FiveThirtyEight Update--Sanders to Win South Carolina, Texas, and the Whole Shebang!
Second Update:
FiveThirtyEight final delegate estimates as of this morning:
Things continue to swing Bernie's way . . .
Final Update: 538 now shows Bernie winning every state and territory moving forward (outside of Iowa). The outliers--Delaware and Alabama--have now fallen.
As Mark from Queens indicated in his betting odds having completely changed on who will win the presidency essay, FiveThirtyEight polling has shown Bernie Sanders *surging* into the lead. The expected breakdown of delegates at the end of all contests now looks like this according to their polling methodology:
Sanders is now predicted to win South Carolina (he has a smidge more chance of winning than Biden--a 42% chance of winning versus Biden's 40% chance). Sanders is predicted to win Texas (he has a 46% chance of winning the state versus Biden's 29% chance).
Sanders is also now predicted to win North Carolina, Virginia, he is once again the first choice in Massachusetts, Colorado, Minnesota. Tennessee is now going for Sanders as well as Oklahoma and Arkansas. Utah, Maine, and Vermont are expected to go Sanders, as well as American Samoa and Michigan.
The only state Sanders is expected to lose between now and the end of SuperTuesday is Alabama, which should go Biden.
This is amazing! Bernie is still my second choice, but I'm all down for a term or two of Bernie followed by a couple terms of Tulsi!
Update--According to FiveThirtyEight, Bernie is expected to win all states and all territories except for Alabama and Delaware. That's it.

I'm missing something.
I've missed it before tonight so no biggie.
Got link?
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
At the end of the post
Thank you.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Sanders extending lead in late counting
Slow but steady
Amazing what happens when people are watching and being patient.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Looks like
DNC Chair Tony Perez is calling for a recanvass of the IA cactus results.
A little late, but at least it's a step in the right direction.
Another way of looking at it
Possibly, but
This is likely most CYA by Tony the P. Otherwise it would have looked like he was the fireman just standing around doing nothing as one of the buildings in the Dimmocrat compound went up in flames. The guy's gotta show everyone he's a leader after all.
According to Emma at Rebel HQ
the re-canvass proposed by Perez is specifically targeted at the satellite caucus sites that Bernie won almost entirely, to possibly strip him of a delegate rich area.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Dunno about that CNN report.
As much as I distrust 538
I still have what little hope obama left me after he took almost all of it all away.
Biden has a huge rock around his ankles.
He never was a candidate I could support regardless.
Still sitting this one out for now, but hopefull again.
Even not so steady nate said there was a problem in 2016 with her.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Not to be a naysayer as I am all in for Bernie but.
If I read those results correctly Bernie does not reach the 50% + 1 of delegates on the first ballot. Of course if was able to win all those states his momentum could and should change the overall results.
Edited to add:
On second thought creepy Joe will likely drop out and I read that Warren is cutting back on her spending due to lagging donations. I just wonder who she would endorse if she drops out?
Bernie won on the first ballot
if you want to dispute that you're free to spew your nonsense.
Bernie won on the first choice ballot and on the second choice ballot.
"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian
I may be misunderstanding you
But, I think what humphrey is pointing out is that even if FiveThirtyEight is correct, he will not have the 1,990 delegates needed to clinch the nomination. The superdelegates will then come into play at the convention.
Imagine the way the Democratic establishment will look to the world if Bernie Sanders wins all but two states, yet does not win the convention because Warren gives her delegates to Biden and the superdelegates go with Biden as well, pushing him over the top.
I truly believe that would end the Democratic Party right there. I mean, first Biden would lose to Trump. But, then it would be completely over.
That was the way I took the comment.
In fact, that was my own immediate thought when I saw the new FiveThirtyEight prediction. Just winning most of the states during the primary won't do it for Bernie. He has to do it overwhelming, to get as far as possible over the 50% + 1 required to get the nomination on the first ballot at the national convention and thus avoid the superdelegates.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Whoa there
This is the second time you have made a comment like this and making accusations that you don't follow up on when you are called out. I and others asked you to clarify your comment to me, but you dropped it and left.
You are entitled to your opinion, but not entitled to make accusations without backing them up when asked to. The most important rule here is DBAD.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Simma down now, Simma! ;)
Regardless. Bernie2020 and Beyond!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
At the Democratic convention, not Iowa. n/t
@humphrey I think both Warren and
Biden has Zero energy and Warren has lost a lot of her credibility in my eyes. (granted that's just my opinion but I know many others share it)
My dream ticket is Bernie/Tulsi for 8 years and then another 8 years with Tulsi and a Progressive to be named later.
