The Fragility and Privilege of Democratic Voters

*As a disclaimer, in this entry I will be referencing older voters more often than not but that is not meant to be an overall cudgel to be used against individuals who are older. This is not meant to be a generalization of everyone who is older, far from it. I am merely looking at age breakdowns when it comes to issues and voting trends.

With Super Tuesday come and gone, the biggest surprise for that was how quickly Democratic voters were willingly running back into their own veal pens.

Various fascist "moderate" candidates had dropped out, including Pete and Amy, and it seems all their supporters went straight to Biden.

What is the make-up of Pete, Amy, and Biden supporters? Older and/or wealthier people.

Why does this matter ultimately?

For many (not all) older/wealthier individuals, their top and only concern is to beat Trump, which is by far the most meaningless and pathetic reason to exist. They want to go back to an era before Trump, which is supposedly 2015 and is the exact catalyst in which got Trump elected in the first place; however, you can't reason with these individuals simply because they live in their own alternate reality.

These older/wealthier individuals are tired about hearing wanting to burn the system down, they are tired of hearing about poor people, they are tired of hearing about the pain and suffering that these very same individuals are causing to the poor and youth of this country and world. Nope, these individuals only care about themselves. They always have -- and they always will.

These voters believe that Joe Biden -- a man with a clear-cut case of dementia who is a sadistic, child-groping, racist, war-mongering, killer of brown people -- is supposedly an "honest and decent man" who has the best bet to beat Trump.

These voters only care that the White House has someone who tweets mean things. They love everything he does (but they won't say that part out loud). No, these voters want poor people to suffer and die, while they gaslight the world in saying that the ultimately do care about poor people but that they just have a different way of reaching the same goal.

Joe Biden does not want everyone to have health care, and when you tell his supporters this, they react angrily. Biden and his supporters want poor people to die and I do not care about their God damn feelings. They need to hear that every single damn day, to have their privilege rubbed in their face constantly.

Biden supporters care more about meaningless, privileged concepts such as unity and civility over poor people dying without healthcare, women being sold as sex slaves in Libya due to the foreign policy of the Obama years, and climate change that can make most life on this planet extinct. They care more about mean words being said than actual human life. I need this point to be stressed as hard as it can -- they care more about mean words being said than actual human life.

Not only is the privilege of Biden supporters utterly revolting and nauseating, but the sheer level of fragility and hubris that exists. Time and time again, working people must bow before the might of the Democratic party because the Democratic party is always right. Fascism Centrism can not fail, it can only be failed. They believe that Americans want a moderate to go against Trump, even though that exact same experiment was run just in 2016. Clinton lost, but again, that ideology can never fail, it can only be failed.

We see the sheer level of obedience that these voters have -- they were ordered to fall in line behind Joe Biden and they did. Trump is a permanent fixture in American society now. Even if Biden were somehow to win (which He won't) against Trump, the concept and ideology of Trump won't die. If Biden wins, Trump or some iteration of him will be back and they will win.

Super Tuesday showed to me how much hate and contempt I have for the Democratic party, but then I realized something myself. No matter how much I can hate and despise that party, the party hates and despises me 100 times over -- all because I am poor. The Democratic party truly wants people like me to suffer, to truly suffer and live in agony; they get a sadistic pleasure in making the plebs know their place in life.

So over these past few days, I have added a new emotion to the mix -- fear. I realize that the Democratic party elite want me to suffer and die, but I know that many of the voters in that party want people just like me to suffer and die. It truly shows you that America is a dead nation and at this point, it may never be able to be saved.

Edit: Added more to the disclaimer due to concerns regarding generalization.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

it's that THEY don't want to suffer and die, which they believe will happen under Bernie.

As for the older voter, I'm an older voter, but not a vote no matter blue voter, so I resent the generalization about older voters in the essay.

8 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Strife Delivery's picture

@Raggedy Ann Again, as I put in the disclaimer up top, this wasn't meant to be a cudgel against everyone who is old. I specifically focused on a subset that votes a certain way.

Reality however shows that a confluence of older/wealthier individuals in the party overwhelmingly voted one way.

