It is all about the money- main reason why they want Bernie out of the race
Okay, I do not have time to dwell on this item today, but an interesting article about funding Bernie's campaign. He raised $4 million alone this weekend. His first quarter and March totals will crush Hillary's fundraising totals.
Moreover, Hillary will not be able to campaign too much this week or next, because she needs to raise money- out of the 26 events on her website, only 6 are campaign stops or rallies, the rest are fundraisers.
Bernie, on the other hand is raising money via the people, so guess what, he has time to campaign and meet the people not the worry about or cater to the wealthy elite.
This is the real reason why the DNC wants him out of the race, they know he is killing her in fund raising and it will make her look bad.

His truth-telling makes her look bad.
In fact, it's not hard for her to look bad.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
"Are you trying to make me look stupid in front of everyone?"
Don't need any help from me, Hillary...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I am glad HuffPost ran the George Clooney story
today about the two fundraisers he is hosting in California for HRC in April. Jeff Weaver used the word "obscene" to describe how much it will cost for the attendees to have an evening with Her Royal Highness. It should be "trumpeted" across social media. Sting hosted an event in December for her. How pathetic and sad.
He's showing
how unnecessary the gravy train is, and they hate that. Because all they've done is give lip service to the evils of money in politics while they party with their fellow Kabuki dancers, sipping champagne and chortling. It's not just the politicians, they have wide coattails to carry their huge entourage of courtiers - fellow plutocrats and wannabes.
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop
conventional wisdom
CW is no longer about the necessary evil of big-money fundraising, or using the 's' word in campaigning, or talking about our class war. So many reasons that Bernie needs to stay in it to win it. The parties no longer control the narrative the way they expected to. The longer he is in the race, the more that will be true -- and it is about time, too! It will be amazing if he pulls off the win and a coin flip would be almost better for what it will do to the makeup of the delegates attending the convention. We have a chance for real change, not just hope.
I just checked my bank account
and after all the bills are paid, I have $27.87 left until the next pay day. I know where that will do the most good! Bernie is doing so much good for us, I have to pay it forward. For my kids and soon-to-be grandkid.
Think off-center.
George Carlin
I just checked my bank account
and after all the bills are paid, I have $27.87 left until the next pay day. I know where that will do the most good! Bernie is doing so much good for us, I have to pay it forward. For my kids and soon-to-be grandkid.
Think off-center.
George Carlin
It's a sign
Bernie's average donation is ... $27.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
sorry about the double post - server hiccuped!
Think off-center.
George Carlin
"He should drop out because money!!" is one of the go-to
Clintonista talking points at TOP lately. A more cynical person than I am might suspect there really is a list of approved topics for the week or month being privately distributed somewhere, probably at the same secret place that supplies the seemingly-endless parade of "new" one-mojo-bar disposable trolls over there, busily tipping each other's comments and building instant, albeit faux, credibility with the gullible. (Some of them probably really are new I suppose. Others, well...)
Here's what I don't get though: If Clinton really IS inevitable because math and stuff, why doesn't she save her damn money for the general election? Why spend another million bucks or another penny or anything at all running ads against Sanders, since it's all wrapped up already and inevitable is inevitable?
Could it be that Clinton herself thinks she might still lose?
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
Oh, I think they do get told what message to push.
They also must draw straws on who's turn it is to disrupt diaries.
Excellent point.
They also want our money.
hi phil... i always
always check dates when I see a name I don't know on the rec lis
so far, i'd say it's about 8 out 10 someone with one essay (the one I'm in) and joined in 2016. I always make a comment about another "newbie" with the almost exact same why Hillary bullshit.
but they are evolving, a little bit like AI . . . now they are responding like real people. and they have the great and moving "i was a lurker but felt compelled"
i mean it's possible, but come ON!
do remember that creep joelgp? i mean if that wasn't obvious ... now they are more female. right?
hey there Phil.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Oh, I remember joelgp all right! He's been on an extended
timeout for over a month but hasn't been actually banned. Anyway, his "admirers" will no doubt be relieved to know that there's a user there named mzjones who I'm virtually certain is joelgp's sock. The personas of the Clintonista trolls definitely do seem to lean female these days, but who knows to what extent those personas reflect meat-space reality. Sometimes I think there's maybe one actual person behind every ten or so brand-new users. For sure, the same thing happens in Camp Bernie, but pro-Sanders zombies and socks are far less pervasive. No need to create an illusion of support when the real thing is so readily at hand.
And yeah, it's hard to imagine anyone expects us to buy the whole "I lurked for 753 years" schtick (after which, after finally 753 years later getting up their nerve to register, they just dive right in with six diaries and 117 comments filled with arcane knowledge of site history and the nuances of meta...
I always enjoyed your comments at TOP pfiore8. You were one of the first people I noticed as having a distinctive voice there, in the good old days when distinctive voices were encouraged.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
I was calling out the newbies
trolling the pro-Sanders diaries left and right over there until my banishment. The number of them was astonishing and it's almost certain that many/most were on a payroll somewhere for what they were doing. Logic, evidence, reason, nothing worked in a discussion with them.
By now the average IQ at the GOS must be dropping like a stone.
I think the puppeteer is on the payroll...
not so much the puppets.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!