Keeping fingers crossed that we can stay ahead of the DNC's skulduggery!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
This is the third time Biden didn't make it out of Iowa
Why democrats thought he would do better this time is puzzling unless of course they just want to block Bernie. Ya Think?
Saagar predicted Joe's loss way back at the beginning. In another video he calls Iowa a gawd damned mess. Ramen... as you like to say.
Krystal: Nothing the Russians could have done compare to what happened in Iowa and releasing results at only 62%. Yeah it was so Pete could take the fake win. All of Rising is great today.
And who thinks Pete actually did as well as he did when the polls never showed that leading up to Iowa? Color me bewildered.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
So Warren becomes the Kingmaker.
who can put Bernie over the top or deny him the nom.
Wonder what she'll choose....
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I think?
She's not sure of herself. But she has made herself useless to Bernie.
I consider her as a non participant as vice and would be very bumed if he chose her as anything but incremental.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Indeed, I don't know how she thought that baseless attack was..
going to help her woo any Bernicrat's when we all know that such a comment would be completely out of character with everything Bernie has ever said or fought for over his long and well documented career.
The absolute worst thing I think he could/would have said to her that she maybe would try to twist into that would be along the lines of, "A woman may have a hard time winning against Trump" which may have a bit of truth around it. (She can come off somewhat as a scold at times and even when I supported her I thought that was one of her most damaging personality flaws)
That would be something that Trump would hammer her with constantly with all his free airtime the MSM is so generous with. (For him at least.)
Anyway, Warren lost me in 2016 when she didn't immediately back Bernie, he was closest to her claimed ideology out of anyone running but I suspect she was afraid of angering the Clintonites and the Clintons themselves.
I also wouldn't be surprised if she was hoping to ride Hillary's coattails or get a good appointment or something because to this day I cannot thing of a single reason for the way she handled herself in '16.
Just my 1.5 cents.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Bernie won the fist vote in Iowa
and he won the second vote, according to the data we've got so far.
For whatever reason, Mayor Pete! is winning the third vote. I don't get why that is, maybe someone can explain it to me.
"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian
My understanding
The "third round" you refer to is how the state party then allocates those voting numbers and translates them into state delegates and then national delegates to the July national convention. This third-step process is probably complicated, and you can research it on your own. It doesn't matter much to me as Iowa accounts for only a very small pct of national delegates and as Bernie and Boot are very close in the voting standings, the final national delegate count being equal is not completely out of line.
Bigger fish to fry on the issue of whether these Iowa results should be nullified by the DNC as being from an incompetently run election that appears to have been biased. This is Michael Tracey's view and I share it.
Was the final delegate count tallied from numbers
Derived from an untrustworthy software app? Or did they get their numbers from going back to the original paper worksheets?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Dunno. But Tony
As I understand it
The votes from the satellite caucuses in the working class precincts where Bernie out performed have not been counted yet.
Tom Perez can do what he likes. The damage has already been done. Pete Bootyjuice has had 3 days of touting himself as the winner with an 8 point bump as a consequence.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
They have to make it as convoluted as possible.
If they made it simple it would make it MUCH harder for them to fudge the numbers and cheat.
We really need Ranked Choice voting in our primaries as well as our General to prevent people from voting strategically rather than for the candidate they actually like.
I think if we did this in all our elections we would probably end up with much higher quality representatives leading us.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Typical merocratic thinking.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Bernie Sanders won Iowa's first and second vote
and now all of a sudden he's losing the third vote. Why are we voting three times?
"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian
that's how the Iowa Democratic party conducts their caucus.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
A clarification
Agree on your
I would wonder too whether any of the cables are explaining what a SDE is and whether it's relevant. I doubt many do as it would undercut their misleading headline.
Why are you calling America a "pathetic nation"
quoting a Final Fantasy game, and defending the guy named "Humphrey" who seems to be also mysteriously right wing.
"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian
Situational Lefty...
I suggest you learn how to play with others or you're not going to last long on this board.
And for your information, this is an open non-partisan board. We have mostly lefties here, but we also have a few right leaning folks as well. Everyone is welcome here as long as they aren't being a dick.
I seriously doubt that Humphrey is a right winger, that isn't your call to make anyway. You joined a much different board than DKos here, we don't throw accusations around just because someone may post something that we don't like.