There is a difference there.

Many of these individuals have everything they want -- pensions, Medicare, fat retirement funds, which gravitates to being older.

But that isn't to say that every older person is wealthy.

It's like saying every millennial is Zuckerberg.

13 users have voted.

@Strife Delivery Btw I am an older white dude although most of my family and I are doing ok we are far from wealthy. I know enough of the people you describe and I think your essay is spot on.

9 users have voted.

Trump can only keep a progressive out of the White House 4 more years.
Biden keeps Establishment Dems in power 8 to 12 more years.

13 users have voted.

@Battle of Blair Mountain A new perspective for me. Gonna ponder that!

7 users have voted.

@Battle of Blair Mountain not to mention with Trump in the White House, people will be paying attention to what goes on, at least somewhat. Any establishment Dem is going to have a blank check because “at least they’re not Trump”. It will be like the Obama delusion but even worse.

5 users have voted.

Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

snoopydawg's picture

Spot on, Strife. And it is great to see you back. I have been wondering where you wandered off to...?

These voters believe that Joe Biden -- a man with a clear-cut case of dementia who is a sadistic, child-groping, racist, war-mongering, killer of brown people -- is supposedly an "honest and decent man" who has the best bet to beat Trump.

The media, the DNC and DP and Biden's voters are not being honest and are they are trying to hide Joe's dementia. Bad decision because Trump is not now ignoring it and he won't if Biden gets the nod.

Kudos for this essay.

15 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Strife Delivery's picture

@snoopydawg Graduate school has taken a lot of my time away from posting and writing essays here.

C99 has always been a great refuge.

One of the most frightening things is the level of elder abuse and hand waving away of the clear-cut example of Biden's dementia.

Is Alligator still around? I wonder what he would say.

10 users have voted.
Raggedy Ann's picture

@Strife Delivery
just scroll around - you'll see his mischief making.

6 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

RantingRooster's picture

but I happen to agree with your "generalization".

(Apologies, but I'm gonna generalize a bit)

We "Americans" have been so "conditioned" to believe in our own "self interests", we can no longer understand, it is SPECIFICALLY in our self interest that our community is happy and healthy.

We are "conditioned" to "believe", if someone is down on their luck, it's their fault for not making better life choices, which, if one thinks about it, is complete bovine droppings, because we fail to remember, our "economic" system is design for economic discrimination, which is perfectly legal.

Can't afford health care? Well, it's your fault for not making enough money, is a bull shit argument. It's economic discrimination, and most "Americans" do not understand this "concept".

Think for a moment of our healthcare system. If you get sick through no fault of your own, as in my case, and have to go the hospital, 8 days (3 in ICU) for me, and then the hospital can bill you tens of thousands of dollars and demand the bill be paid in thirty days, or your credit is ruined, how in any way is that a "good system", fair or even fucking reasonable?

Their "twisted logic" is, I made a bad life choice, I went to a commercial establishment (auto parts store) where an employee as working sick, because they couldn't take a sick day off and I wound up sick as a result, but I should have made a better life choice and went somewhere else.

But they never "question" the system that allows a hospital to ruin your credit if you can't pay 47 thousand dollars in 30 days, which, you never even agreed too, much less ever have the opportunity to comparison shop which emergency room will give the best service at the lowest cost.

Especially when the doctor at the minor emergency clinic tells you, "Son, you're hours from death, you need to get to the emergency room now, I'm calling the Ambulance". But I stopped him, called my wife and had her take me, because I didn't want a $1,500 taxi ride to the hospital. Crazy

I guess the 1 good thing is, maybe by August of this year that bad medical debt from 2013 will finally fall off my credit report, which, my credit score has finally risen above 600 for the first time since then.


PS: I'm not poor, I've just been economically strangled to financial ruin, which means I'm economically discriminated against, and kept from functioning and participating in society, because most Americans forget, AMERICA IS NOT FREE in any fucking way what so ever!

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C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

CB's picture

The election was between a Trump/Pompeo and Biden/Hillary ticket. (I couldn't choose between a lessor of two evils so I didn't vote.)

