Now is the time

Okay, NBC, corporate foes of Sanders, now admits:

Biden holds narrow lead over Sanders in South Carolina

Key paragraph:

Biden gets the support of 27 percent of likely Democratic primary voters in South Carolina, while Sanders gets 23 percent — well within the poll's margin of error of plus-minus 6 percentage points.

Want to tighten that up a bit? Start HERE.

Be sure to watch the Bernie Dialer Training Video before you do anything. I suppose there's also this:

Also, if you're getting nervous about Tom Perez and his ship of fools, there's this movement:

They intend to show up in Milwaukee and hand out yellow vests, a regular American gilets jaunes. What'll they do next? Depends upon how much democracy they get.

Additional thought: would any of the Portland C99% crowd be interested in a meetup before the May 19th primary? We could combine it with a GOTV effort maybe...

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PriceRip's picture

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Cassiodorus's picture


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“The loyal Left cannot act decisively. Their devotion to the system is a built-in kill switch limiting dissent.” - Richard Moser

PriceRip's picture


          … I shook "Bernie's" hand at a debate party in Phoenix (just south of my house). Are there any other c99p people here?


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WaterLily's picture

@PriceRip What I do know:

I just arrived back from a vaca in Tucson and the only campaign signs I saw were Bernie's.

No lie. The only ones.

And they were on many prominent corners.

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PriceRip's picture


          I spent six years at ASU, and even own land near Tucson.

          While working my entire career in Nebraska we often traveled throughout the west. Imagine my surprise to discovered Phoenix on the southern edge of Medford (where I now live thirty miles north of the California-Oregon border see @Cassiodorus 's "It's here in southern Oregon!").


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Cassiodorus's picture

@PriceRip if the Portland C99% people want to have a meetup.

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“The loyal Left cannot act decisively. Their devotion to the system is a built-in kill switch limiting dissent.” - Richard Moser

PriceRip's picture


          I am twice as far from Portland than I was from Lincoln, NE. And during that 35 year period we (the various groups of which I was a member) seldom had meetups that weren't initiated by us country bumpkins.

          I wonder what Portlandian c99%ers think of us hinterland dwelling c99%ers.

          Pity us, they do, I am sure.


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Alligator Ed's picture

His minders may have to turn him to face the camera--no worries; like a moth to the flame, even JoJo's dying mind is attracted by bright lights. The sad fact is that BHO's chief tax collector, J. ByeDone, did not advance the cause of minorities because his boss did not, despite being half-black. But some people will vote for anyone--even Mike Stop-and-Frisk Bloomberg.

But seriously, people living in Milwaukee or attending the Does Not Compute convention should be issued riot gear once the Party Elders steal the nomination from Bernie again--who says history doesn't repeat?

Yeah, the convention will be time for stealing.


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mimi's picture

@Alligator Ed

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Love this video:

For anyone who isn't aware, some random citizen put this video together as a volunteer on their own time. In my opinion, it's the best campaign I've ever seen.

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The debate tonight is when the knives come out for Sanders. If Biden doesn't win or effectively tie in SC he's toast. I expect Mayo Pettigrew to score some brown-nosie points with his backers by going all in on attacking Sanders before his campaign inevitably becomes irrelevant, though I fear he'll become a chronic persistent lingering malady on the body politic.

Seems like Biden is trying to play the race card which is pretty funny coming from him. His add says that Bernie was considering primarying "our first African American president"—pretty cynical.

After tonight the blathering heads won't be able to whine the Sanders has been getting a free ride though of course they still will.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

has cost plenty! Just ask the accountants!

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

PriceRip's picture


          the "anti-Newsroom" crowd won't be interested in mucking through the pile …

          It used to be The League Of Women Voters conducted the debates but the shit-fest run by the "anti-Newsroom" crowd is so much more in keeping with the mental state of too many citizens of this shit-hole (shit-whole?) country.

          The League Of Women Voters refuses to"Help Perpetuate A fraud" and we are all worse for the wear. So, fuck the citizens of this shit-hole (shit-whole?) country.

          Are we having fun yet ?

          [[I wonder if anyone has picked up on the "tone of voice" yet?]] he said in a stage whisper as he (exit stage left).


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