I did not make that statement
and I told you that in response to your first comment on that. I was quoting a member of this site which I am still waiting response to from you. I posted a link to it if you missed it. And I will defend the guy named "Humphrey" and everyone else if you or anyone else attacks them. The 1st amendment still stands does it not?
DBAD means don't be a dick on the site in case you didn't know what that stood for.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Here! Here! JTC and Snoop! I may have been gone for a minute...
But I am super grateful that this place has remained one of the last bastions of open, free expression of beliefs regardless of party or position.
Provided the core value of DBAD remains preserved.
Situational, I am not bagging on you. I had a momentary adjustment period myself when I first came over from the Great Orange Satan where you have to wonder if the people commenting are being genuine and Ad-Hominem attacks fly like raindrops when I was stuck in Irma, lol!
I am certain that a super majority of the people here are authentic in their statements and beliefs.
They may not always be right though, in that case the best way to resolve it is to either provide a link or make a persuasive counter argument.
You will find that many of the people here can be swayed by facts (Again, unlike at TOP) but none will be by personal attacks, which fall square in the middle of DBAD.
Just my opinion.
JTC Thanks for keeping the lights on for us and kudos to both of you for keeping this place of civil discourse civil.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
America IS a pathetic nation.
A country that willingly and enthusiastically votes against its own interests on a very regular basis (and it is hardly only the RW who does that, hope and change for the banks and bupkis for real people anyone? Hillary Clinton shouting how M4A will "never, ever happen in this country" with full fury in her voice and an American crowd cheering her on, but hey, she's really on "our side" right?).
A country that tells itself if we just have one more election everything will change for us, when all actual, like, you know, evidence, proves that the farce it is (fully bipartisan support for several coups that I shouldn't even bother to go into here but hey, Honduras? Libya? How about Iraq, where we simply "must" stay to fight an entity we ourselves created? And then there's Venezuela, number one oil reserves in the world but "our" bitch with them is they are "killing their own people," never mind the US sanctions, supported on a fully and proudly bipartisan basis).
A country that allows its representatives to basically shit in our faces repeatedly but votes FOR them anyway. How's that whole Impeachment sham going? Any real change there? Nope? Oh well, time to go shopping I guess, do our part to support the economy and yay Amazon Prime! Free shipping doncha know! Time to elect Bloomberg, he'll fix everything, a business man, what's not to love? And THIS one will be on "our side" too! He'll fix everything! If not him how about Mayor Pete, CIA and heavy corporate cost cutting ties, oh well, he's pretty and speaks well so he too MUST be on our side, whatever fucking side that is.
A country that refuses to see it is not the "leader of the free world" when most of its citizens are not only not free but many are not much better off than actual slaves working for a pittance (Economic recovery? For whom?) while cheering on the rich and shrieking about how we cannot afford to use OUR TAX money to better the lives of our very own people. M4A, how we gonna pay for that? Free shit? Wars? What wars? You mean America is at war? Huh, who knew? Did Obama know?
A country that thinks NOTHING of bombing other nations back to the stone age when that country won't toe the neo liberal, profit-motive above all, capitalist line for American interests and then asks itself "why do they hate us?" Again, hardly limited to the RW only but the spin on that sure works to make us all think it's only the RW who is worried about "American interests" abroad. Russiagate? Arming actual Nazi's in Ukraine? And just who was it again that actually defeated those Nazis while American businesses armed and supported them? I know, I am a really, really bad American for even touching on the fact that "we might all be speaking German" without the SOVIET UNION... For shame. Well, if we don't like actual history lets just change it, USA, USA, USA!!!
There is more than enough proof that America is a pathetic nation and my barely coherent rant just barely scratches the surface.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Nice rant.
It reflects what I and no doubt many others here are thinking.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Well said, lizzy
I tried finding strife's comment today, but still no luck. It's funny how that small snippet has gotten so much attention. I'm sure strife would get a kick out of it.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Wait .. this isn't snark?
At this point, I assume anything coming from 538 is automatically snark, but I don't see that indicated anywhere.
Given 538's history, is this good news for Sanders, or bad?
538 is an ok weathervane
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
For all the decades Iowa fought
to be the first to hold primaries, this debacle will forever taint them.
Their relevance will drop to zero as a state corrupted and unable to count votes and no one will pay any attention to them.
Exactly the opposite of what they yearn for.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
I wonder how much $$$ this brought in every 4 years
Going from a position where the country is focused on the opinions of any common resident to being "just another small state" with few national delegates is going to be tough.
certainly there's ad money in the many millions
Very true
More infor in the article
Has this been posted yet?