With Hillary at his side, Biden won the election in a landslide. But, after just six months in office, Biden was caught in the Oval Office sans pants while gibbering unintelligibly to himself and quietly put in seniors lockup. Hillary took over as President and Pelosi became Vice-President.

I woke up in a cold sweet, screaming.....

15 users have voted.
Raggedy Ann's picture

Keep all sharp objects away from me! Shok

8 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

edg's picture

Biden swept the southern states on Super Tuesday. It was the black electorate that allowed him to do so, according to exit polls: 58 percent of black voters supported Biden, versus 17 percent who opted for Sanders. In Alabama, North Carolina, and Virginia, Biden’s margins among black voters were even higher, nearing or topping a 70 percent share of the vote.

Source: 7 things we learned on Super Tuesday

4 users have voted.
Strife Delivery's picture

@edg The view that I was trying to get across is older/wealthier:

So more those that are wealthier, or older, or wealthier and older.

In Biden's instance, he has wealthier, older, and wealthier/older people.

6 users have voted.
edg's picture

@Strife Delivery

Older, wealthier voters did trend toward Biden. But it was black voters that carried the day for him. Sure, some of them are older. A few are wealthy. Most, though, are just traditional establishment voters who still falsely believe that the Democratic establishment is good for them.

2 users have voted.
Daenerys's picture

All those people that showed up to Bernie's rallies, and they wanna tell us most of them either stayed home or voted instead for Biden?? No way. Bullshit.

12 users have voted.

This shit is bananas.

Anja Geitz's picture


is being told by people who call themselves progressives that, "yeah, there was some voter suppression, but mostly people were lazy and didn't show up so it's the voters fault. And for those that did show up, Biden was there choice."

No words for this interpretation of Super Tuesday. Seriously, no words.

9 users have voted.

There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

snoopydawg's picture


Then they ran into long lines and many of them couldn't stand in them for numerous reasons. Many had jobs to get to. Kids at home. get the drift. But is the media reporting that? Hell NO excerpt a very few.

Then there's the exit polls that told a completely different story than the vote tallies. This is all they have to do to rig it. But the burning question is will Bernie address it? He did try to get the hours extended with no luck. But if it's obvious that they are stealing it and he doesn't say something then I'm at a loss.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lily O Lady's picture

These are old GOP insults that actually apply to the Democratic (oh, the irony) Party. I must say that the steady diet of propaganda fed to the American public every day has been awfully effective. I fell for it for a while, but I am so over the Dems. Blue is just a color. Only deeds matter.

I’m an over 65, white female Bernie Bro.

12 users have voted.

"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

wendy davis's picture

i'd even checked to see if you'd left contact info with the Members Project (nope), and had asked on my own posts now and again if anyone knew how to contact you.

i'd been trying find your entire quote from which snoopy dog had made her sig (?) line, and i'd thought it was on one of my posts about assange. ay yi yi, it was from
'words fail: Julian Assange has been arrested: updated'

'I won't post screenshots or anything, but whether I did it in this thread or not I will vent:

The amount of ignorance and evil I've seen about this topic is utterly blood-boiling.

How Assange is a Putin puppet (Not true, was entirely a media creation to protect the Clintons).
How Assange should have hacked the Republicans and Russians (Wikileaks are leakers, it is in their own god damn name; sadly people have no idea the difference between what a hacker is and what a leaker is).
How Assange is getting what he deserves (apparently for telling the truth for inconveniencing the US and the Clintons).

But no, the #Resist crowd is cheering. The cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy with them is breathtaking. On one hand, they will defend the Pentagon Papers while simultaneously saying that Assange leaking information was bad.

America is a pathetic nation; a fascist state fueled by the greed, malice, and stupidity of her own people.

America, you deserve the government you get. Own it and stop bitching about it. America is a cancer to this world because her people want it to be that way.

2 users have voted.
Strife Delivery's picture

@wendy davis Thanks for the warm welcome back.

And also thanks for finding that comment again; I did not have any luck finding it.

I didn't realize I had made such a mark on here.

Perhaps I should leave some info around just in case someone wants to get a hold of me.

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