a child, and just take it out occasionally to enjoy.

Your comment motivated me to set-up my yoga practice in a more monastic and dedicated space. Normally I’d be going to a class once a week, and occasionally doing some at home. Since class was suspended I am trying to discipline myself to practice more regularly at home, and not in the more distractive space of the lounge.

Be well

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thanks & best wishes

2 users have voted.
janis b's picture


Best wishes to you.

1 user has voted.
Lookout's picture

The rhythm of the seasons...spring here....fall there. We're going the to wildflower pocket tomorrow, few to none will be there and it is easy to distance.

Gardening is important on many levels especially here in the states... considering the loss of migrant worker who harvest our crops.

Music is also a great release as is any art you enjoy. Glen Greenwald recommends reading "When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times" by the brilliant US buddhist Pema Chödrön.

Time to be the people we hope to be with peace of mind, a heart of love, and a spirit of wonder.

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

janis b's picture


for the deeply touching song and video. It feel good to let the tears fall.

I will look for Pema Chödrön's book. I'm sure it's good medicine.

"Time to be the people we hope to be with peace of mind, a heart of love, and a spirit of wonder."

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edg's picture

I work from home and don't go out much. My biggest risk is from my wife. She has rheumatoid arthritis and consequently, many medical appointments. For example, she has to go to a "pain clinic" every 30 days just to get prescription pain meds to reduce her 24/7 pain. Opioid Madness eliminated 90 day prescriptions and home delivery. She fell last week and cut her lip. She's at an appointment now to get the stitches removed. This afternoon she goes to her rheumatologist to find out why Orencia isn't working as well as it should. Being around sick people at medical offices increases her risk of infection and thus mine.

7 users have voted.
janis b's picture


I'm sorry for your and your wife's situation. I wish the best for you both.

I've been enjoying your writing here, and your clear and thoughtful comments.

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janis b's picture


and thought of you ...

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enhydra lutris's picture

"station" on Live-x-Live, fka "slacker" that is loaded to bursting with stuff I like, and which also placs stuff that they think fits one or more of those moods or genres. I pay for this however.

Given that I have that, and given your opening choice of Bill Evans, I seriously recommend "Jazz Radio", which I don't pay for and listen to in addition to Live-x-Live. Their website is, which streams Jazz day and night. What kind of Jazz you may ask? Any - they have tons of stations each dedicated to a specific type or genre. There's, from memory variants of bop, cool, swing, latin, piano bar, etc. etc. Three that I've listened to at least a little in the past are Bossa Nova, Paris Cafe, and Smooth Jazz. The best part is that you can download their app from the app store (google, for android), take your phone outside and play through a bluetooth speaker while watching the birds and bugs and sipping whatever you like to sip while observing the grass grow.

have a good one.

2 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture

@enhydra lutris
Fusion Lounge
A unique blend of jazz, lounge, & bossa nova with results fascinating, inspiring and understated.

haven't tried it.

2 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

janis b's picture

@enhydra lutris

I'll check out Jazz Radio soon.

0 users have voted.
janis b's picture

@enhydra lutris

will definitely start a conversation with the Tuis.

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dystopian's picture

This is when it is key to have, or start, a hobby. For me nature is where its at... Wink and music Smile

Being outdoors has lots of benefits to mind and immune system. Gardening is great if possible (methinks wrong season for you J). We are working on some of that here now as the landscape begins to explode in a hundred greens. A water feature of some sort, any sort, can be great fun to watch. They make prefab plastic ponds now you can have up in an hour, birds will be at them in two. A few aquatic plants from a local stream and you'll have dragonflies to watch in no time.

I really feel for the folks in apartments in the city that don't have a green outdoor space to be in at hand any time. An aquarium is great for being stuck inside. Even a small freshwater tank with some tetras or dwarf cichlids, or even guppies, can be hours of interesting entertainment every day.

Then of course reading and vids. The youtube jukebox is our friend. It is full of great nature vids as well. I have more unread books than I can get to anyway. I am writing a few bird related things, working on a bird call audio cd, so too much to do here always.

Turns out our lifestyle is also called quarantine. We go a few miles to town (pop. 200) once a week. Actually I usually make the run solo, making me our key risk factor. Our biz is half shut down as much international aircargo is not moving now. As long as Air New Zealand keeps flying we can still get Tonga corals though... appreciate it if you talk to them for us J. Smile

Play it safe, isolate. Be well.

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

janis b's picture


“Play it safe, isolate. Be well.”

I’d give Air NZ a call for you, but I imagine they’re otherwise preoccupied. The government owns 52% of Air NZ shares, so they also have an interest in flying wherever they can. So far Tonga has no documented cases of the virus, so maybe you’ll be lucky.

I don’t know how I’d be if I couldn’t be in nature, even without the coronavirus.

There’s only a tiny bit of flat land here. My car parking area is on one bit, and the other has bamboo running beneath, and I’m sure the bamboo would break right through the plastic. I like your idea about keeping an aquarium, even a guppie-size one, for those with limited space.

What about Rosie’s taco stand?

Today at the bay ...

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snoopydawg's picture

Welcome to my world. I've been isolating myself for over a decade so I don't have to change much of anything.


2 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

janis b's picture


and Charlie.

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