Can you say "Eric Ciarimella"? Not if you're Chief Justice Roberts
Tongue tied? Fear of foot-in-mouth disease? What physical ailment afflicts our Chief Justice from saying the dreaded words "Eric Ciarimella"? See, I've said it. No lightning bolts from Zeus or the FSM to discipline me for rashness. Will I lose my YouTube Channel? Oh, don't have one--I'll have to start one so that I can start violating "community norms". Well, my community consists in large parties of cold-blooded alligators who would as soon eat you as look at you.
Oh, the irony. A pseudo-judicial process, allowing soulless Adam Schiff to perpetrate proven lies brazenly is an absolute joke when it comes to fairness. (WTF does fairness have to do with this?). The providers that the only person prohibited from identifying a whistleblower by name is the Inspector General of any government department to which the alleged whistleblower belongs. Heaven forbid (with lightning bolts and other suitable penalties) that anyone else would be permitted to say the magic words. If one said, for instance, "Error Cherry Fellow", would that be close enough to--wait for it--ERIC CIARIMELLA--to cause punishment for defying some sort of judicial order?
Dear c99'ers, my Italian in-laws, pronounce the last name as Chair-E-Mellah. Perhaps a phonetic rendering of the name would suffice to call down elitist wrath upon my poor, thick skull.
Not even a U.S. Senator is permitted by our eminent Chief Presiding Officer of the Senate Trial of Donald John Trump for high crimes and misdemeanors from uttering that holy name, which would then constitute a high crime and misdemeanor, thus adding gravitas to the pending shiftless Schiff Show (sorry, couldn't resist) now playing in the Capitol.
Roberts refuses to read Paul's question
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts refused to read a question posed by Sen. Rand Paul during President Donald Trump's impeachment trial Thursday that would have revealed the alleged name of the whistleblower that sparked an investigation into Trump's dealings with Ukraine.
After Roberts refused to read the question, Paul reportedly left the chamber.
Roberts, who by law is required to preside over the Senate impeachment trial, has said throughout the impeachment process that he will not reveal the name of the person who submitted an anonymous whistleblower complaint and touched off a House investigation into Trump's dealings with Ukraine.
Walking out of the Senate chamber. Can you imagine that? Yes, considering that Adam Schiff did most of the sermonizing demonizing with hope of ostracizing Drumpf.
And this is what Rand Paul would have said:
Mention conflicts of interest? Mention Obomba's not so covert agents still bedeviling Drumpf? Can't have anybody throw a dash of truth on that rotten stew. Why, then, Schiff might have to testify about whistleblower Cheery Fellow.
Material witness. The Dims want witnesses, don't they. Let them have Schiff.
What's your name?
Seems like Communication breakdown to me
I liked Sen Whitehouse's remarks about the Impeachment Saga
Legal Mumbo Jumbo:’ Sen. Whitehouse On The Trump Defense.
"They never addressed the only real key evidence of the impeachment case"
And just look at this lady from HI for heaven's sake.
Yeah, we are witnessing the coronation of Donald Trump. She is very happy about it.
Tulsi's gotta fight her. Sigh.
Right, Tulsi's got to fight Maizey Who-knows
PervertsPowers That Be.So Masey, Maizey, 'amazing Who-Knows won't be able to skate on the Vagina Issue--or the Asian issue. Now, 'Mazing Mazey, whatchya gonna do for issues? You know. Substance. You know, like what you're going to do (along with your Demokratic cohort) to help us serfs (ants though we truly are)?
But it's only extreme right wing websites
that have said Eric was the one that did the deed and it hasn't been confirmed and it's CT and and and by golly he's an important whistleblower who did his patriotic duty.
lol I saw a tweet that said Schiff wasn't so keen on protecting whistleblowers when it was Snowden who blew the whistle.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The extreme RW aren't the only websites with that story
To recapitulate, if I may, tr Cheery Fellow is an Obomba hold-over in the NSC. He was a fervent anti-Trumper ab initio. Alex Vindman then leaked A.V.'s personal knowledge of the Zelensky-Trump July 2019 phone call to Cheery Fellow. AV broke the law by passing classified information without authorization--even if both EC and AV had security clearances. Those clearances may not have been identical. If they were not, then likely AV broke the law
EC broke the law also, from my non-legal knowledge, by approaching Adam Schiff (AS), either personally or with his staff only, instead of going directly to the IG (inspector general) of the involved agency. EC failed to disclose on the, what I shall call for lack of better knowledge, the WhistleBlower Form that he did indeed meet with outside government agencies (in this case, the House of Representatives) prior to reporting "the incident" to the appropriate IG.
Now AS is dancing like a cat on the hot tin roof, trying to save his bacon (since he's Jewish that comment should be altered to a different source of muscle meat). AS publicly lied (in the House) about prior contact with the WBer. Now he's a material witness. Will McTurtle see to it that Shifty gets a subpoena?
Guess my snark is hard to see
I was actually paraphrasing a known diarist on DK who constantly says that Eric being the WB is CT.
BTW there's a great diary on Bernie where the diarist says he won't attack Bernie, but then does just that. And got really ticked when he got called out on it. Pie fights are back in rage. And yet they make fun of us.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Well pardon me if I am being slow on the uptake, but
didn't Roberts, by refusing to read the question, point a finger at Ciarimella? He had to know that this name is out in the blogworld.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Spot on, Fishtroller