Yep... who is Duval Patrick? But I am still wondering how Pete got so many votes when the lead into Iowa didn't show that he would?
But as Caitlyn said, "Why is anyone surprised they are cheating? And so blatantly."
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
A warning to mitigate the general paranoia. (Edited for clarity)
First, I'm going to note that I've removed myself as a commenter on this board, as of several months ago, because, to be blunt, I found I could no longer treat certain opinions with even a modicum of respect or courtesy.
However, I'm breaking this self-embargo because I think I'm the first and currently only person in the country who has noticed a small bug/error in the IDP's reported results, and it's a bug/error that favors Sanders very slightly over Buttigieg.
The deal is this: In the precinct numbers reported by the IDP here, there is a consistent pattern across the 23 precincts where exactly two candidates APPEAR (there are some other issues) to have tied for first place in the second alignment vote AND they did not receive equal #s of "fractional SDEs" (presumably because there was an odd "precinct delegate" or "county delegate" to be allocated amongst all viable candidates in that precinct). The pattern is this: The candidate whose name comes later in the alphabet ALWAYS received the extra SDE allotment.
I'm going to include exactly one example, WHITE BREAST precinct in Warren County.
Here are the Round 2 vote totals and SDEs reported by the IDP
Biden 6 0
Sanders 6 0.2333
Buttigieg 4 0
Klobuchar 4 0
Warren 4 0
A few notes:
All 5 of the above candidates are theoretically viable, since each has at least 16.7% of the votes.
Only one candidate received SDEs. I assume this tiny precinct was entitled to only a single "county delegate", which translated to a (surprisingly large) 0.2333 fraction of an SDE. Only one candidate could receive that single county delegate.
At the caucus, I believe this would have been resolved by a coin-flip between the two top vote-getters, Biden and Sanders. HOWEVER: I infer that this information is missing from the IDP's reported "canvass" of the results. I drew that inference because, as I said, in every single case I identified, the extra SDEs reported by IDP went to the person whose name is later in the alphabet.
There were 7 such precincts in which Buttigieg and Sanders tied, and the total benefit to Sanders vs Buttigieg was +1.0161 (when on average, we'd expect it be 0.0 , since we'd expect B and S to split the coin-tosses equally, so they should each get +0.508 vs everyone else) -- and that's only the advantage from direct ties between the two.
So here's what I'm saying: Regardless of whatever inane efforts the malfeasants at the IDP might be making to delay or even avoid reporting a Sanders victory, in the case of this particular type of special case, their overall incompetence has favored Sanders over everyone but Warren and Yang. Mind you, it also favors Butti over Biden, to the tune of 0.611 SDEs that on average should have been 0.3055. Or some such.
My guess, BTW, is that nobody in charge of the count imagined the results were going to come down to a difference of literally 2 or 3 SDEs (in a category that only arbitrarily represents a "victory" of any kind at all -- or, as others have noted, not so arbitrarily, being as it's the only one Butti can hope to claim over Sanders, since they'll almost certainly tie for national delegates and Sanders beat him in the popular vote -- indeed, stomped him in the first round vote). Thus, they didn't really care whether they got these special cases right, and they told the programmer who is processing the data to just "do whatever is easy".
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Wow, good find!
I wonder if it was accidental or because they assumed Biden would be 2nd?
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
If it comes to Warren dropping out
and giving her delegates to another candidate, it is a safe bet she would never make Bernie the recipient -- unless she could leverage an absolute guarantee of the VP position from it. She made those false allegations against Bernie for the purpose of helping herself and/or Biden. I'm sure Biden appreciated her for it and would probably consider her just about perfect for VP - a woman "of color" who is also "a progressive." A lot of nice Dems still consider Warren ideologically aligned with Bernie, despite the obvious fact that this former Republican who admits to being "capitalist to her bones" has far more in common with Joe Biden than with Bernie Sanders ( ). She'd do the same for Buttigieg if he'd promise her VP. Then we'd have id pol heaven in a ticket, and the people of this country could continue blissfully along our endless sojourn through hell.
What FiveThirtyEight's figures show is that the American people are sick of corporate governance and want a return to government of by and for the people. But TPTB will fight tooth and nail to keep us from getting it. It is not going to be a smooth ride. TPTB are a bunch of sociopathic greedheads who do not give the slightest damn about the common folk.
I wish people could stop thinking that everything's hunky dorey with the American electoral system. We should ask the U.N. to send in election monitors.
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed